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Thread: George Romero Comments on Dawn '04

  1. #76
    Banned Khardis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brubaker View Post

    I've combined a few of your posts, since I saw a few things I wanted to respond to.

    So you have met Romero? How can you say such nasty things about a man who you've met and who you have received "several autographs" from? Whether he has been "successful" or not, in your eyes, he was nice enough to meet you and produce at least one autograph which you have in your collection. You've been running his name through the mud for five pages of this thread now, all because he gave an honest answer to a question about a remake. That is a disgrace. I'd have a very hard time facing the man again, at some convention or signing, if I ever slandered him to this degree on a board like you've been doing.

    As for your last thing, about the web sites, it was in response to and

    Those sites and these types of discussions would not exist without movies like Land of the Dead, Day of the Dead or any other movie of his you want to refer to as "crap".

    Do you mind if I ask you something?

    Do you think Zack Synder or James Gunn get worked up into a lather or hit the message boards because Romero may not like their movie? They actually worked on that remake and seemed to handle all of the criticism well. I bet they heard a ton of it and I don't recall hearing those two gripe about "fanboys" all that often.

    Why do you take it so personally? If anyone should, it would be guys like them who actually worked on Dawn 04. But I am sure they don't lose any sleep over what Romero or anyone else thinks, good or bad. The two of them wanted a project they could make a name for themselves on. In that respect, their version of Dawn was a success. They got what they wanted out of the film, a little career boost that might help them get some future work. Personally, I liked the film. It paled in comparison to the original but I think that is quite all right, since it was never meant to tie into that film or anything else of Romero's. I also liked Land. At least it inspired my user name here on the forums. Since you keep on saying it is boring and a good film to fall asleep to, though, you probably fell asleep before Brubaker made his brief appearance.
    You dont find it ironic that youre bitching about my complaints? I am complaning that fanboys are a little overzealous and they dont want to look at things for what they are because theyre too personally involved with thier obsession for GARs work. As such they cannot legitimately look at another zombie film or whatever without smashing it for not being GAR worthy. This is what I am addressing.

    Then here you all come crying and stewing and stamping your feet that I would have the mere audacity to be so pugnacious, to be so... INSOLENT. I dont see you asking inane questions to all the Dawn 04 Bashers. Why to me? I am not taking this personally, you can tell because I dont freak out when someone challenges me and start attacking them personally and following them around the entire site looking to fight with them. Why dont you all look inward, when you point the finger remember that 4 are pointing back at you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Deadman_Deluxe View Post
    Five bucks says Khardis has never kissed a real girl
    Way to enhance the discussion. Reported by the way.

    Quote Originally Posted by _liam_ View Post
    well, afraid i'm gonna have to take a dramatic, brave step here and talk about these two movies instead of khardis or whoever!

    personally, i felt they were both a little bit of a let down, and although i will be no doubt stoned at dawn for this, i enjoyed dawn 04 a little bit more ( i ashamed to say that if it makes anyone feel better!). although i did like land, i just wasn't what i'd been waiting for all these years, everyone talks about romero's style being indie, but i felt it was a bit mtv tbh, very flashy and loud and not as consistently atmospheric as the others. thought dawn 04 felt a lot more gritty & less frivolous on the whole, despite the flat characters and occasional stupidity (baby zombie etc).
    I agree with you, I enjoyed Dawn 04 better than Land.
    Last edited by Khardis; 05-Nov-2006 at 02:41 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  2. #77
    Walking Dead _liam_'s Avatar

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    i also loved the sountrack to dawn 04, with the johnny cash number and the lounge singer's cover of that nu metal track (i seem to remember hearing his version of nine inch nail's "closer" in a club once, also very funny).

  3. #78
    Just been bitten Brubaker's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Khardis View Post
    You dont find it ironic that youre bitching about my complaints? I am complaning that fanboys are a little overzealous and they dont want to look at things for what they are because theyre too personally involved with thier obsession for GARs work. As such they cannot legitimately look at another zombie film or whatever without smashing it for not being GAR worthy. This is what I am addressing.

