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Thread: Anarchy

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDP View Post
    No, it was gangsters masquerading as cops. Once they had their intended victims lined up against the wall, as if it was a legit police raid, they mowed them down in cold blood with machine guns. Al Capone wasn't a nice guy by any means. You crossed this dude, you were dead. Plain and simple. Gangsters obey no other "law" but that of The Jungle.

    LOL! Comparing a mass murdering thug like Castro with any US President (even Donald Fart, err, "Trump", by far the worst and most ridiculous US president ever), only reinforces how out of touch with reality you are. I'll take living under the government of any US President over Castro's communist regime any day of the week.

    How much you want to bet that 1920s-30s Italians lived much better under Mussolini (who was a ruthless dictator responsible for thousands of deaths, no question about this) than 2000s Venezuelans do under Castro's The Two Stooges (Chavez & Maduro), who are also responsible for thousands of deaths but on top of that have totally fucked the whole infrastructure of the nation? (want to hear an amusing "joke": current Venezuela can't even produce enough sugar for its population, it has to import sugar! A nation well-known for its long tradition of sugar cane plantations! That's how fucked up the whole country has become. They barely can even produce oil anymore, and this is the nation with the largest oil reserves in the world! Yes, that's how incompetent these communist clowns you seem to admire so much are. On top of that, they are a bunch of thieves too (they have millions -stolen from Venezuela's coffers- stashed in foreign bank accounts.) They have turned the richest nation in South America into an impoverished hell-hole, where droves of people die of hunger and disease every day. "Long live the ROBBERlution!")

    Again, Utopian dreams.

    Because just like Romero's zombies, many people do not "respond to such emotions" (as Dr. Rausch would put it) like "compassion", "love", "fairness", "respect", etc. You know, the things that you keep quite incorrectly assuming will somehow magically stop people from committing crimes. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to put laws into place to keep such people in check and make sure they know that they cannot go around doing such things to others without being punished for it. "You break the dishes, you pay for them!"

    Oppressed by the state? Methinks that you really have no idea of what actual oppression is. You should really spend some time in Cuba, North Korea or Venezuela to get a good nice taste of what actual oppression is. Get a taste of what being shot, or tortured, or imprisoned for life for your dissenting views, a la Cuba & North Korea, or dying of starvation and disease a la current Venezuela disaster (take a look at Venezuelan morgues and "hospitals" under the current bogus "revolution", with even decomposing corpses piling up: they would make even Dr. Menard from Zombie cringe in utter disgust!) In a week or less you would be begging to come back to a democracy. You have no idea how lucky you actually are for having been born and lived in a democracy all your life until it is taken away from you. Be thankful and don't take it for granted that you have plenty of rights and freedoms protected by a working constitution. BTW, have you noticed that the trend has always been people from communist countries struggling to get the fuck out of them and go to your much maligned "Capitalist Fascist Pigs!" run countries and NOT the other way around? I wonder why you think that is. I can't wait to hear what new and hilarious outlandish "explanation" you will try to come up with next. "It is those bastard Capitalist Fascist Pigs brainwashing people from the idyllic paradises of Communism and Anarchy, I tell you! They are not really escaping oppression, and persecution, and famine, and scarcity, and inefficiency, and incompetence at all levels of government, I tell you!"

    No, what you are proposing is not the equivalent of some "improvement" over seat belts but the removal of seat belts altogether. That won't make anything better. More people will die from car crashes with no such equipment in place. Similarly, without laws you are only making matters worse, not better. More people will be disposed to commit crimes.

    LOL! You are calling what I am telling you "immature" when it is you who proposes such absurdly naive "solutions" as pampering criminals with "love and compassion"? Seriously, what universe are you currently living in? Do you seriously think that bombarding such wackos with "love and compassion" is going to stop them from doing what they enjoy? Look, this whole "love and compassion" thingy only works for reasonable, peaceful people, but they don't really need such "reinforcement" since they already respect other people's lives and rights, so it is like preaching to the choir. Just don't expect it to work for everyone, though. Plenty of people will simply laugh or not pay attention to such pacifist philosophy. Religion has in fact been preaching "love and compassion", and "turn the other cheek", and what have you for a very long time, and it has not stopped such violent or criminally minded people one bit. In fact, ironically, more people have died because of religion than for any other reason, despite all the "preaching".

    Do you realize how absurd this "argument" is? So, just because we can't bring back the dead we should allow the murderer to get away with it? How fine & dandy... for the criminal, that is! Since the crime is irreversible, then he should be allowed to go scot-free! This reminds me of a great scene in Tales from the Darkside: The Movie (based on Romero's TV show, and written by Romero and McDowell):

    Andy Smith: My sister and my best friend died because of this. **referring to the ancient Egyptian scroll that Bellingham used to command the mummy to kill the two mentioned people**
    Bellingham: Killing me won't bring them back.
    Andy Smith: If I let you live, that will bring them back?

    That's the answer to this silly "argument" right there, and in an entertaining fictional package to boot! Not making the criminal pay for his crime just because the crime itself is irreversible is hardly much of any "argument", as not punishing him won't reverse his crime either. Doing nothing about it is therefore dumb and self-defeating, and only advantageous for the criminal, plain and simple. As another character (the Gypsy King, Tadzu Lempke, from Stephen King's Thinner) says in another horror movie: "Justice ain't about bringing back the dead, white man. Justice is about justice!" What you are advocating is in fact A PARADISE FOR CRIMINALS, where they would know for sure that as long as their crimes are irreversible they will get away with it. You know, for a person who seems to enjoy horror and action movies so much, you sure don't seem to learn anything from them. Beyond the purely fictional elements (which you seem to not be able to get past beyond, as can be seen from your weird dismissals that just because a movie features zombies or outrageous punks on weird vehicles everything else shown in them must be pure fiction as well), many of them in fact have interesting moral lessons and social commentaries written between the lines.

    Again, simple seat belt analogy: remove the seat belt and it is quite obvious that you will have more fatal accidents than with them in place. Same with laws. Remove them from the equation and it is pretty sure that you will get more crime, simply because people, specially those with criminal inclinations, will no longer have an organized deterrent working against them. It becomes easier to commit crimes. Again, not "rocket science". It shouldn't be this difficult to grasp, really.

    You fail to comprehend the criminal mind. Plus anarchy will never achieve other goals, like free things for everyone, it is another of its Utopias. Nothing in life is "free". This reminds me of what happened in an episode of Real Time with Bill Maher, when one of his guests seriously proposed to give a "fixed" salary of something like $2000 or $3000 a month for each and every citizen, independent of how much money they already make in their current jobs or if they are unemployed... Even a radical liberal like Maher laughed his ass off at such a proposition. All he had to do to show how faulty such a proposition is was to point out that such a plan would in fact motivate most people NOT to work but basically become leeches of the state. And he's 100% correct. Why bust your ass, specially by working a lower paying job, when you are guaranteed a good sum of money by doing nothing??? The ideas that you keep entertaining are on similar outlandish, unrealistic veins. As if money and goods just grew on trees!

