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Thread: TWD 4x05 "Internment" episode discussion... **SPOILERS WITHIN**

  1. #16
    Walking Dead Legion2213's Avatar

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    Couple of further musings...

    Hershal is suffering badly, seeing him get worn down to tears over the course of the episode made me feel really sad, I like the character a lot. His comment about "having come to this" now that they can't bury bodies and have to burn them instead was particularly poignant, this is a God fearing man who believes all the dead should have a decent burial.

    The interactions between himself and Maggie are fantastic, real lump in the throat stuff sometimes, they are very believable as a father and daughter.

    Carl is becoming a far better character as well, the kid is growing up and proved his worth helping his old man out with that breach and is just a Hell of a lot less annoying than he used to be. The writers seem to be scripting him as "trying his best" to make his dad proud and such-like.

    Michonne cracked another huge smile when she spoke to Hersh...nice to see her becoming more human.

    This season of TWD is the benchmark as far as I am concerned, every future episode should contain the quality of the five we've had...if they can step it up a notch, I'll be like a pig in shit!
    Oblivion gallops closer, favoring the spur, sparing the rein - I think we will be gone soon

  2. #17
    Dead facestabber's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wyldwraith View Post
    Carol (If she even did it, which I doubt very much at this point) knifed Karen and David to try and prevent the disease's spread. NOTHING she has said or done indicates she would kill anyone else now that the disease is rampant. What she WOULD DO is stop the needless RISKING OF LIVES by Herschel's ridiculous "Lets move a body that could reanimate at any moment and spring into action like the Walker that cost Herschel his leg, just so people dont have to see the dead being knifed to prevent reanimation.

    Well she did kill two people. She did sit down at the all prestigious counsel(that so far agrees with Rick, with heavy hearts IMO) and after a decision to isolate them, she went behind everyones back and did the knife trick. Had she not been caught and the next person up came down with symptoms you guarantee she wouldnt continue on her personal belief system? She is not evil but she is cold and that shit isnt gonna go over well with people fighting for their lives.

    You all do understand that the death of the man who came out of the cell to try and protect Herschel when the Walker grabbed him, his blood is on Herschel's hands. Had a) Herschel done as Doc Caleb suggested and started carrying the shotgun, no problem. b) If they weren't being so prissy about disposal of the dead, there wouldn't have been a near-repeat of the Patrick-Walker-overrun of Cell Block D. Glenn nearly died because of Herschel's policies. The man is selfless to a fault, and has admirable humanity, compassion and wisdom in many areas...but his hesitancy when it comes to dealing with Walkers directly just cost the life of someone who wasn't sick.

    Oh no no no. Now are we going to put Hershel in front of the counsel for punishment? This is rediculous. Hershel is risking his own life to help those people and they seem grateful for it. No doubt some unsafe actions by everyone in that block. But what did Hershel say to that man shortly before this went down? And the guy did what? In this world if your head isnt on a swivel, your gonna get bit. Hell even Hershel told everyone to stay in their cell when the zombie was on top of him. I hate to bring John J Rambo into this but "Live for something or die for nothing".

    I strongly believe that had she returned to the Prison, Carol would've been right in there with Herschel, allowing desperately needed rest on Glenn and Sasha's part...and would only knife those who were already gone. I believe it's very difficult to deny that Herschel's moralizing, coupled with his understandable fatigue, just cost a life that didnt need to be lost.

    When did Morality become an evil? The man got bit because of his own actions not Hershel willing to give his life to help people. Those people arent bitching that he is in their or cheering for him to knife them in their presence.

    That's without even getting into the fact the Prison is so critically undermanned that Rick's pre-apocalypse moral code is becoming more of a hindrance with every passing moment. Carol is not a serial killer, and even if she DID do it, and even if it was a bad call, exile is the same as slow execution. Look at how things went for Michonne and Andrea, and they had each other. But Rick has a penchant for if not pulling a trigger or thrusting with a blade somehow makes him less a killer.

