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Thread: TWD 5x15 "Try" episode discussion... **SPOILERS WITHIN*

  1. #1
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    TWD 5x15 "Try" episode discussion... **SPOILERS WITHIN*

    Please keep all talk of episode 5x15 "Try" specifically inside this thread.

    If you have a theory for a following episode, please use the "spoiler tags" (visit the HPOTD FAQ to find out how to use them if you don't already know).

    Similarly, if you're going to discuss plot points from the comic book, please use "spoiler tags" - not everyone is up-to-date on them, and some people don't read them at all.


    Episode 5.15: Try - When life within the walls begins to mimic life outside, the group realizes that sheltered life may not be possible. Will these setbacks break Rick?
    Directed by: Michael E. Satrazemis
    Written by: Angela Kang

    Last edited by MinionZombie; 23-Mar-2015 at 07:21 PM.

  2. #2
    Dead facestabber's Avatar

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    Ugh not crazy Rick again. She's cute Rick but not worth the hassle.

    Someone's gotta teach Michonne how to hold a gun. I'm glad she jacked Rick though.

  3. #3
    Just been bitten Harleydude666's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by facestabber View Post
    Ugh not crazy Rick again. She's cute Rick but not worth the hassle.

    Someone's gotta teach Michonne how to hold a gun. I'm glad she jacked Rick though.
    I don't think he's crazy, just common sense. Everything he said was right. He knows the rest of the crew wants to stay but he knows changes need to be made for that to happen. Yes, he looked crazy because he just got separated from a knocked down dragged out brawl, I think anyone would have had that reaction. I see your point about the girl but realize one thing, Rick sees Pete more than just an abuser more like a psychopath and Rick is a little unsure about things and he has Carol whispering in his ear during his weak moments. Everyone has relied on Rick for so long and he's the one forced to make the heavy decisions with all the life and death situations and deal with the aftermaths that he's just not going to take anymore crap and he doesn't care if you like it or not especially coming from these new people. And I don't blame him, Deanna fought to have them brought to the community and her actions are really swaying to have all the burdens put on Rick once again and he's finally having the attitude of my way or the highway

  4. #4
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    To be fair, it's only been like a couple of months - at most - since the events of the Claimer and Terminus gangs, plus the compounded losses of Beth, Tyreese, and now Noah, and they've only just arrived in Alexandria. Like Glenn said 'we were almost out there too long', but I think their time out there has affected people in different ways and to different degrees. It's only quite recently in TWD time that Rick killed Joe with his bare teeth!

    Rick understands the value of this place - they need to stay - and when you've got Deanna being all squinty-eyed and failing to act over Pete just because he's a surgeon (yes, a valuable skill in any world, especially the Post-ZA world, but the situation needs dealing with somehow for the sake of Jessie and Sam). Rick's battling with two sides of himself about how to deal with a situation, and regarding what's allowable in the post-ZA world ... we saw some glimpses of that throughout this episode (loved the bit where he told Pete to just keep walking and eye-effed the shit out of him ).

    Also - that Nicholas guy - f*ck that guy. I see it was him who snatched Rick's gun ... but for what purpose? No doubt something nefarious and possible deadly ... that bastard.

    I reckon we'll get a reveal regarding this whole "W" business, especially after the escalation with the woman who was tied to a tree, in the season finale.

    Finale Death Theory / The Severed Limbs in the Woods:

    You know those limbs that Daryl and Aaron found - I don't know, but I had this terrible feeling they might belong to Morgan - the skin is black, there's a wedding ring on one of the hands, and a pair of sunglasses that look similar to ones he might have been wearing when we saw him last year.

    I'm wondering if we'll get a flashback during the finale that'll show Morgan getting into trouble with whoever these "W" folks are ... I really hope not, but considering we've not seen him, and the extended running time, I just have a bad feeling about it!

  5. #5
    Dead facestabber's Avatar

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    I'm not saying Rick is season 3 batshit loco. But drawing that revolver at that time is pretty crazy. Ok, maybe it's dumb/misguided/horrible judgement. It's drawing a line in the sand and has his family on the line. Rick is right about this weak society. But is method was way off. Pointing a gun at Deanna, though fun, is not a smart move.