    You keep modifying the definition of "anarchy" as it suits you. One of anarchy's goals is "absolute freedom", a Utopian dream.

    More aggressive? Do you know why the Korean War started? That's right, communist troops invading the South. Do you know that every single ground battle between US troops and the VC and North Vietnamese troops in Vietnam happened in the South (the West-backed-up side), not the North (the communist supported side)? Yep, it was always the communists on the offensive and the US and South Vietnamese troops on the defensive. Did you know that the US could have nuked the shit out of the Soviet Union without any fear of atomic counter-attack up until 1950, since the Soviets could not develop their first atomic bomb until 1949, years behind the Americans? (in 1950 there were 304 atomic bombs in the world, 299 of them were in the US) But they never did it. So I ask you: who is the real aggressor? You seem to swallow communist propaganda hook, line and sinker.

    That depends on how you define "socialism", as it has more than one meaning:

    Even the Nazis started as "National Socialists", and they evolved into something else pretty different than Marxism/Communism.

    Communist nations are built on lies.

    In what universe? In this one, Einstein! Do you think that being a CEO is such an easy job that anyone can do it? You have to understand and have loads of experience in management to be able to be a good CEO. Why do you think that an average fry cook earns about $20,000 while an average CEO some $150,000? Anyone can become a miner, or a farmer, or a fry cook. All that is required is a bit of experience in those subjects and a bit of patience to repeat the same basic tasks over and over again. Being a CEO, at least a good & efficient one, is not something that just about anyone can do. That's why companies pay big bucks for their services, whereas they pay miners and cooks much less. Miners and cooks are way easier to find than good CEOs. Again, not saying that those other lower paying jobs are not important, just not as complicated and difficult. And don't confuse words like "tough" or "difficult" or "complicated" with "tedious". Being a fry cook is hardly "difficult" or "complicated". Just be careful not to burn the food in the hot oil/fat. A bit of practice and you get it. It is rather TEDIOUS because you have to work many hours doing basically the same thing over and over. But hardly "tough" or "complicated". Being a CEO or a mechanical engineer (my actual example) is a more complicated and difficult task, requiring much more experience and training to become good at those tasks. Thus why they earn way more than miners or cooks. Since as it is pretty clear by now that you have quite a bit of difficulty grasping such things, I will give you a closer example: it is more difficult to be a chef than to be a fry cook. Thus why chefs earn quite more than fry cooks. Capisce? That's how society works, remains functional, stimulates competition and betterment, it provides an incentive for many people to strive for different, more complex and better paying jobs, while others are content with simpler but lower paying ones (which are necessary as well, nothing wrong with lower skill labor.) Good luck coming up with a better system than this. My money says you will not succeed, specially not with such bizarre propositions as you seem to think somehow will "work".

    The contradictions are all yours. You are the one who strangely expects that rewarding two very different jobs requiring very different levels of skill and preparation somehow will result in people just being motivated to take on the harder jobs. It just ain't gonna happen. Why make more effort for the exact same "reward"??? What you will end up with is a society mostly composed of people who take on the easier and least demanding jobs, as long as they have everything given to them and have no reason to try to improve their lives. You know, like that hare-brained "give everyone $2000-$3000 a month!" plan that Bill Maher laughed at on his show. No incentive whatsoever for people to actually work.

    The point is that it will NOT translate well into reality, and it most definitely will not be any sort of "improvement".

    People have been doing all that long before money existed. Slavery itself is also prehistoric. It existed long before money did. You keep trying to use "money" as some sort of scapegoat for all of society's problems. You simply don't understand the complexities of HUMAN NATURE. That has become very obvious throughout all these "discussions". No wonder you keep entertaining such unrealistic ideas like "anarchy", no matter how much it is explained to you that they simply will not work in the real world, but only in the idealized world of "on paper". Paper-humans are these magical two-dimensional creatures who all think alike, all cooperate, all behave, all agree, all respect others, all work, all do their best, etc. Real-humans are a very different thing. Some steal, some don't, some kill, some don't, some hate, some love, some misbehave, some behave, some lie, some tell the truth, some leech-off of others, some work & produce, some are unmotivated, some are highly motivated, etc.

    Again, good luck trying to convince any sane, logical, rational person of such a hare-brained scheme. The answer that you will invariably get from almost everyone you propose it to will be: "OK, practice what you preach, smartass: go ahead and till the fields all day and keep only what's necessary for you to survive and then give away for free the product of your hard labor to others who have not and do not want to lift a finger to do that job!" You can almost hear it in the background: "Earth to blind2d! Earth to blind2d!"

    Have you ever heard of crops failing? Natural disasters? Droughts? Diseases? Or just plain old PEOPLE NOT WANTING TO WORK FOR FREE??? (who do you seriously think is going to plant all those trees, water them, fertilize them, keep them healthy, and harvest them only to share much of their labor with others who haven't lifted a finger to deserve so, all for free?) How are these inconvenient facts so difficult to grasp?

