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Thread: TWD 3x11 "I Ain't A Judas" episode discussion...**SPOILERS WITHIN**

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    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    TWD 3x11 "I Ain't A Judas" episode discussion...**SPOILERS WITHIN**

    The eleventh episode of season three - keep your discussion of 3x11 "I Ain't A Judas" to this thread, and away from the shoutbox, and as always keep any future comic book storylines/spoilers within "spoiler tags" (if you don't know how to use spoiler tags, go to the HPOTD FAQ and look up the section on 'BB Codes') - and finally, ENJOY THE DISCUSSION!

    “Their security threatened, Rick and the group must make a choice. With Woodbury in a police state, Andrea grows uneasy.”

    Written By: Angela Kang, Directed By: Greg Nicotero
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 24-Feb-2013 at 05:00 PM.

  2. #2
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Should be another good one tonight - see some preview images here:

  3. #3
    Rising rongravy's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post

    Should be another good one tonight - see some preview images here:
    Very nice, especially the bald zombie that was missing both of his lower arms. Made me realize that there would probably be alot more of that than I'd have thought.

    Also, but unrelated: Every week, usually by around Wednesday, I start telling my wife and kids that I've read they're killing Daryl this week, usually while I'm actually on this message board. Ha, maybe to give it some credence. Who knows?
    They more than likely no longer believe me, but I still like messing with them. Can't wait until it's true, then they will be so pissed. Maybe that's the one week I shouldn't mention it to them, but they might think something's up and he's about to be a goner. Hmmmm...

  4. #4
    Just been bitten

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    Action wise a very slow episode. Nice to see Rick starting to wake up and come back around.

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    Quote Originally Posted by rgc2005 View Post
    Action wise a very slow episode. Nice to see Rick starting to wake up and come back around.
    Agreed but oh that curb stomp...without the curb! lol

    Next week looks ridiculous.
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."

  6. #6
    Rising rongravy's Avatar

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    I could tell they were using a puppet, and when, on that before I even saw it talked about on Talking Dead. Still cool.
    Also, stop it with the girl singing already. I do not like that at all.

  7. #7
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    Slower paced but that's fine by me. The prodigal daughter returns. Andrea deserved the pat down. Can't blame then. Gotta say I was thrilled that Michonne finally spoke and gave Andrea a speech she deserved to hear. Michonne saved Andreas live, basically kept her alive. Andrea turned her back on a friend for an illusion. I don't think Andrea is a bad person but she is dumb. Now Andrea and Milton scene with the zombie was amazing. Nicotero and co are really pulling off some fanominal gags.
    Group hasn't learned its lesson of Axel. Plenty of places to hang out outside where there is cover. The tree line is a snipers dream. An attempt to counter from designed concealment from prison roof would be smart. I have hope for tyrese but the father and son have been pricks from day one. Safe bet they are gonna sell out prison weaknesses.

    I hate the governor and when he dies I hope it's a zombie tear apart alive scene.

    And to rongravy get out of here with the Daryl Dixon death scene

  8. #8
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    I certainly don't mind the pace, but they are choosing to really wring their set pieces for all their worth and it feels like not much of substance is going on. The Governor and's all well gone over territory, I think. The walker mutilation is also veering back into the purposelessness of previous seasons, which just seemed to waste time this episode.

    Quote Originally Posted by facestabber View Post
    I have hope for tyrese but the father and son have been pricks from day one. Safe bet they are gonna sell out prison weaknesses.
    I wouldn't disagree with them, if they did. The situations Tyrese and Co. have been through, they're choices and fates down the line could actually be a lot more interesting than Andrea or Merle's, if they're given the time to develop (but not overdeveloped, like Andrea's situation).

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  9. #9
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    I'm with Facestabber - good to see Michonne finally lay down some truth in a proper speech.

    I'm getting a bit restless for Andrea to rejoin the group now - realise what we all know you will eventually already! - although, again, I don't get the sheer venom some members here reserve for Andrea. It ain't deserved. She's been on a rocky path, definitely, been the sheer hatred some spray in her general direction? Nope. Has her arc this season been perfect? Certainly not. Has it been wasted? Certainly not. It just needs a bit more pace, and some more spirit and fire from the Andrea we know - we've got a decent arc, but a flawed one. However, it was good to see her getting badass again, hacking up that walker to provide cover - she's been cooped up in Woodbury too long. We had only just gained the Andrea we know from the comics, and then she was taken away from us - but hopefully now, at long last, we'll get the full beans.

