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Thread: Star Wars 8 - The Last Jedi (film)

  1. #31
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post

    I wonder how real that is. So, we're to now believe that the low RT score for 'The Last Jedi' was orchestrated by this wanker? I thought it was Russian bots?

    TBH, that tweet sounds more like it's an elaborate troll, rather than some neckbeard coming clean, as it were. This guy's probably never stepped outside is house to talk to anybody in the real world. It's some nobody looking for a few minutes of dubious "fame" on the back of The Last Jedi's dividing nature.
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  2. #32
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    It’s only a rumor at this point, but some reliable sources are reporting that Lucasfilm and Disney are now putting their Star Wars spin-off/anthology films on an indefinite hold:

    Of course one of the reasons leading to the decision is Solo’s box office returns. I personally think it’s stupid to cancel future movies because of only one film making moderate box office returns. What they should do instead, is focus more on the quality and stop mining characters or stories from the original trilogy. Make film with all new characters in different parts of the galaxy. It’s an endless well of possibilities, they just keep drawing from past films rather than being creative. I enjoyed Solo, but nobody was asking for a Han Solo prequel. The next films were also drawing from previous stories(Obi-Wan and Boba Fett), which begs the question of why start these anthology films and say you’re going to tell all new stories, but then only fill in some needless gaps in the history of established characters??

    For now they’re focusing on Episode IX and Rian Johnson’s announced trilogy. I’d thought Johnson’s trilogy was also part of their anthology plan, but this suggests otherwise. Surely they’re not letting him make the next trilogy of the saga films? After The Last Jedi was so divisive among fans, I find it hard to believe that they’re giving him a whole trilogy, and giving him the next part of the saga films seems even more crazy.

  3. #33
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    I've not watched the last two films ("Last Jedi" and "Solo")...
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
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  4. #34
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I dug "The Last Jedi". It wasn't perfect, but then again few films are.

    The Star Wars thing in general - Solo flagged up the company's fear of veering from a very narrow path when they hired-then-fired Lord & Miller. Marvel are so successful in-part because they dare to do different things with their films, or at least they dare to have a different feel to them (spy thriller, comedy caper, heist movie etc) and get newer talents to helm their flicks.

    Star Wars is playing it far too conservative with certain things. Likewise, I didn't need a Solo movie - and I've not watched it yet either, and will likely wait for it to roll around onto Sky Movies - and, as you say Bassman, they need to explore new characters and regions of the SW universe.

    Another area where they need to fix things? ADVERTISING - good fucking God, SO MUCH GODDAMNED ADVERTISING. KNOCK IT OFF!!! The advertising for TLJ was so preposterously intense that, frankly, I think a lot of people were fed up with it before the movie had even been released. There was all the SW-specific advertising, but then there was so much of that 'synergy' advertising, whereby it's a car advert ... but Chewbacca and the Millennium Falcon turn up ... or it's an insurance advert ... but then the Meerkats are playing with BB-8 and lightsabers! TOO. MUCH. ADVERTISING. Months and months and months of relentless advertising ... get tae fuck!

    So ... they need to explore entirely new characters & regions, they need to hire more creatively diverse filmmakers (e.g. Marvel hired Waititi for Thor 3, a film that nobody was really fussed about at all, and knocked it out of the park for a big success ... ... although I'm yet to see it, but it should roll around pretty soon on the telly by now!), and they need to stop shoving it down everyone's throats during every single advert break and on every single billboard/burger carton/whatever else.

    A film every ruddy year? Too much Star Wars - every other year would be plenty.

  5. #35
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    It’s only a rumor at this point, but some reliable sources are reporting that Lucasfilm and Disney are now putting their Star Wars spin-off/anthology films on an indefinite hold:

    Of course one of the reasons leading to the decision is Solo’s box office returns. I personally think it’s stupid to cancel future movies because of only one film making moderate box office returns. What they should do instead, is focus more on the quality and stop mining characters or stories from the original trilogy. Make film with all new characters in different parts of the galaxy. It’s an endless well of possibilities, they just keep drawing from past films rather than being creative. I enjoyed Solo, but nobody was asking for a Han Solo prequel. The next films were also drawing from previous stories(Obi-Wan and Boba Fett), which begs the question of why start these anthology films and say you’re going to tell all new stories, but then only fill in some needless gaps in the history of established characters??

