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Thread: A story I'm hoping to send in to the fiction section soon

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    Just been bitten zombieparanoia's Avatar

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    Mar 2006

    A story I'm hoping to send in to the fiction section soon

    I'm trying to write short stories, some of which are connected, some of which aren't. This is the beginning of one I've written a second story for, but am unsure of what to do with it now, try a series or let it die. I'm very much a noob writer, i've read some info for writers but mostly its just what I remember from high school english

    Anyways, here is some of it:

    “Jesus Christ, I’m actually shooting at someone on my own lawn”

    mumbled Eric as he shouldered his rifle and aimed shakily at the stumbling figure coming up his driveway. The TV had said you could “rekill them” ideally with a gun. He aimed, a sharp noise and a tuft of shirt cloth were the only evidence that he’d fired at all

    “Maybe another will do it…”

    Putting his eye to the sight again another shot and another puff off dirty cloth were as ineffective as the first.

    “What the ****?...”

    “What’re you doing man? You gotta shoot them in the head, they’re zombies! Jesus, man”

    A voice from behind him and up the step; Jack, his eyes already red like he’d had a bongload, Eric was starting to wonder if his eyes were ever white.


    “The Head, Shoot it.” Jack enunciated condescendingly “It’s what they do in the movies to kill zombies”

    “I don’t care about your ****ing movies! Jesus Christ! Not every goddamn thing is like a movie you “saw one time…” sometimes things are real, this is pretty real to me ok?!”

    Eric was on edge.

    “I was going to aim for the head next anyway.”

    “Yeah, sure you were, now that I told you”

    “Just get back in the ****in’ house, hippie.”

    Hurry up, and shoot it, its getting close, ****, I’m going in man.” Jack said as he turned for the door. “Asshole” came through muffled as the door closed.

    The figure in the driveway was still approaching. Slowly but surely it made its way up the drive, its pace slowed greatly by the car windshield that killed it the for the first time when it smashed through it, tearing it out of the car window into the 30 or so feet of concrete ahead of the now stopped car. The windshield looked like some comical bib, dangling around its neck and its weight threw the creatures balance off quite a bit, slowing its pace.

    The idea that it was somehow it was the glass that was making his shots less than lethal did cross Eric’s mind. Perhaps one more to see? A noise from the window behind him reminded him that he was being watched by everyone else in the house and he decided to try for the head, better to be able to blame the bad advice on Jack later than look stupid by shooting the body again through the windshield and then having to shoot it in the head later.

    A third shot cracked from the .22 rifle Eric had owned but not fired since he was 9. Pieces of flesh flew away from the corpses jaw and landed on the ground wetly.

    “What, are you going to shoot its mouth off?”

    Jack again, through the closed window, audible due to his sheer proximity to the windowpane.

    “Trying to be funny? You want to do this? You come right on out.”

    “I’m good, you go ahead. Try it again.”

    It was not the zombie Eric was thinking of shooting with his 4th round. Gritting his teeth, Eric raised his rifle again, aiming carefully trying not to think about the audience of housemates watching his every shot.

    Apparently, four times was the charm. With his fourth shot Eric shot the glass and plastic frocked corpse through the skull just above the nose on the left side, sending a chunk of hair and tissue out the back and the corpse limply to the ground. His smile spreading wide across his face before he it even left the sights.

    “Holy ****, I actually just shot someone on my lawn, this is ****ed up”

    Eric dazedly turned and sttarted up the short walled staircase to the front porch. The door was locked.

    “Hey, let me in! You were all watching, I shot the thing, its dead now! Unlock the door.”

    “Are there any more out there?” asked a female voice, Eric couldn’t tell if it was Jen or Steph through the thick door.

    “I don’t know, I didn’t look, I shot the one, now let me in. If there are more you guys have to do it, I’m not going to get stuck being the guy who always has to do it.”

    “Well, could you go look?” Jack again.

    “This guy has some balls, he’s late on his rent, I cover him and now I’m the one who has to look for dead people walking around the yard?” Jack thought grimacingly at the door.

    “**** You, do it yourself. Open the door. ****ing Seriously.”

    The door clicked loudly at its locking points and then swung outward, Eric stepped around and entered the house quickly, not wanting to spend any more time outside than he absolutely had to.

    “Dude, there could be more out there!” Apparently Jacks buddy Jerry had crashed on the couch again realized Eric, counting the nights and following days the slacker had filled their couch till well into the afternoon regardless of day or presence of others.

    “Then you ****ing look! I already shot one crazy stranger on my lawn today, I think that’s my limit.”

    “**** man, chill. I was just saying is all”

    “How about just “not saying” then ok? How about shutting up or getting out?”

    The stoner mumbled unhappily as he turned and wandered away from the agitated rentpayer.

    “We could just look out the windows to see if there are any right?” Maybe go on the roof?”

    Suggested Stephanie, Steph to her friends, a typical early twenties blonde; pretty but not so much you’d remember her, being a waitress by trade meant that while she was not necessarily well read, she was good on her feet.

    “The windows even open, we don’t have to leave the house we can just lean out a window if we have to shoot any more.”

    “I thought the TV guy said to board up all windows and doors? So the people, uh, dead…things won’t get in.” Countered John, the third rentee after Eric and Steph, John’s concern was these things trying to get in, he had always hated the idea of burglars but this was so much more than just burglars, this was like having crazy, cannibal burglars from what he could figure of the newscasts he had seen.
    This story only goes on to where they start preparing to enact their plans. I have another "chapter" of later on down the road but its not finished yet and I want to polish it up a bit still.
    Last edited by zombieparanoia; 12-Mar-2006 at 08:08 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


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