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Thread: My friend started a zombie-themed gc that turned into something bigger...

  1. #1
    Fresh Meat
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    My friend started a zombie-themed gc that turned into something bigger...

    My friend Kayla made a group chat on Messenger for a zombie game on mobile she was playing. It just started out as a fun thing, kinda like all the other group chats we had. A bit of fun, some funny pics. There was a running joke in the group for a while of sending pics of yourself flipping the bird. Kayla left the group (she often does; she has emotional problems) and a d***head named Coalton decided to remove everyone from the group "for the lolz".

    So a second group chat was made. Zombie Apocalypse 2.

    This one took a decidedly different turn. It became a roleplay group. A lot of the original members were added, as well as a few professional RPers in case we didn't know what we're doing (we still don't).

    We started out with a group of six of us, running from a horde. We were mostly using character names from different zombie-related games, movies, TV series etc. I was Carl (TWD); Hayley was Cherry (Planet Terror); Makayla was Michelle (a combination of Michonne from TWD and Rochelle from L4D2); Kieran was Daryl (again, TWD); Caroline was Addy (Z Nation); and Jackie was Clementine (TWD).

    It turned into something quite extraordinary.

    It started out almost episodically; we'd go to a place, run and gun whilst zombies chased us down, find what supplies we could, and then move on to the next area.

    Then came the military base. That was a tricky one. How it went was there were two snipers on the hill and they shot out the fuel tank on our transport, stranding us at this deserted military depot with a horde closing in the distance. It turned into a siege situation with the this looming threat on the horizon as we tried to outwit our opponents on the hill.

    Unfortunately this is where the drama started. Two of the RPers had an argument because one decided to shoot while the other was offline (Tristan gets agitated when people don't go with his plan) and it ended up with an attempted fresh start of the storyline that didn't really work out and the chat went inactive for a while. Kieran and Hayley left because they didn't feel comfortable there anymore, and then Red left because I left his group chat in a fit of pique after a member there had insulted Makayla. I think Tristan might have left at that point too for a while. He's done that a couple of times.

    Eventually I managed to revive it with the aid of two new RPers, Tina and Cori. Cori's character was Onyx, an army doctor with a tragic backstory and an unbelievably flirty personality. Tina's was a zombie version of her OC who somehow retained her memories and higher brain functions and consequently took to taking down entire hordes in a matter of seconds and helping the survivors. Some of us thought she was a little too OP, though that was partially addressed in the latest event, which I will address shortly.

    Another RPer had been added called Luna, and Tristan disliked Luna a great deal because she had allegedly faked her suicide some years previously. Tristan said Luna would try to take over the RP, and he was sort of right about that. Her character was the self-described "zombie queen", the patient zero of the virus harbouring none of the symptoms - in short, the ultimate MacGuffin in this case. They had a full blow-out argument that left the RP in a precarious state - the RP essentially ended on a cliffhanger, with all the characters getting swept away by a horde brought on by the queen having "night terrors". There was talk of yet another restart, or even just to let the RP die altogether.

    There was a vote. It was 5-4-0 in favour of continue. Luna's contributions were largely ignored, though her now-deceased "queen" allowed for Tina to be partially cured of the virus, losing her speech problems - and some of her abilities - in the process.

    Now the story turned back to Tristan's reoccurring sniper character, now revealed as the leader of a German paramilitary group involved in a hostile takeover of the ruins of Washington DC. This story arc we have yet to finish as Tristan has been having medical problems recently, mostly relating to sleep deprivation. This arc is likely to be the final one in the RP. In this arc, the only survivors of the Luna arc were me, Tina, Cora and Makayla.

    There were two other RP groups created, 2.5 (featuring all the originals and a couple of the newers, it's not quite clear if it's set after 2 or if it's an alternate timeline), and Zombie Apocalypse 3 (a prequel focusing on Tina's backstory). And on top of this, Jackie is writing a book based on the storylines of 2 and 2.5, with some contributions from myself, Cora and Tina.

    So yeah, you'll be able to read all about it in a couple months probably. When it's done. (Obviously, with other, copyright-friendly names XD)
    Last edited by ElectricFire169; 12-Aug-2020 at 12:33 PM. Reason: Correcting spelling

  2. #2
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
    Zombie Flesh Eater

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    Sounds interesting. I'd like to read a transcript to get a better picture of how it was played.

  3. #3
    Being Attacked

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    United States
    kind of late, but can I join?

  4. #4
    Fresh Meat
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    Well, the RP and all its derivatives died a long long time ago. There was a capture, a gunbattle escape, and one (edit: no two, the militia leader and Cori's character) of the characters died.

    The playstyle was very simple, it was like this - Character: "Blah blah blah" *does a thing*

    Sorry the post is very short but I wrote out a longer one and then lost it and I am too hot and bothered to type it all out again. Also, apologies for not answering sooner but I've been away for quite a while.

    Last edited by ElectricFire169; 12-Aug-2020 at 04:32 PM. Reason: Elaboration

  5. #5
    Being Attacked

    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    United States
    Oi its all good. Its nice to hear from you. Sorry it took me a week to respond. I am in the er lol


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