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Thread: R.I.P.D. (film)

  1. #1
    Rising rongravy's Avatar

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    R.I.P.D. (film)

    Anyone seeing this? Looks very Dylan Dog-esque, a movie that I absolutely loved. Never been a big fan of Jeff Bridges, but this looks pretty kickass. I'm mulling over seeing it in a couple hours, well before the crowds. I'm surprised I hadn't seen anything here on this. I can't be the only one who got a little bit of chub action after seeing the trailer...

  2. #2
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    well, can't say i agree with ya. i am a jeff bridges fan, but even "the dude" couldn't get me to sit through this. looks like a shitty men in black knock-off.

  3. #3
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Love Bridges. I get the MIB vibe as well, but I'm ok with that (I actually said to my oldest it reminded me of MIB+Betelgeuse when we saw the promo). She wants to see it, so I'll be checking it out.

  4. #4
    Rising rongravy's Avatar

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    Ha, guess I should've left out my feelings about Jeff, and not burned those... Bridges?

    No one's getting the Dylan Dog vibes off this, or did no one bother to see that little treasure either? It is on Netflix streaming, by the way.

    And, alas, I haven't seen it yet. Long story short: a full cinema crowded to the point of not getting in until maybe the late showing, or going to another one and ending up seeing Lone Ranger. I picked the latter, but I'll see this early tomorrow for sure.
    Last edited by rongravy; 20-Jul-2013 at 05:51 AM. Reason: dammit.

  5. #5
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by rongravy View Post
    Ha, guess I should've left out my feelings about Jeff, and not burned those... Bridges?

  6. #6
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    yikes, this movie pulled in less than $13 million this weekend and supposedly cost over $130 million to make.

    sounds like a flop.

  7. #7
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by ProfessorChaos View Post
    yikes, this movie pulled in less than $13 million this weekend and supposedly cost over $130 million to make.

    sounds like a flop.
    I've noticed a lot of sub par box office this summer. I sense that the weekends of the $100 million+ opening are dwindling. Worldwide gross+DVD/Blu Ray sales seem to be where a movie makes its money these days.

  8. #8
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MoonSylver View Post
    I've noticed a lot of sub par box office this summer. I sense that the weekends of the $100 million+ opening are dwindling. Worldwide gross+DVD/Blu Ray sales seem to be where a movie makes its money these days.
    Might the big budget bubble be about to burst? ... ... That's a lotta "B's".

    Anyway - this looks like fun, but I'll never see it at the cinema - I've not been since The Hobbit, and I used to go all the time!

  9. #9
    Rising rongravy's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MoonSylver View Post

    I wore my Dr. Evil shirt yesterday in hopes of a quick photo shoot at a perfectly inspired time so I could post it, yet alas...
    But, yeah. You feel me, dawg. I even said it in his voice as I was typing it, followed by a hearty, pinky enhanced "Muwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!"

  10. #10
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Might the big budget bubble be about to burst? ... ... That's a lotta "B's".

    Anyway - this looks like fun, but I'll never see it at the cinema - I've not been since The Hobbit, and I used to go all the time!
    Dunno. There was a certain amount of insight in that recent Spielberg/Lucas panel. I don't know if it'll go in one big "pop" or just a slow decline, if it does go at all. At the very least I think we're seeing a shift in the traditional model of box office returns and their use to gauge the success of a film. Worldwide markets are growing, online distribution has come one, DVD & Blu have firmly taken hold. There are so many options, people just aren't going to theaters.

    So one has to look at a certain overall picture I suppose, rather than just domestic gross. Though I suppose if you're an analyst, & know that domestic box office accounts for generally X% of total revenue, then you can extrapolate out from that. But then again, those numbers could fluctuate too, as some movies are more or less likely to score bigger or smaller in theaters than at home & vice versa...