    What is really kind of sad is someone who evidently is quite out of touch with reality and seeking obvious Utopias about "no laws" and people all magically thinking, feeling and behaving the same way, and fully agreeing with one another all the time, and working for nothing, and a world without accidents, catastrophes, crime, etc. claiming that others "really don't seem to get it". You have much to learn about life and reality yet.
    1) Are capitalists any different? Maybe they don't pull the trigger personally, but they certainly have no qualms about sending troops to die and kill thousands of innocents for profit.
    2) Okay, so you'd rather be a minority in the US? Hell, at least Cuba has decent health care! And mass murderer? Have you MET any US president? Forgetting about literally everything the US military/CIA/FBI has ever done, are we? On the subject of Venezuela (Your favorite country?) I don't see how that's entirely Castro's fault, any more than the wars in the Middle East today are thanks mainly to Nixon or JFK. Again, communism is ultimately about abolishing money, so... *shrugs*. Alright, so if I shouldn't have hope for the future, should I just slit my wrists now and have done with it?
    3) If I broke the dishes accidentally, is that really fair? Let me ask you this. If you saw a bunch of kids playing on a playground, would your first instinct be to murder them? "Many" people is not "most". Weak argument. The USA has the largest prison population per capita in the world by far. We have a law on the books for literally everything. Hell, they're trying to build a fucking wall on the border with Mexico. How is that not oppression? Mm, what about China? England, with its constant surveillance? France, where women can't wear hijabs in public? Canada, where you're fucked if you're indigenous. The list goes on and on. Capitalism IS oppression. "Work for us, do as we say, or die in the gutter". What rights and freedoms? To vote in an election that won't change anything? To work as a wage slave? To be randomly shot in public by some unhinged white guy with an assault rifle? Um, yeah, or they stay. That happens a lot too. No one's being stopped from just leaving Vietnam. Unless you're already a rich asshole, the "American Dream" is a lie. Also again, I'm not a tankie. I do not support dictators. Neither should you.
    What would their motivations be to commit crimes? Also, it's more like if I took all cars off the road. No cars, no car collisions. But this is just table tennis at this point. Criminals are just people that do things the law doesn't like, for the most part. Most people in jail are there for nonviolent crimes. How can you not know this? If they have mental health issues, we can address them. If it's something else, we can try to help with that to. Why are you just so quick to give up on others? I don't know if you've read the Bible, but there's a lot of fucking violence in it. So, yeah, you're just being pessimistic. Again. So, is your "justice" predicated merely on revenge? Spiteful, egotistic, toxic thinking. If one is hurt, one should find a way to heal. Not lash out and inflict more hurt upon others. Protect yourself, yes, but don't become that which you despise. Again you're ignoring the environmental conditions that create violent behavior, chalking it up to just "bad individuals". It's not that simple. This is why we must change the system itself. But cool movie quotes.
    4) Maybe it's easier for me to kill people in a nation with more guns than people (the US). Does that mean I'm going to become a serial murderer? Hell no. Ridiculous.
    5) Okay then, what is "the criminal mind"? *vomits a tiny amount* Bill Maher, seriously? He's no better than Fox News, IMO. Hosting Milo, etc. No platform for nazis. Money is a lie. Abolish it. Fruit (food, needed for life) grows on trees.
    6) (Or is it 7?) Not my fault anarchy is more nuanced than you're aware of it being. Like that's my whole point here. Trying to explain it. It's why entire books are often written on the subject. What are humans without dreams? Miserable wretches plodding through a hellscape, partially of our own making. Yes, I'm a dreamer. But I'm not the only one.
    8) Who is the aggressor? Um, probably the country that flew across an entire ocean to fight wars. Probably the country that got rich off of slave labor and genocide. Probably the country that has ever actually used nuclear weapons. The country that took over Hawaii. You think that the US fought/fights communism just because they care so much about foreigners that we're often openly racist towards? What world are you living in?
    9) Again, the "American Dream" is a lie. To quote George Carlin, "'ve got to be asleep to believe it."
    10) Yes, so difficult to talk to people and sit behind a desk in an office building all day. Literally anyone can do this. Like, I have social anxiety, but if such a position would allow me to live comfortably, I'd probably still do it. If the job needed to be done, that is. Which, a CEO... Does not. If the workers own the means of production. As they ought. Also, no, not anyone can farm. Some people have physical disabilities preventing them from doing so. Or don't own land/enough capital to acquire land to start a farm. Or live in an area where the soil is right for what they want to grow. Etc, etc. With modern technology, you could literally be an executive from home, completely. And it's because capitalism values capitalists/capital, not actual labor/workers. Are companies like gods to you? Sending commands and blessings or wrath down from on high? Physical effort/labor isn't "difficult" to you? Ever try standing for 8-10 hours straight in front of hot stoves, shouting and bustling people, and electronic beeps? Six days out of the week? And what does a CEO create? A fry cook makes food, needed for life. A CEO is comparatively as useful as a baby in NASA. Alright, we get it, you're a bootlicker. Don't shove your fetishes down my throat without my consent. What I'm literally proposing is a better system, and you're shooting it down because... It's different? Unrealistic? Capitalism was unrealistic 1,000 years ago. The internet itself couldn't even have been imagined a century ago. Don't tell me what isn't possible, just because you're afraid to try new things. I guess you'd be fine with slavery were we living in the 1700's, yeah? Geez. "Dur, we need oppressive leaders b'cause they gots experience and fancy suits." Get out of here. Oof, especially putting words in my mouth like that. Marx, again. "Each according to [their] ability to each according to [their] need." Some jobs simply won't be necessary anymore. Banking, for example. Get rid of that whole mess. You seem to be confused as to what "more effort" means. Parenting for example is one of the toughest jobs there is, yet people keep doing it for free... Why? Hell, even when Van Gogh wasn't selling anything, he kept painting. People have passions and interests, regardless of any kind of reward or reimbursement and will work for themselves and others, no matter what. Historically. Fuck a Bill Maher, dude. He's a capitalist. And a wealthy cishet white male. So, yeah, why would I care? Just you saying it won't be an improvement doesn't make it so.
    11) Your point? I understand all of this. Yet we are still social creatures. We all (or the vast majority of us) wish to live in communities. So does not communism then make the most sense? I've already explained that the diversity of our species is glorious, I thought.
    12) That wouldn't be "practicing what I preach". That would be me doing everything for everyone else: an idea I have not once proposed. Do you really not understand what working together for the good of all means? It means um... Working together for the good of all. Again, parents. They work hard. What do they get in return? Certainly not money or social status (except maybe to a very small degree). And yes, I've heard of all those things. We have them now. Yet people still maintain their own vegetable gardens/farms for sustenance, even when the harvest is bad, even when they can't sell their produce. Also, last I checked, trees can grow all by themselves without human intervention (though the initial planting does help, as well as pruning and other very minor and infrequent maintenance). I don't see how they're inconvenient, as yes I've taken them into account. Where did I ever say I expected everyone to "think, feel, and behave the same way"? Do I have to use that one Marx quote again? We see the beauty of the world in how each of us are unique. We can unite the world by recognizing that we are all alike. No magic needed, just knowledge and understanding. Open minds and hearts. All things we're all capable of naturally. Also, magic is just science that we don't yet understand. To quote Adventure Time. Again, no one ever works for nothing. Even if it's just self-satisfaction, that's still something valuable. And disagreements always arise. But they can be more easily resolved through patience and compassion. Where did I say no accidents? No catastrophes? Again, can something be considered a crime if there are no laws? If you think Bill Maher is worth listening to... IDK. You don't seem to have a firm grasp on "Life and reality" yourself.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by ProfessorChaos View Post
    @ JDP:

    Sweet baby Jesus that last entire last post was nearly flawless. Thanks for being so thorough and eloquent, I don't have the time and patience to compose a masterpiece like that but holy shit it's great seeing someone put all that together. Keep fighting the good fight brother.


    isn't that pretty much the exact opposite of what you're endorsing in regards to communism or whatever sort of system you think we should be living under?
    You applaud a capitalist. SMH. Prof, if you're not going to pay attention, what are you even doing here? How would it be opposite? Do you even have any political knowledge or class consciousness?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    Lots of reasons.

    Specialization in crops production leads to higher yields - which can sustain a higher amount of people. Having a greenhouse in every lawn out there cannot compete with having vast amount of farmland dedicated to a single crop. Specialization also allows people to focus on other tasks - such as for instance science or medicine - rather than taking care of their own food production. If everyone has to care for themselves then food will become something everyone has to attend to. All other vocations will suffer.

    Furthermore, geography determines what crops can be grown where. You can't grow corn in the Ukraine - believe me, they tried (and failed).

