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Thread: Terminator 6 (film) - The coolest/best thing I've ever heard Schwarzenegger say

  1. #76
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    I hope this movie flops harder than a whale falling off a truck transporting it to SeaWorld. Maybe then they will finally quit beating a dead horse that should have been left alone 20 years ago.

  2. #77
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Hmmm.... I'd give it a charitable 6/10...

    The story line was rather poor generally, pi$$ing far too much on the original story arc. And the action felt a little too ramped up and therefore broke engagement. ie: Humans surviving impossible scenarios.
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
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  3. #78
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    And the action felt a little too ramped up and therefore broke engagement. ie: Humans surviving impossible scenarios.
    Dang ... considering the tone of T1 and T2, that shouldn't be the case. For instance, remember how in T2 when Sarah gets skewered in the shoulder? She goes for the rest of the movie barely being able to use that arm - and she's exhausted by the fight. Similarly in T1, in the factory, she was exhausted and that big chunk of metal in her leg slowed her way down and she had to crawl.

    Too much 'big action' turns it into a generic action movie, and the first two Terminators are not that.

    Sure, I'm yet to see T6, but it's disappointing to hear that about the action being too overblown. Do we also get more of that 'super Terminator' nonsense with the T-800 surviving far more punishment than what was possible in the first two movies? (e.g. In Salvation a T-800 being doused in molten steel only temporarily halted it, whereas in T2 molten steel absolutely destroyed all trace of the technology!)

  4. #79
    Walking Dead Moon Knight's Avatar

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    Damn, MZ, you just reminded me on why the original two Terminator movies worked so well. This saddens me.
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."

  5. #80
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Knight View Post
    Damn, MZ, you just reminded me on why the original two Terminator movies worked so well. This saddens me.
    I'm here to provide a service!

  6. #81
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    all the reviews keep saying this is the best since T2....but considering the competition, that's not saying much. i also keep seeing lots of comments about how derivative this one is of all its predecessors, and how pretty much everything in it has already been done better in the previous entries.

    oh, and having heard some spoilers, those who are excited about the return of edward furlong as john connor are in for a real shock.
    can't have the hero be a white guy anymore, so let's kill him off right at the beginning of the this one and make the future leader of the new resistance a latino female teenager!

    it seems as if plenty of foks are starting to see that this franchise should have never even became a franchise, and is creatively bankrupt and has been for a couple of decades.
    Last edited by ProfessorChaos; 01-Nov-2019 at 04:00 AM. Reason: .

  7. #82
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Wow... Seems to be somewhat tanking in the cinemas...
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
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  8. #83
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    Wow... Seems to be somewhat tanking in the cinemas...
    As some reviewers have pointed out,

    Part of the problem is that the film is catering to a crowd that's not really interested.
    A film with Arnold Schwarzenegger should be targeted at Schwarzenegger fans. Not the College kids of today. Generally you want your protagonist to be what your target audience is - it's not surprise most superheroes are young males for instance. However in this case (and some others, like Ghostbusters) they seem to think that their perceived evolved sentimentalities will somehow overcome general preference. Naive and folly.

    Again, I'm not saying I disagree with what the film is doing. But they can't expect to make your money back if they don't target the correct audience.

  9. #84
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    well, when you pretty much piss all over the established storyline and theme time and time again, and then right before the film is released it's revealed that you took it to a whole new level this go-around, it's to be expected.

    i'm beyond glad this thing bombed. they've been trying to tell the same damn story with slightly different twists for so long it's no wonder it failed once again. the redlettermedia crew pretty much hit the nail on the head in their latest "half in the bag" video about this turd-fest: in a nutshell, the terminator franchise is about like taco bell. they keep trying to take the same handful of ingredients and make something new and exciting, but it all pretty much tastes the same....and apparently people don't like the taste of these films anymore.

    i've said it before but it bears repeating: the perfect ending to this tale was done already in t2. no need to take it any further. in my head cannon, the whole story was wrapped up with a nice little bow almost 30 years ago.

  10. #85
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Here's a breakdown of the age and gender of this film;

    And here's one of Joker;

    Joker was seen by a much younger crowd.
    Terminator was not.
    You could argue that Joker was not played by a young actor - sure - but he is an underdog and that resonates with people regardless of age. But if they really wanted to draw in their crowd with this film they probably should have fronted it with Furlong in addition to Arnold and Hamilton. Add an interesting choice as the Terminator - maybe a wild card like Jeff Bridges (a cult favorite), lower the budget and expectations somewhat and focus more on drama and action. I assure you, you'd have a hit on your hands.

    Don't try to outdo Marvel or Star Wars. That's not what this is.

  11. #86
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Still yet to see T6, although I do agree with Prof - T2 was the perfect ending and will, for me, always be the true ending. In some ways it's kind of a shame they didn't keep the alternative/extended ending on T2 just to hammer home that fact.

    T3 turned it into a comedy and killing off Sarah was a dumb idea. There were a few bits of decent action, but just saying "nah, the ending of T2 didn't matter whatsoever" was a slap in the face of the audience.

    T4 could have been good - I'd wanted a film set in the future war for a long time, but it was PG-13 McG gibberish with no logic or appreciation for the previous films (well, T1 and T2). Nine Inch Nails made the trailer awesome, and it had a couple of cool moments in the film (the T-600s were pretty creepy and intimidating), but they totally missed the mark with it.

