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Thread: TWD 4x01 "30 Days Without an Accident" episode discussion... **SPOILERS WITHIN**

  1. #16
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    A solid episode to kick things off - I dug it.

    There was a lot to establish, so this episode was as much about re-establishing the world we know, while also showing us how things have evolved (e.g. the prison's new look as a home for a few dozen folks - farming the land, the eatery in the courtyard, Beth's room is all decked out to suit her personally, the shower system they've rigged up etc).

    As for the closer - I assume the kid (Patrick, IIRC) caught something and died from it - and as we know, even if you die of natural causes in this world, you'll come back as a walker. I suppose that's a danger in this world - you never know when or if someone might day of natural causes. Even young and seemingly fit people can have a heart attack, or a stroke, or what have you ... so, in a way, everyone's potentially a ticking time bomb.

    I liked that Carl has drifted back to being a little more like a kid - getting comics from Michonne etc - I'm sure being around other kids reminds me of what age he's supposed to be, but of course after spending two years being in a very strange limbo space (too old to be a child, too young to be an adult), it'll be awkward for him (hence sneaking into storytime and discovering Carol's teaching knife class - he's surruptitiously trying to be a kid without anyone knowing, but he'd also be annoyed that younger kids are being taught how to defend themselves - hence asking for his gun back from Rick). I think it's important to bring him back a bit, and even with him getting a little older, he himself might be realising more the difference between when it's right and wrong to pull the trigger and how important context is. It's an incredibly fine line to tread, and living in this world surrounded exclusively by fully formed adults, no doubt lead to confusion of when is the right time to pull the trigger. Kids will always make mistakes as they learn - but of course in this world the mistakes can be fatal.

    The raid on the Big Spot was really cool. I liked how it's been thought out so we get glimpses of how it's all thought-out - the medical supplies in each car, the body armour, waiting 48 hours for the walkers to clear out of the area (by setting up loud music on car batteries in the distance to draw them away) and so on. Very cool.

    That whole sequence was pretty damn epic too - lots of awesome gore moments to appeal to that side of us (e.g. the intestinal dangler, the split-face walker, etc) - that'd be damn scary too, in a dark store and all of a sudden you've got walkers falling through the flippin' roof! I know I'd shit myself. Interesting that Zack was snuffed out so quickly - I'd almost thought they'd keep him around a bit longer, but I suppose he was there to serve a purpose - to remind of the ever-present danger, to show that Daryl is entirely sick of losing people, and that Beth is in this strange emotional place that's unique to this world - she's happy she knew him for the time she did, but she accepts his death like he'd just missed the bus and would be late to dinner.

    The crazy lady side story was cool too - a nice mix with the big action - but in such a way that it wasn't like 3x04 going from HUGE MOMENTS to sodding map reading or golf (3x04 was a great episode in spite of the awful pacing of those Woodbury cutaway moments) ... ... here in 4x01, the pace is different, but because Rick's story with the nutter lady was mysterious and tense, it fit within everything that was going on, not to mention thematically.

    I was half-wondering if she was a cannibal (although I assume she might have been), and I'm guessing that it was her husband in that sack ... although, only a bit of him. It was good that they kept things mysterious - I knew it wasn't going to end well, but the hows and whys of it all - was Rick going to say that there was no such statue at that airport? Was she leading him into a cannibal gang trap? I almost thought she had a dead baby in that wooden crate (she was blocking the sack initially) ... a really good performance from her too - full on crazy, but really quite sad too. You could see that she'd lost so much, and was essentially feral, and this is why it's worth holding on to the good things in life.

    A nice mix with Glenn & Maggie - I'd wondered if she was preggers, but evidently not. I dug their different responses to it though - Glenn's fearful of losing everything, but she's fearful of never having anything in the meantime.

    As for "coupling up" - that was a considerable portion of the comic - it's less-so in the TV show. I'd imagine in such a terrible world you'd need something worth fighting for, you'd want to gravitate towards someone who could provide those precious moments of companionship and peace, rather than just being alone and lost and terrified, and potentially with nothing much to live for ... at the same time it can be a curse - if you lose your loved one that's terrible, and it could soften your resolve to go out and scavenge etc ... this was also the case with Tyreese (IIRC it's "Karen" or something like that for her - she was the chick who survived The Governor's massacre, if memory serves). If you don't have someone though, you might be sharp and not care so you can always get the survivalist job done, but then what? You're just surviving to survive - what's the point? You NEED something to fight for - it can be for other people (either a loved one, or a group you're protecting, or both) or it can be for a safe haven (or both).