    When security and freedom are pitted against each other, people as a group will always choose security. They will seek shelter and comfort in groups, and within groups social hierarchies can (and will always) form. Anarchy simply cannot exist alongside freedom - because the ability to choose a better life will eliminate anarchy.
    We didn't end up like this by accident - we chose this life over that of hunter-gatherers.
    This is true, which is why we could have communal farms. Also, technology. Not all vocations that exist today are justified. Communism is security. Why should these hierarchies form? What causes them? LOL, what? Anarchy isn't the same thing as hunter-gatherers. Not even sure what you're trying to say at the end there. Anarchy IS freedom. "The ability to choose a better life"? Life is what you make it. Capitalism doesn't exactly give us many choices, now does it? Unless you mean which brand of toothpaste you want to buy, I guess. But is that really a choice?

  2. #32
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blind2d View Post
    This is true, which is why we could have communal farms. Also, technology. Not all vocations that exist today are justified. Communism is security. Why should these hierarchies form? What causes them? LOL, what? Anarchy isn't the same thing as hunter-gatherers. Not even sure what you're trying to say at the end there. Anarchy IS freedom. "The ability to choose a better life"? Life is what you make it. Capitalism doesn't exactly give us many choices, now does it? Unless you mean which brand of toothpaste you want to buy, I guess. But is that really a choice?
    Communal farms has been tried and didn't work. During the Soviet Union they revoked the private ownership to land in order to reform them into communal farms. The problem is that the people who were good at farming did not want to go along with this, and resisted, since the tradeoff to them is worthless. They were forced to work the exact same farms are before, but reap much less reward. Since the food was distributed evenly rather than sold to the market that meant that for the same amount of work they suddenly recieved no reward. The first thing that happened was that people refused - and kept their farms. So Stalin shot them. The second thing that happened was that Stalin had a bunch of farmland, but no farmers - so he had to force people to work them. The third thing that happened was that people who had no aptitude for working in agriculture (because all the ones who did, were dead) - and had no personal incentive to work hard - simply produced food at a much lower yield. Here endeth the communal farming project experiment... It doesn't work, because humans don't work like that.

    What do you mean "why do hierarchies form"? Hierarchies form because they are an undeniably effective way of organizing anything. With competent people making informed decisions you can handle increasingly larger organizations which otherwise would not be possible. Without an hierarchy you could not organize anything beyond perhaps a group of five people - and even that is doubtful for a long period of time. There's a reason why there's a very strict hierarchy in the military - it's the most effective way - bar none - of handling a large group of people. Without it you couldn't have wide scale food production, which in turn would negate the ability to conduct research within medicine, science and infrastructure - etc. etc. etc...

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    Communal farms has been tried and didn't work. During the Soviet Union they revoked the private ownership to land in order to reform them into communal farms. The problem is that the people who were good at farming did not want to go along with this, and resisted, since the tradeoff to them is worthless. They were forced to work the exact same farms are before, but reap much less reward. Since the food was distributed evenly rather than sold to the market that meant that for the same amount of work they suddenly recieved no reward. The first thing that happened was that people refused - and kept their farms. So Stalin shot them. The second thing that happened was that Stalin had a bunch of farmland, but no farmers - so he had to force people to work them. The third thing that happened was that people who had no aptitude for working in agriculture (because all the ones who did, were dead) - and had no personal incentive to work hard - simply produced food at a much lower yield. Here endeth the communal farming project experiment... It doesn't work, because humans don't work like that.

    What do you mean "why do hierarchies form"? Hierarchies form because they are an undeniably effective way of organizing anything. With competent people making informed decisions you can handle increasingly larger organizations which otherwise would not be possible. Without an hierarchy you could not organize anything beyond perhaps a group of five people - and even that is doubtful for a long period of time. There's a reason why there's a very strict hierarchy in the military - it's the most effective way - bar none - of handling a large group of people. Without it you couldn't have wide scale food production, which in turn would negate the ability to conduct research within medicine, science and infrastructure - etc. etc. etc...
    So I guess science is this: Try a thing once. If it doesn't work, give up, Never try it again. Right? I'm no Stalinist, but if humans want to work against their own best interests... I can't force them, no one can, to behave differently. If a healthy and happy community isn't enough of an incentive, then I don't know what is. Seems that these farmers were greedy, stupid and stubborn. Doesn't mean they deserved death though, although death is coming for all of us.

    I mean, "why do hierarchies form?". Horizontal democracy could be equally effective if put into practice. All decisions can be informed if knowledge is equally shared and accessible. Why wouldn't that be possible? You seem to have no knowledge of actual anarchist groups. They are usually way larger than just five people. ...I feel like it's because the military is a fascist construct. Ah the slippery slope fallacy. Wonderful.

  4. #34
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blind2d View Post
    So I guess science is this: Try a thing once. If it doesn't work, give up, Never try it again. Right? I'm no Stalinist, but if humans want to work against their own best interests... I can't force them, no one can, to behave differently. If a healthy and happy community isn't enough of an incentive, then I don't know what is. Seems that these farmers were greedy, stupid and stubborn. Doesn't mean they deserved death though, although death is coming for all of us.

    I mean, "why do hierarchies form?". Horizontal democracy could be equally effective if put into practice. All decisions can be informed if knowledge is equally shared and accessible. Why wouldn't that be possible? You seem to have no knowledge of actual anarchist groups. They are usually way larger than just five people. ...I feel like it's because the military is a fascist construct. Ah the slippery slope fallacy. Wonderful.
    Pretty much yes, if something doesn't work - try to learn from that mistake. And no, working together for a common good isn't a good enough incentive for most people, because almost nobody - including me - believes in that pipe dream. Why toil for a cause that only gives me suffering?

    Whether you think militaries are fascist or not is beside the point. Stop shifting the goal post. The point was to show how effective an hierarchy is. You cannot manage a society without it. Even hunter-gatherer tribes had alpha leaders. All organizations need a leader in order to function effectively.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    Pretty much yes, if something doesn't work - try to learn from that mistake. And no, working together for a common good isn't a good enough incentive for most people, because almost nobody - including me - believes in that pipe dream. Why toil for a cause that only gives me suffering?

    Whether you think militaries are fascist or not is beside the point. Stop shifting the goal post. The point was to show how effective an hierarchy is. You cannot manage a society without it. Even hunter-gatherer tribes had alpha leaders. All organizations need a leader in order to function effectively.
    Learn from the mistake, yes. But don't throw out the baby with the bathwater. How many times did Edison try the lightbulb before it worked? Johnny Giger had to try the Impossible Darkslide over 260 times before he landed a clean one. My point is don't give up. Yours seems to be... Don't try? Don't dream? I'm not clear. If you have a better dream, by all means share it. I'm fascinated with how you think things could be improved. Why would your toil ONLY produce suffering? Is your toil masochistic torture of some kind? Is it your job to cut ribbons of flesh off your own arms or something?

    True. But, "effective"? At what? Dominating and slaughtering a population? Essentially being a bully to smaller/poorer nations/groups? Oh my, how admirable (said sarcastically). Y'all keep saying it can't be done. Show me the science behind it. Historically yeah, revolutionary groups are often squashed by imperialist forces, but maybe this is because (in part) they had... visible leaders? Napoleon no longer has an army. Anarchists are still around, almost two hundred years later. What is "effective" to you, may not be the same to me or someone else.

