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Thread: TWD 5x11 "The Distance" episode discussion... **SPOILERS WITHIN*

  1. #16
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Really enjoyed the introduction of Aaron, as well as Eric, and thought they did a nice job of introducing their relationship (e.g. I loved the little detail with the license plates), and I also dug Aaron's light heartedness - it's good to get a little bit of levity to break up the doom and gloom.


    I'm looking forward to seeing how they adapt what's coming from the comics to the TV show. They'll trim out some of the filler, I'm sure, but it'll be nice to get a change of pace after being on the road for a good long while at this point (18 episodes worth) ... you can't just stay scruffing about in the weeds for eternity, you have to discover new things and gain a reason to continue living and fighting in that world.

    Theory for the season finale/comics spoiler:

    I reckon we'll be introduced to Negan in the finale - possibly with a very gut-wrenching thing happening right at the arse-end of the episode as a cliffhanger.

    Of course, Gimple has said on numerous occasions that they'll be playing with time in this season - some of which we've already seen - so I assume we'll get some more of that, and we've still got to find out what's going on with Morgan. Perhaps we'll get a stand alone Morgan episode? I hope we do!

    There's characters in the group who we don't know terribly well - such as Rosita, and even Gabriel and Eugene to lesser extents - so it'll be nice to get some more from the likes of them. What I'm looking forward to seeing is how the group adjusts to a potential life within a secure compound again - Aaron mentioned (and showed in photos) that they have houses - and what will this mean for their psyche if they end up staying? How will they adjust to a normal setting that's still within an extraordinary apocalypse?

    I too think that the next episode will be a quiet one - we've got to find out a lot of stuff related to Alexandria, get introduced to new characters etc - but I'm eager to see what we'll get to see.

  2. #17

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    What I learned from this episode:

    When a hyper-paranoid man who has threatened to stick a knife in the base of your skull thinks you're trying to poison his baby with the applesauce you offered him, and asks you to taste it first, don't go whining about how much you hate applesauce cuz your mom made you eat too much of it when you were a kid. Just taste the damn applesauce!
    Last edited by Publius; 24-Feb-2015 at 11:01 AM. Reason: typo
    "We are not interested in the possibilities of defeat. They do not exist." - Queen Victoria

  3. #18
    Just been bitten DayoftheZ's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Publius View Post
    What I learned from this episode:

    When a hyper-paranoid man who has threatened to stick a knife in the base of your skull thinks you're trying to poison his baby with the applesauce you offered him, and asks you to taste it first, don't go whining about how much you hate applesauce cuz your mom made you eat too much of it when you were a kid. Just taste the damn applesauce!
    If it was a choice of eating canned whole tomatoes or a knife in the base of my skull, I would take the knife every time!!

    I really liked the whole of that scene even the daftness of his repulsion of apples. It showed a different type of character than somebody who wants to kill you or eat you, Arron knew the danger he was in (he has killed to save himself) but he maintained his calm in a difficult situation. I hope the other residents of this community are as refreshing as him.

  4. #19
    Walking Dead Moon Knight's Avatar

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    As far as MZ's spoiler theory is concerned...

    Too soon.
    Last edited by Moon Knight; 24-Feb-2015 at 02:15 PM. Reason: Typo
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."

  5. #20
    Just been bitten DayoftheZ's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Knight View Post
    As far as MZ's spoiler theory is concerned...

    Too soon.
    Beware of the comic spoilers. Nothing major said but plenty hinted at!!

    I know it’s been hinted at but yes I reckon we will meet Negan In the last episode and the shocking event will be the mid series split of series six.

    I also would like it to be Daryl that it happens to because I think the response from the non-comic reading TWD fans will be similar to The Red Wedding. You could also tie this in with Dwight having a crossbow, he could be given Daryls by Negan.

    Carol could then take on the Maggie role from the more up to date story arcs as I feel it fits her TV persona.
    Last edited by DayoftheZ; 24-Feb-2015 at 02:52 PM. Reason: Poor post construction.

  6. #21
    Walking Dead Moon Knight's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by DayoftheZ View Post
    Beware of the comic spoilers. Nothing major said but plenty hinted at!!

    I know it’s been hinted at but yes I reckon we will meet Negan In the last episode and the shocking event will be the mid series split of series six.

    I also would like it to be Daryl that it happens to because I think the response from the non-comic reading TWD fans will be similar to The Red Wedding. You could also tie this in with Dwight having a crossbow, he could be given Daryls by Negan.

    Carol could then take on the Maggie role from the more up to date story arcs as I feel it fits her TV persona.
    I had originally messed up the spoiler tag and gave away everything just discussed. I would have been banned for life haha. That was just written to quickly fix and edit the post before anyone saw it.

    Meanwhile, I love your idea! It would make perfect sense.
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."

  7. #22
    Just been bitten DayoftheZ's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Knight View Post
    I had originally messed up the spoiler tag and gave away everything just discussed. I would have been banned for life haha. That was just written to quickly fix and edit the post before anyone saw it.

