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Thread: So which Night film is canon to George's series, original or remake?

  1. #346
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDP View Post
    Again, there is no such specific statement anywhere in the movie regarding the beginning of the zombie situation,
    Well, this is in fact not true. The film makes it very clear that these statements refer to the zombie outbreak by inference. Two different characters mention something that happened 3 years ago, in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. You may not want to view it this way but this does not change the fact that there is dialogue in the film that gives us information on how long into the outbreak we are.
    Through dialogue we know that the film takes place 3 years after the start of the outbreak.

  2. #347

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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    Well, this is in fact not true. The film makes it very clear that these statements refer to the zombie outbreak by inference. Two different characters mention something that happened 3 years ago, in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. You may not want to view it this way but this does not change the fact that there is dialogue in the film that gives us information on how long into the outbreak we are.
    Through dialogue we know that the film takes place 3 years after the start of the outbreak.
    Again, this is just nonsense that you have invented. There is no such "rule" that just because two characters in a story mention the same number of years they "must" be talking about the same thing, or just because a story is set in a particular time or situation it must be referring to that by force. Again, read the original Raiders script for a perfect example of how such things can easily happen in a story and in fact be referring to different things. The difference here is that the scriptwriter of Raiders has made things perfectly clear to the audience through SUFFICIENT EXPOSITION and APPROPRIATE CONTEXT, while the scriptwriter of Land has not.
    Last edited by JDP; 07-Jun-2018 at 05:43 PM. Reason: ;

  3. #348
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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  4. #349
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post

  5. #350
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDP View Post
    Again, this is just nonsense that you have invented.
    No, not really. You see in the film there's clear exposition given through us by dialogue uttered by two different characters in the film. This dialogue tells us where we're at in terms of the plot. That's the point of these two lines of dialogue and that's how we know we're 3 years after the start of the outbreak!

  6. #351

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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    No, not really. You see in the film there's clear exposition given through us by dialogue uttered by two different characters in the film. This dialogue tells us where we're at in terms of the plot. That's the point of these two lines of dialogue and that's how we know we're 3 years after the start of the outbreak!
    Since you obviously don't know what "clear exposition" is, and you are making up totally imaginary "rules" that exist only in your head, it is pretty obvious that you don't know what you are talking about. Either that or you are just trolling. Again, read the original Raiders script for an example of clear exposition regarding two separate mentions of the same amount of time by two different characters within the story and how they are properly handled there.

  7. #352
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDP View Post
    Since you obviously don't know what "clear exposition" is,
    Actually I'm qute aware of what exposition and so is George A. Romero. We see in Land a clear cut case of it when Cholo and that mechanic mention the 3 year span. What they are saying is that the world changed 3 years ago. That change they are referring to is the zombie apocalypse. Textbook exposition really!

  8. #353

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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    Actually I'm qute aware of what exposition and so is George A. Romero. We see in Land a clear cut case of it when Cholo and that mechanic mention the 3 year span. What they are saying is that the world changed 3 years ago. That change they are referring to is the zombie apocalypse. Textbook exposition really!

  9. #354
    Arcade Master Philly_SWAT's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by JDP View Post
    There is another possibility that might be worth considering. He may not be purposefully being obtuse, but unknowingly being obtuse. EvilNed may by like Rain Man.... he knows that it is 15 minutes to Wapner, but he is incapable of understanding that Wapner will come on tomorrow, it comes on a different channel in another hour, that you could just record it and watch it later, etc. He is single minded of purpose and uninterested in and incapable of considering anything else other than the one thing.... Wapner is on soon and he has to watch it. Nothing else matters. He knows instantly that 312 times 123 is 38,376, but simply can not tell you how much money he has left is he had a dollar to begin with and buys something for fifty cents. (about 70, he says). He understands that two people say 'three years' in Land of the Dead, but is incapable of comprehending simple logical facts. So once he enters that fugue like state, he is incapable of engaging in honest intellectual debate.... Land is three years in, Land is three years in, Wapner comes on in 15 minutes....he isnt purposefully being obtuse, but perhaps just incapable of admitting that the sentences he quotes do not say 'three years SINCE THE OUTBREAK' and therefore is open to interpretation for a variety of reasons already spelled out in this thread. Simply admitting 'yes you are correct, the quote doesnt include the phrase since the outbreak' doesnt mean he is abandoning his main point to a normal functioning person, but to the Rain Man, even contemplating the question is enough to start him banging his head into the wall. In a way, it is almost cruel to keep engaging with him, just be amazed at this incredible math skills.

