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Thread: 1st real Bad Review -

  1. #1
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    1st real Bad Review -

    While most filmmakers hide negative reviews I decided and felt the need to show everyone, every review from major horror websites. Good or bad, I want everyone to see every side of the film in the eyes of reviewers across the horror web.

    If you have seen the film, you will get the feeling that the reviewer from bloody-disgusting didn't watch the film at all. He has many of the characters mixed up and many of the scenes backwards, which to me feels like he watched it, but paid it no mind during the viewing. I even sent the reviewer an email pointing out the inaccuracies in the review.

    So without further ado... watch our teeth get pulled out with no numbing agent or pain killers to swallow. Here is the review of DEADLANDS: The Rising

    UPDATE: Bloody-Disgusting has revised the review to correctly show the correct characters and cast members for the film. The characters of DAVE and BRIAN and his role as defacto producer were incorrect during the initial review. However running time mentions of the zombies first appearances is still incorrect.
    Last edited by DjfunkmasterG; 08-Dec-2006 at 01:58 PM.
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  2. #2
    Survey Time axlish's Avatar

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    I agree to an extent that the running time hurt Deadlands. Cut that puppy down to 50 minutes and you'd have a much better paced film. Hey, don't take offense to this because Land of the Dead could have been cut down to 30.

  3. #3
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    i think i would write about it like that IF i didnt know tht it was the first of a two or three parter, it did have some problems but since its gonna have a sequel a lot of em can be sorted out, reckon he new about the second one?

  4. #4
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    If he listened to the commentary he would have known about it. However, i doubt he did. I think he should have at least got the character names correct, that much would have been nice.

    I don't mind the review being bad, but bad and inaccurate is another issue altogether.
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  5. #5
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    and he would've known about the whole "thrash metal" bit, which even made my freinds laugh when they saw it t'uther day.

  6. #6
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    What a numpty!

    The problem is that a lot of this project belies it's budget and amateur background, so it gets compared to "professional" productions, which obviously just isn't fair!!
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
    -Carl Sagan

  7. #7
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Not just saying this, but I most definately side with Neil. That dude reviewing is a complete "numpty" and obviously couldn't give two sh*ts to spend any time paying attention to the review. Damn straight for emailing to straighten things out, I'd personally be all kinds of pissed off - but then again I'm the sorta guy that lumps around like an angry toddler every time my computer goes a bit wiggy or takes too long to do something.

    Now, if the guy had reviewed it properly and given a fair review which still ended up being "overall bad", at least they're done a proper job. This guy not only gives it a duff write up, he's done a sh*t job to boot.

    Like Neil was saying, Deadlands is a flick that punches above it's weight class in terms of both scope and crew expertise, I have to say it was a ballsy production all round and I was quite surprised by a lot of aspects. I found the pacing to be spot on, and while there are weaknesses, they're forgiveable.

    I'd have expected better reviewing from Bloody Disgusting to be honest, I hope the guy prints a new version of the review with assumed/mistaken/outright wrong comments taken out.

  8. #8
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Like I said I am not mad about a negative review. just mad that it is an inaccurate negative review. I had a hard time reading it and when i got to the mistakes I was like ok... do I take this as criticism or just blow it off as someone whom didn't pay attention to the film.

    I sent them a polite email, thanking them for the review but added the inaccuracies to the email. Hopefully they will correct the review.

    This gets better and better. I sent them a polite email asking for a revision on the review.