    For now they’re focusing on Episode IX and Rian Johnson’s announced trilogy. I’d thought Johnson’s trilogy was also part of their anthology plan, but this suggests otherwise. Surely they’re not letting him make the next trilogy of the saga films? After The Last Jedi was so divisive among fans, I find it hard to believe that they’re giving him a whole trilogy, and giving him the next part of the saga films seems even more crazy.
    Disney have no idea what to do with Star Wars. They're clueless. Into the bargain, they're trying desperately to "Mavelise" the series and that's completely the wrong way to approach it. Star Wars is not Marvel and it never will be.

    They need to get a bit of balls and make new films, with entirely new characters and not keep hanging their coat on the old crew, especially in these types of "before they were famous" movies.

    But, TBH, I don't see much of a future for Diswars at this point. 'Rogue One' is looking more and more like an outlier. An exception to a poor run. 'The Force Awakens' was a lazy nothing of a film. 'The Last Jedi' was terrible, apart from the scenes with Rey and Luke on the island and 'Solo' was a meh film that not even the fans wanted to see.

    It's simply amazing, how Star Wars can keep getting screwed up continuously.

    Also, after the disaster that 'The Last Jedi' was, I wouldn't Rian Johnson near another Star Wars film...ever. I think he may be getting shunted soon and there'll be a damage limitation type announcment about him "pursuing" other projects, while Disney regroup and try to figure out what it is they're doing that is so wrong.
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  6. #36
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I disagree on The Last Jedi, and feel it's a better overall film that The Force Awakens, which had Rey too capable from the outset and fell back on fan service and 'memberberry style nostalgia (although I did rather enjoy it!). Rogue One worked very well, and I'd probably put that as top dog of the new films under Disney's roof. It managed to be in the same continuity, feature certain returning supporting characters and locations, but feature new protagonists who fit into the overall story, and it saw a return to '1970s Star Wars' and made Darth Vader badass again - and the third act is a veritable slaughter, but totally earns the right to do so.

    Some of the hate that TLJ gets is, frankly, overblown and falls into the realm of simple hatin' - Ep7 was "too this, do it different" while Ep8 was like 'alright, bruv, how about this?' and these fans were like "wah, it's not enough like Ep7!"

    If RJ continues in the SW universe, I'd like to see him create his own assortment of characters and do his own thing within the sandbox rather than do another trilogy to follow Ep9. I think 9 films in the main continuity is more than enough and we need to see a much wider scope of stories, characters, and settings - hell, it's an entire universe filled with life and planets and such, so there must be plenty of stories to tell elsewhere in the SW realm!

  7. #37
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Nah, 'The last Jedi' just too stupid in too many areas and the "comedy" was woefully unfunny. Johnson is just not a humourous writer and his unneeded efforts at levity show that all too clearly. But, that doesn't mean that 'The Force Awakens' was a good film by any stretch and, yes, the story was a cut and paste job (what else would you expect from JJ Abrams) and the characters are dreck. Rey is a ridiculous wish fulfilment joke and Finn is probably one of the worst characters ever to be in a Star Wars film. He's completely the wrong type of person to fit that role and is never once convincing as somebody that had spent over 20 years as a soldier. He's so bad, Johnson didn't have a clue what to do with him in 'The Last Jedi' and had to create another rubbish character in Rose and send them of to Las Vegas planet just to give him something to do. Poe is just meh. Both of them take up far too much of Rey's time. The only one out of the new set that comes out looking well is Adam Driver's Kylo.

    'Rogue One' is the only thing in Diswars that has kept me interested. Before that, I considered Star Wars a busted series. It still is.

    Also, the "it's too samey/it's too different" thing doesn't work. The real problem is that they are just not good movies, 'Solo' included. 'The Last Jedi' was rubbish in too many areas. It matters not that it was "different". Different is fine, if the film is good. That film is littered with terrible writing. That slow space chase was laughable (especially when hyperspace is a thing) and the whole arc of Rose was fucking nonsense, right up to her dumb closing line. Awful, awful stuff. The kind of crap a 9 year old girl would write. If that's an indication of Johnson's character writing, he can stay away. Far away.

    Agree on broadening the stories. It's what Star Wars needs. Maybe now that 'Solo' tanked, Disney will understand that they can't milk nostalgia forever and will have to either shelve the whole thing or take a risk and actually write something new. But, it needs to be in the hands of somebody who can actually write a good yarn. So far, apart from 'Rogue One', that's been serious lacking.
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  8. #38
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    RE: Ep8 & Hyperjump thingy - it did make sense, though, because usually you'd be able to hyperjump and get outta dodge and leave the baddies behind BUT The New Order has got new tech that allowed them to follow the Resistance, so that option was no longer viable for the Resistance. Plus it was the fuel consumption of hyperjump, they had enough fuel for one more jump - but said jump would be pointless because the New Order would be able to follow them - so it purely came down to a war of attrition with their rear shields just about managing to keep them at bay. The New Order just had to wait a little bit and wear them down without having to risk their own troops or fighters etc.

