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Thread: All things Trump

  1. #31
    Ipsissimus Kaos's Avatar
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    Item 3 is littered with ideas which are contrary to testimony and evidence. How close was a matter of seconds for both Republican and Democrat legislators. An attempted coup is an attempted coup, however, I do agree that the perpetrators were idiots... be actively assisted by a president who would not provide assistance to the Capitol Police who were begging for hours for it. The Montgomery County police department (where I grew up) sent assistance on their own because it was evident that the executive branch would not assist. It took some quick thinking staff to get the electoral college ballots out of reach of the mob. Do you know what would happen if the mob got those ballots? I am curious what you think the outcome would be? To think it is not possible that the outcome could have ended differently is turning a blind eye. The feds sent in extra help for the BLM riots with or without the request of local governments. The Capitol Police where in deep crisis. I am content with agreeing to disagree, but I tell you Neil, I would support the UK against insurrection as opposed to try to play it down with the logical fallacies of "Whataboutisms" like BLM. One can easily be against violence in each case.

  2. #32
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaos View Post
    Item 3 is littered with ideas which are contrary to testimony and evidence. How close was a matter of seconds for both Republican and Democrat legislators. An attempted coup is an attempted coup, however, I do agree that the perpetrators were idiots... be actively assisted by a president who would not provide assistance to the Capitol Police who were begging for hours for it. The Montgomery County police department (where I grew up) sent assistance on their own because it was evident that the executive branch would not assist. It took some quick thinking staff to get the electoral college ballots out of reach of the mob. Do you know what would happen if the mob got those ballots? I am curious what you think the outcome would be? To think it is not possible that the outcome could have ended differently is turning a blind eye. The feds sent in extra help for the BLM riots with or without the request of local governments. The Capitol Police where in deep crisis. I am content with agreeing to disagree, but I tell you Neil, I would support the UK against insurrection as opposed to try to play it down with the logical fallacies of "Whataboutisms" like BLM. One can easily be against violence in each case.
    "a president who would not provide assistance to the Capitol Police who were begging for hours for it" - Correct me if I'm wrong, but the president doesn't have any control over the Capital Police, nor federal forces (eg: National Guard) which are traditionally controlled at state level? I believe the Capital Police were repeatedly warned about potential problems that could occur at the capital from various sources (eg: FBI and Homeland Security) before Jan 6th, but seemingly these warnings were largly ignored? Additionally, if I recall, requests for the Nation Guard (via Pelosi?) were not initiated until early afternoon, and took hours to action.

    "An attempted coup is an attempted coup" - And a bunch of disorganised unarmed idiots, rioting for a few hours, facing a significant armed force (who could have stopped them instantly if truly necessary), is far from an attempted coup IMHO. I'd concede some of these idiots might well have believed they had some such goal, but mentalists are just mentalists IMHO. ie: I suspect some of the idiots who rioted at the White House duing the BLM/Antifa riots, or some of the individuals who attacked (& even occupied) other Federal buildings for months, probably had similar rediculous unhinged notions/goals/intentions. Should these not be considered coup attempts (an insurrection?) when larger and more prolonged (& promoted and funded by political opposition)? No, because they were just the actions of a few idiots with no abilitiy to achieve their deluded notions.
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