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Thread: Friday the 13th lost gore scenes.

  1. #1

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    Friday the 13th lost gore scenes.

    While parts 1-4 were gory I think there's a noticible lack of gore in parts 6 - 8.
    Anyone think they should be rereleased on special DVDs to show them?
    Here's what was cut out of part 6

    The following scenes were cut to avoid an "X" rating from the MPAA:
    Allen's insides were ripped out of his body by Jason. He dragged the guts and heart out; he dropped them on the ground where his heart laid steaming.
    The triple decapitation of the 3 paintball players. The first print showed their heads being sliced right off of their shoulders.
    The two camp counselors in the car's deaths were also trimmed: The woman speared in the water was cut of excess blood. The man was speared, lifted into the air, and then slid down the spear, leaving his insides on it.
    Jason shoved the broken bottle into the caretaker's neck and he falls to the ground as the camera gets a close up of the blood coming out of the bottle.
    Cort's death had a little more to it in the first print. After Cort is stabbed in the side of the head, blood begins to shoot out his head.
    The wall-to-wall blood cabin originally had a lot more blood and guts in it. There were shots of livers and hearts running down the walls, but it was all thought too graphic to have in the film.
    The backbreaking sheriff's scene had more to it. There were more screams, more bone crushing, and his legs began to kick.
    Sissy's death was toned down. Originally, you could see her head torn off and dropped.
    In the original script, the deaths of both Nikki and Officer Pappas were more graphic. Instead of Jason pushing Nikki's face into the wall, as we see in the wide release, Jason squeezed her throat until blood spurted out. In Officer Pappas' death, Jason originally tore off his face (literally), leaving a faceless corpse staring ahead before falling down. However, veteran Friday The 13th producer Frank Mancuso, Jr. advised director Tom McLoughlin to tone down these scenes for the film, stating that the MPAA would never give the film an "R" rating with these scenes intact.

    Part 7
    The following scenes were removed from the film in order to get an "R" rating rather than an "X":
    Jason's face is constantly masked in shadows to avoid shots of his moldy, decomposing face. The complex make-up was made to conform to actor Kane Hodder's face, but was later deleted from nearly the entire movie when the MPAA deemed it "a bit too grisly".
    Judy's sleeping bag death was cut to absolutely no gore. In the uncut version Jason slams the sleeping bag against the tree repeatedly until the sleeping bag is soaked in blood.
    Maddy's death, which is offscreen in the wide-release version, but in original prints a scythe is jammed into her neck and bursts from the other side.
    Ben's death is much grislier. In uncut versions, Jason smashes his head into a mushy pulp and blood pours down his face.
    Eddie's death was cut. In the original version, we see his head drop to the floor, but in the theatrical version, we only hear it.
    Russ's head splits open as Jason hits it with an axe. This scene was also cut.
    Amanda Shepard's death is virtually unseen in the wide release, which only shows her get stabbed from behind for a second and then cuts to Doctor Crew's shocked face. Uncut, she is impaled on the blade, which juts violently from her chest. Jason then lifts her off the ground on it and waits until she finally dies.
    Dr. Crews was killed with a tree-trimming saw. Originally, Jason tore into his gut, spilling out a fountain of entrails and blood that spurted up into the air.
    Melissa's death has an ax violently cleaving her face into two pieces, splitting it down the middle in a gruesome close-up that left her eyes still wiggling in their sockets. Jason then tossed her aside, which is all we see in the cut release.
    Dan's death was also cut. There was a shot of Jason's hand ripping through the front of his body with guts attached.
    Tina Shepard has a vision of her mother's demise at Jason's hands while driving a car. Buechler originally wanted the vision to be of Jason holding the severed head of Mrs. Voorhees, but Gulf+Western (then the parent of Paramount Pictures) wouldn't allow it.
    A denouement scene was filmed in which a fisherman in a boat on Crystal Lake hooks a largemouth bass, but as he's reeling it in, Jason rises from the lake and pulls him under. The scene was removed from the final cut, because it was deemed too close to the ending of the original Friday the 13th and Part 3.
    Michael's death was cut. Originally, Jason rammed the spike all the way through his body, causing blood to spurt out.
    Tina's vision of Michael getting killed was also more graphic.
    A shot of Jason carrying a severed head into a room was also cut. Kate's death was trimmed of blood flow.