    So if Rick put a .357 through her brain in that neighborhood we're not flipping sides? There is a difference. If Rick did that I would not have sided with him. Carol is cold not a serial killer, we agree. But if we're discussing the weakness of morality how can a weapon, a vehicle and supplies and a new cunning attitude be equaled to killing her out right? If he dropped her in a pit of walkers again I would be completely against Rick.

    I'm still holding onto hope that Rick's eventually going to get a clue, but right now his pre-apocalypse moralizing is annoying to watch, and his judgmental behavior when it suits him is downright ruining the character. What Rick is essentially saying is this: "I don't want to be responsible for the heavy decisions....until something happens and I change my mind, then I want to be free to exercise unilateral punishment in a way I am willing to kill others for doing."

    Rick can be annoying to me as well. I didnt like farmer only Rick. Hated his Michonne decision. Being a leader isnt fun for him. He doesnt go to bed giddy about the decisions the next day. Who has Rick killed for doing the same things that he has done? He didnt execute Tiny on the spot after an injury that was believed to be a death sentence. The two prisoners and shoot out at the bar I cant see even bothering to justify. I know this much. It is far easier to critique a leader than stand up and lead.

    Rick can't have it both ways. Either the buck stops with him, or he has to stop making calls that are life and death for others. In a very unfair, very arbitrary apocalypse, its a sort of unfair the group shouldn't have to deal with, having Rick just jump in and do what he wants whenever he feels moved to do so.

    Maybe they agree with his decisions.

    I could make an argument that Shane could, using the EXACT SAME reasoning, said "I'm making the decision to bust open the barn and eliminate the Walkers inside for ME."

    He can and did. Cant argue.

    How's it different? Rick perceived Carol as a threat, so he got rid of her via his sense of entitlement to make such calls. Shane perceived that creaky-ass barn with its mini-horde of barely-contained Walkers as an imminent threat, and made a unilateral decision that was actually more valid than Rick's decision to oust Carol, because Shane announced his intentions prior to taking action, armed everyone, and let their willingness or unwillingness to participate in the Walker extermination speak for itself.

    Watch the Mythbusters episode they referenced in last night's Talking Dead. Adam and Jamie empirically proved that the depicted # of Walkers in the barn could NOT ONLY breach it, but that a single surge of the majority of the Walker-bodies (you know, the type of behavior they exhibit ALL THE TIME at the Prison fence) would in Adam's words "Snap that 2x4 like a twig."

    It's the SAME principle, like it or not. Worse, let's say that every major character recovers...Rick's actions have invalidated the Council. He's saying "If logistically speaking you guys aren't immediately available to weigh in on a major issue, I reserve the right to go over your heads and do whatever I think is best." Why have a Council if that's the case? Rick didn't even TRY to work within the system they've created. Carol could easily have been incarcerated until such time as the Council members either recovered and could address the situation, or various Council members die and replacements are voted in to address the issue.

    I think the council members would agree that if decisions need to be made, make them. Dont wait on someone that may never return. Again I would have taken Carol back and sat her down in front of Hershel and Maggie and spilled the beans. Thats just me. But I dont think Rick deserves the hate he gets. And if Carol was imprisoned doesnt that go against your idea of lack of manpower and helping out. How can she be along side Hershel and imprisoned?

    Frankly, the Tyreese is going to rage out argument doesn't hold water either. He's such a loose cannon presently that he's a CLEAR AND PRESENT danger to himself and others.

    Actually I dont see Tyrese going rage murder on Carol had that played out so I agree here. I think he would be so shocked, hurt and disgusted that he asked Carol to look after his sick sister and she cowardly on more than one occassion didnt fess up. And would the rest of the group stood by and watched Tyrese beat her to death? I doubt that because that morality gets in the way. I think Rick looked at the totality of events and made a call.

