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Thread: Duane Jones

  1. #16
    Walking Dead coma's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Khardis View Post
    lol I see, so we arent here to discuss zombie films only to appreciate GARs work and all people who are critical dont belong? Get real friend.

    His performance was ehhh... I watched the original NOTLD 2 days ago on Demand. I love the film, but lets call a peach a peach. he was a bit of an amateur and not brilliant at all. He wasnt bad, but he wasnt phenominal niether.

    If you dont like other peoples opinions I suggest you stop reading them. maybe turning off your computer too.
    I meant, to clarify, that I am confounded why some are shocked to find strong appreciators of GARS body of work on a GAR fan site.
    I've viwed the film repeatedly over many years and imo it's an extremely strong performance (the only really strong one) in the film. Solid and professional. To me it's utterlly realistic. Judy, on the other hand. ehhhh.
    Bill Hinzman a really good zombie though.

    Zombie films are tangential here to GARs repatoire (I spelt it wrong, I know).
    I have to ask, was that the first time you saw it, 2 days ago (though I doubt it)? Just asking, not trying to imply anything. Just curious.
    So I completly disagree.
    So what?
    It's not like I'm calling you names or anything.
    You dont like my opinion, thats OK.
    If we didnt disagree, WTF would we have to talk about?

    and to prove Im not a sanboy
    Season of the witch

    Quote Originally Posted by otisbenny View Post
    Well , I really didn't want to start any fights. Maybe I was exagerrating with the Poitier reference, but consider the year 1968. How many black leading men were there? Well, there was Poitier and...uhm...that's about it. The potential was there for Jones to achieve those hights. Again how many blacks were horror film (or any film) heroes. Without the actor's race ever once being mentioned? In The Heat Of The Night was mostly about Poitier being a black cop in a Southern city. It's all about race. NOTLD never once mentions race but it's like a dark cloud hanging over the film. Harry Cooper never says the "N" word but you can practically see him thinking it. Jones created a flawed hero (he's arrogant and stubborn) who just happens to be black, and smarter than all the white people around him. This was unheard of in '68. I just wanted to give him some props.
    It's all in fun. No worries here. We all have strong opinions.
    The funny thing about Ben and Harry Cooper is, that Harry Cooper was RIGHT. Theres a lot of subtext in the relationship, though I am not sure it was racial (though I guess how could it not be). It could be class, in the original script Ben was a Truck Driver and I guess Harry is some sort of Middle managment. OR amybe just a control issue, or all three. Harry dominated his wife and when he went to smack her fordisagreeing, the implication is that it wasn't the first time.
    In the interview with Duane Jones he mentioned not wanting to smakc barbara because that was biiiig deal. I think he didnt want to get firebombed.
    Apparantly, according to GAR and others, there was a lot of discussion about the subtext and if they should deal with it more directly, which they decided against. Good call, I think.
    Last edited by coma; 27-Oct-2006 at 09:11 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
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  2. #17
    Fresh Meat

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    After I saw the amazing 'Ganja & Hess' I totally forgot about his role as Ben.
    It's like two different actors let alone two different characters!
    G&H is highly recommended!

  3. #18
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dentists View Post
    After I saw the amazing 'Ganja & Hess' I totally forgot about his role as Ben.
    It's like two different actors let alone two different characters!
    G&H is highly recommended!
    Never seen this film. Will have to give it a go!
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