    So the King Co Sheriffs Dept didn't spend much time with control and arrest tactics. Hahaha. I'm very dissapointed in Ricks rather poor fighting skills. The Gov had him dead. But now a Sally-ass surgeon was doing quit well against him. Rick and Pete are basically having a dick measuring contest, winner take Jesse. Come on Rick, Jesse wasn't impressed by that performance. Additionally it's funny that Carol started this mess and just sat idly by. Maybe she just trusted Rick to win or didn't want to blow her cover. Fucking women can tear down a community without throwing a punch.
    Minion I thought the same thing and hope that isn't the case.

  6. #6
    Just been bitten Staredge's Avatar

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    Having only gotten through the first 2 Compendia, I'm not fully caught up on the comic villians that are coming. Having heard of the Whisperers, and the Scavengers, and Negan, I did a little spoiling for myself and I have a couple of thoughts.

    If the Whisperers are coming, (and someone online mentioned "Clear" and Morgan talking about people wearing dead men's faces) could the W carved in the forehead be there to allow them to know who is one of them, and who is an actual walker? Makes sense from a safety standpoint (just in case one gets a little too close), as well as being there for the planted Whisperers inside Alexandria (Enid??).

    Not sure about the Scavengers being renamed the 'Wolves', and how carving a W is useful, beyond just being fun. Seems like that storyline got resolved fairly quickly, although it would make a good season finale.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by facestabber View Post
    So the King Co Sheriffs Dept didn't spend much time with control and arrest tactics. Hahaha. I'm very dissapointed in Ricks rather poor fighting skills. The Gov had him dead. But now a Sally-ass surgeon was doing quit well against him.

    My thoughts exactly.

  7. #7
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    An okay, but bit of a clunker episode. Somewhat necessary to set the table for the finale.

    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    To be fair, it's only been like a couple of months - at most - since the events of the Claimer and Terminus gangs, plus the compounded losses of Beth, Tyreese, and now Noah, and they've only just arrived in Alexandria. Like Glenn said 'we were almost out there too long', but I think their time out there has affected people in different ways and to different degrees. It's only quite recently in TWD time that Rick killed Joe with his bare teeth!
    Yeah, I don't quite understand how people are saying it doesn't make sense for Rick and Co. to be undergoing serious behavioral issues related to coping with their situation, given they've now had a moment to catch their breathes and reflect. That is when people often have the most difficult time coping. The fact is, Rick is in many ways correct, while also unable to reconcile the difference in mindsets of the Alexandrian's, as he is currently so far removed from that level of--for lack of a better term--pre-apocalypse outlook/values/societal expectations. He very much has a disconnect between his valid concerns and how to act in anyway deemed acceptable or approachable by the Alexandrain's to execute those ideas or convince the Alexandrian's of the necessity to confront these situations.

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  8. #8
    Walking Dead Moon Knight's Avatar

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    What I really want to know is what Nicholas plans on doing with Rick's gun.

    Looks like Rick's window theory was right all along.

    I'm not really feeling Sasha's character anymore. It's just a bit too much but I understand why they write her this way. It just comes off really annoying. I would have had a damn heart attack if she would have gotten my Rosita killed.

    I don't think Rick looked weaker because his fight with Pete wasn't one sided. Rick isn't perfect and I like how vulnerable he can be. Mistakes and all.

    Michonne dropped my jaw to the ground.

    I really like Glenn's character now more than ever. What he told douchebag Nicholas was excellent.

    There sure has been a lot of "Red" this season hasn't there? Train Cars, Machete handles, the letter "A", and now balloons. Callback to "Clear"?

    The balloon also represented Rick's feelings on three seperate stages in the episode. With the Baloon finally flying away as Rick loses his grip and unleashes his true feeling towards the Alexandrians.

    Finally, Nine Inch Nails in the opener? Perfect.
    Last edited by Moon Knight; 23-Mar-2015 at 05:15 PM. Reason: Iphone typer yooooo
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."