    A very good episode in so many ways, but I feel they're straying into non-fun territory with the Rick he now does the very things he's killed others for doing, and doesn't seem to have any internal realization of that fact.
    Again I dont know what you are talking about here. And how can Rick be accused of pre apocolypse morality and then not having internal realization? These decisions are painful to him. I think thats implied. He hates this world and hates making decisions. I'd follow Rick Grimes though team Maggie is really really appealing

    edit. Serious apologies as I have butchered Wylde's post. I am computer illiterate and still havent figured out how to post multi quotes......I give up
    Last edited by facestabber; 11-Nov-2013 at 07:25 PM. Reason: addition

  3. #18
    Walking Dead kidgloves's Avatar

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    This is the last time I watch a stream of anything at 2? in the morning. Couldn't help myself and drink had been taken.
    I've now watched the episode on the tv with a sound system. What a difference. My opinion has completely changed.
    A very good episode.
    The body is the instrument on which imagination plays.


  4. #19
    Walking Dead Legion2213's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by kidgloves View Post
    This is the last time I watch a stream of anything at 2? in the morning. Couldn't help myself and drink had been taken.
    I've now watched the episode on the tv with a sound system. What a difference. My opinion has completely changed.
    A very good episode.
    Too many people seem to do this! Folks with nice 42" + HDTV's watching a show on a 15" laptop screen or the like...crazy!

    I always transfer to a USB stick or if I can be arsed rig the PC to TV with the HDMI cable. Far better experience, sitting in a comfy chair, some snacks, able to hear the dialogue properly, able to really see whats going on etc. Just a far better experience!
    Oblivion gallops closer, favoring the spur, sparing the rein - I think we will be gone soon

  5. #20
    Walking Dead kidgloves's Avatar

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    Yeah. Thats what I normally do as well. Its been a bit of a ritual on a Monday morning all through Mad Men, Breaking Bad and now TWD.
    I just found myself awake and semi coherent and thought why not?
    Never again.
    The body is the instrument on which imagination plays.


  6. #21
    Walking Dead Moon Knight's Avatar

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    Wyld still hates Rick for what he did to Shane.

    Anyway, great episode and what a wild ride it was. If last week's episode was about Carol, then this one is certainly owned by Hershel. I've always said Hershel is one of my favorite characters and "Internment" proves why. Very exciting and just when you think things are finally going to slow down for out heroes, the motherfucking Governor shows up. GOLD.
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."

  7. #22
    Rising rongravy's Avatar

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    Yeah, I thought Herschel was going to buy the farm a few times. The zombie chick that woke up, that he passed to help Tyreese's sister...
    Wasn't she in the next cell? Why didn't she immediately go after him?
    And WTF, Hersch'? They need to quit trying to sugarcoat shit all the time. He should've been knifing them in the head ASAP when he realized they were RIP.
    It's not like these kids haven't probably already seen the worst. I wouldn't be hauling bodies all the way outside before I brained them. I might be willing to turn my body in front of you, and icepick him as I cough really loudly at the same time, but that's about it.
    This episode will definitely keep your panties bunched. Also knew the cavalry would ride in to save the day at just the right time, but was still happy to see it. I knew Glen wasn't going to get offed, but wondered about his future dad in law...
    And yikes, only 3 more episodes before the break, just wen it's getting realllllll good.

  8. #23
    Just been bitten Harleydude666's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wyldwraith View Post
    Carol (If she even did it, which I doubt very much at this point) knifed Karen and David to try and prevent the disease's spread. NOTHING she has said or done indicates she would kill anyone else now that the disease is rampant. What she WOULD DO is stop the needless RISKING OF LIVES by Herschel's ridiculous "Lets move a body that could reanimate at any moment and spring into action like the Walker that cost Herschel his leg, just so people dont have to see the dead being knifed to prevent reanimation.

