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Thread: The Devils Rejects...

  1. #61
    Dead dmbfanintn's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    No prob, man - I started to panic after I read that 'cause I certaindly didn't wanna give away too many details. Sometimes I get a bit carried away....

    "I keep my standards low so I'm never disappointed" -Otis Driftwood

    I still think Bill Moseley stole the spotlight in this movie. I mean, was there really any other character as engaging as Otis? I love Sid, and Sheri did a good job, but Moseley was the man in TDR.

    ...and the incredible amount of movie quotes he's supplied me is just pricess.

    "We regret to inform you that the Banjo & Sullivan will not be performing tonight..."
    I totally agree Lou!

    He is the man! I am amazed erverytime I watch TDR that Otis is the our very own Johnny from night 90.

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  2. #62
    Dying Dommm's Avatar

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    I liked both movies, HOTC and Devils rejects. I found the first more of a squirm in your seat kind of movie, especially the barn and the father (trying to NOT throw in any spoilers). But have to say there are much better movies out there, Wolf creek is a prime example, I think this built up tension more and I felt more connected to the victims. With HOTC I almost saw the victims as fodder for the psychos, I almost think that these were made purley to shock rather then having anything deeper to say. But hey thats just my own opinion, I think that Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Wolf Creek are better examples of this kind of Genra and more beleivable.

  3. #63
    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    ...not particularly impressed with it

    Just seemed an excuse for cheep pointless graphic violence. Shame...

    Couple of interesting ideas and scenes, but too much mindless unecessary stuff going on IMHO.
    I'm new to the board and really should have read the rest of this thread but I just had to reply with that I can see where you're coming from but I disagree completely. To me one of the real draws to horror movies is the fact that a lot of them have 'cheap pointless graphic violence''s what sells. Wasn't that what Zombie was going for anyway? Sort of a Texas Chainsaw masacre of sorts? I definately preferred Rejects to House of 1000. Just my two cents!
    Last edited by GoreGirl; 20-Sep-2006 at 07:27 PM.

  4. #64
    Walking Dead Adrenochrome's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by GoreGirl View Post
    I'm new to the board and really should have read the rest of this thread but I just had to reply with that I can see where you're coming from but I disagree completely. To me one of the real draws to horror movies is the fact that a lot of them have 'cheap pointless graphic violence''s what sells. Wasn't that what Zombie was going for anyway? Sort of a Texas Chainsaw masacre of sorts? I definately preferred Rejects to House of 1000. Just my two cents!
    I'll see your 2 cents and raise you 5!
    I agree, Rejects was MUCH better than THOTC! Mr. Zombie did what every other horror director did: He started off with a "practice movie" and moved on..(gosh, like all directors)...TDR is a perfect example of an artist giving the "thumbs up" to the guys that inspired him,....instead of raping the name of his predecessors (you know the type, the re-makers that insist on ripping off the artists that gave them their spunk!) [*cough cough* name a remake...*cough cough* as one of my own...Zack "Hack" Snyder or any of the others that steal].....makes me think.....I can't rip something from the net; music, movies apps....etc....BUT...these "artists" can rip an idea and make money from it? Not an idea of their own????????

  5. #65
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    I think what is really impressive about RZ is that HOaTC was decent, if you consider that it was his first movie, but... the growth between HOaTC and TDR was just leaps and bounds. Not just in cinematography, not just story line, but also the shift in characters (look at the shift of Otis from 'nutty albino' to 'sadistic killing-machine-prick'). If I saw both movies back to back without knowing a thing about them, I would think TDR was directed by someone else. Even his shooting style changed from one to the other.

    Of course, I always have to give my man Moseley props for the wicked-ass Otis character. He really took it and ran with it in TDR. The sadistic sh*t that comes out of his mouth during the movie is sometimes worse than anything he would do physically to someone in a movie. I like that. The psychological mindf*ck that Otis would unleash on people was unparalleled.

    Sure, there was some violence for the sake of violence, but isn't that with any horror movie on the market? They just do it because... well... because they 'can'.

    I also have to admit that TDR is one of the few movies that made me squirm in my seat. Not because of gore, but the hotel scene.... I can't think of any other movie that made me as uncomfortable as TDR - that scene especially.

    Is it me, or does Otis look like Zakk Wylde?


    "You brought us all the way out here so this prick could pull a gun on us? Nice f*ckin' plan, daisy!" -Otis

  6. #66
    Just been bitten triste realtà's Avatar

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    I side with Neil and Khardis. Also, I had an unintentional Ken Foree back to back as I am in the middle of TCMIII, which also has Tom from Night90 and Nicotero effects. I saw it in the theater when it came out but I don't think I knew about Ken in Dawn then. That was the last time I watched it, till now.

    Actually, I saw Inconvenient Truth in between. The CO2 graph is still freaking me out, along with the 6 feet jellyfish.

  7. #67
    Walking Dead Cody's Avatar

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    I love the Devils Rejects great movie.

  8. #68
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    I wasnt a fan of devils rejects,it was just sick for the sake of it,i was glad when they all met their end as they were all a bunch of complete arses!

  9. #69
    Quote Originally Posted by Cody View Post
    I love the Devils Rejects great movie.
    You knows it Codester. TDR kicked ass, best horror movie of that year without a shadow of a doubt. Halloween will be even better.

  10. #70
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by CapnKnut View Post
    You knows it Codester. TDR kicked ass, best horror movie of that year without a shadow of a doubt. Halloween will be even better.
    *nods in agreement*

  11. #71
    Yeah f**k the haters, I'm hearing all sorts of things. Like a real fairytale childhood gone wrong <music box playing out of tune> and a real reason for the hatred inside Myers. It's hard what to believe but I bet your bottom dollar that Zombie has got all the bases covered. Allegedly the first half of the movie is about Myers childhood alone. That excites me. And the supporting cast looks meaty, bring it on.

    Oh and I bet Zombie sneaks in, "And his eyes... the blackest eyes... the Devil's eyes."

  12. #72
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I'll certainly be looking forward to seeing Zombie's vision of Halloween, like I've said before, if anyone was cut out for it, it's that dude...and TDR rocked my cock three ways from Sunday, the DVD was awesome too.

  13. #73
    Here's the new trailer if you haven't seen it.

  14. #74
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Looking cock-flickingly-good there Capn.

    I'll be honest, I like the original's idea where it's a seemingly normal kid who just suddenly breaks and turns into a never-talking lunatic ... so I guess it makes sense to have this one as a kid who's a bit of a weirdo having the evil overtake him, whereas normal folk can deal with any violent urges and suppress them...

    Interesting trailer ... Malcolm McDowell as Loomis...he'll always be Alex DeLarge to me ... but hmmm ... I still trust RZ implicitly with this. TDR was just epicly finessed.

  15. #75
    Yeah, I though McDowell looked nicely in place as Loomis there. And some of that incest-play with Myers (when he was touching his sister's/aunt's thigh) looked well disturbing. Maybe this time, well get to know why he's such a psychotic bastard, why he doesn't say anything, and hopefully why he doesn't run after his victims.

    I bet the other classmates never picked him on Sports Day.


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