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Thread: Terminator: Genisys (film) - Terminator reboot

  1. #16
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    You didn't rate no.2?
    T2 is a little too hollywood for me....i really liked it as a kid, but now i can barely stand it. 3 was pretty corny, salvation had a few good moments, but pissed all over the established mythology.

  2. #17
    Dead wayzim's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    T4 looked snazzy enough, but everything else about it was pish ... rubbish script, total missed opportunity ... at least the trailer was awesome.

    T3 is an utter abomination - all that "talk to the hand" bullshit - ugh, get out of my universe T3!

    Yeah - T2 was the end of the entire Terminator story. They'd succeeded, the end. Everything after was bullshit ... although the TV show was alright, even if the middle portion of season two was intolerably dull.
    I'm probably one of two people who were fans of The Sarah Connor Chronicles, especially after it nicely rebuted the piss on of Sarah in T3 ( She died of cancer? WTF? ) but also because I thought Lena Headey did a bang up job with the role. There were enough clever twists to keep it interesting for most of the series, and Shirley Manson as an industrialist/terminator?
    I'm still geeking out over the sad termination of the show, just as it jumped the shark - sorry - got interesting again.

    Wayne Z

  3. #18
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    @Wayzim - yeah, I don't know what went wrong with season 2 of T:SCC, it started strong, then got totally lost and had some mind-numbingly boring episodes where sod all happened, and then in the last handful they really pulled it back up (with a great finale) - but it was too late by that time. A shame.

    I didn't consider it to be a part of T1 and T2 cannon, but as a kind of 'side universe' type thing. I dug it - in spite of some mistakes and wobbly bits - not the greatest show I've seen, but far from the worst, and it definitely got shit-canned too soon. If only they'd not got lost mid-season 2. I think 22 episodes for season 2 (going from a mere 9 in season 1), was too big a leap. I'm a really big fan of the 13-episode season style now, and I think that's ideal for any of these sorts of dramas. You're not kept hanging around waiting for things to progress, the writers don't have to fill all that extra space which slows everything down, and it's generally a much tighter structure to work with for a season arc. Agreed also on Lena Heady - she did a good job, and I also liked that they ignored T3's bullshit.

  4. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by ProfessorChaos View Post
    T2 is a little too hollywood for me....i really liked it as a kid, but now i can barely stand it. 3 was pretty corny, salvation had a few good moments, but pissed all over the established mythology.
    I really like T2!
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  5. #20
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    don't get me wrong, i don't despise it or anything, it just feels too big-budget and cookie-cutter compared to the original. it just has such a summer blockbuster vibe and feels like it was made with intentions of toys, tie-ins, and whatnot.

    it's definitely not as crappy as 3, but a few years back i jettisoned some of my dvds that were just gathering dust, and T2 was one that i (surprisingly, given my attachment to it as a kid) was able to easily put in the "gotta go" pile.

  6. #21
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    I really like T2!
    Me too! I'd go so far as to say I love it, even.

    I constantly switch back and forth between whether I dig T1 or T2 more (it usually depends on which one I saw most recently), but I figure I love them equally for different reasons. They provide different scales and attitudes. Dark & gritty? I'll watch T1. Vast with some more warmth to it? I'll watch T2 ... although T1 isn't devoid of warmth (e.g. Kyle and Sarah in the motel).

    T2 is one of my all-time favourites. I've seen it so many times and I still love it ... it's almost like a familiar song to me, in that you can kinda 'watch along' with it (sing along/watch along) ... all the lines of dialogue, sound effects, music cues, edit points etc; it all plays out like a song to me because I'm so fond of & familiar with it, but also because the flick is tight as a drum.

    Each to their own, absolutely ... even if it does boggle my mind.

    T3 and T4 can suck it, though ... feck those movies.

  7. #22
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ProfessorChaos View Post

    don't get me wrong, i don't despise it or anything, it just feels too big-budget and cookie-cutter compared to the original. it just has such a summer blockbuster vibe and feels like it was made with intentions of toys, tie-ins.
    I agree. When I saw it in the theater in 92, I thought it was great...a bit overcooked, but great. Now it's a guilty pleasure, that still manages to be surprisingly awesome in spots when I revisit it. But very cheesy, all the same.

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  8. #23
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    i think what really does it for me about T2 is the whole bit about john connor teaching the terminator not to kill, the terminator making a comment about understanding why humans cry, etc. T2 is full of hokey bullshit about learning to understand emotions, cheesy one-liners, and almost feels family-friendly. while it has its moments, it pales in comparison to the sheer brutality and hopelessness of the original.

    like MZ said, the original has a very ominous vibe to it, and the terminator seems like such an unstoppable machine of destruction, with only one function: to kill its target, no matter what the cost. "oh, my target is inside a police station full of armed police? fuck ' we go." come to think of it, that's probably another big factor in the declining quality of these films. in T1, arnold was fresh off his body-building/steroids hey-day and seemed like such a force to be reckoned with....that, along with the previously mentioned "directive: KILL" mindset, if you will, of the terminator. even by T2, arnie had peaked physically, and looked a bit past his prime...then add in all the emotional bullshit about a machine learning to love, become a father-figure/protector plot, and it just falls flat.

    as for a reboot/prequel/whatever shit ideas they're kicking around for the next name-rape, piss on all that. nothing they every spit out will even come close to the original. and i can't believe arnie is going to be making another appearance...dude has gotta be at least 60 years old now. save some face, man, and just hang it up.

  9. #24
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    Although to be fair in T2 they also have the T-1000, which is the one that goes around killing anyone who stands in its way ... plus it wouldn't make sense for the future saviour of mankind to be pro-murder just to be convenient.

    I rather dug the surrogate father angle, personally. I didn't like the "oh man, now I gotta teach you everything all over again" bit in T3 ... although as I've said before, T3 was bullshit. Arnie was too old in that movie to pull it off - he looked flabbier, his skin looked looser, and the whole film was just a groan-a-thon ... "talk to duh hand".

  10. #25
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    I bloody hate 'Terminator 2'. There are just too many annoying things in it to let go. From a squeaky, irritating John Connor, to the idiotic liquid robot idea, to that awful thumbs up at the end.

    Not to mention Guns and flippin roses...

    It can go and shite.

    T1 all the way for me.
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  11. #26
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    "You Could Be Mine" kicks ruddy arse.

    Also, the thumbs up at the end gives me a lump in the throat - as in, I find that bit kind of moving.

  12. #27
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by shootemindehead View Post
    I bloody hate 'Terminator 2'. There are just too many annoying things in it to let go. From a squeaky, irritating John Connor, to the idiotic liquid robot idea, to that awful thumbs up at the end.

    Not to mention Guns and flippin roses...

    It can go and shite.

    T1 all the way for me.
    damn, i'd blocked out how annoying and shrill edward furlong's voice was in T2....thanks for bringing those ear-splitting whines back to the forefront of my memory. and yes, the T-1000 is a completely moronic idea.

    gotta disagree about guns and roses, though. although that song may not be that good, they were like on top of the world at the time and still are a guilty pleasure of mine.

  13. #28
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    thanks for bringing those ear-splitting whines back to the forefront of my memory
    You're welcome Prof

    Gun n Roses = Girlie metal.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Also, the thumbs up at the end gives me a lump in the throat - as in, I find that bit kind of moving.
    The only thing it moved in me was my lunch.
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  14. #29
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  15. #30
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    Emilia Clarke is Sarah Connor...

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