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Thread: Paramount Dumps - Tom Cruise

  1. #31
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dommm
    you will be suprised how many people are stupid enuff to give up there money to this dark society. take a look saround on the web, there are numbers of people who have fallen into depression and suicide after joing said society. Though this does not intrinisicaly prove anything....

    There's a sucker born everyday. If they were stupid enough to give up their money and become depressed... F*ck them for being so easy to manipulate.
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  2. #32
    Dying Dommm's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil
    Can you believe some people are even stupid enough to just sit in little bitching circles and rattle off each other to feel better
    I saw that at my last AA meeting

    Also read the book dianetics mmm... brainwash fodder.
    Last edited by Dommm; 24-Aug-2006 at 03:27 PM.

  3. #33
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Of course, sometimes you can only go so far on a celeb from what you've seen of them in the media, and while Pint Size is probably a nice chap, scientology is flat out dodgy and he's more than likely got at least a little chunk of arrogance under his bonnet about being who he is. But he's probably not a bad guy ... but sometimes he can be damn weird, and average folk don't like that generally. It's like being rich, if you use your money wisely and do charity then you're golden. If you hoarde it all and just act like a Paris Hilton then you're not liked.

    It's like with Ben Affleck, just a normal guy as well. I think the dude's pretty sound, especially from what you read about him via Kevin Smith's chats and writings. I posted something about The Fleck taking a disabled kid he knew (and their family) to hang out on the sets of his films and gives them a taste of the high life, you know, do something special for the kid, going where the average punter can never go. It was Smith who leaked that info, because Fleck didn't tout it around.

    Then again, some celebs are complete assholes because they just are, they'd even be assholes if they weren't famous and rich - just like with normal people. That whole "I refuse to watch any of their sh*t again!" 'thing' always makes me laugh, geez...

  4. #34
    Dead general tbag's Avatar

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    Thumbs down

    Talks between Paramount and Cruise over renewal of their 14-year contract broke down a week and a half ago, insiders said. According to some accounts, the studio refused to renew a deal that paid Cruise's company $10 million a year to cover overhead.

    Paramount is said to have offered Cruise about $2 million, but he wouldn't bite. His camp has said the breaking point wasn't about money but about Paramount's "behavior."


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