  10. #355

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    Quote Originally Posted by Philly_SWAT View Post
    There is another possibility that might be worth considering. He may not be purposefully being obtuse, but unknowingly being obtuse. EvilNed may by like Rain Man.... he knows that it is 15 minutes to Wapner, but he is incapable of understanding that Wapner will come on tomorrow, it comes on a different channel in another hour, that you could just record it and watch it later, etc. He is single minded of purpose and uninterested in and incapable of considering anything else other than the one thing.... Wapner is on soon and he has to watch it. Nothing else matters. He knows instantly that 312 times 123 is 38,376, but simply can not tell you how much money he has left is he had a dollar to begin with and buys something for fifty cents. (about 70, he says). He understands that two people say 'three years' in Land of the Dead, but is incapable of comprehending simple logical facts. So once he enters that fugue like state, he is incapable of engaging in honest intellectual debate.... Land is three years in, Land is three years in, Wapner comes on in 15 minutes....he isnt purposefully being obtuse, but perhaps just incapable of admitting that the sentences he quotes do not say 'three years SINCE THE OUTBREAK' and therefore is open to interpretation for a variety of reasons already spelled out in this thread. Simply admitting 'yes you are correct, the quote doesnt include the phrase since the outbreak' doesnt mean he is abandoning his main point to a normal functioning person, but to the Rain Man, even contemplating the question is enough to start him banging his head into the wall. In a way, it is almost cruel to keep engaging with him, just be amazed at this incredible math skills.
    Yes, totally agreed. But from what I recall from previous discussions about this, Ned does seem to understand that there is a crucial difference between what the filmmaker might have originally intended, and how his finished product in fact comes across to the audience. In fact, I think I remember you bringing this point up to him years ago, in one of those older threads about the problems found in Land, and he fully acknowledging your point. Of course, if I don't recall incorrectly, he followed the admission by a barrage of excuses, as usual, just like he is still doing here. So, he does know that even if he could find an interview where Romero in 100% clear and unambiguous terms says "yes, I totally intended Land to be happening 3 years after Night", that still does not excuse the fact that he did not clearly convey this idea in the movie itself. If a filmmaker has to go around outside of the movie itself making clarifications about what he intended, then he obviously left some points "vague" or "unclear" in the movie itself, that's why he needs to clarify them in the first place. Whether he did this on purpose or unwittingly makes no difference for our discussion. We are not really arguing about filmmaker's intent, but what exactly did he convey to the viewers in the movie itself. The fact is that the way he wrote those "3 years" lines in Land, it totally leaves the issue unsettled and open to interpretation. You only have to compare it to how the same filmmaker wrote the time-reference in Dawn to plainly see that they are not equivalent by any means. Then Ned comes around here and fully admits that the "3 week" dialogue in Dawn is quite clear and an example of "textbook exposition", which, again, leads me to believe that he likely does understand the points that are being brought up against his arguments, but just doesn't want to fully admit that the "3 years" dialogue in Land simply is not equivalent when it comes to clarity and unambiguity. So, one can easily suspect he's likely being obtuse on purpose. He knows that if he makes any further concessions it is just an admission of "game over" for his claim that the movie supposedly clearly says that "3 years" have passed since the zombie outbreak of Night.

  11. #356
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDP View Post
    Not being obtuse at all and have no reason to be. After all, it’s all clear as crystal in the film itself

  12. #357

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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    Not being obtuse at all and have no reason to be. After all, it’s all clear as crystal in the film itself

  13. #358
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDP View Post
    Ok I guess this is you conceeding then. Glad you came around!

  14. #359

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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    Ok I guess this is you conceeding then. Glad you came around!
    No, it is just saying the obvious: that your faulty arguments ran out of fuel years ago and have all been refuted over and over. So without further ado, here are...

  15. #360
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDP View Post
    No, it is just saying the obvious: that your faulty arguments ran out of fuel years ago and have all been refuted over and over. So without further ado, here are...
    Oh, that's not how I feel and I'm glad you finally came around to my view.


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