    Meanwhile, I love your idea! It would make perfect sense.
    The beware message was for what is contained in my spoiler. I don't want people who haven't read the comics seeing something that might spoil it.

    I reckon Daryl getting that treatment would blow up the internet big time. It would also have a massive effect on Rick.

    I doubt they will go in that direction but it would be great to watch

  8. #23
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Further discussion of the 'how season 5 might end' theory (plus gargantuan comics spoilers):

    If you put Daryl in Glenn's place - what do you then do with Glenn and Maggie?

    There's a lot of talk gets flung around about Daryl by those who dislike him, but there are serious considerations to take into account - he's hugely popular, and that means higher viewing figures - which means greater advertising revenue - which means high budgets to make the episodes ... quite frankly killing off Daryl in such a manner could cause a big chunk of fans to go ballistic and ditch the show entirely ... then you get a ratings drop, and then a budget drop, and then the show is affected in general and that impacts on every viewer regardless of whether they're a Daryl fan or not.

    Yes, I'm a fan of Daryl, but there's few characters - if any, really - that I'm not a fan of.

    However, if Daryl was to go - yes, we would get some awesomeness from Carol, but again - what do we do with Glenn and Maggie if you steal their plotline for Daryl/Carol?

    In many ways it was more horrific that it was Glenn who was struck down - he was such a light and hopeful character. Striking him down would resonate with the hope of Alexandria, and plus - we've seen him pick up a baseball bat ... yes, it could be misdirection as the folks behind the show are very tricksy when it comes to such things, but on the other hand it's such a major part of the comics - it was the big Issue 100 anniversary shock death - so I'd wager caution on assuming it could be Daryl who'd go down with Negan.

    Yes - depending on the pace of the next five episodes, it'll either be a case of ending the season with the shock death, or waiting until the next season for it ... but not necessarily the mid-season 6 finale ... hell, they could toss it into episode 3 ... we thought Gareth was going to be a major villain in season five and he was snuffed out quick!
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 24-Feb-2015 at 04:00 PM.

  9. #24
    Walking Dead Moon Knight's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Further discussion of the 'how season 5 might end' theory (plus gargantuan comics spoilers):

    If you put Daryl in Glenn's place - what do you then do with Glenn and Maggie?

    There's a lot of talk gets flung around about Daryl by those who dislike him, but there are serious considerations to take into account - he's hugely popular, and that means higher viewing figures - which means greater advertising revenue - which means high budgets to make the episodes ... quite frankly killing off Daryl in such a manner could cause a big chunk of fans to go ballistic and ditch the show entirely ... then you get a ratings drop, and then a budget drop, and then the show is affected in general and that impacts on every viewer regardless of whether they're a Daryl fan or not.

    Yes, I'm a fan of Daryl, but there's few characters - if any, really - that I'm not a fan of.

    However, if Daryl was to go - yes, we would get some awesomeness from Carol, but again - what do we do with Glenn and Maggie if you steal their plotline for Daryl/Carol?

    In many ways it was more horrific that it was Glenn who was struck down - he was such a light and hopeful character. Striking him down would resonate with the hope of Alexandria, and plus - we've seen him pick up a baseball bat ... yes, it could be misdirection as the folks behind the show are very tricksy when it comes to such things, but on the other hand it's such a major part of the comics - it was the big Issue 100 anniversary shock death - so I'd wager caution on assuming it could be Daryl who'd go down with Negan.

    Yes - depending on the pace of the next five episodes, it'll either be a case of ending the season with the shock death, or waiting until the next season for it ... but not necessarily the mid-season 6 finale ... hell, they could toss it into episode 3 ... we thought Gareth was going to be a major villain in season five and he was snuffed out quick!
    More spoiler discussion below.

    As much as I want everyone to be shocked about Daryl's death I agree it has to be Glenn. I really hope they keep that storyline intact. I also hope they don't cop out and have Negan kill Noah; his head getting pricked by the barbwire was defiintely intentional. More foreshadowing to go along with Glenn's bat?"

    "Just because we are good people doesn't mean I won't kill you."

    Man, I love Rick.
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."

  10. #25
    Just been bitten DayoftheZ's Avatar

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    Still more debate about the future and Comic spoilers so don't read is you want to avoid.


    Let me just clarify where I stand on Daryl. He has always been one of my favorite characters and I, like you have had very few that I haven't liked, with only really Tyresse a sore point for me. The way Daryl has changed from that "redneck A-hole" in series one to Mr dependable in the current series has been great to watch. I also get that he is hugely popular which makes wiping him out a risk, but the impact of his demise on both the viewer and the characters is what TWD comics were about, and it solidifies the "nobody is safe" message. Losing key characters hasn't hurt Game of Thrones and it gains huge publicity, attracting new viewers. People in the office would be more passionate talking about Daryl getting that treatment than Glenn at the moment IMO.

