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Thread: TWD 4x15 "Us" episode discussion... **SPOILERS WITHIN**

  1. #16
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Finally a reference to Day. I'd wondered why there were so many references to Night and Dawn, even Jaws and American Werewolf in London, but none from Nicotero's first outing with the dead. Now we need a reference to Dr. Tongue and Rhodes.

    Oh yeah....and the episode was decent enough. I'm wondering if the final line of dialogue is a reference for comic fans....
    Last edited by bassman; 24-Mar-2014 at 03:03 PM. Reason: .

  2. #17
    Dead facestabber's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by JonOfTheShred View Post
    Yea, you're right. Didn't they KILL the 2nd bowmen that framed Daryl? Just left him dead on the side of the building with his own arrow in his head? Then Daryl went to throw a blanket over him, but decided against it. If that's what happened,

    They definitely aren't the Hunters. Because they'd EAT that mothafucka. My money is more on Terminus being a remix of the St John Dairy Farm from the mediocre game.

    ALSO, maybe they're setting Daryl up for his own spin-off? That would make all the fangirls heads explode. It seems like simultaneously the hokiest yet profit-guaranteed path AMC's "spin-off" could take. The Adventures of Daryl Dixon would get guaranteed ratings. It would actually benefit all the Daryl haters here too, in that he'd exit this show and leave us with comic characters. Not that I support that idea, I think it would be corny as hell, but it just seems plausible, something AMC would do. And Kirkman is a troll, he would run with it.

    Yes they did kill him. And you could be on to something with Daryl Dixon spinoff. It would be a win win for vast majority. As a huge Daryl fan I'd rather him stay with TWD as I like him here. I too see it being corny. Now the growth and maturation of Daryl has been fun to watch. One of my favorite scene's is after he steps forward and puts down Dale and Rick thanks him. A once conceited and out for himself/Merle replies, "you shouldnt have to do all the heavy lifting". Nobody(with a good soul) wants to shoot a good man in the head even if it is in the sake of mercy. Rick/sophia Daryl/Dale Carol/Lizzie, thats all hardcore shit right there.

    Previews and all notoriously mess with us viewers. But I have an increasing suspicion that they may actually snuff out Rick Grimes. Kirkman has an ever increasing ego of "I know whats best" and would love to make a bold move. Carl is old enough now and he and Rick are essentially built to be the same character. Why keep two when you can literally shock the world and make everyone's head spin by killing Rick. I wouldn't like this to happen but I'm starting to think just maybe. Let me end by saying my predictions are usually wrong.

  3. #18
    Walking Dead Moon Knight's Avatar

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    They have already confirmed that the spin off series will be set in a totally different setting and will be completely stand alone with new characters.

    It's also way too early to kill off Rick imo. Would be bold but most importantly a big mistake.

    And, yes, the ending definitely gave sense as to what happens next.
    Last edited by Moon Knight; 24-Mar-2014 at 04:46 PM. Reason: Can't type today.
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."

  4. #19
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    A solid episode - I really enjoyed Eugene in this one. It's nice to have a little bit of light heartedness to off-set the darkness that's otherwise going on.

    Loved the 'holey' puppet walker in the tunnel (Glenn shined a light through it).

    Quote Originally Posted by facestabber View Post
    Did I see a Bub homage in the tunnel?
    Like you lot I spotted the Bub walker immediately - an awesome easter egg cameo there for we Day fans.

    Hey - 3x15 (directed by Nicotero) featured an awesome Dawn zombie easter egg, and now 4x15 (also directed by Nicotero) features an awesome Bub reference.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rottedfreak View Post
    Season 5 episode 15: Big Daddy reference with a zombie butcher and cheerleader next to him.

    Quote Originally Posted by rongravy View Post
    And it was nice of them to confirm it was those guys in the house with Rick. Confrontation coming up soon...
    Daryl carving up their backsides all unawares.
    Yes, good to finally have confirmation ... so not, as I was starting to think (along with some others), Daryl downstairs in 4x11 ... but good that things are tying ever closer together.

    Quote Originally Posted by Legion2213 View Post
    Daryls new mates aren't very nice chaps are they? Shady bunch indeed! Warming to the military guys now and the chick looks far better in proper clothes.

    Maggies smile lights up the world, no wonder Glenn is her bitch, I would be as well!

    I expect some news about Beth next week...which should tie all the plots up and set up next season

    Terminus seems a bit "odd".
    1) Yeah, shady alright ... his main rival was a total scumbag (glad the gang snuffed him out) ... properly creepy when he was talking about 'the young ones'. YEUCH!!! However, that all said, in a messed up kind of way, I kinda like Joe. He's the leader of a pack of feral wolves, but he's got a clear leadership model and plays fair by his established rules ... you'd have to be very wary of him, but for the time being, you'd do alright to stick by him and keep your mouth shut ... ... then again, he's going to show his true colours as they've clearly got a mission to track down Rick.

    2) Me too - oh, Maggie...

    3) I'm wondering if season four will end on a massive Beth-related cliff hanger. Kirkman mentioned there was gonna be a cliffhanger, so perhaps that's what it could be.

    4) Yeah ... there is something odd about Terminus now. I was expecting something different...

    The housing estate that had been set up by the government before the shit hit the fan.

    But now I'm thinking...

    This could be The Hunters' base camp and they're luring desperate people to them so they don't actually have to go out hunting that much ... their version of take out food.

    Potential for some gruesome and grim stuff!

    Quote Originally Posted by ProfessorChaos View Post
    my only real gripe about this episode was another out-of-place crappy song used at the end....and i really don't think abraham or eugene work very well and both come off as incredibly cheesy.
    The final moments did need music I'd say, however I wasn't that fond of the choice either. They've picked worse, but they've picked better too. Needle drop music has been used too frequently this season, particularly in these recent episodes ... I wonder if Bear McCreary isn't as available at the moment or something? I'd have preferred a piece of scored music instead ... but ultimately I don't think the scene would have worked without some form of music.

