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Thread: Alien film/reboot? - Neill Blomkamp

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    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Alien film/reboot? - Neill Blomkamp

    OK... Interesting...

    20th Century Fox has closed a deal with director Neill Blomkamp to develop a new “Alien” movie, sources confirm.

    The untitled sci-fi project is separate from “Prometheus 2,” which Fox is still making with Ridley Scott.

    Blomkamp, who directed “District 9″ and the upcoming Sony feature “Chappie,” had been teasing the project in recent months but said the extra-terrestrial reboot was likely abandoned. It was supposed to star “Alien” veteran Sigourney Weaver.
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  2. #2
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I would welcome a new film with Weaver and Biehn. I was gutted that they killed off Hicks in Alien 3. This could be a cool 'alt universe' type deeley. If it does go through hopefully it'd be more District 9 (or, by the looks of it, Chappie) than Elysium!

  3. #3
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Agreed on all parts, MZ. Also, I like that Blomkamp got the deal, I think he can pull off something interesting.

    I wasn't super sold on Elysium, but afterwards I hear that neither was Neil Blomkamp. Allegedly the studio interference was tremendous.

  4. #4
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    I would welcome a new film with Weaver and Biehn. I was gutted that they killed off Hicks in Alien 3.
    Yup. That's why I loathe 3 so much. One of the worst movie viewing experiences I ever had, right up there with Highlander 2. Sat there in the theater fuming the entire movie & hating every second of it.

  5. #5
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    I wasn't super sold on Elysium, but afterwards I hear that neither was Neil Blomkamp. Allegedly the studio interference was tremendous.
    Oh really? Interesting ... any more info, or is it kind of under wraps as to what went on behind the scenes?

    Quote Originally Posted by MoonSylver View Post
    Yup. That's why I loathe 3 so much. One of the worst movie viewing experiences I ever had, right up there with Highlander 2. Sat there in the theater fuming the entire movie & hating every second of it.
    Alien 3 is a decent movie - enraging deaths of Hicks and Newt aside - and has excellent direction from David Fincher (even if he had a shite time on the job), but the assembly cut is decidedly superior to the theatrical cut, which is a bit of a botch job. However, when compared to the first two movies it pales in comparison ... but it kicks seven shades of shite out of the fourth movie, ugh.

  6. #6
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    As MZ says, the Assembly Cut of Alien 3 is actually a damn fine film. Of course the killing of Hicks and Newt still stings a bit, but if you over look that it's a good horror/suspense film.

    As for this new Alien film......Blomkamp posted art work of Weaver and Beihn reprising their roles, but with Ridley Scott directing Prometheus 2 and producing the following Alien film, I'm wondering if that idea will be scrapped in favor of an entirely new cast of characters. As much as I liked the character of Ripley, I think it's past time to just let her go. Even if they were to treat all four films as canon and say that her clone is living on Earth, as seen at the end of Resurrection, I still wouldn't really care to see her return. I certainly wouldn't be against it, but I don't want it to feel forced just because they feel like they have to get established characters in. I also have a hard time seeing Scott being okay with some sort of strange alternate reality or picking up after Aliens where Ripley and Hicks are alive. It seems like too much of a gimmick for Scott's usual work, anyway.
    Last edited by bassman; 19-Feb-2015 at 06:35 PM. Reason: .

  7. #7
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Ideally, what I want is a follow-up to Aliens - many years in the future - which ignores the events of Alien 3 and 4.

    I want Ripley and Hicks back together again, dang it!

    Considering that's what we've been teased with, it'd be a right old bummer to not get that ... in my view at least.

    I don't see why Prometheus 2 and NB's Alien film need to be connected ... are they connected, or is the only link Ridley Scott's production company being on board to make it?

    Really looking forward to a second Prometheus movie as well!