    Part 8
    As described by the director on the DVD commentary, the following shots were cut or altered in order to receive an MPAA rating of "R" instead of an "X":
    Jim's death was much gorier. Originally, Jason shoves the entire spear gun through his stomach, then rips it out, causing Jim's intestines to slide out along with a large amount of blood.
    Suzy's death was disturbingly gruesome. Jason shoves the spear through her stomach and twists it non-stop. There were close-up shots of Suzy's mouth gurgling blood and blood rapidly oozing from the spear wound. J.J.'s death was an alternate shot. In the original shot, we actually see Jason smashing J.J.'s head with the guitar.
    Tamera's death in the original print was completely different. Originally, Jason repeatedly stabs her with a mirror shard in a shower while she's completely nude. Blood rapidly oozes from her stab wounds and Jason keeps stabbing non-stop. Later on, when Eva finds Tamara's corpse, the original shot was one featuring Tamera's fully nude body with dozens of shards of glass protruding from it.
    The scene where the uncredited boxer gets the hot sauna rock shoved into his chest cavity was a re-shoot. Originally, Jason jammed two darts through his eye sockets, but it was deemed too graphic, and the MPAA forced the crew to re-shoot it. Even with the re-shoot, the scene had to be trimmed. Originally, there was more blood and steam, but the MPAA found even that to be too graphic.
    The scene where the captain gets his neck sliced by Jason's bowing knife was shot five different ways. The director's desire was a shot of a huge gash wound spurting blood, but the MPAA made him choose the least gory shot, which is what appears in the final cut of the movie.
    Wayne's death originally featured him being electrocuted for a few seconds longer.
    The full version of Miles' death scene actually saw him land on the spikes, rather than just showing the aftermath as we see in the "R" rated version.
    When Jason kills the first gang banger, the uncut print featured Jason's hand and the needle going all the way through the gang banger's body.
    On the DVD commentary, the director stated that the original version of the movie was over two hours long, and he cut the following scenes for time restrictions:
    Several scenes with Miles, who is shown to have been an Olympic diver.
    A brief scene at the beginning in which Sean hears that Rennie won't be on the cruise, and is disappointed.
    Several additional scenes of Tamera and Eva together were cut.
    Before Rennie gets pushed into the water, there was originally a longer conversation between her and Colleen.

    (Can someone move this? I should have posted it in Media)
    Last edited by Rottedfreak; 22-Oct-2006 at 09:17 AM.

  2. #2
    Arcade Master Philly_SWAT's Avatar

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    Anyone think they should be rereleased on special DVDs to show them?

  3. #3
    Fresh Meat bub21's Avatar

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    some of the stuff you mentioned was included in the Friday the 13th box set that came out a couple years ago
    Homepageofthedeader since 2002

  4. #4
    Survey Time axlish's Avatar

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    John Carl Beuchler and Kane Hodder have a workprint of part 7 on VHS that contains all of this, and many of the clips of said workprint are featured on the Killer Extras disc in the box set released by Paramount a few years back. Unfortunately, it seems that Paramount still considers Friday the 13th to be every bit the bastard son that Jason Voorhees is, and refuses to give it the proper treatment like the fans want. These films need to be restored and given a proper set of extras for each film, including uncut versions.

  5. #5
    Walking Dead _liam_'s Avatar

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    yeah definitely. more blood & guts wont exactly hurt these movies!

  6. #6
    Walking Dead Cody's Avatar

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    you know I agree...

  7. #7
    Rising kortick's Avatar

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    i still want the stuff they cut out of the
    first one put back in

    and also the stuff fom the second one

    i remember savini saying they cut a few seconds here
    and there from part one

    it would be great to see those effects put back in

  8. #8
    Survey Time axlish's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by kortick View Post
    i still want the stuff they cut out of the
    first one put back in

    and also the stuff fom the second one

    i remember savini saying they cut a few seconds here
    and there from part one

    it would be great to see those effects put back in
    You can get an uncut version from overseas. Luckily for the fans, Warner Bros. owns the rights to the overseas markets, and they decided to release it uncut. Get the one with the documentary on it.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by kortick View Post
    i still want the stuff they cut out of the first one put back in...
    I own the uncut version of number 1. You are not missing that much and the commentary blows. As for Friday The 13th VI, that was the last best Jason movie to come out. As I duck for cover while saying this, parts 7, 8, 9, 10, 20, 35 and 47 are all crap and the re-insertion of edited scenes could not save them in a million years. Shorry...

    PS: Thom Matthews. What happened to that guy?

  10. #10
    Walking Dead CoinReturn's Avatar

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    I watched V, VI and VII on HBO this month and yeah, I noticed some of the gore scenes were oddly cut in some places. Kinda sucks.


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