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Thread: Ghostbusters 3 (film) - 2021

  1. #61
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    On the latest episode of Kevin Smith and Marc Bernardin’s Fatman Beyond(previously Fatman on Batman), Smith once again brings up the fact that he had Jason Reitman at his house recently and managed to pry some info out of him. Smith wouldn’t reveal anything out of respect for the project’s secrecy, but when Bernardin made the comment, (paraphrasing)“I imagine at this point that you don’t announce a direct sequel unless you already have Bill Murray and the originals on board”, Smith gave a silent but very big grin to the audience. So if the direct sequel didn’t basically point to it, now it seems quite certain that Murray is on board.

    Smith also went on to say that while he wouldn’t give up any of the information, he does think that Reitman has a homerun on his hands and “will please ALOT of audiences and fans”, both old and new. As I’ve mentioned before, Smith famously gets very excited about all facets of nerdom, but listening to his comments, I do get the feeling that Reitman has landed on a great concept. Very reassuring and exciting for this fan!
    Last edited by bassman; 31-Jan-2019 at 12:04 PM. Reason: .

  2. #62
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    MZ - I just stumbled onto this video on another forum. As a GB fan since childhood, like myself, I thought you would appreciate this. As well as some others, I imagine.

    A dad and two boys visit the Ecto-1A on the set of GB2, and are then escorted onto the museum set where they meet the cast, all of whom stay in character for the kids. I was probably around the kids’ same age when GB2 was released and I would’ve flipped out over this too! It’s heart-warming the way the cast treat the kids - even Murray!

    They make it to the cast on-set around the 3:00 mark, before that is just the car.

    Last edited by bassman; 31-Jan-2019 at 05:59 PM. Reason: .

  3. #63
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    bassman - oh man, I'm so jealous of those little tykes right now!!!

    Aye, like you, I think if I'd been there my mind would have exploded, haha.

    Reminds me of a time when I was a kid and I was wandering about town with my Dad and we stumbled across a DeLorean - make up with all the Back to the Future stuff - that was on display in the centre of town in a little pedestrianised zone. I think I must have been about 6 or 7 at the time and it was incredible to see the BTTF car right there (I imagine it would be a hobbyist's recreation). But that sense of childhood wonder is a really special thing. It warms your heart to see those kids talking to the Ghostbusters.

  4. #64
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    ^ Ooh, I bet that was a neat thing to see. Of all the regularly referenced “famous cars”, the Delorean Time Machine is the only one I haven’t seen in person before. I’ve seen standard Deloreans, of course, but surprisingly never seen a replica of the BTTF version...

    .....Unless I’ve just forgotten. And now I’m second guessing myself.

    It was a bit of an “aww” moment when Harold Ramis walks up to the kids. Still sad knowing he’s gone. He looks like a really caring and loving person the way he interacts with the kids, too.
    Last edited by bassman; 01-Feb-2019 at 03:49 PM. Reason: .

  5. #65
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Production Designer Francois Audouy posted this over the weekend.

    Looks like production may kick off very soon! So excited!

  6. #66
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Jason Reitman was on Bill Burr’s Monday Morning podcast earlier this week, which is always a great listen BTW, in which they briefly discussed the new film. There’s not really anything new as far as information, but across the Internet people are already calling Reitman a sexist and causing an uproar simply because he said he’s a fan of the films and wants to make a true sequel that will “give it back to the fans”.

    I’m sure they knew it before it was announced, but I hope they’re prepared for a never ending barrage of attacks from these idiots. Transcription of the GBIII segments:

    Honestly, the crazy thing is we have no time. I--we--so I wrote the film in secret with my writing partner Gil Kenan. We wrote it over the last year while we were finishing up "(The) Front Runner". And we turned it in in December. And I have to admit my presumption was it was going to be any other studio film I heard about where there's years of rewrites and they grind it into the ground and it never happens. I was kind of fully prepared for this year to be a little taking time off and doing rewrites on Ghostbusters and instead the studio read the first draft and said 'Yeah, go make it.'

    This is going to be a love letter to Ghostbusters. I, um, I love this franchise. I grew up watching it. I consider myself the first Ghostbusters fan. I was like 7 years old when that movie came out and, uh, love it and I want to make a movie for my fellow Ghostbusters fans. So it's a 100% love letter.

