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Thread: TWD 4x10 "Inmates" episode discussion... **SPOILERS WITHIN**

  1. #46

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    The only thing that's bothered me lately about melee weapon use:
    When Rick buried that hatchet in the crown of the Walkers head, and him and Carl were arguing with Rick demanding Carl not shoot, and Carl shooting when it became obvious Rick was about to be munched....that hatchet had a wedge-type blade. I have no problem with it getting stuck in the skull, but the odds of it not penetrating deep enough to down the Walker were very poor IMO. Yes, on the one hand Rick is the walking wounded, and therefore much weaker than normal. On the other hand, however, close-quarters grappling with a Walker will DAMNED SURE get the adrenaline pumping. Had the conflict been more protracted I would've been a complete believer in Rick's already extremely depleted stamina giving out...similar to Glenn after that spurt of activity where he killed multiple Walkers and then passed out. As brief a clash as it was though, I strongly believe that adrenaline alone could've provided the necessary strength to bury the hatchet deep enough to do the deed.

    If one just leaves it at that, it's nothing but a nitpick. However, had they tweaked the scene during the back-and-forth arguing over Carl not shooting so that Rick, with the last of his strength terminates the Walker and then "grays out" while trying to pull the hatchet from the downed Walker's skull I feel the scene would've held more meaning. Essentially saying "Yes, Carl's come a long, LONG way...but he's still quite young and still has much to learn from Rick. To be fair though, the writers did incorporate that subtext about Carl's development still having a long way to go before he's the "complete package" survivor with the scene where he lost his shoe to the Walker during his narrowest of escapes...yet I can't help feeling that had they written it so Rick turned out to be right by proving able to finish the Walker with the hatchet the scene where Carl made his narrow escape would've more deeply underscored the point about Carl a) Still having much to learn, and b) That his pronounced tendency to believe he's as capable as any of the adult survivors is Carl's Achilles heel.

    All this aside, as I said before I really dug this episode. Since we're discussing the episode in detail however, I felt these were points that bore mentioning.

    On other fronts, I agree with the theory that gunfire...errant or aimed at the bus was responsible for the slaughter that occurred within it. Given that a lot of those people weren't far from Death's doorstep to begin with due to the sickness at the Prison, even otherwise non-lethal gunshot trauma would've been fatal to most of those very physically depleted individuals. Given that streak of bullet holes in the bus's side would've been at about the height to strike anyone who was sitting up in a seat from the upper abdomen to the chest, and given that a lot of those people were slouched or sort of laying on the seats with their heads propped up (no doubt to help their breathing)....several of the bus occupants would likely have been struck in areas that would've rapidly proven fatal even for a healthy individual.

    Or maybe we're looking at this backward. Perhaps the added stress of all hell breaking loose at the prison, coupled with the sudden moving of critically ill individuals resulted in 2-3 reanimations at approximately the same juncture and someone on the bus opened fire as the newly risen Walkers began attacking people...only to have something throw off his/her aim suddenly, such as the bus lurching to a stop or another Walker lunging out of one of the seats at the gun-wielder. There's no reason that streak of bullet holes couldn't be exit holes just as easily as entrance holes. That said, I'll concede the case for the bus being struck from outside is on the face of things a stronger one considering what was going down at the Prison as the bus pulled away. It does surprise me that NO ONE who was actually in the bus when it left the prison survived. A narrow bus aisle, probably congested at some point by one or more bodies should've proven at least a temporary impediment to any Walkers headed for the front of the bus. Coupled with the easy escape route of the bus's front doors it begs the question why no one survived long enough to pull the lever and open said door.

    About the ID of the Karen/David killer: Just wanted to chime in and say I agree that Carol was the one who dragged the bodies outside and burned them, but VEHEMENTLY DISAGREE with the notion that Carol and Lizzie killed them TOGETHER. There is no way in HELL Carol would've exposed Lizzie to something like that willingly. It's possible Carol did it all, especially in light of the Talking Dead comments by McBride...but I still believe Lizzie did the killing as proof she wasn't "weak" to Carol. Again though, the longer the Carol/Tyreese/Lizzie/Micah survival situation goes on, the more irrelevant in practice the truth becomes, because sooner or later Tyreese is going to catch wise to the fact Lizzie is a sadistic sociopath. From there he's likely to draw his own conclusions...especially since he was aware of the Walker-luring with mice at the Prison fence, and was the one that discovered that mutilated animal pinned to a board in the bowels of the Prison. The pieces (IMHO) are likely to just fall into place for him like tumbling dominoes.

