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Thread: Just had my first experience of a panic buying mob!

  1. #1
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
    Zombie Flesh Eater

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    Just had my first experience of a panic buying mob!

    So for those not in the know good ole' Albion is once again a winter wasteland, roads blocked, people dying out in the freeze and so on.

    Naturally being an english gent i kept my upper lip stiff and put the kettle on to make tea. but hold! theres no milk in the fridge!

    Naturally i headed down to the local store to find THE END OF THE F*CKING WORLD.

    Almost every shelf was empty, cars were parked haphazardly and there were ambulances carrying people into them on stretchers as little old women fought tooth and fucking nail over bread!

    i grabbed the very last bottle of milk and some emergency dr pepper and doritos and scarpered as some woman was going "kids try and get something out of that scruffy mans basket!"

    I've never seen this kind of "man turning on man" bullshit outside of a disaster movie or maybe a deep south american black friday sale at a large walmart.

    What in the shit.
    Last edited by Danny; 24-Mar-2013 at 03:06 PM. Reason: asdasd

  2. #2
    Rising rongravy's Avatar

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    Geeeez, but maybe a single man could parley a situation like that into a swap, a little tit for tat...
    So to speak.
    I live in Arkansas, where that happens everytime they forecast some sort of mythical blizzard that never ends up coming to fruition.
    So people end up with a bunch of extra canned goods and water after we barely get a light frosting.

  3. #3
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    The masses always act like idiots though. We get it everytime there's a chance of a slight fuel shortage in this country - they say "don't panic buy" and then the petrol stations are queued out and what do you know, NOW there IS a fuel shortage. If people had just chilled the fuck out and not been selfish, the fuel shortage wouldn't have happened, but they acted like panicked morons and made the situation worse.

    Yeah, there is this weird panic rush to get bread and milk (and tea) here in the UK whenever the pavements get a bit dusty with snow ... it's pretty pathetic ... I'd imagine most households have plenty of food to last themselves two weeks. You might not be having the most ideal dinners, or you might run out of milk in two days, but for goodness sake, it's like the end of the world (as Danny says) everytime it gets a bit snowy. Of course, the bloody stupid TV news doesn't help - constant shots of half-frozen reporters cursing their station in life stood by some nameless field covered in snow as some berk tries to drive their school run Peugeot 206 through a snow drift in the background on a country lane.

    It's strange really - floods don't seem to cause this sort of chaos in terms of panicked purchases of bread and milk, but snow is the official remover of gloves.


    Was that woman really telling her kids to try and steal stuff out of your basket? You should have gone all Scott Pilgrim on their asses ... mind you, the police might not see the humour.


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