    Oh yeah - F*CK YOU BEN. And Allan. They were twats from the get-go, I can't be doing with either of them. I understand how Tyreese & Co feel, but good lord - all they did was kick you out, they didn't rape and pillage you, there's women and children in their group! There's a BABY in their group for crying out loud! I reckon Sasha is a bit guilty over their collective chat with The Governor, and I know that Tyreese needs to keep his gang off the streets and away from walkers, but god damn man - you're going along with dickhead father & son combo Allan and Ben who don't give a single shit about a totally innocent baby being at the heart of all this.

    I did like that it was this weird coincidence that they happened upon Andrea and Milton, but I do hope that Andrea stumbles into them again and lays some truth down on them and gets them out of there before they make a really stupid decision.

    Regarding the teaser for next week - it looks like there's another town out there. Rick & Co definitely need back-up (even if a bunch of Woodbury's army are untrained softies lacking in the desperation for survival), so might we see a team-up between them to go against Woodbury? Mazzara teased that a major character would be showing up soon, so perhaps we'll find them here. I'm really eager to see next week's episode and find out what that whole bit is about.

    Theory (including comic book spoiler):
    Might it be Morgan?! He certainly returns in the comics, and a keen-eyed member here did spot a plastic box in the background of a behind-the-scenes video labelled "Morgan". We'll see, I guess.

    It was definitely quite right to have this be a more quiet, character-centric episode. There was a lot of business that needed handling with bringing Andrea back to our group (I rather dug the scene indoors where she faces off against everyone surrounding her), and crossing paths with Tyreese & Co again, and it seems silly to have a shootout or major action set piece in every episode (that really limits what you can do as a writer after all).

    I dug Merle & Hershel's little amputees anonymous meeting - we're getting some more shades to him - peeling some layers, you know.

    Also - the big walker scene - I easily saw it was an animatronic dummy. It was very obvious (the head movement of it versus the actor), however, I didn't mind - I was enjoying that it was an animatronic getting used. On the other hand, when I saw a preview image of that walker in the prison field, I was convinced they'd hired a double amputee, but it was just some fake half-arms (with added weight for realistic jiggle ) with the guy's real arms tucked behind his back ... so that was an interesting case of one effect being clear, while another being really convincing.

    Finally, I knocked up a couple of memes, as per the norm:
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 25-Feb-2013 at 04:57 PM.

  10. #10
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    Best bit of the episode for me? Carl telling dad he needs to give up his Ricktatorship! Nice!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Regarding the teaser for next week - it looks like there's another town out there.
    I purposefully don't want those Don't want anything spoiled for the next episode!
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
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  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    although, again, I don't get the sheer venom some members here reserve for Andrea. It ain't deserved. She's been on a rocky path, definitely, been the sheer hatred some spray in her general direction? Nope. Has her arc this season been perfect? Certainly not. Has it been wasted? Certainly not. It just needs a bit more pace, and some more spirit and fire from the Andrea we know - we've got a decent arc, but a flawed one. However, it was good to see her getting badass again, hacking up that walker to provide cover - she's been cooped up in Woodbury too long. We had only just gained the Andrea we know from the comics, and then she was taken away from us - but hopefully now, at long last, we'll get the full beans.
    Even worse is the abuse I've seen directed at the poor lass playing her on Twitter! I've seen her having to defend herself against it a few times from over zealous fans, which is a shame because she seems like a really nice person in real life. It's no wonder celebrities are deserting Twitter when they get undeserved abuse from trolls.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tricky View Post
    Even worse is the abuse I've seen directed at the poor lass playing her on Twitter! I've seen her having to defend herself against it a few times from over zealous fans, which is a shame because she seems like a really nice person in real life. It's no wonder celebrities are deserting Twitter when they get undeserved abuse from trolls.
    Nothing new there... Vivean Gray used to play Mrs Mangle in Australian soap Neighbours. She left in the end due to the abuse she was getting in real life due to her fictional character! -

    Gray left her role of Mrs Mangel after receiving abuse from Neighbours fans who could not distinguish fact from fiction.
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
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    My favorite moment of the episode was when Beth was singing, and Merle just kind of appeared out of the shadows and starts listening. I don't know why, just found that hilarious and awesome. I liked the "Amputee Anonymous" meetup as well, as someone mentioned earlier. I mentioned that to a friend I was watching; "They're gonna bond over missing limbs, just watch." Incidentally, Hershel must realize Merle literally beat the shit out of Glenn and kidnapped Maggie. Hershel is one of my favorite on the show - very consistent, and usually the only voice of reason.