  2. #47
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    THIS WAS A GOOD EPISODE. I used caps lock.

  3. #48
    Just been bitten Buzzbomb's Avatar

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    Wyld raised an interesting point a couple of pages back - If in TWD universe, walkers go passive & act as a deterrent/camouflage (as evidenced my Michone x2 and Andrea x1) - so why not claim a farm (or Prison) and create a perimeter of armless/jawless walkers tethered to the outer fence? That would create a perfect zombie barrier.

    For me this this episode didn't work particulary well - the zombies were (as usual) excellent & I liked the fact that the guy that got bit / told Tyrese & co where the safe haven could be found later/earlier attacked Beth/Darryl - But the 2 later segments were dire.

    I mean - Glen, comes 'round on the edge of a walkway which must have been hit by tank shell, without hardly a scratch? and then charges a group of zombies, which have previously demonstrated the ability to bite through denim trousers?

    And then Walkers attracted by fire? (NTOLD anyone?)

    Seriously? ...Where the **** did that truck with the 'A' Team materialise from?

    The most annoying thing, however, was how all main characters have a John Wayne/Big Daddy anti-bullet, anti-zombie vibe - except the alcoholic medic guy... TWD is turning into a soap with zombies & I'm now more or less rooting for the 'Z's...

    They need to kill more of the main characters off (at least in a major showdown such as the prison exit) & ditch the 'will they / won't they' reveals (Rick/pseudo Glenn).

    I'm rooting for the zombies...


    PS: Wyld - Tyresse doesn't know Carol did it. Rick and Darryl were about to tell him when the Governor lit the fireworks.

    PSII: Lizzie wasting a bunch of edible rabbits? (was that a homage to Bill Monroe/The Monroe Brothers 'Feast Here Tonight (Rabbit In The Log)' song?? - sorry I'm a bluegrass nut)

  4. #49

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    Glenn wasn't on that walkway when it was hit, he likely collapsed there because of fatigue.

  5. #50
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Buzzbomb View Post
    And then Walkers attracted by fire? (NTOLD anyone?)
    I thought they were scared of fire generally?
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  6. #51
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    It is a nifty idea to surround a compound by jawless/armless walkers ... but at the same time, that's an awful lot of work, particularly if you want to have enough space to grow crops etc ... and it'll take a hell of a lot of work, a lot of tethering, and it'll either take absolutely sodding ages because there's not many walkers nearby, or it'll be suicidal if there's enough of them around because you'll just get swamped.

    Abraham & Co were obviously driving through the area. There's going to be pockets of survivors criss-crossing all over the place, so stands to reason that at some point they're going to cross paths with them - we've seen groups cross paths before, so why not still?

    Killing off a main character should be a big deal, it shouldn't just be killing them off just to kill someone off ... we need time with these characters, they need time to develop into something more than fodder with a vague personality (look at how much Carol has changed!), they need to stick around so that there's a chance of survival in this world, and then when they die it's a decided loss to the group and to the viewers ... otherwise it's just cheap, overly frequent, and of little consequence ... it'd just be a boring meat grinder. Besides, if they can all survive untouched for months on-end, but then all of a sudden within a couple of weeks/a month (the usual time-frame for a season's worth of episodes) a whole raft of them die, it's just a bit convenient. You also don't want to kill off too many people as each added death takes impact away from other deaths. There were plenty of deaths in the prison battle - Hershel, The Governor, Megan, a whole bunch of side characters ... that's plenty for several episodes worth of time.