    Then here you all come crying and stewing and stamping your feet that I would have the mere audacity to be so pugnacious, to be so... INSOLENT. I dont see you asking inane questions to all the Dawn 04 Bashers. Why to me? I am not taking this personally, you can tell because I dont freak out when someone challenges me and start attacking them personally and following them around the entire site looking to fight with them. Why dont you all look inward, when you point the finger remember that 4 are pointing back at you.
    Yup, you've got it all figured out. Us raging fanboys need to learn to control our emotions and judge movies like Land of the Dead for what they really are. And since your word is the final word, I guess they're crap. I'm sorry some of us have been hitting our heads against the wall so long, instead of allowing you to "teach" us to think critically.

    *winks at the rest of the forum members*

  4. #79
    Just been bitten DeadCentral's Avatar

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    hummph...."allowing you to "teach" us to think critically".....
    Nice one Brubaker...

    Troller to the extreme if you ask me...
    This Khardis is simply here to stir the pot....
    I'm refraining from commenting, as I have plenty to say to this self proclaimed guru of the genre, I think it's a waste of typing skills and mental effort to indulge him in another speech. It's obvious he is far superior to the rest of us meager fans .......

    Sometimes dead is better....

  5. #80
    Walking Dead Adrenochrome's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by DeadCentral View Post
    hummph...."allowing you to "teach" us to think critically".....
    Nice one Brubaker...

    Troller to the extreme if you ask me...
    This Khardis is simply here to stir the pot....
    I'm refraining from commenting, as I have plenty to say to this self proclaimed guru of the genre, I think it's a waste of typing skills and mental effort to indulge him in another speech. It's obvious he is far superior to the rest of us meager fans .......
    Surely he's on his way out....or close to it.....all he does is bait and whine.

    I'm with Deadman,....I bet ole Khardis slobbers over his blowup doll nightly, "That's a good girl, I am King of all mankind.", coos Khardis in that 'oh so clever way' that woos all bow-up women.

    I can be an ass at times, but this guy is, as you say DeadC, only here to stir the pot.
    Last edited by Adrenochrome; 06-Nov-2006 at 02:33 AM.

  6. #81
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adrenochrome View Post

    I'm with Deadman,....I bet ole Khardis slobbers over his blowup doll nightly, "That's a good girl, I am King of all mankind.", coos Khardis in that 'oh so clever way' that woos all bow-up women.
    now i aint one to be drawn into arguments but god damn thats funny

  7. #82
    Banned Khardis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brubaker View Post
    Yup, you've got it all figured out. Us raging fanboys need to learn to control our emotions and judge movies like Land of the Dead for what they really are. And since your word is the final word, I guess they're crap. I'm sorry some of us have been hitting our heads against the wall so long, instead of allowing you to "teach" us to think critically.

    *winks at the rest of the forum members*
    I havent seen any of you even try to debate as to why Land wasnt crap. All you do is attack the people who say it is. Wouldnt you say that not finding anything really redeeming about it and yet defending it is fanboyish? Not saying you are, but wouldnt you say that about someone?

    Quote Originally Posted by DeadCentral View Post
    hummph...."allowing you to "teach" us to think critically".....
    Nice one Brubaker...

    Troller to the extreme if you ask me...
    This Khardis is simply here to stir the pot....
    I'm refraining from commenting, as I have plenty to say to this self proclaimed guru of the genre, I think it's a waste of typing skills and mental effort to indulge him in another speech. It's obvious he is far superior to the rest of us meager fans .......
    Never said I was superior or any kind of a guru. Just someone who is willing to take GAR off the pedistal and look at his work for what it is. Not what I want it to be. This angers people, why?

    Quote Originally Posted by Adrenochrome View Post
    Surely he's on his way out....or close to it.....all he does is bait and whine.

    I'm with Deadman,....I bet ole Khardis slobbers over his blowup doll nightly, "That's a good girl, I am King of all mankind.", coos Khardis in that 'oh so clever way' that woos all bow-up women.

