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Thread: Season 4 Official Preview Images, Clips, and Interviews...

  1. #61
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    On the 'new threat'...

    Yeah - my money's also on environmental factor - I was thinking more along the lines of a tornado or something, but not being familiar with Georgia's climate, I don't know what sort of extreme weather they get ... but now that you mention a nuclear issue, that sounds kinda interesting too. If it was something like that, I wonder how they'd discover that information? They'd have to flee the area of course ... but again, no idea if Georgia has nuclear power stations in their vicinity.

    Interesting ... interesting...

    Clearly, whatever the new threat is, it isn't going to be human or walker ... I'm presuming ... unless it could be:

    Comic Spoiler, early post-prison storyline:
    The cannibal gang? Could we be being too literal in assuming the thread isn't a human one - could they be wording it in a way that they're considering the cannibals to be sub-human, and a threat unlike any they've faced thus far ... i.e. walkers in general, and humans in terms of resources, a place to stay, and ideology ... but cannibals would be a different thread - being hunted by your fellow man for food.

    Time will tell.

    - - - Updated - - -

    The Walking Dead Season 4 Interview with Andrew Lincoln, Chad L. Coleman, Gale Anne Hurd, and David Alpert:
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 29-Jul-2013 at 10:15 AM.

  2. #62

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    The walkers are all infested with Bot-Fly larva. Now the hatched bot flies are a biohazard, and so are the mosquitos.

  3. #63
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidgloves View Post
    Has anyone got any idea what this "new threat" is?

    My moneys on some sort of environmental threat like a reactor meltdown etc
    One of the ideas I've been kicking around in my head too...if so, I just hope they handle it well from a research and plausibility perspective, though it might be fun to see sixteen or so pages of posts pontificating about the technical aspects involved.

    I also hope they don't get wrapped up to tightly in a plot MacGuffin this year.

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  4. #64
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    The Hunters makes the most sense to me....

  5. #65
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    The Hunters makes the most sense to me....
    It's a good point, but I take it as counter intuitive based on the information we have, since they seemed to acknowledge that they have already done a lot on the living being more dangerous than the dead last season. That said, I wouldn't bet against seeing that particular storyline bridge through the TV series soon (maybe even this season), I just get the feeling that they are referring to something bigger than Man V. Man...Man V. Environment.

    That said, Bassman...

    If they go with famine and/or a lack of resources as the primary theme for this season then that would dovetail perfectly with the Hunters story arc, and may very well be what they are hinting at.

    Does that make sense?

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  6. #66
    Twitching krisvds's Avatar

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    I couldn't help but think the 'new threat' could be that there's

    a psycho killer among the newly arrived ex - woodbury citizens who poses a real threat from within just like in the early prison days comic storyline

    The hunters would be nice to see as well.

  7. #67
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    From the season 4 trailer it definitely looks like there's a killer within - so they must be incorporating that part of the prison story from the comics - it was certainly one of the most brutal early plot points of TWD.

    Famine? Another good idea, although not sure if they'll do it or not, particularly as they're growing their own crops and farming some animals - such as pigs - so I don't think team prison is all that hungry ... but could hunger be a real problem for The Governor, out there in the wilderness? I do like the idea of dovetailing starvation with The Hunters.


    More Interviews:

    The Walking Dead Season 4 Interview with Norman Reedus and Greg Nicotero:

    The Walking Dead Season 4 Q&A with Robert Kirkman:
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 30-Jul-2013 at 10:12 AM. Reason: Pinky panky pancakes

  8. #68
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by krisvds View Post
    I couldn't help but think the 'new threat' could be that there's

    a psycho killer among the newly arrived ex - woodbury citizens who poses a real threat from within just like in the early prison days comic storyline

    The hunters would be nice to see as well.
    That's one thing that shows strongly in the trailer, but if that's the case it will feel a bit like backing up to me. They kinda covered that angle with Andrew in season three, so to do it again won't really feel right. It appears that way in the trailer, but who knows? Could be all in the editing. I remember everyone thinking Rick and The Governor would meet in the first three episodes of last season, but that was all just clever editing.

  9. #69
    Twitching krisvds's Avatar

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    True. They have been masters in misdirecting the comic book readers with their trailers.

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by krisvds View Post
    True. They have been masters in misdirecting the comic book readers with their trailers.

    Although there are certain parts of the trailer that seem to strongly read as only being one possible thing.

    Theory about a death:
    It seems pretty strongly suggested that Tyreese's sister gets snuffed out, without many-or-any other possible ways of reading that information.

    Who knows - it could be a total piece of mis-direction, but the above seems fairly solid to me ... the other stuff, hmmm, we'll see.

    I know what you mean bassman, but at the same time it can also work - to bring in all these people from Woodbury, which had a dark heart hidden away, and who were at war with Team Prison, and for there not to be a single rotten apple in the bunch would be a bit too lucky for Team Prison ... but yes, it would have been tidier for this particular plot thread if it was just hit-up once ... but then again, it was very necessary in season 3 to drive forward Rick's madness, his retreat from trusting others, and his eventual hanging up of the Ricktatorship.

    I imagine it'll work out nicely - well, in terms of dramatic viewing! - in the end.