    Like we just did this teaser for it that we launched when we announced it. And even in that we went back to the work files for the sound of the Proton Pack and we went back to the stems of Elmer Bernstein's score. Uh, for just for when it says at the end of the teaser, it's says like Summer 2020. We went back and found the original physical vinyl letters they used to make the Ghostbusters poster in 1984, rescanned them, then, uh, our titles guys reprinted them and we filmed the titles, not like in a computer, we shot physical titles with light and smoke effect because that's how they would have done it back in the say so we are in every way trying to go back to the original technique and make a -- hand the movie back to the fans.

  7. #67
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    Morons lambasting Reitman with the buzzwords of the Twitter era presumably haven't seen "Tully".

    And still before a cast has been announced! Let alone the start of production, or a trailer or, you know, the release of the actual fuckin' movie.

    Annnnnnyway ... I like the attention to detail, the full blown nerdiness of it all (in the best way possible), such as the thing with the titles and digging into the archives. It makes my heart sing.

  8. #68
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Yeah, it’s ridiculous how they took his comments and turned them into a “sexist” problem. After the uproar came from the podcast, Reitman took to Twitter to clarify and then Paul Feig came to his defense. Very cool of both of them to respect each other and show these idiots that they’re looking to dig up dirt where there isn’t any.

    Wo, that came out wrong! I have nothing but admiration for Paul and Leslie and Kate and Melissa and Kristen and the bravery with which they made Ghostbusters 2016. They expanded the universe and made an amazing movie!
    Feig’s respectful response:
    Jason was a supporter of mine at a time when I couldn’t get movies made. He has always been a true gentleman to me and a supporter of Ghostbusters: Answer the Call. I can’t wait to see his take on the Ghostbusters universe. Big love and respect to you, Jason. Your fan, Paul.
    Hopefully this respectful exchange will help to calm the “sexism” waters as the movie progresses. Which, btw, is said to be filming in Calgary, Canada. For interiors, of course. IF the film goes back to New York, which it should because the city is a character in the films, they’ll still do second unit shots of the city, I’m sure.
    Last edited by bassman; 21-Feb-2019 at 03:24 PM. Reason: .

  9. #69
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    So sick of Twitter wankers wrecking everything.

    One of the worst things on the entire web that stupid site.
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  10. #70
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    The Feig movie flopped, so it's not getting a sequel. Simple as that. Has nothing to do with sexism or whatever the crybabies on Shitter claim.
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  11. #71
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Variety has reported that Finn Wolfhard(Stranger Things, It) and Carrie Coon(Gone Girl, Avengers: Infinity War, The Post) have been cast as a mother and son that reportedly have a “mysterious past connected to the 1984 original”. This hasn’t been officially confirmed, but Jason Reitman did tweet a link to the article with the comment of “I love this plan, I’m excited to be a part of it!”, which is of course a somewhat sarcastic quote from Venkman in the original film, so take that as you will.

    Variety says that the Reitman’s were at first weary of casting Wolfhard because of his connection to Ghostbusters through Stranger Things and it’s similarities, but the young actor’s auditions apparently “blew them away”. The kid is a great actor, but I too am a bit weary about this connection.

    Very curious to see what this supposed relation to the original film could be, as well...
    Last edited by bassman; 01-Mar-2019 at 11:33 PM. Reason: .

  12. #72
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    “Meet the family”

    I like the idea that he’s casting with serious, dramatic actors. Wolfhard and Grace are some of the best young actors in recent memory.
    Last edited by bassman; 30-Mar-2019 at 01:11 PM. Reason: .

  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    “Meet the family”

    I like the idea that he’s casting with serious, dramatic actors. Wolfhard and Grace are some of the best young actors in recent memory.
    And Carrie Coon's high calibre, too. She was a high point in the third season of Fargo, albeit somewhat underused in a comparatively 'a bit off the boil' season.

  14. #74
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Haven’t seen the Fargo series, so I’m not too familiar with Coon outside of Infinity War and Gone Girl. As you say though, I also hear she’s really quite good. Jason has a knack for those kinds of dramatic roles, so it should hopefully be an interesting character!
    Last edited by bassman; 30-Mar-2019 at 08:16 PM. Reason: .

  15. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    Haven’t seen the Fargo series, so I’m not too familiar with Coon outside of Infinity War and Gone Girl. As you say though, I also hear she’s really quite good. Jason has a knack for those kinds of dramatic roles, so it should hopefully be an interesting character!
    Oh yeah, I'd forgotten she was in Gone Girl (yep, good there as well).

    Fargo is a different story each season, so she's only in season three and the third season is disappointing overall compared to the first two (which were superb), but as I say, Carrie Coon was a decided highlight in that third season.


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