    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Knight View Post
    I found the opening scene with Glenn running down the tracks; actually smiling before cutting to the opening credits pretty cool. Good to finally see him happy.

    The tunnel scene was a bit claustrophobic and like everyone else I notice Bub right away! The collar was a nice touch. Also, didn't Tara hurt her ankle in "Live Bait" as well?

    Loved the scene between Rick, Michonne, and Carl at the tracks. I don't think Rick is getting written off anytime soon; I just see these back half episodes as a way to give everyone a story. It's working quite well, even though I'll be honest in saying I really do miss seeing Rick every episode. He's my favorite Character.

    Abraham's group feels like they don't belong on this show. Maybe it's the comedy aspect. As long as they tone it down a bit, I wouldn't mind Abraham giving us some light hearted moments. Rosita was also presented much better.
    Yeah, it's good to have some hope in this world, so Glenn charging after Maggie was nice. Like he said - the blood was still wet, so she was pretty close. What good husband wouldn't take off running after his lady love?

    I do hope Rick stays around. I know there's a lot of speculation flying around all over the net at the moment, and Kirkman teasing us all with "nobody's safe!" statements etc, but I do think it'd be a big mistake to kill off Rick. As I've said before, the essence of TWD is a father/son story set against this backdrop. If you mess with that it risks the heart of the show, and indeed the anchor of the entire story.

    They certainly know how to makes the fans feel nervous!

    All this talk could be preparing the audience, or just as likely (if not more so) it could be bluster to put us off the scent, but they need to be careful too - remember the promise of war for the climax of season three? While I didn't mind how season 3 finished, I understand why others would have felt cheated.

    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Knight View Post
    They have already confirmed that the spin off series will be set in a totally different setting and will be completely stand alone with new characters.

    It's also way too early to kill off Rick imo. Would be bold but most importantly a big mistake.
    Yup and yup.


    TWD 4x15 memes:

  5. #20
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    I definitely enjoyed this episode. A good mix of character interactions, some action and things are definitely moving forward. Seems like it's going to be an awfully long wait till October after the next episode, though

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  6. #21
    Walking Dead Moon Knight's Avatar

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    Kirkman did confirm...

    The season will end with a cliffhanger and will make the wait from season 4 to 5 the worst yet. Also was asked 1 word to describe the finale. His answer- "Savage."
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."

  7. #22
    Rising rongravy's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by JonOfTheShred View Post

    ALSO, maybe they're setting Daryl up for his own spin-off? That would make all the fangirls heads explode. It seems like simultaneously the hokiest yet profit-guaranteed path AMC's "spin-off" could take. The Adventures of Daryl Dixon would get guaranteed ratings. It would actually benefit all the Daryl haters here too, in that he'd exit this show and leave us with comic characters. Not that I support that idea, I think it would be corny as hell, but it just seems plausible, something AMC would do. And Kirkman is a troll, he would run with it.
    So... you're saying Daryl is the Chachi of TWD? If I remember correctly, it didn't work out well for him, or Jonie, either...

  8. #23
    Twitching thxleo's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    Finally a reference to Day. I'd wondered why there were so many references to Night and Dawn, even Jaws and American Werewolf in London, but none from Nicotero's first outing with the dead. Now we need a reference to Dr. Tongue and Rhodes.
    There was another reference to DAY in the first half of the season. There was a character that attempted to get up off of his bed in the prison, after he'd become a zombie, and when he did his guts fell out. That was a nod to the autopsy zombie. I can't remember the name of the episode though, but it was in one of the first few episodes.

  9. #24
    Walking Dead kidgloves's Avatar

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    I thought this episode was pretty poor. Glens decision to go into the tunnel was ridiculous. I thought the writers ideas were great but something seems to happen when it comes to putting the ideas on screen. I still think this show really struggles with dialogue and I'm not sure if it's the actors delivery or the way it's written but I found myself rolling my eyes frequently during this episode.
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  10. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by thxleo View Post
    There was another reference to DAY in the first half of the season. There was a character that attempted to get up off of his bed in the prison, after he'd become a zombie, and when he did his guts fell out. That was a nod to the autopsy zombie. I can't remember the name of the episode though, but it was in one of the first few episodes.
    It was "Infected".
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."

  11. #26
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thxleo View Post
    There was another reference to DAY in the first half of the season. There was a character that attempted to get up off of his bed in the prison, after he'd become a zombie, and when he did his guts fell out. That was a nod to the autopsy zombie. I can't remember the name of the episode though, but it was in one of the first few episodes.
    AH! Right you are, sir. I'd forgotten that one.

    I guess this was still the first direct character reference for Day though.

  12. #27
    Twitching thxleo's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    AH! Right you are, sir. I'd forgotten that one.

    I guess this was still the first direct character reference for Day though.
    I totally agree with you that having a Dr. Tongue reference would be fantastic. And I would not put it past Greg to eventually do it. He loves this shit even more than we do!
    Last edited by thxleo; 24-Mar-2014 at 11:27 PM. Reason: edit

  13. #28
    Walking Dead Moon Knight's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by thxleo View Post
    I totally agree with you that having a Dr. Tongue reference would be fantastic. And I would not put it past Greg to eventually do it. He loves this shit even more than we do!
    Dr Tongue will no doubt grace The Walking Dead one day!
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."

  14. #29
    Twitching sandrock74's Avatar

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    There was a female Dr. Tongue in an earlier episode:

  15. #30
    Walking Dead Moon Knight's Avatar

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    That's the Walker Daryl bolted in the face with his crossbow in "Vatos", yes she was.
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."


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