    You all do understand that the death of the man who came out of the cell to try and protect Herschel when the Walker grabbed him, his blood is on Herschel's hands. Had a) Herschel done as Doc Caleb suggested and started carrying the shotgun, no problem. b) If they weren't being so prissy about disposal of the dead, there wouldn't have been a near-repeat of the Patrick-Walker-overrun of Cell Block D. Glenn nearly died because of Herschel's policies. The man is selfless to a fault, and has admirable humanity, compassion and wisdom in many areas...but his hesitancy when it comes to dealing with Walkers directly just cost the life of someone who wasn't sick.

    I strongly believe that had she returned to the Prison, Carol would've been right in there with Herschel, allowing desperately needed rest on Glenn and Sasha's part...and would only knife those who were already gone. I believe it's very difficult to deny that Herschel's moralizing, coupled with his understandable fatigue, just cost a life that didnt need to be lost.

    That's without even getting into the fact the Prison is so critically undermanned that Rick's pre-apocalypse moral code is becoming more of a hindrance with every passing moment. Carol is not a serial killer, and even if she DID do it, and even if it was a bad call, exile is the same as slow execution. Look at how things went for Michonne and Andrea, and they had each other. But Rick has a penchant for if not pulling a trigger or thrusting with a blade somehow makes him less a killer.

    I'm still holding onto hope that Rick's eventually going to get a clue, but right now his pre-apocalypse moralizing is annoying to watch, and his judgmental behavior when it suits him is downright ruining the character. What Rick is essentially saying is this: "I don't want to be responsible for the heavy decisions....until something happens and I change my mind, then I want to be free to exercise unilateral punishment in a way I am willing to kill others for doing."

    Rick can't have it both ways. Either the buck stops with him, or he has to stop making calls that are life and death for others. In a very unfair, very arbitrary apocalypse, its a sort of unfair the group shouldn't have to deal with, having Rick just jump in and do what he wants whenever he feels moved to do so.

    I could make an argument that Shane could, using the EXACT SAME reasoning, said "I'm making the decision to bust open the barn and eliminate the Walkers inside for ME."

    How's it different? Rick perceived Carol as a threat, so he got rid of her via his sense of entitlement to make such calls. Shane perceived that creaky-ass barn with its mini-horde of barely-contained Walkers as an imminent threat, and made a unilateral decision that was actually more valid than Rick's decision to oust Carol, because Shane announced his intentions prior to taking action, armed everyone, and let their willingness or unwillingness to participate in the Walker extermination speak for itself.

    Watch the Mythbusters episode they referenced in last night's Talking Dead. Adam and Jamie empirically proved that the depicted # of Walkers in the barn could NOT ONLY breach it, but that a single surge of the majority of the Walker-bodies (you know, the type of behavior they exhibit ALL THE TIME at the Prison fence) would in Adam's words "Snap that 2x4 like a twig."

    It's the SAME principle, like it or not. Worse, let's say that every major character recovers...Rick's actions have invalidated the Council. He's saying "If logistically speaking you guys aren't immediately available to weigh in on a major issue, I reserve the right to go over your heads and do whatever I think is best." Why have a Council if that's the case? Rick didn't even TRY to work within the system they've created. Carol could easily have been incarcerated until such time as the Council members either recovered and could address the situation, or various Council members die and replacements are voted in to address the issue.

    Frankly, the Tyreese is going to rage out argument doesn't hold water either. He's such a loose cannon presently that he's a CLEAR AND PRESENT danger to himself and others.

    A very good episode in so many ways, but I feel they're straying into non-fun territory with the Rick he now does the very things he's killed others for doing, and doesn't seem to have any internal realization of that fact.
    I guess you don't realize Rick made the Carol decision for the group but also for Carol's life. I'm surprised you didn't see it that way. And if she comes back to the prison with the sickness can you imagine the hysteria it would cause?