    As to what you would do with Glenn and Maggie I don't know and that is the flaw in my plan. I think Maggie would make a great Andrea substitute but I reckon that will go to Sasha. Glenn could go back to doing the runs into DC and the like which a) makes him valuable and b) gives us glorious creepy walker action outside the steel walls. I think Carol could become a real key character in my scenario which would be more believable in the TV series than Maggie (again at the moment)

    I take your point about Glenn's light and hopefulness but I think Daryl has a lot of humanity and that seems to be connecting with the Daryl Dixie Chicks. I would love to see what would happen to Rick if his brother got that treatment.

    I don't for one minute think Daryl will go that way and as you say Glenn picked up the bat which foreshadowed this. Also last night upon smashing the walkers head in in woods he lingered long enough to think that could be foreshadowing also. Either Daryl or Glenn will be good for the outcome but I just would love to see it being Daryl for the storm it would cause both on and off screen.

    You are right though, it could happen any time and thats is what makes being a TWD fan so enjoyable!!

    Moon - Rick is just great and Andrew Lincoln continues to steal the show. Just that one shot of his eyes first looking angry as he tries to work out if Alexandria is safe amd then softening as he heard the kids playing. It was just magic.

  11. #26
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    Andrew Lincoln kills it as Rick. Going back and listening to his "We are The Walking Dead" speech made me appreciate him even more. This episode was no different. My favorite character on the show was Shane, but Rick is now my clear favorite. Next to Rosita of course.
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."

  12. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by DayoftheZ View Post
    Rick is just great and Andrew Lincoln continues to steal the show. Just that one shot of his eyes first looking angry as he tries to work out if Alexandria is safe amd then softening as he heard the kids playing. It was just magic.
    Agreed - I loved that shot - sometimes all you need is a pair of eyes to tell a story, and having built upon what came before, particularly in this episode, it was a fantastic little touch.


    Continued spoilery talk as per the current tagged conversation (season six theory/comics spoilers)...

    I do agree that Sasha could be the new Andrea in terms of a sharp shooter badass ... but I wonder who could perhaps become Rick's new lady, like Andrea did in the comics. Perhaps Michonne? The two of them have such a strong relationship in the show and are quite close, so I'd really like to see that happen. Thoughts?

    Of course, Michonne ends up porking that other guy in the comics ... Ezekiel, IIRC ... the chap with the friggin' tiger ... but it'd be much more satisfying to see a Rick/Michonne hook up. Speaking of the tiger, I can't imagine they'll bother including it because, to be honest, it was a bit too silly in the comics and it would never work on telly.

  13. #28
    Just been bitten DayoftheZ's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Agreed - I loved that shot - sometimes all you need is a pair of eyes to tell a story, and having built upon what came before, particularly in this episode, it was a fantastic little touch.


    You know the drill still more season six theory/comics spoilers...

    Thankfully they have kept the bed hopping to a minimum I mean Michonne jumped the bones of Tyresse, Morgan and Ezekiel in the comics. That just wouldn't work on the TV especially with the way Michonne has played out (again fantastically) and I am glad they haven't gone that route.

    I think like you pointed out that they have hinted at a hook up between Rick and Michonne and based upon the fact they have bonded after the prison (traveling with Carl) I could see that working going forward. Sasha is a good character as potentially is Tara but I can still see them being a bit of a "red shirt" going forward.

  14. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Agreed - I loved that shot - sometimes all you need is a pair of eyes to tell a story, and having built upon what came before, particularly in this episode, it was a fantastic little touch.


    Continued spoilery talk as per the current tagged conversation (season six theory/comics spoilers)...

    I do agree that Sasha could be the new Andrea in terms of a sharp shooter badass ... but I wonder who could perhaps become Rick's new lady, like Andrea did in the comics. Perhaps Michonne? The two of them have such a strong relationship in the show and are quite close, so I'd really like to see that happen. Thoughts?

    Of course, Michonne ends up porking that other guy in the comics ... Ezekiel, IIRC ... the chap with the friggin' tiger ... but it'd be much more satisfying to see a Rick/Michonne hook up. Speaking of the tiger, I can't imagine they'll bother including it because, to be honest, it was a bit too silly in the comics and it would never work on telly.
    Spoiler discussion down below.

    Not only would Shiva be a little out of place, but incredibly hard to pull off for the show. Ezekiel's backstory made sense on how and why Shiva obeyed him though so if they could find a way to work it in correctly I wouldn't be agaisnt bringing in the tiger. Negan on the other hand, how much of his character will be toned down?

    Anyone else notice that Rick gave Aaron 60 minutes until the group arrived before he would kill him, then it went down to 43? 43 is the exact runtime of the episode without commercials.
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."

  15. #30
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    Good episode. Nice seeing Rick getting ultra paranoid now. And can't wait to see what happens next week now. Really have no idea where it's headed
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