  9. #39
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    I'm not talking baout the resistance. Why didn't the first order not hyperjump ahead and cut off the slow moving Resistance ships? That's what doesn't make sense. The whole idea is ill thought out and is too easy to poke holes in. But, it's just one example of how badly written the film was. There's tons of stuff that's been gone over, all across the web.

    'The Last Jedi' was just careless with everything that came before it, and didn't give a shite about what came after. Johnson, almost litterally, threw everything over his shoulder.

    There are some good parts, if we exclude the two completely redundant subplots and concentrate only on Rey/Luke. But, the film is largely a bad one, even objectively speaking.
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  10. #40
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Can you hyperjump such a short distance, though? The system seems to have a wind up and wind down included, no? Hux was getting a kick out of it, too, taking the role of the sadistic Nazi type with a superiority complex.

    I enjoy the Poe Dameron character quite a bit, but I do agree that Finn's arc in Ep8 was pretty perfunctory. There were a few snippets of purpose to that whole subplot, but the payoffs were very small (e.g. the peasant kid who pulls the broom to him using the Force).

  11. #41
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    I enjoy Last Jedi, but I do have to agree with shootem about it being a touch too “singular” for the trilogy. Rather than just giving Johnson the reigns and saying “do your thing”, they should have a more marvel approach in that they say “you have to hit these certain points, but other than that, make it your movie”. Basically Star Wars need a more Kevin Feige approach.

    It’s going to be very interesting to see how Abrams follows Johnson and closes out this particular trilogy...

  12. #42
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Can you hyperjump such a short distance, though? The system seems to have a wind up and wind down included, no? Hux was getting a kick out of it, too, taking the role of the sadistic Nazi type with a superiority complex.
    Sure, why. There are no rules for hyperspace and if there were, then have a character mention them and remove the questions from the audiences mind. It ends it just looking stupid and badly thought out. As for Hux, he's another awful character. He's a mincing joke, completely devoid of any real menace. Take the officers in the Empire. They're efficient and militaristic. They look the part. Hux looks like he walked in from a farce.[/QUOTE

    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    I enjoy the Poe Dameron character quite a bit, but I do agree that Finn's arc in Ep8 was pretty perfunctory. There were a few snippets of purpose to that whole subplot, but the payoffs were very small (e.g. the peasant kid who pulls the broom to him using the Force).
    Broom kid was woeful. Utterly pointless. That whole gamble planet thing should have been excised completely. All it does is adds running to an already overlong movie and Dameron's mutiny subplot was wretched. Holdo just comes across as complete jerk, more interested in teaching him a "lesson" rather than running the ship in Leia's absence. But, then, all the men in these films have been either stupid or incompetent in some way. Even Solo has to have help from Rey on the MF. A vehicle he's been flying for 40 bleedin years.
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  13. #43
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    The casino thing should have been cut, or at least cut down, but I loved the idea of the peasant kids and the force. If nothing else, thst has the potential to break away from the Skywalkers and start telling different stories. That’s the same reason I’m hoping they don’t reveal Rey to be a descendant of the skywalkers or Kenobi. Enough with the family angle, it’s a whole galaxy.

  14. #44
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    The casino thing should have been cut, or at least cut down, but I loved the idea of the peasant kids and the force. If nothing else, thst has the potential to break away from the Skywalkers and start telling different stories. That’s the same reason I’m hoping they don’t reveal Rey to be a descendant of the skywalkers or Kenobi. Enough with the family angle, it’s a whole galaxy.
    I disagree. Star Wars works best as a fairytale. Keep it to the Skywalkers.
    The more we learn about the universe, the dumber it gets. Why would anyone call himself the Dark Lord of the Sith?

  15. #45
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    I disagree. Star Wars works best as a fairytale. Keep it to the Skywalkers.
    The more we learn about the universe, the dumber it gets. Why would anyone call himself the Dark Lord of the Sith?
    “Well you see that’s implausible with the writer’s intentions, etc etc.”

    Sorry I couldn’t resist.

    Anyway, I see what you’re saying but with all the major original characters now gone, one being an unfortunate early death, it kind of kills the possibilities of continuing that thread. Of course there’s still Ben/Kylo, but wasn’t the whole idea of these new films to move on to new characters and let the past be? I’d rather see Rey be “the one” like they’ve hinted at and it goes onto possibly a new family thread that can continue on into the new trilogies. The Skywalker thread is getting tougher to weave into these films.


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