  9. #24
    Twitching sandrock74's Avatar

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    Why are people upset about Hershel using the gurney to wheel the dead out of the cell block? If you look at the gurney, it had at least one black strap on it, that common sense would say was used under the white sheet. Yes, the dead person would eventually reanimate, but the straps would prevent them from "springing up". Hershel is a decent man, yes, but he's not stupid. I'm sure he used any straps available on the gurney as a safety precaution.

  10. #25
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  11. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by sandrock74 View Post
    Why are people upset about Hershel using the gurney to wheel the dead out of the cell block? If you look at the gurney, it had at least one black strap on it, that common sense would say was used under the white sheet. Yes, the dead person would eventually reanimate, but the straps would prevent them from "springing up". Hershel is a decent man, yes, but he's not stupid. I'm sure he used any straps available on the gurney as a safety precaution.

    Yeah, I've no problem with Hersh dealing with the dead the way he is...these are his people, shanking them in the eye or ear in front of other people with exactly the same sickness isn't the most sensitive thing to do, all Hersh is doing is being considerate...which is why he is one of my favourite TWD characters, mostly because he refuses to let go of his basic humanity, whilst still understanding the situation they are in.
    Oblivion gallops closer, favoring the spur, sparing the rein - I think we will be gone soon

  12. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by sandrock74 View Post
    Why are people upset about Hershel using the gurney to wheel the dead out of the cell block? If you look at the gurney, it had at least one black strap on it, that common sense would say was used under the white sheet. Yes, the dead person would eventually reanimate, but the straps would prevent them from "springing up". Hershel is a decent man, yes, but he's not stupid. I'm sure he used any straps available on the gurney as a safety precaution.
    Because they rather him shank them in front of those whose fate mirrors those of the dearly departed; you know, like Carol would.

    “A sad soul can kill quicker than a germ.”
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."

  13. #28
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    Hershel kicked ass like some uber bad Santa Claus! Also a grand tip-O-dee-chapeau to Rick & Carl's M-16 bullet vomit! Odd that they keep their weapons outdoors with gun barrels upwards though. Still a fun episode overall.

    With regards to Hershel's actions wheeling the dead out of sight before the "knife netty treatment", he's the moral/religious compass for the group. Makes sense from that perspective I'd say.
    Last edited by Ragnarr; 12-Nov-2013 at 12:32 AM. Reason: edit
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  14. #29
    Twitching sandrock74's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Knight View Post
    Because they rather him shank them in front of those whose fate mirrors those of the dearly departed; you know, like Carol would.
    One thing we all need to keep in mind: we don't know what anyone on the show would or wouldn't do in made up situations. Just for some examples: we don't know that Daryl will get pissed at Rick and leave to go search for Carol. We don't know that Carol would go on a shanking spree. We don't know Batman will beat up Superman, etc..

    Unless someone is a writer on the show, they don't know what anyone will/would do. It's all just opinions in our heads what we think characters would do. (and we all know what they say about opinions! we all got 'em!)

    I know, just speaking for myself, I like to relax and watch everything and enjoy it for what it is, escapist entertainment. I rather enjoy it when characters don't do what I would expect them to. Otherwise, where's the fun? (and Moony, this isn't directed at you, just a general blanket statement is all.)

  15. #30
    Walking Dead Moon Knight's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by sandrock74 View Post
    One thing we all need to keep in mind: we don't know what anyone on the show would or wouldn't do in made up situations. Just for some examples: we don't know that Daryl will get pissed at Rick and leave to go search for Carol. We don't know that Carol would go on a shanking spree. We don't know Batman will beat up Superman, etc..

    Unless someone is a writer on the show, they don't know what anyone will/would do. It's all just opinions in our heads what we think characters would do. (and we all know what they say about opinions! we all got 'em!)

    I know, just speaking for myself, I like to relax and watch everything and enjoy it for what it is, escapist entertainment. I rather enjoy it when characters don't do what I would expect them to. Otherwise, where's the fun? (and Moony, this isn't directed at you, just a general blanket statement is all.)
    I could agree with that.
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."


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