    I can be an ass at times, but this guy is, as you say DeadC, only here to stir the pot.
    I am her eot have discussion. You apparently dont like to discuss things, you only want people to agree with you otherwise you stalk them around the site and tar them with your own filth and bile. Its really childish.


    Reported. So quit stalking me and looking for a fight. I am not interested in talking to someone who has nothing to say.
    Last edited by Khardis; 06-Nov-2006 at 01:43 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  8. #83
    Dying Minerva_Zombi's Avatar

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    all i can say to defend my reasoning for liking land better than dawn is that it isn't mindless dialogue with running zombies. i can watch it over and over again. dawn, i can't stand watching it. and i liked it enough at first to buy it. now, it sits on my shelf collecting dust while i can watch land any day. its a better zombie movie with interesting new concepts and good performances. big daddy pisses me off, but other than that, its a smart zombie flick.

  9. #84
    Quote Originally Posted by Minerva_Zombi View Post
    all i can say to defend my reasoning for liking land better than dawn is that it isn't mindless dialogue with running zombies. i can watch it over and over again. dawn, i can't stand watching it. and i liked it enough at first to buy it. now, it sits on my shelf collecting dust while i can watch land any day. its a better zombie movie with interesting new concepts and good performances. big daddy pisses me off, but other than that, its a smart zombie flick.
    EXACTLY the same for me!

  10. #85
    Just been bitten Brubaker's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Khardis View Post
    I havent seen any of you even try to debate as to why Land wasnt crap. All you do is attack the people who say it is. Wouldnt you say that not finding anything really redeeming about it and yet defending it is fanboyish? Not saying you are, but wouldnt you say that about someone?
    Here is why I don't think Land is crap, based on my point of view.

    1. Save for Big Daddy, it is well-acted. More or less. I'm not going to sit here and debate character by character. While Charlie is my least favorite character in the movie, I think Robert Joy did a tremendous job of portraying him. Casting Dennis Hopper and John Leguizamo was not a mistake.

    2. The pacing is good. It doesn't move too slow, if anything it moves along fairly quickly and feels a little shorter than the actual running time.

    3. As a whole, it isn't cheesy. Keeping Big Daddy out of the discussion, this film doesn't look dated. It is/was very viable for 2004. That is not a bad thing because you could have easily ended up with a movie that looked like it was shot/recorded in the 1980's.

    4. The script wasn't a dog. The script may be a little better on paper than on the screen, but the movie had/has a good premise. There are people here who admit Big Daddy was a decent idea, just played by the wrong guy.

    That's enough from me. I'm sure a few more posters will produce an avalanche of points much too heavy for you to combat.

  11. #86
    Being Attacked rawrOTD's Avatar

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    When i first watched Dawn 04
    I could not keep track of or remember the character names.
    I didnt care about them, I didnt know anything about them, and when they died there wasnt even some sort of clever reason for it based on character traits. No these people were there just to provide cover for the lack of depth in the 4 central characters. Eventually i was just sitting there hoping gore would make htis film worth all $6 i spent buying it used on VHS.

    In land
    the characters all were so damn safe that they could eat a taco off of Big Daddy's bald head and he'd look up at them smiling and flutter his eyelashes

    as soon as i saw characters in land i knew whether or not they would live in the end

    However, land was tremendously satifying gore wise, legions of zombie wise, and a new fresh look at the genre. However, it missed the atmosphere presented by the other 3. There should have been some main chracters that died, some reason to be concerened .you know? Shoulda holed up in the barricaded tower of Fiddlers Greens. Shoulda killed big daddy simply cos it would have parralled Night and Ben's death. Except reversed.

    i liked land better than dawn 04.
    dawn 04 had more epic zombie parking lot footage though
    i will give them credit for creating the hundreds of oodles of zombies that i wished attacked the building....but they didnt

    and khardis or whatever your name is I agree with some of your ideas, in particular that GAR is getting a bit too into inserting social commentary , he went a bit overboard on land
    it seemed a little too unnatural and forced

