My dream has come true: somebody finally made a mod and is running a server for Neverwinter Nights that features a zombie theme!

Neverwinter Nights is an older game, but you can buy the Platinum set (which includes all 3 games) for under $20, and it costs NOTHING to play online -- no subscription fees.

In the spirit of Halloween, I'm sharing with you a new NWN server. It is in Beta testing, but it is awesome.

The theme is modern zombie survival (think NWN meets Resident Evil). You can find the server on the Roleplay listing of internet games. It is listed as Modern Zombie Survival. It is f***ing hard to play, especially solo. Plus, it is a 1 death game, so everytime you die you must create a new character. This is one of the parts I like, though it can be frustrating. You start out with no weapons or armor, either. You must explore the city and scrounge for equipment, while zombies walk around (as well as zombie dogs...damned dogs).

Note the following restrictions: Race = Human only, Classes = Barbarian, Fighter, Monk, Rogue (and maybe 1 other, check the handbook for details).

I've had some success making Rogues and Monks with high Dex scores, high Tumble, and Dodge & Mobility. This allows me to move through the streets quickly without getting hit. Everytime I've tried fighting the zombies 1 on 1, more come and surround me during combat which always has resulted in my death. That isn't to say a well-planned party with some badass tanks couldn't take out some zombies, but I haven't been able to do it thus far.

Here's the link to the NWN community site:

Here are the links to the necessary Haks and TLK files:

The full haks are here:

And the TLK file is here:

Hope to see you there!