    So an all-round solid starter - a nice mix of content, quiet moments with creepy moments with full-on action spectacle ... survivalist smarts with broader thematic ideas and questions.

    I dug it.

    Welcome back TWD.


    Oh, and another thing I loved - the sheer noise of the walkers when Rick takes his earbuds out - just imagine that constant, angry howling all day and every day ... it's chilling to think about.

    Interesting too how the young kids were treating the walkers (from a safe distance!) almost as pets, or invisible friends, or just some strange oddity like a kid finding an animal they've never seen in a garden before or something like that. Good to see that Carl recognises that they were once people who had names and had lives. You don't want to let him get too dark.
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 14-Oct-2013 at 11:57 AM.

  2. #17
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    With the lead into this season being my least anticipated yet, I was pleasantly surprised with this premiere. It set up tons of questions for the rest of the season and hopefully set the tone for how it will continue. Just enough action, but not over the top like most people seem to expect from premieres and finales.

    So yeah....I'm actually looking forward to this season now. If the other episodes can keep this up, this may improve over the lackluster third season.

  3. #18
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    I too thought this was a solid season opener. With the cast updating and change of circumstances, it's like a whole new show. Not sure how long it will last, or whether there will be major pacing issues across the season again, but I really enjoyed it!

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  4. #19
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    I thought it was lacking compared to previous. But Im glad I am in the minority. I still have faith in the show and its the only tv I care about.

    The couple thing is just over done. Im happy for Glen and Maggie but the romance has ruined Glen's character. Still a good guy but I much prefer the kid driving the Charger and "hey dumbass". Something to fight for? Sure I get it. But FWB would seem more appropriate in this world. I just dont wanna see Days of our Lives meets TWD. I would fight for my close friends just as much as a piece of ass. And our group, minus the fodder, is close enough to establish that.

    But since I posted negative stuff and after rewatching I need to speak of what I liked.

    Daryl Dixon as a humble leader. Bout time. Unless Rick's course changes they definitely need Daryl. Daryl and Hershel running the show works for me. Not a fan of the new Rick but I think change will be forced. The earbud deal drowning out the noise was a nice touch and also shows a path that Romero wanted to explore that, to Rick, the Walkers are a nuisance.

    The raid and tactics Minion mentioned were well thought out. I liked seeing attention to detail and thought out plans. And ever since seeing Diehard I gotta say seeing Sasha toting that MP5 brought a smile to my face. Great weapon for that environment. Though I think I saw her drop the gun when it went empty. I would personally punch her in the tit for that atrocity.

    I think the best acting during this episode to show us the state of the prison camp was Beth. Her reaction to her boy toys death really sent a strong message and told a story. And yes I am aware they had to do my above mentioned critism of the lovie dovie to send that message. So I will eat a little crow.

    A tone has been set that people are trying to return to normalcy. I look forward to next week when the peace will probably be shattered.

  5. #20
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    As for the closer - I assume the kid (Patrick, IIRC) caught something and died from it - and as we know, even if you die of natural causes in this world, you'll come back as a walker. I suppose that's a danger in this world - you never know when or if someone might day of natural causes. Even young and seemingly fit people can have a heart attack, or a stroke, or what have you ... so, in a way, everyone's potentially a ticking time bomb.
    That was my take too, but the WHAT that he died of has me puzzled, coupled with how the whole thing was staged: "I'm happy & fine!-uh, I don't feel well-yikes I'm puking blood-aaaand, I'm dead!" what the hell did the the guy catch, super black plague with optional ninja stealth mode? Not a major gripe, but it was a little weird/jarring for me.

  6. #21
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MoonSylver View Post
    That was my take too, but the WHAT that he died of has me puzzled, coupled with how the whole thing was staged: "I'm happy & fine!-uh, I don't feel well-yikes I'm puking blood-aaaand, I'm dead!" what the hell did the the guy catch, super black plague with optional ninja stealth mode? Not a major gripe, but it was a little weird/jarring for me.
    Well, I could guess...

