View Poll Results: Did he die?

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  • Yes! He's zombie chow!

    1 11.11%
  • No... He got away!

    7 77.78%
  • Both! He got away, but is bit.

    1 11.11%
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Thread: TWD 6x03 - Did they die or not?

  1. #16
    Rising Trin's Avatar

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    Ironically, had I not visited HPOTD I wouldn't have had these possibilities in mind. Glenn fell off and got eaten. They did the slow atmospheric shot. The music. It was an epic ending. If I were to tune in next week not having read these forums and they miraculously saved him I'd be throwing stuff at the TV for how jerky that is.

    It's one thing to have the plot twist and unexpected changes in the situation turn things around. It's another to use manipulative filming and tricksy camera angles to guide the viewer into false assumptions. And, sadly, we've seen them do that sort of thing before!

    Did he die? I'm unsure now. He screamed like he was in incredible pain. But... at the same time... he was screaming even as his diaphragm was supposedly being pulled out!
    Just look at my face. You can tell I post at HPOTD.

  2. #17
    Just been bitten DayoftheZ's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Yeah, the viewing figures won't drop. Also, I don't personally understand stopping watching the show because of something that hasn't even happened yet, nor been seen, nor been explained. To each their own, but it wouldn't stop me watching TWD.

    Not a fan of 5x08? Hmmm ... for my money it was a really cool episode and I really enjoyed them taking the time to really dive into the loss of a main character - and from the perspective of the dying person, to boot. It was a different spin on what we'd seen before, and ultimately had a big old tug on the heart strings (that quiet long lens shot when the 4x4 pulls over and they pull Tyreese's now dead body out from the back had quite an impact. Likewise the moment before his death where the good characters who had passed on were welcoming him across the line into death ... it was interesting, it was touching, and it had a delicacy that isn't usually afforded to snuffed out players in this show (which is fair enough, but from time to time it's nice to get the chance to feel dem feels).
    I would never stop watching the show even if they did the bonus content from issue 75 of the comics . I am setting myself up for a fall posting this but I think it has really taken the baton from Romero and given us something to enjoy for decades to come.

    I don't know what it is is with that episode but every time I watch it I have serious difficulty focusing and I start to think about what I want for tea the next day or what I want to do at the weekend. Its the same with Slabtown I just cant seem to get on with either episode, although I think 5x04 suffers from coming straight after terminus and Fear the Hunters which was such a great ride. I also think with Tyresse he just didn't meet up wit my expectations of a character I loved in the comics. It wasn't even that he tried to be a good guy because I liked Dale and like(or liked) Glenn, for me Abe is everything Ty should have been and more. I would have preferred to have had comic book Tyresse and go without Sasha in all honesty, as maybe we would be seeing more of Rosita right now.

    Edited to add I worry Morgan will go the same way as Ty and become a pain in the backside with trying to be a good guy even when you shouldn't be. They should take the Glenn ? Darryl route in that they know what is right and wrong but when the shit hits the fan they step up. I mean am I right Glenn has never killed a human? but he still understands that it has to happen from time to time. Morgan needs to remember he hesitated and his son died, he hesitated a second time and Rick nearly died, the second Wolf he faced could be hesitation number three, and who dies in that scenario?
    Last edited by DayoftheZ; 29-Oct-2015 at 08:10 PM. Reason: Morgon Talk

  3. #18
    Just been bitten Harleydude666's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Yeah, the viewing figures won't drop. Also, I don't personally understand stopping watching the show because of something that hasn't even happened yet, nor been seen, nor been explained. To each their own, but it wouldn't stop me watching TWD.

    Not a fan of 5x08? Hmmm ... for my money it was a really cool episode and I really enjoyed them taking the time to really dive into the loss of a main character - and from the perspective of the dying person, to boot. It was a different spin on what we'd seen before, and ultimately had a big old tug on the heart strings (that quiet long lens shot when the 4x4 pulls over and they pull Tyreese's now dead body out from the back had quite an impact. Likewise the moment before his death where the good characters who had passed on were welcoming him across the line into death ... it was interesting, it was touching, and it had a delicacy that isn't usually afforded to snuffed out players in this show (which is fair enough, but from time to time it's nice to get the chance to feel dem feels).