  6. #36
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blind2d View Post
    Learn from the mistake, yes. But don't throw out the baby with the bathwater. How many times did Edison try the lightbulb before it worked? Johnny Giger had to try the Impossible Darkslide over 260 times before he landed a clean one. My point is don't give up. Yours seems to be... Don't try? Don't dream? I'm not clear. If you have a better dream, by all means share it. I'm fascinated with how you think things could be improved. Why would your toil ONLY produce suffering? Is your toil masochistic torture of some kind? Is it your job to cut ribbons of flesh off your own arms or something?
    Please provide an example of what lessons you can learn from this and how to correct them. Be specific. Because these are very complex and advanced subjects that need to be solved before the entire rest of this so called anarchic experiment can be applied. Everything we know today, including lessons learned from history, indicates that this is not possible. So please. Be specific.

    Effective at anything. Don't shift the goal post and we're talking about organization. If there was a more efficient way of managing a military than by a hierarchy you bet your ass they would apply it worldwide. This is not a difficult concept.
    Last edited by EvilNed; 30-Aug-2019 at 09:11 PM. Reason: fdsfsd

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    Please provide an example of what lessons you can learn from this and how to correct them. Be specific. Because these are very complex and advanced subjects that need to be solved before the entire rest of this so called anarchic experiment can be applied. Everything we know today, including lessons learned from history, indicates that this is not possible. So please. Be specific.

    Effective at anything. Don't shift the goal post and we're talking about organization. If there was a more efficient way of managing a military than by a hierarchy you bet your ass they would apply it worldwide. This is not a difficult concept.
    One lesson: Don't kill people. How about that? It never ends well for anyone, but authoritarians never seem to learn. Really? "Everything"? And I thought you liked specifics. :/ WHAT is not possible? Again you're ignoring my questions, which I'm getting a bit tired of. It's okay not to know, but don't act then like you know more than me when you clearly don't. How about you be a little helpful? Hm? Instead of just criticizing me, you could be, IDK, making suggestions? Attempting some sort of compromise? Like a functioning adult? I've already linked you several "specific" things. Not my fault if you can't read. Should I... Teach you how to read? My only problem with that is I only have so much time.

    *narrows eyes* No, not anything. Oppression. Domination. Conquest and control of the masses. The few wielding violence over the masses. I'm against it, clearly. Oh, we're talking about organization. Horizontal then. Boom. Also a military is not the same as society. It's not a difficult concept, no (anarchy), yet you seem to need it explained to you over and over again. It's like I'm talking to a wall here. Again, if you can't be bothered to read my links, why are you still replying and pretending that you care? Also answer my previous questions that were asked in good faith that I assume you just accidentally missed. Please. If you wish. I'm not your boss. I don't believe in bosses.

  8. #38
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    You're just rambling incoherently at this point.

    Please be specific and provide a specific description of how you would learn from the soviet example of communal farms. If your only giveaway is to "not kill everyone", then you've learned nothing and your farms will fail. People will not work on communal farms when they can work on their own farms. And when any form of society will reforms an existing farm into a communal one; The owners will just say... "No". And then you're in a pickle. So please: Be specific or accept that you don't know.

    Anarchy is a very simple concept. It is also very naive, and not grounded in reality. I'm using the military as a example to show how effective hierarchy is. If there was a more effective way, they'd do it. It's simply way more effective, and the only way to manage a group larger of 5 people or so.

    But again, you're just rambling incoherently now. You haven't convinced anyone, and I suggest if that is your end goal you better get a better grasp of the practical applications of the theories of which you preach.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I was just reminded of something. We do actually have a fairly recent ingredient of anarchy in modern society, which points to how futile it is. Modern electrical scooter-companies, like Voi, Lyme etc, are out there for everyone to use. The basic idea is for everybody to use them responsibly. Many do, but some don't. And the ones that don't ruin it for everyone else. So here we have a microcosm of the anarchic society - use with responsibility, or else it won't work. And people don't.

  9. #39

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    Quote Originally Posted by blind2d View Post
    1) Are capitalists any different? Maybe they don't pull the trigger personally, but they certainly have no qualms about sending troops to die and kill thousands of innocents for profit.
    War is part of human nature. Unfortunate, but true nonetheless. Again, such things go way back and predate "capitalism", "communism" and any political system.

    2) Okay, so you'd rather be a minority in the US? Hell, at least Cuba has decent health care! And mass murderer? Have you MET any US president? Forgetting about literally everything the US military/CIA/FBI has ever done, are we? On the subject of Venezuela (Your favorite country?) I don't see how that's entirely Castro's fault, any more than the wars in the Middle East today are thanks mainly to Nixon or JFK. Again, communism is ultimately about abolishing money, so... *shrugs*. Alright, so if I shouldn't have hope for the future, should I just slit my wrists now and have done with it?
    The difference is that democracies fight for a better ideal that actually works and protects many freedoms and rights of the individual. Trying to seriously compare ANY US President with the likes of actual tyrants like Castro or Kim Jong-un is silly.

    3) If I broke the dishes accidentally, is that really fair? Let me ask you this. If you saw a bunch of kids playing on a playground, would your first instinct be to murder them? "Many" people is not "most". Weak argument. The USA has the largest prison population per capita in the world by far. We have a law on the books for literally everything. Hell, they're trying to build a fucking wall on the border with Mexico. How is that not oppression? Mm, what about China? England, with its constant surveillance? France, where women can't wear hijabs in public? Canada, where you're fucked if you're indigenous. The list goes on and on. Capitalism IS oppression. "Work for us, do as we say, or die in the gutter". What rights and freedoms? To vote in an election that won't change anything? To work as a wage slave? To be randomly shot in public by some unhinged white guy with an assault rifle? Um, yeah, or they stay. That happens a lot too. No one's being stopped from just leaving Vietnam. Unless you're already a rich asshole, the "American Dream" is a lie. Also again, I'm not a tankie. I do not support dictators. Neither should you.
    What would their motivations be to commit crimes? Also, it's more like if I took all cars off the road. No cars, no car collisions. But this is just table tennis at this point. Criminals are just people that do things the law doesn't like, for the most part. Most people in jail are there for nonviolent crimes. How can you not know this? If they have mental health issues, we can address them. If it's something else, we can try to help with that to. Why are you just so quick to give up on others? I don't know if you've read the Bible, but there's a lot of fucking violence in it. So, yeah, you're just being pessimistic. Again. So, is your "justice" predicated merely on revenge? Spiteful, egotistic, toxic thinking. If one is hurt, one should find a way to heal. Not lash out and inflict more hurt upon others. Protect yourself, yes, but don't become that which you despise. Again you're ignoring the environmental conditions that create violent behavior, chalking it up to just "bad individuals". It's not that simple. This is why we must change the system itself. But cool movie quotes.
    The judicial system deals with people with mental problems differently, and also with things like involuntary manslaughter, and so on. Not all legal cases are the same, obviously. So, no, your arguments are not valid. I am not being "pessimistic", just REALISTIC. A society without any laws in place will sooner or later devolve into chaos. Again, not rocket science. Just human nature at work.