    There's all sorts of "alt universe" stories in comics and novels, so I don't see why we can't have that in movies as well. There's some Aliens books that essentially ignore the events of Alien 3 and create an alternative storyline in which Ripley, Newt, and Hicks survive ... although IIRC they might be under alternative names (but it's clearly who they're meant to be). Hicks becomes "Wilks" and Newt becomes "Billie", but their back stories are practically identical to to their movie counterparts (e.g. Wilks is the lone colonial marine survivor from an incursion on the xeno's planet, and has half his face burned with acid) ... they made a few tweaks after Alien 3 fucked those two characters, but that's ostensibly who they are in near enough all but name.
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 19-Feb-2015 at 06:54 PM.

  8. #8
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    The death of Hicks and Newt has never bothered me in the slightest, people die all the time and I have to say and I always thought that 'Alien 3' was a decent film. Certainly not as good as the first two, but as sequels go, it was a fair whack.

    I think the Aliens franchise (like 'The Terminator') is buggered though and should just be left to die itself at this stage. Film wise, nothing good is going to come of it anymore.
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  9. #9
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Oh really? Interesting ... any more info, or is it kind of under wraps as to what went on behind the scenes?
    I can dig some tomorrow. But essentially, Blomkamp said in an interview I read that he was very hesitant about making another film - at all - because after his move to Hollywood (post District 9) he did not enjoy himself in the studio system and apparently making Elysium was a bad experience for him. He didn't go any deeper into it than that.

    The article also said that the seed of the Alien film was sparked on the set of Chappie, as Neil and Sigourney had talked about different ideas for a sequel there. So she's most likely gonna be in it, even if she hasn't signed or anything... It's gonna be a Ripley movie, I'm pretty sure of that. (could it be anything else...?)

  10. #10
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    I'm sure a stand alone film would be a wiser move than trying to shoehorn characters in from previous films.

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  11. #11
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Ned - thanks for the info - that makes sense by the sounds of it. Well hopefully "Chappie" will turn out to be a good flick (all signs are so far pointing towards it being good, I'd say).

    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    I'm sure a stand alone film would be a wiser move than trying to shoehorn characters in from previous films.

    I have fond memories of Earth Hive -
    However, the novel was released as a tie-in with Alien 3 (1992) which took the story off in another direction. To avoid any confusion that might arise, the characters' names were changed, so Hicks and Newt became Wilks and Billie, respectively. Other minor characters were also renamed.

    When Book One was 'remastered' in 1996 and re-released as Outbreak the panels were colored and, to bring it in line with the revised story as presented in Earth Hive, the characters were renamed and references to LV-426 were changed to the colony world of Rim.
    I've not read "Earth Hive", and this was back in the day before Wikipedia and easy access to knowledge about these things, so I had no idea it was the first in a series. I just picked whatever book happened to be on the shelf in WHSmith that I hadn't already read. The three that I did read were "Rogue", "Nightmare Asylum", and "Female War". I read them when I was just into High School, so that was a time when I rarely did any reading at all (aside from homework - so at that time reading was always a chore, something I had to do, in my mind, so it never presented itself as something to be enjoyed by choice) ... however, I absolutely stormed through "Rogue" and "Nightmare Asylum" and enjoyed them immensely ... but I did have a nasty habit during my teenage years of starting a book and then losing steam mid-way through and abandoning things, which is what I did with "Female War". However, once I'd left school and reading became something I could choose to do for enjoyment, I went back and read several books that I'd abandoned (including "Female War").


    Anyway, back to the film - I think that, considering the concept art features Ripley and Hicks, and that much of the attention-grabbing this proposed new Alien film has garnered has been centered on the Ripley/Hicks comeback, to not have them in the film would be a major slap in the face to fans I'd think. They've essentially said "this is the sort of film we're gonna make with these two characters returning", so to then not do that would unleash a barrage of hatred.

    Anything they can do to retcon away the arse-wash that was Resurrection would be a blessing! I'd love for it to be an 'alt timeline' that skews from Aliens and avoids Alien 3. The movie industry can do remakes and reboots and reimaginings at the drop of a hat, so why not alternative universes? Like I've said before, comics and novels do that all the time, so why not movies?