  9. #9
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by facestabber View Post
    Minion I thought the same thing and hope that isn't the case.
    Continuing my finale death theory:

    On the one hand there's a "secret guest to be revealed" on next week's Talking Dead, which is often code for 'the person who dies in the episode' ... but then I looked back at 5x08 and Morgan wasn't wearing a wedding ring ... now:

    1) Maybe that was just a costuming mistake.
    2) Maybe Morgan did take his wedding ring off ... in which case, he either put it back on for some reason - OR - the severed limbs didn't belong to him.

    I looked closer and I couldn't quite tell what the shade of the skin on the severed arms were. One set was definitely white, and the other seemed to be similar in skin tone to that of Morgan (again, comparing them to a close up in 5x08) ... ... and of course those sunglasses look awfully familiar ... I really hope not, but I'm fairly convinced Morgan's going to wind up as a limbless walker torso. They seemed to make a point of focusing in on that pair of hands (and sunglasses) quite particularly.

    Quote Originally Posted by AcesandEights View Post
    An okay, but bit of a clunker episode. Somewhat necessary to set the table for the finale.

    Yeah, I don't quite understand how people are saying it doesn't make sense for Rick and Co. to be undergoing serious behavioral issues related to coping with their situation, given they've now had a moment to catch their breathes and reflect. That is when people often have the most difficult time coping. The fact is, Rick is in many ways correct, while also unable to reconcile the difference in mindsets of the Alexandrian's, as he is currently so far removed from that level of--for lack of a better term--pre-apocalypse outlook/values/societal expectations. He very much has a disconnect between his valid concerns and how to act in anyway deemed acceptable or approachable by the Alexandrain's to execute those ideas or convince the Alexandrian's of the necessity to confront these situations.
    Yes, in some ways this was the 'calm before the storm' sort of episode, keeping us chilled for next week's extended finale, but there was some interesting character stuff going on.

    They're all suffering from PTSD in various ways and to various extents. Sasha is handling it very badly, while Glenn and Maggie and Carl (for instance) are handling it quite well, whereas Rick is struggling - heck, the guy cried at getting a haircut ... just think of the pressure of being a leader of a group in that sort of scenario, the things you'd have to do and what a weight that would take on a person's soul ... you can't shrug that off easily (if ever?)

    It's interesting to look at Daryl who was initially very resistant, but then found peace - but by leaving Alexandria to go out on runs, so his interaction with the town is limited, so that's his coping mechanism, and it harks back to Claimer Joe's speech about an 'outdoor cat pretending to be an indoor cat'.

    I thought it was interesting what that Yvette Nicole Brown was saying on Talking Dead about Rick - that he was seeing Lori in Jessie, and seeking out something to fix, but didn't know how to go about it. When you think about it, he hasn't known love or a tender touch in that kind of way (not necessarily sex, but intimacy) in a very long time. Hell, his last few months with Lori were terribly strained (after her admission in Season 2 that she porked Shane) and all he managed was a long distance smile before everything went to shit in 3x04 - and ever since then he's been alone, and even though he got over the initial grief, there'll still be a lot of scars beneath the surface that haven't gone away (he's still wearing his wedding ring) ... then he arrives at this oasis in the midst of hell which resembles the pre-ZA life damn close, and there's this beautiful, caring, gentle woman who sees him as a man and not as the monster he considers himself to be (or is wrestling against deep inside) and, yeah, I'm not surprised he's a bit messed up in the head. Coming to that just weeks after evading a drawn out death at the hands of cannibals in a matter of weeks? No wonder he's a bit mixed up!


    TWD 5x15 Memes:

    Last edited by MinionZombie; 23-Mar-2015 at 05:19 PM.

  10. #10
    Just been bitten Harleydude666's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by facestabber View Post
    I'm not saying Rick is season 3 batshit loco. But drawing that revolver at that time is pretty crazy. Ok, maybe it's dumb/misguided/horrible judgement. It's drawing a line in the sand and has his family on the line. Rick is right about this weak society. But is method was way off. Pointing a gun at Deanna, though fun, is not a smart move.

    So the King Co Sheriffs Dept didn't spend much time with control and arrest tactics. Hahaha. I'm very dissapointed in Ricks rather poor fighting skills. The Gov had him dead. But now a Sally-ass surgeon was doing quit well against him. Rick and Pete are basically having a dick measuring contest, winner take Jesse. Come on Rick, Jesse wasn't impressed by that performance. Additionally it's funny that Carol started this mess and just sat idly by. Maybe she just trusted Rick to win or didn't want to blow her cover. Fucking women can tear down a community without throwing a punch.
    Minion I thought the same thing and hope that isn't the case.