    That this leads into the big change up in threat that has been discussed/alluded to for this season.

    So it could be garden variety disease or a new delivery mechanic/vector for the undead plague that acts like a bite. After all, maybe this kid was one of a few people using that particular shower area (which they made a point of showing at least twice, iirc)? Who knows what's in the cistern it's drawing from.

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  7. #22
    Twitching sandrock74's Avatar

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    I think the kid could have died from appendicitis, as he displayed similar symptoms. Left untreated, it will kill you! Also, its non-contagious, so no worries about anything spreading. Of course, then that would mean everything hinting to something viral was all a red-herring. Hm, what do I know??

    I did read one interesting theory online this morning: Patrick was attacked by the Governor, who was armed with a blowgun. LOL!! Personally, I think that would be an awesome reveal...

  8. #23
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Hmmm ... spoiled water, spoiled food (as in spoiled by walkers), or something like that? Could it be a mutation of some sort? Could it be the walker virus combining/mutating with some sort of flu or some sort of disease? Is it linked with Violet the Pig's death? We shall see, I guess...

    Again ... the sound of those walkers when Rick takes his earbuds out ... it gave me the creeps. Great work from Nicotero & Co on the gore front too, some really sweet-arse kills and touches throughout from the obvious moments (e.g. the dangler) to more subtle things like that creepy-as-hell walker with the oozing bloody eyes, or that female walker with the protruding cheek bones pressing against the metal fencing before Karen (IIRC) snuffed her out.

    I think they also called the fence stabbers the "Cold Crew" (Zack mentions it to Beth), which I thought was a nice touch - little bits of lingo specific to their world - again, I also liked how the crazy lady remarked along the lines of 'walkers, so that's what you call them?' - Woodbury said "Biters" after all ... but then again, Glenn and T-Dog used to call them "Geeks" too.

    Interesting to see some of the reactions - perhaps because we love this show so much (well, not every single person here, but most of us at least), we hold it to a very high standard. It's important to enjoy the show - or any show, or any movie etc - on its own terms. Anticipation and expectation can sometimes be a killer.

    Facestabber - good to see that, even though you were let down by the episode, you still dug things about it. I also liked the 'reluctant leader' thing for Daryl - all that positive attention and 'let me shake your hand' stuff really had him a little uneasy. I also liked the little bit with Zack trying to guess what Daryl did before the outbreak, which was a nice touch as it hinted at a history with these characters that embedded them in that world longer, even though we've only just met them.

    Anyway - yeah, I've been doing some memes:

    Tagged them so it takes up less space.
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 14-Oct-2013 at 04:43 PM.

  9. #24
    Dying Ragnarr's Avatar

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    While a tad weak likely due to my own anticipation waiting for the season to begin, it was a good setup episode for all the hairy shyte coming this season. The Harry Potter kid (after shaking Daryl's saliva covered fingers) becomes sick and dies, BUT not before sweating and coughing over the shower water tank. I heard of Typhoid Mary before, but a Cholera Daryl?

    Intentionally not reading TWD comics so as to be surprised as the storyline unfolds, but I think this season will be kickass for sure.

    Btw, the Harry Potter kid's line when concluding the scene with Carl by the fence, "thank you young sir" was completely ridiculous for him to say. "See you later" would be the likely line imo.
    Last edited by Ragnarr; 14-Oct-2013 at 05:02 PM. Reason: edit
    "When there's no more room in Taco Bell, the unfed will walk the Earth!"

  10. #25
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ragnarr View Post
    Btw, the Harry Potter kid's line when concluding the scene with Carl by the fence, "thank you young sir" was completely ridiculous for him to say.
    Not for a nerd, it's not. And take it from me (a hobbyist nerd), that kid most definitely qualifies as a nerd. They'll probably bury him with his foam LARPing weapons

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  11. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by AcesandEights View Post
    Not for a nerd, it's not. And take it from me (a hobbyist nerd), that kid most definitely qualifies as a nerd. They'll probably bury his foam LARPing weapons with him.
    lol I guess you might just be right on that point. I know of a few nerds myself. For some reason though, the nerd's line in that scene was like a poke in my eye. I WANTED him to become infected with cholera right there & then.
    "When there's no more room in Taco Bell, the unfed will walk the Earth!"

