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Thread: Should we try this again?

  1. #1
    Banned User

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    Should we try this again?

    Is anyone ready to have a civil, adult conversation about politics? Or should I just leave this site forever, (reluctantly, to say the least) and try not to look back?

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    United States
    The recent Coronavirus outbreak simply further proves what we explained over and over, again and again, in the other thread: anarchy will never work. It goes against the very grain of the basic instincts of human nature. If you leave the average individual in any society to his/her own devices, without any centralized form of law and order to establish any limitations, everything eventually ends up in chaos, even more so when a crisis or disaster strikes said society. And even with law & order around you still get plenty of thieves, hoarders, looters, cheaters, con-artists, people who don't respect the safety of other people and purposely disobey measures put into place for everyone's safety (including the offender's own!), etc. But the difference is that with law & order around things work better and eventually go back to functionality and normalcy. With anarchy it just keeps getting worse and worse, as each individual or groups of individuals looking after their own self-interests have nothing compelling them to respect those of others. It becomes "The Law of the Jungle".

    Now watch the usual naive denials of the obvious and easily predictable facts stated above.

  3. #3
    Banned User

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    Quote Originally Posted by JDP View Post
    The recent Coronavirus outbreak simply further proves what we explained over and over, again and again, in the other thread: anarchy will never work. It goes against the very grain of the basic instincts of human nature. If you leave the average individual in any society to his/her own devices, without any centralized form of law and order to establish any limitations, everything eventually ends up in chaos, even more so when a crisis or disaster strikes said society. And even with law & order around you still get plenty of thieves, hoarders, looters, cheaters, con-artists, people who don't respect the safety of other people and purposely disobey measures put into place for everyone's safety (including the offender's own!), etc. But the difference is that with law & order around things work better and eventually go back to functionality and normalcy. With anarchy it just keeps getting worse and worse, as each individual or groups of individuals looking after their own self-interests have nothing compelling them to respect those of others. It becomes "The Law of the Jungle".

    Now watch the usual naive denials of the obvious and easily predictable facts stated above.
    ...What a weak response, J. Must I really address these points YET AGAIN?? (Besides the virus question of course, which is just... what? It's like you're just shoe-horning in the virus to fit with what you've already been saying. Nothing original. Nothing convincing. Bumming me out entirely)

    WTF is "law and order", J? Cops shooting poor people? I notice the Koch brothers aren't in prison, but we have "illegal immigrants" (including fucking children!) in concentration camps. You're okay with that, J? Anarchy is order. If you don't think so, you don't know the meaning of the word. (Which is pretty obvious... And pathetic, when you have access to the internet). Do you believe people are safer in cages?

    OOH!! Now THERE'S a buzzword! "NORMALCY". WTF is that? Homeless people, still living on the streets? People dying because they can't afford health care? Our labor being stolen by the capitalists? That's the "normalcy" you so lackadaisically champion? I'm appalled.

    If you just want the status quo, you're never going to be happy, and you're never going to help improve anything. I like how you're not giving any actual links or specific examples of the failure of anarchy in your response anywhere, also. Again, like you're not trying. Why do you even bother replying when all you do is repeat your unsubstantiated claims?

    If you're afraid of things getting worse... Look at what capitalism is doing. The rich are getting richer whilst the poor get poorer. Global pandemic. Unending war in the Middle East, killing thousands of civilians each year. Oil companies aggressively pushing indigenous peoples off of their land, and poisoning their water supplies. Again, children in cages. And you're okay with all of this? This is the "normalcy" you want?

    I still don't understand what your point was bringing up COVID-19. How does it show that anarchy won't work exactly? I'm completely baffled. Sorry about that.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jul 2014
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