    4) Maybe it's easier for me to kill people in a nation with more guns than people (the US). Does that mean I'm going to become a serial murderer? Hell no. Ridiculous.
    I don't know what you are trying to prove here, as I don't disagree with this, but it does not have much to do with what we were talking about regarding laws and crime. You can kill a person by using a hammer, or a knife, or a baseball bat, or even your bare hands. It is not the "tool" with which a crime is committed that we were talking about.

    5) Okay then, what is "the criminal mind"? *vomits a tiny amount* Bill Maher, seriously? He's no better than Fox News, IMO. Hosting Milo, etc. No platform for nazis. Money is a lie. Abolish it. Fruit (food, needed for life) grows on trees.
    Sure, fruits grow on trees but not everyone wants to eat them, or at least not exclusively, so you will need way more than trees to fuel your Utopia. And the trees also need to be planted, fertilized, watered and cared for (guess who also likes to eat fruits? Yes, many animals. Unless you want the fruits to end up in their stomachs before you can collect them and give them away for free in your Utopia, you will need to keep them pesky animals at bay. Unless, of course, your Utopia also hilariously means that animals will also have the exact same rights to share in all this projected bounty!) You are going to have your hands full trying to deal with this subject alone, LOL! Let's see how many will volunteer to carry out all the necessary tasks so that trees can give plenty of fruit enough to feed millions of people. And just wait until you let them know the big "revelation" that they will be required to do all this work for... cheese and crackers! (if you can get the cheese and crackers producers to also agree with this Utopian scheme, that is!) I am afraid the world is much more complicated than your Utopian plans can deal with.

    6) (Or is it 7?) Not my fault anarchy is more nuanced than you're aware of it being. Like that's my whole point here. Trying to explain it. It's why entire books are often written on the subject. What are humans without dreams? Miserable wretches plodding through a hellscape, partially of our own making. Yes, I'm a dreamer. But I'm not the only one.
    You do know that Lennon there was actually admitting that he was dealing with DREAMS, do you? We can dream all day long, but that's not going to solve anything. Wishful thinking does not solve problems. We need to be REALISTIC AND PRAGMATIC in order to do that.

    8) Who is the aggressor? Um, probably the country that flew across an entire ocean to fight wars. Probably the country that got rich off of slave labor and genocide. Probably the country that has ever actually used nuclear weapons. The country that took over Hawaii. You think that the US fought/fights communism just because they care so much about foreigners that we're often openly racist towards? What world are you living in?
    You should hold an election or poll to see whether Hawaiians want to secede from the US. Somehow I suspect that the majority of them most certainly won't want to. Do you seriously think that the Chinese or Filipinos would have been better off under the Japanese Empire if the US had not intervened in Asia during WW2? Nanjing and Manila Massacres, anyone? Ask the South Koreans if they would prefer to live under a communist dictator like Kim Jong-un than in a democracy? I think that the majority of them are thankful that the US intervened there as well during the Cold War. The United States is not a "saint", it sure is also motivated by its own interests, but it sure as heck is also way better than communist and totalitarian regimes. It has definitely treated other countries it has militarily intervened in way better and more fairly. Japan, its very former foe in the area, is itself a democracy today due to the US, and it even agreed to allow their emperor to remain in place as a symbol of the state. Do you think the Japanese of today would like to go back to being a totalitarian regime like in WW2? Somehow I don't think so!

    9) Again, the "American Dream" is a lie. To quote George Carlin, "'ve got to be asleep to believe it."
    That opinion doesn't seem to stop many people from still wanting to migrate to the US.

    Also, there are many other democracies around. Going back to the subject that seems to give you a chill down the spine, the current "socialist" Venezuela disaster: over 3 million Venezuelans have already fled, escaping from the bogus "revolution" that has plunged that nation into chaos, famine and disease. Do you know where they are going? They certainly aren't flocking to Cuba or North Korea, that's for sure! They are fleeing to Colombia, Argentina, Chile, Panama, the US, the EU... What a "coincidence", all of them democracies! So, the same trend I told you about before. It is always people from the communist world fleeing towards the democratic world, not the other way around. That should tell you something.

    10) Yes, so difficult to talk to people and sit behind a desk in an office building all day. Literally anyone can do this. Like, I have social anxiety, but if such a position would allow me to live comfortably, I'd probably still do it. If the job needed to be done, that is. Which, a CEO... Does not. If the workers own the means of production. As they ought. Also, no, not anyone can farm. Some people have physical disabilities preventing them from doing so. Or don't own land/enough capital to acquire land to start a farm. Or live in an area where the soil is right for what they want to grow. Etc, etc. With modern technology, you could literally be an executive from home, completely. And it's because capitalism values capitalists/capital, not actual labor/workers. Are companies like gods to you? Sending commands and blessings or wrath down from on high? Physical effort/labor isn't "difficult" to you? Ever try standing for 8-10 hours straight in front of hot stoves, shouting and bustling people, and electronic beeps? Six days out of the week? And what does a CEO create? A fry cook makes food, needed for life. A CEO is comparatively as useful as a baby in NASA. Alright, we get it, you're a bootlicker. Don't shove your fetishes down my throat without my consent. What I'm literally proposing is a better system, and you're shooting it down because... It's different? Unrealistic? Capitalism was unrealistic 1,000 years ago. The internet itself couldn't even have been imagined a century ago. Don't tell me what isn't possible, just because you're afraid to try new things. I guess you'd be fine with slavery were we living in the 1700's, yeah? Geez. "Dur, we need oppressive leaders b'cause they gots experience and fancy suits." Get out of here. Oof, especially putting words in my mouth like that. Marx, again. "Each according to [their] ability to each according to [their] need." Some jobs simply won't be necessary anymore. Banking, for example. Get rid of that whole mess. You seem to be confused as to what "more effort" means. Parenting for example is one of the toughest jobs there is, yet people keep doing it for free... Why? Hell, even when Van Gogh wasn't selling anything, he kept painting. People have passions and interests, regardless of any kind of reward or reimbursement and will work for themselves and others, no matter what. Historically. Fuck a Bill Maher, dude. He's a capitalist. And a wealthy cishet white male. So, yeah, why would I care? Just you saying it won't be an improvement doesn't make it so.
    How many youngsters have you seen taking a summer job as a CEO? That's right, NONE! Now, how many youngsters have you seen taking summer jobs at McDonalds, Jack in the Box, Burger King, KFC, Popeyes, Taco Bell, etc. as cashiers, janitors, fry cooks, etc.? That's right, LOADS of them! I rest my case. Seriously, take a REALITY PILL, you desperately need it.

