I’m posting this brief notice (aimed at anyone interested in ‘all things zombie’) to raise awareness of my novella Robin Hood and Friar Tuck, Zombie Killers – A Canterbury Tale by Paul A. Freeman.


The book was commissioned by Coscom Entertainment, a publisher of horror fiction, on the strength of my previously published zombie-themed work.

Below is an excerpt from Robin Hood and Friar Tuck, Zombie Killers, and a link to a webpage carrying reviews of my book as well as other relevant information:


“Ere Friar Tuck could tell his baffling news
A man came blund’ring through a stand of yews
Not clad in Lincoln green like Robin’s men,
But in the Sheriff’s livery, and then,
With fevered eye and chomping jaws assailed
The outlaw Will, whose arms like windmills flailed
In vain to stop this unprovoked attack.
The soldier’s teeth bit deeply in the back
Of Scarlet’s neck, and ripped away some flesh.
He chewed as if the morsel were a fresh
And juicy piece of venison or steak,
Then on Will’s spurting blood he strove to slake
His appetite, and satisfied his thirst.

To Scarlet’s rescue, Robin was the first.
And though the interloper took a knife
Between the ribs it didn’t end the life
Of this infernal denizen from Hell.
But finally the vicious monster fell
When Friar Tuck pulled back his cloak and drew
A sword with which the evil beast he slew.
“A stabbing’s not enough!” the Friar said,
And with one blow cut off the creature’s head.”

I apologize if this message seems in any way presumptuous. I write in many genres and sub-genres, Z-Lit being just one of them. My intention is to reach out and place my work before those who might be interested in it - so people belonging to this site are potentially the target audience of my Robin Hood book.

Thank you for your kind consideration.