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Thread: TWD 5x02 "Strangers" episode discussion... **SPOILERS WITHIN*

  1. #46
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    So who really kidnapped beth and is now being pursued by daryl and carol?? Well get ready for a surprise...


  2. #47

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    First off,
    I *love* TWD as a show. If I didn't, I wouldn't CARE enough to give it sufficient thought to bring the show's occasional missteps into sharp relief. Also, if you notice the "nitpicks" I zero in on always have the same thing in common, however different the details are. To whit, they're things that are having, or will continue to have a major impact on the overall story, and things that create problematic "precedents" in the show.

    A few posts back I mentioned how certain otherwise minor plot flaws can, IMHO, pile upon each other until collectively they become a significant flaw.

    Example: Season after season the show has emphasized that travel over any significant distance is EXTREMELY hazardous and challenging. Everything from impassable roads due to densely packed abandoned vehicles, to wandering mega-herds are portrayed as potent reasons why the survivors can't just form up a vehicle convoy and say, head somewhere far away and vastly less populated. Yet now and then the writers seem to cast that aspect of the reality they've crafted completely aside just for the sake of making the newest plot developments expedient.

    Or the whole zombie smell thing, which as a corollary includes the whole "Anti-Walker camo" effect of smearing Walker viscera all over a live human to render them "invisible" to Walkers. (Incidentally, here's a BEAUTIFUL compromise the writers could use that states: Yes, the whole Walker gut smearing camo works....but here's the good reason why people only consider it under the direst of circumstances. It's even elegant in its simplicity. Just have a character use the tactic, then somehow get a significant cut/abrasion...and have them turn as a result. In one fell swoop you've explained why this tactic has been considered a viable part of the canon precedents story-wise, while also demonstrating an EXTREMELY COMPELLING reason why survivors don't just use said tactic all the time.

    As a rule I'm fine with all aspects of the lore TWD writers develop...I, (like many others I've seen post to this effect) simply don't consider it too much to ask from the show that it doesn't suddenly overturn its own "lore precedents" for no other reason than what is obviously simple expediency on the part of the writers. If zombies can "smell" humans, fine. If zombies CAN'T "smell" humans, also fine. Just don't have them able to sniff out survivors one moment, and then somehow shuffle past within inches of a hiding human without so much as a pause and sniffing of the air. PICK A PRECEDENT AND GO WITH IT!

    Finally, Team Rick was already seriously distrustful of other people and very much on edge owing to their narrow escape from Terminus. Now Bob has vanished in a way any rational person in their circumstances would conclude was the work of humans, not Walkers....(Doesn't necessarily mean they should be certain Gareth and his Hunters are said humans, but human-perpetrated foul play is the only reasonable conclusion Team Rick can draw, I think we can all agree on that much.) I'm just hoping we see the stark and immediate increased defensiveness of Team Rick play out with a certain amount of intelligence.

    The writers have (seemingly) contrived to rush the re-engagement of the Hunters and Team Rick. I feel the Hunters have had more than their fair share of good breaks. Now IMO it's time for the balance to start swinging the other way. Super villains with unerring good fortune have been one of TWD's few substantial flaws. They went too far with the Governor....I'm hoping that Gimple's influence prevented the Hunters from subsisting almost entirely on obviously contrived "good luck"....

    After all, if you're one of the camp that believe protagonists have to make mistakes at times to advance the plot, then you should also believe the same to be true of major antagonists. In any case, nothing I've said should be taken as my beating up on TWD, or not liking it. I simply believe there are things they've done so far this Season that could've been handled a bit better is all.

    Oh, and Rick...if you loved reaching out to Morgan by walkie-talkie, maybe you should consider keeping an eye out for some more Walkies to be used by your so-often-divided group, eh? Just a thought Mr. Lawman Who Relied on Real-Time Communications devices for all the years he served as a peace officer.

  3. #48
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by zomtom View Post
    I also think Bob may have been bitten. Just by the way he was acting after being attacked. If this is the case, those nasty-assed Termites are eating him. I just wonder if the walker virus can survive the cooking process. It would be great to see those asses get sick and turn. It serves them right.
    Exactly what I was thinking... I suspect that will be the twist in the next episode? ie: They'll start getting ill!

    It seems too obvious he's been bitten, so it also seems too convenient as he's the one they've caught and started eating, that it'll backfire on them and they will suffer a painful slow death due to eating infected meat!
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
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  4. #49
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    Yay, I finally saw it!
    Brohoof at the beginning was cool. I thought all the make-up effects were really awesome throughout the episode: plenty of gore for all!
    Gabriel's interesting... Seems like quite the pansy, though. Maybe a decent guy. Initially I trust him. But I have to wonder...
    Oh yeah, Beth! I forgot about that kid! I hope she got a birthday. I hope they find her, too.
    Yay, cabbinilism! Not enough of that, IMO, so glad that's going on. RIP, Bob's left leg. I gotta say I liked this one almost as much as the first ep of the season, especially where the walkers 'r concerned.

  5. #50
    Just been bitten Buzzbomb's Avatar

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    I get worried when any of the characters uncharacteristically get a large quota of lines. That always seems to spell band news...