    FINALLY Andrea does something right, by going back to the prison to attempt to put an end to any conflict, and boy is she put in her place. But she doesn't get there before majorly fucking up again, by sending Tyrese to Woodbury. The writers really like to play up Andrea as quite the fuck-up, even when she is trying to do right. She had the corny, cringe-inducing speech the other week, and now she's sending Ricks right-hand-man from the comic straight to the enemy. Will be interesting to see how that plays out.

    Ben and Allen are very unlikable. Will be interesting to see them kick the bucket. I felt bad for Allen in the comic, but in the show? What a jerk.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tricky View Post
    Even worse is the abuse I've seen directed at the poor lass playing her on Twitter! I've seen her having to defend herself against it a few times from over zealous fans, which is a shame because she seems like a really nice person in real life. It's no wonder celebrities are deserting Twitter when they get undeserved abuse from trolls.
    The actress who portrayed Agent Stahl on Sons of Anarchy literally got death threats. Shows how good of an actress she was.

    I can understand ranting about Andreas portrayal in a comedic or satirical fashion, or even in a legitimately pissed, analytical fashion (she was some peoples favorite character from the comics, can't blame them for getting a bit upset about her horrible translation to the show), but getting mad at the actress enough to send her disparaging remarks on Twitter is a bit absurd. And this is coming from someone that re-watched the entire series in the past few days, had a revelation that Andrea is by far the most annoying and unlikable character on the show, and then wrote a lengthy satirical article about many of the characters pitfalls. The difference is, I wouldn't go send that link to her on Twitter or something, that would be unnecessary and personally mean. I mean, I think Laurie Holden does a truly awful job as Andrea, a remarkably abysmal performance. But I thought she was awesome in Silent Hill, and have no personal grudge against the actress for portraying the character in the way she is. We're not supposed to like EVERYONE in the TV show, and I honestly think we're not meant to like Andrea in the show.
    Last edited by JonOfTheShred; 26-Feb-2013 at 02:26 PM. Reason: I have my reasons

  14. #14
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    I saw some messages somewhere from Holden's feed and it was all defending/explaining Andrea's actions - including the blindingly obvious smackdown of 'Andrea hasn't read the comics' - good on you Miss Holden! Slap some reality on those clowns.

    I felt sorry for her too as I reckon other TWD folks on Twitter don't get as much whining and complaining. Andrea's path on the show certainly hasn't been perfect, but there has been some harsh criticism flung her way that is simply undeserved. I'm looking forward to Andrea being unleashed as the total arse kicker from the comics, and listening to everyone who utterly ripped the piss out of her clam-the-hell-up.

    I fucking hate Allan and Ben, though ... but I'd never go abuse the actors. They're doing a good job acting these utter twats of characters.

    Still, screw those characters. I remember Allan being a bit of a screw-up and pitiable character in the comics, and there's some of that here, but his vicious streak is an instant switch-off for me. Tyreese is definitely far more conflicted, and he and Sasha were totally against them taking out Team Prison in 3x09 ... there's definitely some guilt on Sasha's face there in 3x11, I think, and Tyreese is acting to keep his group safe ... but damn dude ... all they did was not let you stay. They didn't steal from you, they didn't rape anyone, they didn't kill anyone, they helped you out from a sticky spot and fed you and were wanting you to stay until Rick - who is clearly unhinged - told them to leave. They even had it explained to them that they'd been through some dire stuff in the last week, so it's even harsher for "Team Tattletale" (as one meme has nicknamed them) to sell out Team Prison to Captain Eye Patch.

    I have a feeling Allan and Ben won't be long for this world the way they're acting, but if they are going to be around for longer, they're going to have to have a hugely humiliating about-face after they realise just how shitty they've been. I look forward to seeing how this is going to play out...

    I wonder if the Governor gets Allan and Ben - maybe Tyreese and Sasha as well - to infiltrate the prison. Could that link to some of the upcoming episode titles? If Allan and/or Ben does infiltrate the prison, I hope our guys justifiably hand their asses to them.

    Might Sasha end up on the wrong side of The Governor too? Hmmm...

  15. #15
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Tyreese is acting to keep his group safe ... but damn dude ... all they did was not let you stay.
    Well, their leader went crazy, shoved a gun in their faces and kicked them out on the road to probably die, then they find out these prisonfolk are the same people who attacked and killed people at the good commuity they have just stopped at.

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