  12. #27
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ragnarr View Post
    lol I guess you might just be right on that point. I know of a few nerds myself. For some reason though, the nerd's line in that scene was like a poke in my eye. I WANTED him to become infected with cholera right there & then.
    Hey, maybe your wish was granted!

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  13. #28
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    A nerd like him would definitely say something clunky and awkward and semi-ironic like "thank you young sir" ... Carl wasn't having any of it though. That kid's shot people, Patrick, he's seen some shit and done some of it himself.

    With Maggie's pregnancy scare, I guess Glenn ran out of his supply of eleven condoms.
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 14-Oct-2013 at 05:38 PM.

  14. #29
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    With Maggie's pregnancy scare, I guess Glenn ran out of his supply of eleven condoms. [/QUOTE]

    Glen has to learn to fight the urge for Maggies pleasure. As I explained to my girlfriend as the pregnancy issue unfolded....Honey in that world the choice is narrowed to your mouth or ass to which she agreed. Last thing I want in that world is to care for a baby. And I much prefer Maggie in her ass kicking role than playing mom to be.

  15. #30

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    As for "coupling up" - that was a considerable portion of the comic - it's less-so in the TV show. I'd imagine in such a terrible world you'd need something worth fighting for, you'd want to gravitate towards someone who could provide those precious moments of companionship and peace, rather than just being alone and lost and terrified, and potentially with nothing much to live for ... at the same time it can be a curse - if you lose your loved one that's terrible, and it could soften your resolve to go out and scavenge etc ... this was also the case with Tyreese (IIRC it's "Karen" or something like that for her - she was the chick who survived The Governor's massacre, if memory serves). If you don't have someone though, you might be sharp and not care so you can always get the survivalist job done, but then what? You're just surviving to survive - what's the point? You NEED something to fight for - it can be for other people (either a loved one, or a group you're protecting, or both) or it can be for a safe haven (or both).
    In reality, everyone would be more like Michonne. Closed off and distant, reluctant to get close to others, unwilling to share emotional experiences. Undoubtedly. They'd all have severe PTSD. It's the minds natural survival mechanism. And you don't get through it until you realize and admit that you have it and that it's negatively effecting your life. But that can't happen in the midst of the stress and trauma that creates it. It takes years to be able to even start to recover, and that's only possible once you're completely removed from that environment. It doesn't happen after just a little downtime.
    The original group would be close with each other because they have a history, and a bond forged from traumatic experiences. They'd be closed off and distant toward the new group members though. They'd still be willing to have sexual partners, but there would be little to no real emotional connection.
    Look at the troops that come back from any serious conflict. They have alot of trouble acclimating to normal life. their relationships with their families suffer, they need mental help, they often become alcoholics. This is the natural reaction to being exposed to extreme violence and suffering repeated loss of people you care about.

    What we're seeing in the show is fiction, based more on what sounds good in theory, in the writers room. It's totally disconnected from the reality of human nature.
    When you say-
    I'd imagine in such a terrible world you'd need something worth fighting for, you'd want to gravitate towards someone who could provide those precious moments of companionship and peace, rather than just being alone and lost and terrified, and potentially with nothing much to live for...
    This comes much later, in the late stages of recovery. Once the stressful environment has completely gone. Once you have a chance to reflect on your mental state, and start to put the past behind you.
    This doesn't happen when the same threat is continuously building up less than 100 yards from where you sleep.
    You're right though that because we love the show, and the story, we expect more than this. That's why I take issue with this aspect.

    But this doesn't mean I didn't enjoy the episode, or that I don't look forward to the next. It just means I have to scale back my expectations.
    But at the same time, discussion in the threads would be pretty boring if all we said was how much we loved everything.

    What I liked alot about the episode is seeing how they've started to focus on survival more. Seeing them go on supply runs is something I've always wanted more of. And NO, I don't expect to see supply run after supply run. But it would be great to see entire episodes dedicated to missions away from the prison, like we had with "Clear", and "18 Miles Out". It builds upon character relationships for them to spend time with each other in stressful situations, working toward a specific goal. And gives us a chance to see the landscape of the world they're in, gives an opportunity to use imagery to tell the story.


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