    "Hi Ryan,
    > First let me say thanks for reviewing the film.
    > Even though you seemed to dislike it I still wanted
    > to thank you for taking your time to review it. You
    > are also our 1st bad review out of all the top
    > horror sites, so congrats.
    > I just wanted to point out a few things... Errors
    > in the review.
    > Dave Cooperman is not a producer, nor was he a
    > main character. The person you are thinking about is
    > Brian Wright. Dave is the white T-shirt wearing
    > character who escaped the traffic jam and headed to
    > the shelter.
    > Running time errors. You mention the film goes 30
    > minutes with no zombie appearance actually the first
    > zombies show up at the 21 minute and change mark,
    > from that point the film shifts gears into a zombie
    > film.
    > While I admit the beginning is slow there was a
    > point to that. It was supposed to be everyday life
    > for two 30 something people that turned into a
    > nightmare for an entire city. Now while DEADLANDS:
    > The Rising doesn't have the style and pinoche of El
    > Mariachi, I feel you were overly harsh on many
    > aspects of the film which are the movies greatest
    > set pieces.
    > You claimed the make-up was poor, now while not
    > outstanding compared to higherbudgeted films, the
    > make-up FX were above average considering the
    > make-up department worked off a budget of $650.00.
    > At no time are any zombie eating gore scenes shot in
    > slow motion in the film either. All flesh tearing
    > and eating was shot and played back at Normal speed
    > (24 Fps). The only gore showed in slow mo was the
    > pan across the flesh bits of the leftover cop the
    > zombies chomped on.
    > Normally I wouldn't usually go this indepth about
    > inaccuracies in your review, but a lot of people who
    > told me the review was online said "Did he even
    > watch the movie?" After reading it I could see why
    > they would ask that of me, but I know you watched it
    > as you pointed out things not in the trailers.
    > Anyway, again thanks for taking the time to review
    > it. Sorry you were disappointed in the film.
    > However, you can't please everyone.
    > Thanks
    > Gary"

    I also sent a similar email to the editor of B-D. Now this is where it gets good... The DUMBass review writes to me and makes an uncalled for comment, buyt the funny part is I don't think the email was meant for me, but his editor.

    Yeah, here's the email Mr. Ugarek sent me today
    (below). I couldn't help but notice that yours was a
    little more concise than mine. I can understand if he
    writes you (the editor) about inaccuracies in a
    review, but to write me personally to complain about
    my review seemed kind of unprofessional. Maybe it's
    just me. Oh well.

    Dave Cooperman was listed first on IMDB, so I just
    assumed he was one of the two main leads (along with
    Ugarek). But I guess he's some dude with a bit part
    who happens to have been listed first on IMDB. Bad
    research on my part.

    Yeah, so the zombies appeared 22 minutes into his
    movie, instead of 30. It felt like 3 hours, so I was
    just giving him the benefit of the doubt and I rounded
    to 30 minutes. Big deal. It doesn't stop his movie
    from totally licking my balls.

    So here's a revised review. Hope I didn't cause any


    What a dumbass....Not too mention he attached the revised review, and guess what? It is still inaccurate in regards to characters.

    Then of course my final response

    "First off Ryan,

    I never complained about your review. You are one arrogant SOB you know that. I wrote to you, thanking you for taking your time to review the film and then pointed out what a few people emailed me. I also gave you the benefit of the doubt in that you actually watched the film. Yet I never complained other than to say you were inaccurate on characters and story time line. So where do you get off saying I ****ing complained.... Thatnks for proving that B-D and it's reviewers are a complete waste of time to use as a source for comments.

    Ryan, do you know anything about the credit system used in films, especially low budget films. Obviously you don't. Dave Cooperman is listed first because his Resume extends further than any other single cast member. Whether or not he is in the film the whole time or 30% of the time, the cast member with a longer background in acting roles will get top billing in a low budget feature. Now that you mention using IMDB as your source you have actually proved to me you know jack **** about cinema and also proved you didn't watch the film because Not only on IMDB, but in the opening credits Brian Wright is listed as my producer. So obviously you didn't pay attention.

    Also don't talk to me about professionalism. I am not the one whom responded by saying a film licked my balls. I wrote you and Brad, you know why i wrote you Ryan... You wrote the ****ing review jackass. Of course I am going to write to you when there are inaccuracies, major inaccuracies that clearly point out your incompetency as a film reviewer and in no way is that unprofessional. However what is unprofessional is your demeanor and character, especially when the filmmaker you slammed thanked you for taking your time in watching the film. I could have been a complete dick about it, but I am not, now with you recent comments you pissed me off, and since you want to be a cockstain about the entire situation, in which you brought on yourself and B-D, by writing a review with incorrect information. I wrote Brad as well as he is the editor of the website and just wanted to keep him in the loop. In my line of work you keep communication open on both ends this way no one is out of the loop. Maybe you would learn that if you weren't suck a jerk off who thinks he is all that and a bag of chips, when you arean't even the crumbs left in the bag.