    However, you sir are the biggest hypocrit on the forum

    i beg for a rule against hypocracy so that i may report you

    khardis when you're
    reporting everyone like your the king of the zombies you are pretty damn lame.
    Who the hell cares that some guy insulted you on a forum?
    nobody friggen cares! we're here to talk about zombies! I bet if you walked into a random house near by, or knocked on your apartment neighbors door
    and you said

    "hello stranger! I spend a portion of my free time perusing an internet Zombie movie forum!"
    theyd laugh!
    this is the place
    where they dont laugh at you for loving zombie flicks

    lets stop pretending we have importance, reputations, or authority
    cos on the grand old unterwub
    we're supposed to have a bond/kinship here
    and its to ramble about zombies online

    speaking of which
    why on earth did the party leave the mall in Dawn 04?
    They didnt have a real reason. They had all the food in the world. Safety , shelter, you name it.
    They just up and decided, "hey guys.....lets leave the mall"
    i remember the statement was
    thers worse things then dying, and one of them is staying here and waitin to die
    they decided to leave after the old lady and ghettoface/ zombie baby/ luna all killed one another
    there was no zombie threat, just some retarded dude going insane

    so the escape in big buses
    it would have been so much better if they were under seige by zombies

  12. #87
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    I really like this guy^^

  13. #88
    Walking Dead coma's Avatar

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    Ha Ha!
    Me too!

    The stupidest thing in Dawn o4 was the setup with lonely girl who wost her poor widdle parents. They telegraphed what was coming later in a lame set up for when she went to get the stupid dog because "its all she had left". I would've let her get ate up. Just for being a bone head. That was infuriatingly retarded. Yeah and the flying garage zombie.

    I watched Land Agian last night and the gore is full on. Sure Cholo has too much make up on like someones trying to make a porfolio piece, but it still looks great and makes me cringe its so violent.

    I never get tired of pissing on Snyder tour de force.
    Last edited by coma; 09-Nov-2006 at 01:30 AM.
    Up, Up and Away! ARRRRRGHGGGH

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  14. #89
    Just been bitten Brubaker's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Brubaker View Post
    Here is why I don't think Land is crap, based on my point of view.

    1. Save for Big Daddy, it is well-acted. More or less. I'm not going to sit here and debate character by character. While Charlie is my least favorite character in the movie, I think Robert Joy did a tremendous job of portraying him. Casting Dennis Hopper and John Leguizamo was not a mistake.

    2. The pacing is good. It doesn't move too slow, if anything it moves along fairly quickly and feels a little shorter than the actual running time.

    3. As a whole, it isn't cheesy. Keeping Big Daddy out of the discussion, this film doesn't look dated. It is/was very viable for 2004. That is not a bad thing because you could have easily ended up with a movie that looked like it was shot/recorded in the 1980's.

    4. The script wasn't a dog. The script may be a little better on paper than on the screen, but the movie had/has a good premise. There are people here who admit Big Daddy was a decent idea, just played by the wrong guy.

    That's enough from me. I'm sure a few more posters will produce an avalanche of points much too heavy for you to combat.
    You like to call people, Son. Right, Khardis? I suppose that would make you "Dad." I see you haven't entertained a reply to my post stating why I liked Land. Care to attempt a reply, "Dad"?

  15. #90
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rawrOTD View Post

    and khardis or whatever your name is I agree with some of your ideas, in particular that GAR is getting a bit too into inserting social commentary , he went a bit overboard on land
    it seemed a little too unnatural and forced

    However, you sir are the biggest hypocrit on the forum

    i beg for a rule against hypocracy so that i may report you

    khardis when you're
    reporting everyone like your the king of the zombies you are pretty damn lame.
    Who the hell cares that some guy insulted you on a forum?
    nobody friggen cares! we're here to talk about zombies! I bet if you walked into a random house near by, or knocked on your apartment neighbors door
    and you said

    "hello stranger! I spend a portion of my free time perusing an internet Zombie movie forum!"
    theyd laugh!
    this is the place
    where they dont laugh at you for loving zombie flicks

    lets stop pretending we have importance, reputations, or authority
    cos on the grand old unterwub
    we're supposed to have a bond/kinship here
    and its to ramble about zombies online


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