  11. #71
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    David S. Goyer's directing an episode:
    David S. Goyer Episode: We told readers that David S. Goyer would be directing a Season 4 episode and now more details have been revealed. Here’s what he told io9: “I’m doing a Walking Dead this year — the penultimate episode [of the season]. I haven’t gotten my script yet… I heard it’s an episode where something really bad happens.”
    Zombie Baby?
    Zombie Baby in Season 4: Are we going to see a zombie baby in The Walking Dead Season 4? Robert Kirkman seemed to confirm it with TV Guide: “It’ll be something different from the baby who was seen in [2004's] Dawn of the Dead remake, which was horrific and done so well. There’s still room for us to do something different and cool.”
    That second one gives me a lot of pause ... yes, I suppose it's entirely reasonable to suggest that in this world, if a group of survivors was attacked with a baby in their midst, said baby could be bitten and then turn ... but the zombie baby in Yawn04 was just rubbish.

    More merch too - TWD Monopoly and TWD Risk.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Cast on the set of Season 4:

    US-only vid, unless you've got the power...

  12. #72
    Dying rightwing401's Avatar

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    Is it just me, or does it seem that the walkers are evolving a bit? Meaning that they are starting to instinctually gather together in packs and not stray off for overwhelming force? It sure is starting to seem that way all through season 3.

  13. #73
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    I'm not sure rightwing ... the herd mentality can be very organic, like, "hey, something must be going on over there ... I'll follow and maybe get a bit of lunch out of it" - and they gradually pick up other walkers along the way until they're a full-blown herd (behaviour glimpsed at in 2x13).

    I think there has been talk of 'evolution' in some regards, but that at the same time the walkers aren't actually evolving - it's a case of the human characters discovering things they didn't yet know about the walkers. Things the walkers always did, but that the human characters hadn't yet noticed, or didn't have the time or inclination to notice until now.


  14. #74
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    Dispatches from the Set – Mike Satrazemis (Director of Photography):

    Some choice cuts:
    Q: Can you tell us about shooting walker herd scenes? We heard there were going to be a bunch this season….

    A: There’s going to be a good deal this season, more than we’ve ever seen. It’s great to shoot those. We can put on the widest lens we have and fill it with information — people and walkers. And it’s crazy to see that many walkers. The amount of work that Greg and those guys had to do this season to get it together is pretty mind-blowing. But yeah we have some massive herds, and it becomes pretty overwhelming.
    Q: How many comic book references or callbacks do you incorporate into the show?

    A: We always try to find graphic frames, like close-ups with a wider lens. There’s a lot of references in the way we frame things. And as far as lighting, I’m trying to go a lot darker than the comic books. A lot of the show is set in the daytime, it doesn’t mean that it has to be a bright sunny day everywhere. There are very few bright sunny days for our characters.
    Q: What are some things you’ve learned about the show this season that you didn’t pick up on before?

    A: You learn that The Walking Dead is now pretty much a 24-hour a day process. When I wake up there’s a billion emails and a lot conversations going on. And that’s what it takes to keep it this good.

    Q: Do you think any of the actors on the show would make a good DP?

    A: There’s not much Andy Lincoln can’t do. He’d make a good director, and I think he’d make a great DP. Steven [Yuen] has a great eye. The thing is, all of our actors are filmmakers. So everybody’s got some skills on the side. We all bump into each other’s categories and that’s what makes it fun.

  15. #75
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    Q&A with Exec Producer David Alpert:

    Choice slices:

    Q: If Season 3 was about the human threat, what would you say Season 4 will be about?

    A: What we really have here in Season 4 is we dangle the carrot that civilization can be rebuilt… The notion that there’s civilization and the notion that there’s the possibility of there being laws and a sense of normalcy. I think we’re going to see an evolution in the walkers — there’s a whole bunch of new walkers — and we’ll see an evolution of the threat of human-on-human. Dangling the possibility of civilization will make people much more desperate and willing to do things that would have previously been unthinkable.

    Q: What’s it like to go from producing 13 episodes per season to 16?

    A: The show is an incredibly physical show to produce. It is super hot and super humid out here, and the crew is just like a group of Marines. They have no fear… Shooting 16 episodes outdoors in Georgia? It’s a lot, and at the end of the season, everybody could use a little R&R to get back into shape. But I have to say going from six episodes to 13 to 16, I feel like we now know how to plan for it.

    Q: How’s the location scouting going? What can you tell us about new locations?

    A: There’s been some real changes in the prison itself, so seeing how it’s evolved from the last episode of Season 3 to the opening of 401, the prison looks totally different… We’ve also been looking at woods and a couple stretches of highway to find some interesting angles to showcase some unique action sequences that I can’t tell you anything about.

    Q: Now that The Walking Dead is in its fourth season, has the production been attracting more attention from local Georgians?

    A: It’s interesting. Robert Kirkman and I went into Senoia to grab a bite to eat, and there was probably about 15 or 20 people walking around the streets and every single one of them was clearly a tourist there for The Walking Dead… I hadn’t seen that before. There’s the Woodbury shop on main street. There’s the Woodbury town hall and there are all these things we shot last year that are actual places. And I saw everybody walking up and down the street taking pictures in front of it, posing, and putting on a Sheriff’s hat, doing the whole thing.


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