  12. #12
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by shootemindehead View Post
    The death of Hicks and Newt has never bothered me in the slightest, people die all the time
    Well of course not, because you're a miserable old git. Seriously though, it bugged me for two reasons: 1) of course the attachment to the characters from the previous film & 2) the casual & callous way the characters are just tossed aside.

    "Alien 3" takes the piss on "Aliens" the same way "Terminator 3" did on "Terminator 2" : "Oh, all the good faith we established with you as an audience in the first film? Yeah, let me piss on that for ya..."

    I get that they were trying to go "dark & gritty" & take the tone a different direction after the 2nd one, but I think the angle of attack was all wrong.

    Quote Originally Posted by shootemindehead View Post
    I think the Aliens franchise (like 'The Terminator') is buggered though and should just be left to die itself at this stage. Film wise, nothing good is going to come of it anymore.
    That, I will agree with.

  13. #13
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Moon - ugh, don't get me started on Terminator 3 ... as you say, it curled out a big steaming turd on the face of T2 and sprinkled glitter on top for good measure ... T3 ... what a shit film.

  14. #14
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Moon - ugh, don't get me started on Terminator 3 ... as you say, it curled out a big steaming turd on the face of T2 and sprinkled glitter on top for good measure ... T3 ... what a shit film.
    It, "Alien 3", "Highlander 2", all gold standards in my book, of "ways to piss off & alienate your core audience when making a sequel".

  15. #15
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MoonSylver View Post
    Well of course not, because you're a miserable old git.
    YEH...they should have killed them ALLLLLL and ended with a big Xenomorph disco.

    Quote Originally Posted by MoonSylver View Post
    Seriously though, it bugged me for two reasons: 1) of course the attachment to the characters from the previous film & 2) the casual & callous way the characters are just tossed aside.
    Hicks is and always was a pretty minor support character though. There's a bit of a Boba Fett fanboi thing going on with him to be honest. He has no history and was never anything other than someone to use to progress Ripley's story along. Even Hudson has more to do in 'Aliens'. Don't get me wrong though, I like Michael Biehn, he's a decent character actor. But I certainly didn't miss him in 'Alien 3'. That said, he was hard done by, by the producers, even if he was paid handsomely for a role for a film he wasn't even in.

    Getting rid of the kid was a daring move by the producers though and that autopsy scene in 'Alien 3' was one of the strongest scenes in any of the films.

    I think a lot of the ire about killing off the surviving support characters from 'Aliens' came from Cameron in the first place. I don't think there were too many people who gave a crap. But, it was certainly a thing that grew. But that was mainly because the film didn't meet a lot of people's expectations. If the film had been a masterpiece, nobody who have given Hicks or Rebecca a second thought.

    The more I think about it though, having Hicks and Newt survive with Ripley could have been a disaster of epic proportions and may have ended up being a "space family" film. 'Alien 3' might have turned out to be like the Jetsons with Xenomorphs.

    Quote Originally Posted by MoonSylver View Post
    "Alien 3" takes the piss on "Aliens" the same way "Terminator 3" did on "Terminator 2" : "Oh, all the good faith we established with you as an audience in the first film? Yeah, let me piss on that for ya..."
    I get that they were trying to go "dark & gritty" & take the tone a different direction after the 2nd one, but I think the angle of attack was all wrong.[/quote]

    Never liked 'Terminator 2'.

    To me, 'Alien 3' is just another episode in the Alien series and I've never felt the disappointment with it that some have. Unfortunately, it's the last decent thing that's been done and the truly awful 'Alien Resurrection' makes it look like the greatest film ever made. If they had played their cards right, left Ripley dead (like they did Hicks and Newt) and NOT hired Jeunet for the fourth film, the series would probably still be going.

    Quote Originally Posted by MoonSylver View Post
    That, I will agree with.

    Oh wait, you agree...
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....


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