    I noticed Bob did seem to get progressively more sweaty in the closing scenes, so maybe he did get scratched & was starting to fever?

    I wonder whether Gabriel was just guilty over surviving - perhaps not opening the church doors to his flock when the outbreak hit? I guess, he'll have more sinister reasons, but I hope they do a back-fill story of some sort...

    +1 on the character inconsistencies issue. I love the show, but the writing is farcical at times.

  6. #51

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    Comics Related Spoiler RE: Bob/Cannibals:

    Everyone pukes, throws aside their food
    Bob: "TAINTED MEAT!"
    Gareth then kicks him unconscious. "SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!!!!"
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 26-Oct-2014 at 10:08 AM. Reason: Added spoiler tags.

  7. #52
    Walking Dead Moon Knight's Avatar

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    ^ spoiler alert.
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."

  8. #53
    Being Attacked RichW's Avatar

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    Dawwwwww ... thanks rotted ... all that time trying to avoid spoilers, now this! .. less than 24hrs away too! d'oh!!

    Is there any chance that a separate **SPOILER ALERT** thread could be started?

    PS, to anyone who thinks that some of the previous responses have been 'nit picking'.
    OK, I accept your point of view, but these are mine /yours/ our points of view,
    I'm sure everyone here just shares them because we all love the show.....
    sometimes we want it to go certain ways, which it doesn't, then sometimes
    it completely surprises us and we're like WOW.

    We only share these thoughts because it's something we all enjoy so much.
    And I stand by my point, I still think Wyld is right ... it's not nit-picking, he just likes
    to explain his reasoning ..... I would rather that than someone say -
    " I'm right and you're wrong so nah nah nee nah nah "

    Wouldn't you? < rhetorical question!

    Anyway onto the next episode, lets hope tonight is as good as the last two....
    we're in for a scoarcher!!


  9. #54
    Twitching sandrock74's Avatar

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    My prediction for the next episode: Bob comes back with a vengeance! He'll use all his skills to win as a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest! You'll see.

  10. #55
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by RichW View Post
    Dawwwwww ... thanks rotted ... all that time trying to avoid spoilers, now this! .. less than 24hrs away too! d'oh!!
    FWIW just because we know what we know doesn't mean we know what we know, y'know?

    Given twists, turns, & deviations from the comics, one can never say for sure.
    surprisingly, a lot of people seem to have guessed this in any case. If it turns out to be true remains to be seen. I wouldn't put it past them to set it up as such & pull a fake out, even though I don't expect this to be the case...

  11. #56
    Just been bitten Staredge's Avatar

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    I think that they played up Bob's emotions a little too much. If he's not bitten, I'll be surprised. IIRC, in the comics Dale being bitten was a shock. No real foreshadowing. (I could be wrong....been a while since I read them) His going outside to cry sets up the abduction, but also makes people jump to that conclusion.
    Last edited by Staredge; 26-Oct-2014 at 11:23 PM. Reason: D'oh!!!

  12. #57
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Staredge View Post
    I think that they played up Bob's emotions a little too much. If he's not bitten, I'll be surprised. IIRC, in the comics Dale being bitten was a shock. No real foreshadowing. (I could be wrong....been a while since I read them) His going outside to cry sets up the abduction, but also makes people jump to that conclusion.
    Exactly. Which is what made me suspicious that it COULD be a set-up, however unlikely. Since if you've read the comic you know what to expect, maybe that's NOT what they're going to do...

  13. #58
    Just been bitten Buzzbomb's Avatar

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    Just watched episode 1 & 2 again... looking forward to no. 3 tomorrow...

    Something which just struck me is why did Carol decide to leave (other than a plot device so the Beth storyline could be continued)... Was it because the character could no longer fit in with the group, due to her actions at the prison? Perhaps she couldn't cope with the fate of Lizzie & Micah? I'm guessing perhaps she's thinking if the CDC was a dead-end (sic) & didn't know anything about Washington, then Eugene & Abraham are just bullshit.

    Also I'm guesing that Tyresse did kill the guy in the shack. Daryl did seem to step off the porch in one shot, so I would have thought he looked inside. The guys face would have been a mess after all those blows & the blurry shot at the end of the guy around the campfire didn't look like he had any black eyes or anything.

    What happened to the zombies Tyresse killed - the one on the stake is absent when the group arrive & only one Z is seen? Tidy chap that Tyresse.

    Disclaimer - I haven't read any of the comics & probably never will, but I love the show - nitpicks & all.

  14. #59
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RichW View Post
    Is there any chance that a separate **SPOILER ALERT** thread could be started?
    Unfortunately, it's a matter of common sense and common courtesy. We could take all the precautions possible (and we go out of our way more than most sites that regularly discuss TWD, as it is), but you'd still see people posting either callously or absentmindedly on occasion.

    Trust me, I sympathize.

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  15. #60
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Buzzbomb - you see the guy Tyreese beat up in the shed with Gareth & Co at the end of this episode.

    As for the walkers - yes, Tyreese is a tidy chap. I bet he keeps a hell of a good home, too.


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