  11. #11
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Indeed, look at Dredd - didn't set the box office alight (but didn't bomb either), however it did very well indeed on home video, and now there's a big campaign by fans demanding a sequel that's getting a lot of attention - so formerly low/no expectations for a sequel have become "actively pursuing a sequel".

    I think with these massive budget flicks ... there's just too many of them - and as such there's not enough risk attached to their stories. Oftentimes it's the usual sort of beats, the usual sort of actors, etc etc ... plus the budget can overtake the human element very easily. The Transformers movies are just glorified toy adverts with the second and third being moronic, lumbering, ADHD leviathons.

    That's another thing - running times - some of the mega budget flicks could probably trim their budgets down if they just ruddy well re-learned how to be lean with their story telling. I mean come on, Transformers 3 isn't a deep character drama is it, so why on earth did it need to be as bloody long as it was? It's just too much movie. Plus, they could have smartened up the script an awful lot.

    Yeah, it won't be a burst per se, but with a series of vast budgetted flicks not performing as expected, we should eventually see a trickle-down effect where the budgets get reigned in a bit. It'd also be nice to have some more variety - nearly every movie seems to be superhero or comic book related at the moment. It's getting a bit much - a bit overkill - at the moment. Also, there should be more riskier projects given medium budgets - get some daring material back into the multiplexes, you know?

    I'd also like to see much more 'day and date' releases - simultaneous, cross-platform releases. One example was "A Field In England" here in the UK - a mixed bag of a film, but a very low budget flick that was a daring project with an idiosyncratic air about it, that released in cinemas, on VOD, DVD, Blu-Ray, and on freeview television all on the same day - and it did quite well for itself. The numbers are still being crunched, but initial views on the business side seem to be good. Give the viewer as many viewing option as possible, and you'll be able to bring in a bit more cash straight away while the iron is still hot (before people forget about the film, and therefore might never watch it, or just wait a couple of years for it to be on telly, rather than buying the DVD/BR/VOD when their interest is high).

    Interesting times ahead, methinks. There'll always be a place for massive budget flicks - but there's too many of them out there nowadays. That's the problem ... also, in some instances, trying to create a franchise, rather than simply a bloody good film that could then become a franchise. One thing at a time, movie studios. Throwing enough money at enough explosions and enough A-List faces isn't filmmaking.

  12. #12
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Agreed on the trying to manufacture lightning in a bottle. But I think the main issue with the mega budget film these days (which ties into that in part) is that they arn't groundbreaking & there is no substance to them. In the past a movie like Jaws, Star Wars, Close Encounters, Radiers, name it, both blazed new territory AND had some degree of substance in them, even for "popcorn flicks". That mega budget was there to realize the vision of the movie, not JUST for the purpose of flash & spectacle for its own sake.

    There are some movies today that still make that attempt (I would grudgingly say Avatar, even though it wasn't a great movie IMO), but most seem to only come up w/ visuals & FX & have little to no script to really go with, & no vision. They blaze no new trails, break no new ground, offer nothing that hasn't been seen before.

    But that's what the public seems to like, as they keep paying to see it, so maybe the bubble is safe. Who knows.

  13. #13
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Hitting nails on their heads all over the shop, here.

  14. #14
    Rising rongravy's Avatar

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    Saw it tonight. I would say it was a smidgeon of Men in Black mixed with Dylan Dog. I did like it, I just wished the dead guys didn't look so badly CG'ed. If that movie was over 100 million to make, they definitely didn't spend it on that. Like I said: story was cool, and I liked the way they acted and the whole looking like completely different people thing. If you can get past the weak CG monsters, then it ain't bad at all. Maybe they look better in 3D, who knows? I can see why it semi tanked, but if they'd done better in that area, I think it would've been a pretty solid movie. B+ on the story and acting, and Kevin Bacon as a rotting corpse thing. C- on the CG in places, mainly the monsters. There were scenes where everything is frozen in time, but we've all seen that a million times now. Still looks cool, though.

  15. #15
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    If Ryan Reynolds is in it, I'm not gonna be.


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