Ok, I am on page 30, and I am very impressed with how fast this book took off. The opening carnage makes me smile from ear to ear, I can't stop reading, the only reason i am posting is I just had to go answer the door and when i sat back down I felt the need to post about the book so far.

In one word. AWESOME

In three words Totally FOOKING AWESOME

Now my gripes... After reading 30 pages I have immediately came to the decision that Eli Roth cannot direct this film. No Frigging way. Eli will camp this up and completely phuck it up. I will also sadly admit that I don't want Romero touching this film either. This film needs someone with action experience but also a horror background. Even though I love the DAWN remake I will also have to admit that Zack Snyder would not be right for the job, but he would be my 2nd choice.

I would like to See Ridley Scott take this on, no bullshoit. Now for the character of Clay I see DAWN 2004's Jake Weber or Michael Kelly. YOu would have to use M.K From the new carlito's way movie where he is more subdued.