    It depends on the shot - in one shot it really does look like a body on top of him (it partially obscures his chin in a manner than wouldn't make sense considering the camera angle), and in another shot it looks very convincing that Glenn's being chomped. I think the biggest giveaway is that Glenn doesn't cough up any blood. If you're having your guts and such ripped out you're going to spew up a l'il bit o' the red stuff - and yet he doesn't spit out an ounce of it.

    When Nicholas' dead body falls on Glenn it is an unintended consequence, but you do see Glenn seem to grab hold of it on the way down. You don't see Glenn's arms flailing about, the shot is focussed on his face ... yeah, I'm thinking he survives. To what extent remains to be seen - and how he does it - but aye.
    I'm probably the longest standing dead fan here, or at least one of them. In my late 40s. I'm not some newbie to the genre.

    I said I'll stop watching the show if Glenn survives in some preposterous way, and from what I can see if he is alive they won't be able to pull it off. The only thing I can come up with for the writers to save face is if Glenn didn't actually fall off the dumpster, maybe he imagined himself falling and being eaten, and that's even a very thin theory.

    If this comes out eye rolling retarded I'd be surprised if any of you true fans would be able to continue watching. Because once the cheese wiz seeps out, it won't stop. Then they'd be insulting my intelligence and I'm sure yours also.

  4. #19
    Walking Dead Moon Knight's Avatar

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    If you watch a zoomed in clip of the last shot with all the walkers eating Nicholas, you can clearly see Glenn making his way under the dumpster. The way it was shot was exactly what they wanted us to see.
    Last edited by Moon Knight; 01-Nov-2015 at 01:17 PM. Reason: Too many words
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."

  5. #20
    Rising Trin's Avatar

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    I went back and watched the entire scene again, even going so far as stepping through it frame-by-frame. I saw some continuity errors. Mostly stuff that has been covered already, and that shouldn't have been possible regardless of what they were trying to show.

    What I did NOT see was anything to make me believe it was NOT Glenn getting eaten. It looked like he fell off, got swarmed, got eaten.

    That's not to say it was evidence of that either. It was ambiguous. But I definitely would have difficulty believing there was a body between the ripping hands of the zombies and Glenn's chest.

    And I didn't see anything that made me think Glenn was moving. His body was shifted to a different angle in the final shot but it wasn't moving toward the dumpster. Not as far as I could tell, at least.
    Just look at my face. You can tell I post at HPOTD.

  6. #21
    Being Attacked

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    The walkers were packed in so tight before Nicholas shot himself that the there really was no way they should have been able to hit the ground when they fell off the dumpster. Both of them should have been eaten from below so it is already an unbelievable scenario to begin with...Glenn gets away...

  7. #22

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    Quote Originally Posted by slayerized View Post
    The walkers were packed in so tight before Nicholas shot himself that the there really was no way they should have been able to hit the ground when they fell off the dumpster. Both of them should have been eaten from below so it is already an unbelievable scenario to begin with...Glenn gets away...
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  8. #23
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Yeah, after more thought and review....I take back my previous comments. He's alive. I really, really don't like it because it seems like such a cheap gimmick, but we'll see him miraculously return...

  9. #24
    Twitching sandrock74's Avatar

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    Glenn is dead. There's no way he could have survived such a situation. If he shows up alive, then the show has officially jumped the zombie shark!

    I think it would be swell if we see zombie Glenn get dispatched by Negan (to him, zombie Glenn would be some nameless random Walker)....

  10. #25
    Just been bitten

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    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Knight View Post
    If you watch a zoomed in clip of the last shot with all the walkers eating Nicholas, you can clearly see Glenn making his way under the dumpster. The way it was shot was exactly what they wanted us to see.
    I subscribe to this scenario.

    It is no coincidence that both Nicholas and Glen are wearing khaki and drab clothes. It helps with the blending. When the camera is focused on Glen's silent screams, it is Nicholas' body being torn open whilst pinning (and shielding Glen). As mentioned earlier in the thread you can see lengths of intestines hauled out from what would be Glen's chest. Even if this shot was done in the 70s, Glen's chest area would not have appeared so exaggerated due to prosthetics. It is definitely Nicholas's corpse we are seeing torn open.