    T5 had a gimmicky opening, which would have made an awesome fan film, but as part of the actual franchise? Nope. Again, more iffy jokes, and shitting all over John Connor was a dumb idea and they didn't do justice to Kyle Reese either. The odd moment here or there, but pretty forgettable.

    T6 - I'll see it eventually, therefore my opinion is still to be formed.

    Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles had some good stuff, although it occasionally suffered from the lower TV budgets, and season two absolutely screwed the pooch with far too many episodes leading to the worst case of filler I have ever seen in any TV show. It stuck the landing in the final couple of episodes (which promised an intriguing third season), but by then the damage had already been done and it got shit-canned.

    I think what should have happened with the Terminator franchise is alternative stories within the universe - specifically the future war - disconnected from the Connor's story entirely. You'd then have much more freedom to move both in terms of storytelling but also in terms of fan service. It might have also been interesting to see other comic book tales get adapted as a sort of 'side project', like RoboCop vs Terminator.

  12. #87
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    Well, I've seen the new Terminator movie ("Dark Fate") ... ... ... I'm not even sure if I can say it was the "least naff" of the four most recent films.

    I liked some elements/ideas - obviously to have Sarah Connor back was good (e.g. when she first turns up firing that massive shotgun), but I despised the opening scene:
    Killing off John Connor was such a lazy 'gotcha' fuck you to the audience and spits on what came before.

    I also liked another idea that related to Arnie's T-800:
    What does a Terminator do once it has completed its mission? That was a nifty idea.

    But Christ on a bike, the whole 'Carl the drapery man' idea was asinine and just silly for the sake of being silly. Have him be a mechanic/repairman for crying out loud. All that drapery talk was stupid, verging on "talk to the hand" (T3) at times. Enough with trying to undercut the T-800 with silly 'humour', alright?

    The Rev-9, or whatever it was called, was kinda interesting - particularly that idea of it being able to split into two parts, the base endoskeleton and the sort of liquid metal part - but they made it too silly at times (all those tentacle spikes).

    There wasn't so much of the 'super Terminator' bullshit (e.g. when the T-800 gets its arm ripped off), but the new bad Terminator was basically a super villain. The last few movies just seem like they're too lazy to write situations which simultaneously give the humans a fair chance while also providing enough tension and challenge.

    I couldn't be doing with the 'augment' idea, either ... just felt too silly, especially with this metabolism weakness they chucked in ... not much cop if it can only fight for a brief time before collapsing, eh? That's who you send back to protect you? Hmmm...

    There was also some unnecessary wokery going on, too - the attempt to 'hide' who Dani was 'because she wasn't ready to know yet' was lame as all get out, and you could tell almost immediately that she was a resistance leader (and you certainly knew it was her during that flashback where they're getting her brought in on a stretcher). Indeed, the "She's John" bit was thuddingly clunky and cringe as hell, as was the whole thing of Sarah just assuming that Dani was another mother of a MALE resistance leader (low-key "yuck, men" tone drizzled in for good measure by the writers). It was a pretty pointless attempt to hide something from the audience that we could already guess quite quickly, and there was no proper reason to hide it from any of the characters in the film.

    Another thing that irked me - the opening action sequences - so the Terminators aren't even bothered to keep a low profile? And another thing - both drop in from a high point, for what reason? To look cool? They managed to drop them in at ground level before, so why can't they manage it now? Stupid. And to do it so publicly as well. Why? I liked the 'freezing of the area' just before the arrival idea, but beyond that it was cringey.

    Also, a lot fo the set pieces just felt like a case of 'what big shit can we do now?'. It just felt like a lot of stuff happening. None of it really gelled together, for me at least. The whole movie kinda felt a bit redundant. It threw away all of the previous franchise history just so it could, what, do almost the same exact thing again? But with a gender-swapped resistance leader and different designs for this "Legion" A.I. junk.

    T2 is where it actually ends. They won. The end.

    You could have done a future war movie that tied into the continuity, in a Rogue One-like fashion, (e.g. the smashing of Skynet's defense grid and the mission to send Kyle Reese back in time), or you could just have a general future war-set movie that doesn't include any references to the established good guy characters (Sarah and John Connor) and getting caught in that loop. It's an impossible place to put yourself. Make no changes and you're just beholden to the established narratives of previous (and superior) films. Make changes and you'll inevitably shit all over what came before.

    You've got this big scale future war and there's what, no other really important people who Skynet could seek to snuff out? It was only John Connor ... he had no super important hierarchy of supporters with a range of skills who attacked Skynet in different ways?

    So yeah ... a couple of good ideas, but far too much CGI, too many dodgy physics moments, a poor story filled with stolen and re-heated ideas that come out mis-shapen and unappetising. There's no twice as many naff Terminator movies as there are good Terminator movies!

  13. #88
    Being Attacked

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    I wonder if the new one will go back to Skynet or if they'll stick with Legion from Dark Fate.

  14. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daoyinyang View Post
    I wonder if the new one will go back to Skynet or if they'll stick with Legion from Dark Fate.
    What? There's going to be another Terminator movie???

  15. #90
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    What? There's going to be another Terminator movie???
    I surely wouldn’t think so! Three failures in a row should suggest we won’t see another Terminator for a looong time. I’d wager we won’t see another entry until someone remakes the original, likely a decade or two away.
    Last edited by bassman; 11-Oct-2020 at 11:11 AM. Reason: .


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