    Regarding parents: THAT IS THEIR DUTY! Of course they don't expect to get be paid for it, duh! You are supposed to care and provide for your children. No one is supposed to pay you for it as if it was an actual "job". It's something you voluntarily do out of your own will.

    11) Your point? I understand all of this. Yet we are still social creatures. We all (or the vast majority of us) wish to live in communities. So does not communism then make the most sense? I've already explained that the diversity of our species is glorious, I thought.
    No, precisely because not everyone in those communities is the same, thinks the same, wants the same, feels the same, has the same tastes, aptitudes, skills, motivation, etc. That diversity actually works against such ideas as communism and anarchy. Human nature at work!

    12) That wouldn't be "practicing what I preach". That would be me doing everything for everyone else: an idea I have not once proposed.
    That would be you setting an example for others. But we all know that you most likely won't do it. It is easier to preach something than to actually do it. That's why they would dare you to go ahead and do it. "Less bark and more bite!"

    Do you really not understand what working together for the good of all means? It means um... Working together for the good of all.
    Do you really not understand that you are not going to get everyone coordinated and in perfect agreement and harmony simply because in your Utopian scheme of things people who have more arduous tasks to carry out than others are just getting the same reward as everyone else, and these people simply will end up telling you to "stuff it" and that you go ahead and bust your ass doing the harder things?

    Again, parents. They work hard. What do they get in return? Certainly not money or social status (except maybe to a very small degree).
    Extremely faulty analogy. See above.

    Yet people still maintain their own vegetable gardens/farms for sustenance, even when the harvest is bad, even when they can't sell their produce. Also, last I checked, trees can grow all by themselves without human intervention (though the initial planting does help, as well as pruning and other very minor and infrequent maintenance). I don't see how they're inconvenient, as yes I've taken them into account.

    You are comparing a small personal hobby with huge agricultural endeavors designed to mass produce. Not the same level. Plus you said it yourself: the people who do home-gardening do it because it is convenient FOR THEM, they don't do all the work for the benefit of everyone. When they have surplus, THEY SELL IT. That means that they are collecting a REWARD for their efforts and work. This in your system is a "no-no", they should just "give it away" to others who haven't lifted a finger to contribute to grow those vegetables. Your system is doomed to fail. People DO NOT LIKE TO WORK FOR FREE. And no, you won't be able to provide them with "everything they need or want" so that they won't need money at all. What if these farmers like to eat caviar and lobster covered in 24K gold leaf, all accompanied by chilled vintage Dom Perignon champagne, every single day of their lives? Are you going to provide them with all those things? Do you think that people who produce such luxury items are going to also just share them with everyone for the exact same reward that you plan on giving everyone, like these farmers who produce, say, lettuce and tomatoes? Start getting the picture now? People and societies are very complex, they are not carbon copies of each other. Different ideas, tastes, wants, needs, etc. Your system is a Utopia that would only work if everyone thought and felt the same, they were all conformists, all would be content with having the exact same things no matter what their work actually is, and so forth. You will NEVER be able to pull this Utopian plan in the real world. Pretty soon the people who produce caviar, lobster, gold leaf and champagne will tell you to go produce those things yourself, they are better off picking up chicken eggs, catching sardines, painting aluminum foil of a yellow color & squeezing oranges for their juice, and still collect the exact same rewards as everyone else for much less effort than producing more expensive things. There is a good reason why money-based systems have worked well for some 3000 years. Your Utopian ideas won't replace money. Ever. It's just too good and practical an invention. You apply your aptitudes & skills and work hard and produce things other people want or need, you sell them and collect the monetary rewards of your efforts, which allows you to live the kind of life that you enjoy and want, which might very well be very different than the kind other people want or will conform themselves with. Everyone is free to choose how they want to live according to what they are capable of earning with their skills, ingenuity and work.

    But they can be more easily resolved through patience and compassion.
    That won't work with everyone. What are you going to do with people who do not respect the rights and lives of others? Bombarding them with "patience and compassion" is only going to make them laugh even more than getting rid of all laws. They will continue to do what they feel like doing, no matter whose rights, lives and freedoms they infringe on.

    You don't seem to have a firm grasp on "Life and reality" yourself.
    Methinks that much better than you do.
    Last edited by JDP; 31-Aug-2019 at 09:09 AM. Reason: ;

  10. #40
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    1) War part of human nature? I suppose you just think any behavior done by humans is just fine and dandy then, since it's "human nature". Slavery? Rape? That's all just fine because "human nature". I find your lack of convictions disturbing.
    2) Maybe if the USA actually WAS a democracy, then you'd have a point. But you don't, since it's not, is it? You think your vote counts just as much as Exxon-Mobil's? You personally are able to give thousands of influence dollars to politicians in order to further your own personal goals? Hm. News to me. How'd you get into that position, since I certainly am not?
    3) You're just repeating yourself. That does not an argument make. If you're really convinced that nothing can be improved or changed for the better, why are you even bothering to do anything at all?
    4) Well you don't seem to grasp that it is (your favorite phrase) "human nature" to NOT murder frequently and indiscriminately. So that's my real point here. Also that the USA is a violent bully with really shit practices, but I'm sure we all agree on that.
    5) We're literally feeding the world right now. It's not difficult. It's not an impossible task. Just requires some effort, communication, and organization. Like anything in a society. If people value cheese and crackers, then they will work to create them. This is "human nature".
    6) Again, does progress occur without dreams? Imagination? Original thought? Hell no. So yes, praxis is important, no one is claiming otherwise. But ideals are also valid. As are ideas. Not sure why you seem to be so ardently against innovation and progress.
    8 (Because we're skipping 7?) Lot of Uncle Sam dick-sucking going on here. Hm. So the propaganda's gotten to you then. I already knew that, but this just confirms it. Do you really think that the Japan of today is penultimate? That it cannot possibly be improved in any way? Also, no. The US military treats people terrible. Because it's a military, and that's what militaries do, but yeah, we're like trying to control the globe through force and violence. I can't condone that. From anyone. Just because you get a boner from the red white and blue doesn't make you right. We got concentration camps going on NOW, in case you forgot.
    9) ...Exactly. That's how state-sponsored propaganda works, dummy. It tells lies that motivate people to further the interests of the empire. Do you even now how difficult it is to move outside of the US? Like, how delusional are you? And again, Venezuela isn't socialist.
    10) ...Wait, what? Are you saying that capitalism rewards only those who are already wealthy (because, of course, duh)? Or...? What are you trying to say here? That capitalist society leeches off the labor of the working class to feed the pampered ruling elite? Again, already knew that. And people live in communities of their own will as well, yes? So, isn't it our duty to care for our neighbors, NOT to put them in cages because they're different?
    11) LOL! What? No. Read Marx. Stop being a child. Community means living in close proximity and having that relationship, while able to at least in some small way provide for your neighbors as they do for you. Have you even taken a class in sociology?
    12) Are you any better than me? Aren't we all just barking here? Again, read Marx. See above. Why is your argument "things work this way NOW! Why would they work differently in the FUTURE???" ? You realize things change over time, right? Do I have to bring up technological advancements again? I'd rather have my dream fail than continue living this dystopian reality. Wouldn't you? Again, it's communism, not "blind2d does everything for everyone else"-ism. The bourgeois are not gods. Exactly, people are unique, meaning that direct popular democracy, without hierarchies, is the most fair system. Right? Why would everyone be conformists if "each according to their ability, to each according to their need"? Isn't that the opposite thing? I mean if you call slavery, genocide, exploitation, poverty, and colonialism "working well". For who, man? The rich? The privileged minority? I'm trying to help EVERYONE here. WTF are you trying to do? Fuck money. It's a tool of oppression. Nothing "good" or "practical" about it. People who do not respect others should live alone. IDK. We'll work it out through compassion and communication, since everyone is different and all are worthy of respect and consideration. Cross that bridge when we get to it. If you think "life and reality" is the same as "being stuck in your ways", then yeah, I guess you win that fight.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    You're just rambling incoherently at this point.