  7. #52
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Sorry, can someone explain to me why chopping off a jaw and two arms breaks the zombie's desire to attack you?
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
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  8. #53
    Just been bitten Morto Vivente's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Killing off a main character should be a big deal, it shouldn't just be killing them off just to kill someone off ... we need time with these characters, they need time to develop into something more than fodder with a vague personality (look at how much Carol has changed!), they need to stick around so that there's a chance of survival in this world, and then when they die it's a decided loss to the group and to the viewers ... otherwise it's just cheap, overly frequent, and of little consequence ... it'd just be a boring meat grinder. Besides, if they can all survive untouched for months on-end, but then all of a sudden within a couple of weeks/a month (the usual time-frame for a season's worth of episodes) a whole raft of them die, it's just a bit convenient. You also don't want to kill off too many people as each added death takes impact away from other deaths. There were plenty of deaths in the prison battle - Hershel, The Governor, Megan, a whole bunch of side characters ... that's plenty for several episodes
    worth of time.
    With you there MZ. I was fine with Hershel's death, particularly at the hands of The Governor. The thought of Hershel trying to make it on foot....Hmmm. Alternatively, if Glen had turned on the bus, personally I would have been pissed off. The tension and horror concerning the situation, and Maggie having to put him down would have delivered, but in retrospect it just wouldn't have felt right. I remember last season people were griping about how there were no sudden deaths, which is a fair point concerning the nature of the ZA. IMO whether they work or not depends on what comes before. If Glen had been more involved in the plot running up to the Governor's final assault, rather than being used to heighten the impact of the prison epidemic, then personally I would have felt more comfortable if he had reanimated. What would you do with Maggie? Father and husband both gone in such a short time?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    Sorry, can someone explain to me why chopping off a jaw and two arms breaks the zombie's desire to attack you?
    The idea of using walkers as camo' is good in theory, but I've haven't been convinced that it translates in practice either.
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  9. #54
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by shootemindehead View Post
    Good episode all round. But, it's a pity that the baby isn't brown bread, cos that story is going nowhere.
    Yeah really.. i was disappointed by that too, its a total tvland cop out!

  10. #55
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    I'm glad I wasn't the only one kind of disappointed Judith was alive. Even if I expected it because of the hints dropped at the end of the first half of the season.

    HOWEVER, It would be really awesome if Judith falls victim to some of the upcoming events that comic fans will know. "Tainted meat!"

  11. #56
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    Sorry, can someone explain to me why chopping off a jaw and two arms breaks the zombie's desire to attack you?
    I have nothing definitive on this, however I suggest you go back a page or so and read Wyldwraith's excellent thoughts on that very question.

    Quote Originally Posted by shootemindehead View Post
    it's a pity that the baby isn't brown bread
    What does whether she's breastfed have to do with anything?

    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    I'm glad I wasn't the only one kind of disappointed Judith was alive.
    No worries there, Bass. The world is full of horrible people

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Buzzbomb View Post
    Wyld raised an interesting point a couple of pages back - If in TWD universe, walkers go passive & act as a deterrent/camouflage (as evidenced my Michone x2 and Andrea x1) - so why not claim a farm (or Prison) and create a perimeter of armless/jawless walkers tethered to the outer fence? That would create a perfect zombie barrier.
    Cool idea, in theory, but it sounds like a bitch to pull off. Would be cool to see someone having 'defanged' walkers staked at pathways and perimeters in some fashion going forward.

    Glen, comes 'round on the edge of a walkway which must have been hit by tank shell, without hardly a scratch?
    Nothing indicates Glenn was present when the damage happened to the walkway. Most likely it was a convenient place to climb to before he collapsed. Not sure how anyone is supposed to get the idea that he withstood a shot from a tank. That's going out of the way to make a heavily negative assumption, no?

    and then charges a group of zombies, which have previously demonstrated the ability to bite through denim trousers?
    Well, it's riot gear.

    And then Walkers attracted by fire? (NTOLD anyone?)
    Momentarily distracted by sudden noise, heat (if they can feel heat) and light? Doesn't seem too bad a stretch.

    Seriously? ...Where the **** did that truck with the 'A' Team materialise from?
    This was an odd one, but you have to figure Glenn and Tara(?) were preoccupied with the zombies and probably assume a lot of the vehicles in the road standing still are they didn't notice it till they stared right at it.

    The most annoying thing, however, was how all main characters have a John Wayne/Big Daddy anti-bullet, anti-zombie vibe - except the alcoholic medic guy... TWD is turning into a soap with zombies & I'm now more or less rooting for the 'Z's...
    Well, it's a long running series, not a one-off horror movie. Plus, they have definitely killed some major characters as the seasons have moved forward, they just tend to save a lot of the important characters for somewhat important deaths at pivotal junctures.