    Brad, although I appreciate B-D taking the time to review the film, and appreciate the info and heart put into B-D's keeping the public informed on the horror front I have to say some of your staff are complete assholes. I am betting this will just get shrugged off with a laugh however, I stll felt obligated to CC you on this email as this reviewers behavior reflects your entire institution. Since Ryan wants to be a dick in his reply comments pointing out his INACCURACIES and retort to childish teenage comments I shall resort to the same and post this entire email and any responses on the DEADLANDS official website by week's end. Including the original review with it's inaccuracies along with the revised version.

    I don't mind getting a bad review, you can't please everyone, and I never set out to please everyone. However, when a precious little "I am the coolest reviewer in the world of horror fanboy" decides to be a complete dick about it... then I will make an issue of it.

    Well I have wasted enough time in this reply, hopefully B-D will smarten up and actually get reviewers who can handle criticism of their reviews, maybe had he done his ****ing homework he wouldn't have his ass handed to him by filmmaker whose film licked his balls...

    BTW Ryan, if it licked your balls I hope you at least got an orgasm out of it, god knows the last thing I would want is the stink of my film cruddin' up your testicles for your next grand and positive review of a Tobe Hooper/Uwe Boll movie.

    Gary Ugarek
    Deadlands Director
    Last edited by DjfunkmasterG; 21-Nov-2006 at 11:55 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
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  9. #9
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    lol, geez, what a dick.

    Went back to B-D and cast my own vote for the movie. I see they haven't updated or ammended the review on the site. The guy seems like a complete "numpty" as Neil said earlier, hehe. Only numpties take offense at the completely in-jest aspect ratio PSA at the beginning. Now, I know about ratios, but I wasn't offended - because (seemingly) unlike senoir-poor-reviewer I've seen time and again people completely stumped by ratios.

    Back at uni we had a widescreen TV and I was the only person in the house who understood ratios and which setting to use on the TV, and it's not like the other guys were technically dumbfounded, not at all, yet they still couldn't see the difference between regular 4:3 and Pan & Scan 4:3. *yeesh*

  10. #10
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    damn that guy said that, what a dick indeed, that sounds like a 12 year old, people act high and mighty and then u turn into pre teen mode were they think there king of the world.

    my point is this, one i think i pointed out in a magazine article once i think, anyway my point is critics are payed to do just that criticise movies, if you want an honest review get the public to review it on horror or something then at least you get an honest answer, i myself said i didnt like everything about the film but the sheer scope and proffesionality on a budget almost half that of clerks was "dead" impressive, so as long as you can be proud that other people respect what youve made then the next time some upstart who writes internet reviews cus he couldnt get a job reviewing movies for a paper let alone a mazine, *sniffs* **** em'

    when theyve made a movie ,let alone one thats better, then they can bitch.

  11. #11
    It's good that you're not taking it to heart. The guy is obviously a serious asshole!

  12. #12
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    I only took one review to heart and that was someone who bought the film, posted on the forum at Dread-Central and said it sucked. Nothing else, just that it sucked.

    When I asked him to elaborate on what he did or didnot like about the film his response was... It sucks what more do you need to know. So I continued to debate him for 10 pages in the DEADLANDS thread until he pointed out exactly what was wrong and he then proceeded to talk about stuff not even in the film. So, like the guy from B-D, another one who probably didn't watch it and just made a comment.

    I don't mind criticism, it helps me as a filmmaker. However, if you give me criticism make sure you know what you're critcizing... because nothing pisses me off more than ill knowledged critics.
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  13. #13
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Constructive criticism is good, but like you said, people who just say "that sucks" are annoying and a waste of space, it's a statement that barely counts as an opinion it's so scattergun. If he kept refusing he'd clearly not even bothered to watch it properly and just skipped through no doubt.

  14. #14
    Fresh Meat Bloodtype-Ed's Avatar

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    Wow, as someone who writes reviews this is incredibly poor on his part. He's unprofessional, totally out of touch, and just seems like he wants to review whatever big name horror flicks that B-D gets.

    His review (inaccuracies aside) shows that he doesn't watch a lot of low budget films. Plain and simple, DeadLands is a masterpiece compared to a lot of the stuff I've had the displeasure of sitting through from the indy scene. I

  15. #15
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    well said. id take indie over big budget anyway, you can telll a lot of sweat and tears was put in a film were you can here someone curse when the guns start firing at the bottles


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