    Please be specific and provide a specific description of how you would learn from the soviet example of communal farms. If your only giveaway is to "not kill everyone", then you've learned nothing and your farms will fail. People will not work on communal farms when they can work on their own farms. And when any form of society will reforms an existing farm into a communal one; The owners will just say... "No". And then you're in a pickle. So please: Be specific or accept that you don't know.

    Anarchy is a very simple concept. It is also very naive, and not grounded in reality. I'm using the military as a example to show how effective hierarchy is. If there was a more effective way, they'd do it. It's simply way more effective, and the only way to manage a group larger of 5 people or so.

    But again, you're just rambling incoherently now. You haven't convinced anyone, and I suggest if that is your end goal you better get a better grasp of the practical applications of the theories of which you preach.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I was just reminded of something. We do actually have a fairly recent ingredient of anarchy in modern society, which points to how futile it is. Modern electrical scooter-companies, like Voi, Lyme etc, are out there for everyone to use. The basic idea is for everybody to use them responsibly. Many do, but some don't. And the ones that don't ruin it for everyone else. So here we have a microcosm of the anarchic society - use with responsibility, or else it won't work. And people don't.
    Fuck the soviets.
    Our farms will be largely automated, for starters.
    Why not?
    Privatization must be abolished, clearly.

    Then why am I the only one who seems to understand it? Reality sucks. Let's make it better. Yeah. Militaries are bad though. Fuck 'em. "Effective" again. At doing what? Oppression and violence? Why should we condone these things? Not the kind of "management" that I'm about, lemme tell ya.

    And yet I'm the only one here providing actual links and sources for my arguments. Hmm... (Okay to be fair, JDP did a little bit of that, but I don't think you have at all, Ned, so where do you get off?)

    Your example makes no sense, since it includes companies that are privately owned, meaning not anarchist. At all. Epic fail, as the internet once said.

  11. #41
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blind2d View Post
    Fuck the soviets.
    Our farms will be largely automated, for starters.
    Why not?
    Privatization must be abolished, clearly.

    Then why am I the only one who seems to understand it? Reality sucks. Let's make it better. Yeah. Militaries are bad though. Fuck 'em. "Effective" again. At doing what? Oppression and violence? Why should we condone these things? Not the kind of "management" that I'm about, lemme tell ya.

    And yet I'm the only one here providing actual links and sources for my arguments. Hmm... (Okay to be fair, JDP did a little bit of that, but I don't think you have at all, Ned, so where do you get off?)

    Your example makes no sense, since it includes companies that are privately owned, meaning not anarchist. At all. Epic fail, as the internet once said.
    To be quite honest, it's apparent that you don't have any practical plan for how this theory can be implemented. You do not explain the practical applications of your ideas at all and you don't seem to have any grasp of human psychology. Likewise, you seem easily distracted by emotions as you keep rambling about apparent injusticies you feel the military has committed in a discussion about their efficency. You constantly bring up things that are not relevant, yet do not seem to care to answer the questions that are posed and need to be resolved.

    As much is evident in your dismissal of my example. You do not seem to understand that there must be a transition from privately owned farms to communal ones - and that such a transition will never occur with the consent of the previous owners.

    It is simply impossible to keep a discussion with you on this matter because you refuse to stay on subject - most likely because you do not have an answer to my questions.
    Last edited by EvilNed; 31-Aug-2019 at 07:59 PM. Reason: fdfsdf

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    Well yeah, I'm not a dictator. That's something that can be discussed in committee, when the time comes, etc. "At all"? Then you haven't been paying attention/again, reading my links. *narrows eyes* Do you believe the military's actions are moral? Please explain, if so. What do I speak of that is not relevant? I've answered all your questions. Either directly or indirectly. It's up to you if you choose to ignore my answers.

    What example? Of course there should be a transition: it has already begun, thanks to technological advancements. Change minds, change the world.

    Again, I've answered your questions. Get new ones, or admit you don't have any better ideas than mine. If you did, I'm sure you would've made them known by now.

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    There are a lot of questions you haven't answered or brushed past. I was hoping we could elevate this discussion to one of economics and practical applications, but alas that does not seem possible from your end. But that's Ok, because this scenario is so unrealistic it'll never come to transpire anyway.
    Last edited by EvilNed; 02-Sep-2019 at 09:35 AM. Reason: fdsf

  14. #44
    Banned User

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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    There are a lot of questions you haven't answered or brushed past. I was hoping we could elevate this discussion to one of economics and practical applications, but alas that does not seem possible from your end. But that's Ok, because this scenario is so unrealistic it'll never come to transpire anyway.
    I guess you're allergic to links, but here's one anyway, sorry: Also, if you could be specific as to what I've "brushed past", that would be great, and I would endeavor then to answer your questions. Sorry again. You know what else was unrealistic in the past? This very conversation. Have some faith, man. Have some hope. It'll get better, but it'll take work.

  15. #45
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blind2d View Post
    I guess you're allergic to links, but here's one anyway, sorry: Also, if you could be specific as to what I've "brushed past", that would be great, and I would endeavor then to answer your questions. Sorry again. You know what else was unrealistic in the past? This very conversation. Have some faith, man. Have some hope. It'll get better, but it'll take work.
    I did not ask for links, I asked for explanations of practical applications. I did not ask for a general theory, as provided by your links, but I specifically asked for how you would practically apply the theories you believe in. These are two different things. One is theory, the other is not.

    You failed to provide a specific explanation of how a hierarchy-less food economy could work. You did answer that it could be a flat hierarchy, but you did not answer any specifics - which is what I asked for.

    You failed to explain what lessons you'd learn and change from the Soviet attempt at communal farms. You just said "you wouldn't shoot people" - as if that was the only thing you took away from the historical attempt at communal farming, and not the inability of attempted-communists to institute the idea in the first place.

    These are the only real things that I am concerned about. But you have so far not provided an explanation, apart from general wikipedia links.


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