    Don't take this the wrong way but but you may be living in a little fantasy world regarding Rick and his fights. Shane, the Gov and Pete are much bigger than Rick physically. In the real world sometimes size and power do matter. Who says Pete is a Sally ass? He could have been a bad ass fighter or punk ass before he became a doctor. I know an account who used to work for me and he would have tanked most people. Rick is actually a pretty small guy and on top of that is very deficient in food and vitamins being on the road as long as he has. Looks like Pete besides his drinking has been eating ok in Fantasy Land.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harleydude666 View Post
    Don't take this the wrong way but but you may be living in a little fantasy world regarding Rick and his fights. Shane, the Gov and Pete are much bigger than Rick physically. In the real world sometimes size and power do matter. Who says Pete is a Sally ass? He could have been a bad ass fighter or punk ass before he became a doctor. I know an account who used to work for me and he would have tanked most people. Rick is actually a pretty small guy and on top of that is very deficient in food and vitamins being on the road as long as he has. Looks like Pete besides his drinking has been eating ok in Fantasy Land.
    I won't take offense but it's what I do for a living. 16 years. I teach at our Academy control and arrest tactics ground fighting etc. I'm the last person to underestimate anyone. I am highlighting Ricks poor track record and not using the training and tools taught to him. Maybe it's the instructor in me wanting to see him succeed in these situations etc. but getting into an undisciplined scrap is something Rick would know is not the right way. But I get it. The dynamics of a fight change things. Emotions and him being out of the civilized world would have an effect. Walking into that house he has to know the high likelihood of a confrontation was gonna happen. To me, if you are going to start that shit you better be able to finish it. Michonne handled the gov far better, granted she wasn't shot like Rick but she seems to back up the warrior mindset. The fights are for TV so they happen that way for a reason but I would love to see Rick use some old school control techniques.

  12. #12
    Just been bitten DayoftheZ's Avatar

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    An ok episode on the back of three or four solid, solid ones. I don't know where they plan on going with Rick and Michonne but the last thing we need is a power struggle in Team Rick. The thing we have learned is they survive when they stick together, the first sign of free cookies and they could start turning on each other. I get the point on Pete vs Rick, I would like to see Rick win a fist fight every once in a while

    Nicholas needs a painful and slow death. Sasha needs a slap and Carl needs a father son talk and fast!!

    The Daryl / Aaron scenes were the show stealer for me, that was freaky as hell and left me wanting a conclusion.

    Quote Originally Posted by Staredge View Post
    If the Whisperers are coming, (and someone online mentioned "Clear" and Morgan talking about people wearing dead men's faces) could the W carved in the forehead be there to allow them to know who is one of them, and who is an actual walker? Makes sense from a safety standpoint (just in case one gets a little too close), as well as being there for the planted Whisperers inside Alexandria (Enid??).

    Not sure about the Scavengers being renamed the 'Wolves', and how carving a W is useful, beyond just being fun. Seems like that storyline got resolved fairly quickly, although it would make a good season finale.
    I hope the TV series avoids the Whisperers at all costs it was a gimic idea in the Comic and it would be even worse on screen in my honest opinion.

    For what it is worth I think these people will turn out to be either a branch of Negan's men or the scavengers.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    about Rick...When you think about it, he hasn't known love or a tender touch in that kind of way (not necessarily sex, but intimacy) in a very long time.
    Sounds like this episode hit a bit close to home for you, MZ

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by DayoftheZ View Post
    The Daryl / Aaron scenes were the show stealer for me, that was freaky as hell and left me wanting a conclusion.
    Good point! Very creepy.

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  14. #14
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    This show is unique that I can't wait till Sunday's yet dread them at the same time. Losing characters we care about is always possible, especially in finales. But just when you think there is a formula, the writers switch it up. 7 month cliffhangers friggin suck.

  15. #15
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    I keep looking for a large version of that Crazy Rick smiling image per MZ's new avatar image. I want to see it recolored white face and green hair to see how Jokerish Rick can look.

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany


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