    Also, Michonne totally got the Governor's stealth power-up when she katanaed him.

    They need to kill more of the main characters off (at least in a major showdown such as the prison exit) & ditch the 'will they / won't they' reveals (Rick/pseudo Glenn).
    Well, I'd imagine that the more new characters they bring in will free up more old characters to go out, but I'm also sure some will stick around for a bit.

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  12. #57
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by AcesandEights View Post
    I have nothing definitive on this, however I suggest you go back a page or so and read Wyldwraith's excellent thoughts on that very question.
    Sorry, I must be being dim! Where is this comment?
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
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  13. #58
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    Sorry, I must be being dim! Where is this comment?
    Sorry, most of his thoughts were from the previous episode thread. Some of these discussions really run together for me, especially after stacking viewings this last week.

    From this thread it was more about the camo effect:
    Quote Originally Posted by Wyldwraith View Post

    (BTW, if we're accepting the logic of the jawless/armless Walkers serving as active Walker extension then two listless/inactive jawless and armless Walkers standing passively at the ends of their tied-off leads like a horse that's been left at a hitching post SHOULD serve to keep other Walkers from going into hunting mode concerning the house Carl, Rick and Michonne are in. Sort of the reverse of the daisy-chain-herd effect. Ie: In "Walker Logic" other Walkers see those two Walkers in "Passive Standby Mode" and, barring any loud noises or eye-catching sights through a window or somesuch, other Walkers should consider the house devoid of prey. At least that seems to be the logical extension of Michonne's "Walker Camo Technique" IMO.
    From last episodes thread Wyld touches more on the question you asked:
    Quote Originally Posted by Wyldwraith View Post
    About the "Pet Zombie technique",
    One thing we DO know from TS-(whatever # it was), the episode with Dr. Jenner showing reanimation moment by moment on the big screen and narrating what the group was that the "R-Complex" reactivates first. HOWEVER, Jenner did NOT say the R-Complex reactivates undamaged/unaffected. Just first. The reason I make the distinction is scientists believe that bit of reptile jelly may have as much to do with the urge to screw as it does the urge to eat. Since we don't see sexualized Walkers, that bit must remain offline.

    But ANYWAYS, my point in even mentioning the R-Complex. If the Walkers are indeed "Eat Motivated" on a primal neurological level then there's a case to be made for Walkers losing their active impetus if they completely lose the implements required for biting/ripping etc etc. No, I don't think it would be as fast as "Chop, chop, Slice the Jaw. Chop, chop, slice the jaw. Poof, instant undead marionettes." I would be MUCH happier with the phenomena if they depicted something like the Walkers mutilated in such fashion as sort of "spazzing out" for a minute or so as instinct fails to come to grips with their altered physical reality.

    Second and last point is a two-parter. One, they let Michonne get away with it cuz Darabont obviously thought it was a cool idea at some point. Two, consider the logistics of a Jawless, Double-Amputee Walker still trying to attack someone. It would quite literally have people laughing hysterically in many cases, and that just wrecks the hell out of the show's atmosphere.

    Last thing: If they wanted to do a better job of selling the Mutilated Pet Zombie mechanism, they'd show us some Walkers that whether by misadventure or simple advanced decomposition have been rendered structurally unable to hunt being equally apathetic about the presence of humans.

    I DID enjoy zombies like the moss-covered half-zombie reminiscent of Bicycle Zombie from episode one. That was an excellent and very believable example of what would happen to a corpse in Central/South Georgia that was rendered immobile for a prolonged length of time. Little touches like that from last season help sell the entire Walker phenomena, at least IMHO.

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  14. #59
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    ^^ I see...

    Yes, it would almost be worth seeing them trying to bite and feed.... failing and almost giving up and resigning themselves to not being able to do so. Hence them becoming docile...
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  15. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    Sorry, can someone explain to me why chopping off a jaw and two arms breaks the zombie's desire to attack you?
    I don't think it can be explained my friend. I accepted michonne's pets when she was first introduced but the immediate transformation of her second set was a tad much to suspend disbelief. The zombie rules of this show can be frustrating at times.


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