    As the camera rises and we see the horde gathered around Glen and Nicolas, the dumpster has moved a fair bit. I think that the horde will push the dumpster over Glen in their quest to get stuck in to some Nicholas giblets. I think Glen is screaming because his legs are being trampled by the walkers around them both as they all lean in to the open body. As the dumpster moves over Glen, it will push Nicholas' body clear of him and while the walkers adjust, Glen will be able to drag his damaged legs under. Here he will stay, perhaps covered by debris, until the horde move off, leaving a small group of walkers still huddled over the bag of sausage meat that is Nicholas until Maggie and Aaron find him and rescue him.

    Whatever they do to resolve the Glen question, the writers can't do it like an old episode of Flash Gordon where the cliff hanger leaves our hero surely dead, but when we revisit the scene in the opening sequence of the next episode, Flash now has 6 ray guns and 15 hawk-men as back up. A lot of watchers may not be forgiving of such lazy writing.

  11. #26
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Ooh - now that's an interesting theory - the walkers inadvertently pushing the dumpster over Glenn! I'd never thought of that possibility.

  12. #27
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Ooh - now that's an interesting theory - the walkers inadvertently pushing the dumpster over Glenn! I'd never thought of that possibility.
    even though there was a fence behind the dumpster when nicolas and glenn were on top of it, then the fence has magically disappeared when they show the overhead shot?

    TWD writers are fucking hacks. glenn is alive, it was almost painfully obvious even from a first viewing. get my check in the mail andy, i was the first one on this site to call them out on their shit job of fooling the audience.

    edit: okay, maybe the walkers pushed the dumpster away from the fence, but there weren't any behind it and when they first are backed up against the dumpster, it is almost right up against the fence. i supposed some of them could have pushed against the back from the other side of the fence and walkers on glenn and nicolas' side could have pushed along the sides and moved it, but if that was the case, it would continue to keep rolling as the herd frenzied around nicolas's corpse and eventually roll away from glenn.

    it also doesn't change the fact that the two are dressed almost exactly alike, intestines are not found in the shoulder, no witnesses were around, the crowd was so dense that the two most likely wouldn't even hit the ground but rather mimic a crowd-surfing rock singer, and they love to do these cliff-hangers, this one being the most ludicrous by leaps and bounds.

    sorry, this is roughly how i feel about this glenn issue though:

    Last edited by ProfessorChaos; 10-Nov-2015 at 02:13 AM. Reason: .

  13. #28
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by ProfessorChaos View Post
    even though there was a fence behind the dumpster when nicolas and glenn were on top of it, then the fence has magically disappeared when they show the overhead shot?

    edit: okay, maybe the walkers pushed the dumpster away from the fence, but there weren't any behind it and when they first are backed up against the dumpster, it is almost right up against the fence. i supposed some of them could have pushed against the back from the other side of the fence and walkers on glenn and nicolas' side could have pushed along the sides and moved it, but if that was the case, it would continue to keep rolling as the herd frenzied around nicolas's corpse and eventually roll away from glenn.

    Wasn't there a small revetment or concrete wall around the bin too? I can't remember now.

    God...this flippin episode gets more and more annoying as time goes on.
    Last edited by shootemindehead; 10-Nov-2015 at 02:30 PM. Reason: .
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  14. #29
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by shootemindehead View Post
    Wasn't there a small revetment or concrete wall around the bin too? I can't remember now.

    God...this flippin episode gets more and more annoying as time goes on.
    yep, good call. found this pic to prove you're right.

    then there's this, showing yet another example of a TWD continuity error/lazy writing:

    and here's us:

    i've not even watched the latest episode, it's on the DVR, but my TWD-related interest level in anything other than the reveal that glenn is alive is absolutely zero right now.
    Last edited by ProfessorChaos; 10-Nov-2015 at 03:59 PM. Reason: .

  15. #30
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Bin push so...

    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....


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