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Thread: nice to post something myself for once.

  1. #1
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    nice to post something myself for once.

    okay so a few of you guys know i got a enw camera a while back and unfrotunatly i aint been able to film much since when scoping out a location in the woods i fell down a small quarry area and hurt my leg, nothign serious but i aint been out filming yet, now in the section thats stickied or what have you it states im working on a zombie film called "reaction" and thats a pretty big project and ive got the script but im putting some effort into taht one so it doesnt turn out like crap so its pretty quiet on that front.
    but ive been devling into more experimental areas and im currently about to get some people together to film my short film that i should be able to show you guys cus i seem to be the only regular poster in the film makers section who hasnt put one up yet, so it will be a chance for you to say how much i suck for once .

    anyhoo its a short script im guessing its gonna be 10-15 minutes long probably shorter with a cast of 2, well 3 if you count the dog but its got such a small cast for a reason i wont divulge yet, unless you guys really wanna know, and while this is more an experiment to try and improve my film making techinques, cus trust me making loads of short ones rather than making one and trying to get your name out with that means that with fimmaking like anything the more you practice the better you get......unless your uwe boll but thats beside the point, anyway this aint gonna be nothing spectacular in fact i think the basics of this are gonna be its charm and im talking about basics in a good way, which will be hard to describe till its done.

    so before i ramble on anymroe ill just finish this first post in this thread with some info on my short, its called "FALLOUT" ,sort of post apocalyptic, kinda inspired by the dark tower a little, i wont give away the plot since it doesnt have a begginning middle and end and right now it seems like the start of a bigger story but its not...least unless i need an idea to fallback on later in life that is, so the scripts written and i have the guys ready to act, but since its a specific location and i mean a few metres to the left adn it wont work spceific and it needs to be filmed at around 6am and 10pm i need to sort out a day to film this but hey at least you guys can bitch at me for once, ill probably post it on putfile and link it here so till i actually have news, which will probably be that its done, later.

    Danny (just thought id put my real name for once )

    EDIT - just thought id point out that a short film i saw that was one of the films that made me deicide to make movies inspired this film a lot, though the actual event that occured is much the same its not quite the same situation but i saw the film on channel 4 at 2am and havent seen it since but i just found it on wikipedie purely by chance, its a german short film called "tag 26" or day 26 over here, i think mz might know of it since it was probably a thing he studied at uni, heres the wiki ill try and find it on the net its got the same feeling i want mine to express and i think youll be impressed by it.
    Last edited by Danny; 23-Nov-2006 at 12:29 AM.

  2. #2
    I would love to know more about Fallout. You say post apocalyptic and inspired by the Dark Tower series but I have not read those yet. Don't the Dark Tower books have multiple themes? Would you like to elaborate Hellz?

    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing View Post
    the more you practice the better you get......unless your uwe boll
    Last edited by capncnut; 23-Nov-2006 at 02:36 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  3. #3
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    well basically SPOILERS, its one guy who survived fallout that covered england when a nuke whent off in a nother country, i dont elaborate on that and it begins as he makes it to his home for the first time in two years and rather than face waht waits inside he decides o leave but discovers a guy in the last stages of severe radiation poisoning who requests company so "he doesnt die alone" , there aint no major dark tower reference i just wanted the main character to appear like roland from the dark tower a little and in that series a nuclar event did occur a long time ago the major inspiration was tag 26.

  4. #4
    From that tasty little morsel you just threw in there, I think Fallout sounds pretty damn good to me. Very bleak and I like that. Forgive me if I'm being presumptous but I'm guessing you're taking a tragic route with the poisoned chap and focusing on his loneliness and eventual death. Not wanting to press you for more spoilers but does the wandering survivor have his own 'special' story to tell also? When you finish this I would love to see a link, keep us all posted on this matey.

  5. #5
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Tag 26 looks pretty damn cool, never got to see that on our course unfortunately, we didn't do many short films as part of our study, it was generally TV shows for the TV aspect or features. There were some shorts, but nothing very recent. Like I said, Tag 26 looks rather spiffing.

    However, we did get to watch La Jetee, which inspired Twelve Monkeys. It's an apocalyptic film as well, made entirely from photographs cut together except for one short moment (about 3 seconds I think) of actual film.

    It's an excellent piece, got it on DVD too.

    It was on a course, not sure of the title, about photography and there were 3 films as part of it, La Jetee, a Godard film (forget the title now) and Blow-Up (which was excellent, also got that on DVD after watching it). The course was a bit too high brow for the most part, but I knocked an essay out of the park, which covered Blow-Up - it was a really deep analysis of the protagonist's sense of reality in relation to the cinematography.

    If you get a chance to see La Jetee, check it out, it's a great short film.

  6. #6
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    man we had to watch blow up like 6 times last year, that and peeping tom, both with two damn creepy lead actors, and cp'n another little bit it ,like i said it doesnt go b/m/e its just like a snapshot a few months possibly years after and two guys who meet by accident and then something happens, its just an experiment.

    speaking of, i dont plan to film this yet, maybe after fallout, but i was inspired by 'signs' and the radio bits from the game 'prey' to do another shot after this one to test synching up sound about a guy in his understairs cuboard with a radio as an alien invasion takes place.listening to the radio shows with survivors calling in, and he hears people form his own town adn stuff he keeps sleeping in the cuboard and then listening to the radio ,reminicsing on who might be dead an' all that till one breaks into his house, course you never see it, you never see more than a cuboard its all sound and amtmosphere.
    i reckon this is the kinda one mz will like.

    but like i said it aint filming till i finish filming fallout, which starts on next friday over the weekend if it takes longer than 24 hours (not 24 hours filming but certain times of the day).


    these may just be test ideas but damn if i aint on a roll lately.

  7. #7
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I certainly like the idea of the dude in the cupboard with the radio broadcast type things (aye, that was one of the few good bits about Pret, which sadly after the first few levels got repetitive and rather dull for the most part). I really like the idea of claustrophobic settings, it's always better to achieve a good thing on a smaller scale than f*ck things up on a larger scale.

    Use what you have at hand and other such Rodriguez-style tips.

  8. #8
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    aye that i will, cant think of a title for this one, but im trying to do an experiment per each of the short films im gonna do between now and january, cus all i gotta so between now and then is coursework but ive done it all allready .
    im thinking one of r sound, one for visuals and so on.

    im still tempted to do one with nothing but survival horror static camera angles and resi and silent hill OST for the music

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing View Post
    im still tempted to do one with nothing but survival horror static camera angles and resi and silent hill OST for the music
    Aw, you gotta do it!

  10. #10
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    funny thign is there really is a location near my town thats damn near exactly like the toluca lake area at the start of silent hill 2, to bad theres a friggin motorway nearby so it sounds like a freakin' blizaard, though my unlce owns a woodyard (dont hear that too often in the u.k huh?) so i can make up asilent hill sign and everything, but that was if i wanted to go straight up silent hill, i just wanna try the angles, i just finalized 'FALLOUT's script, and its like 5 mins of walking and then 10 mins of two guys talking, but its the experiment in the way of filming not the story im interested in, though i do like the dialogue myself.
    the ufo one is basically inspired by those old american 50's sci-fi and how people freaked out when they first heard war of the worlds, i mean imagine thinking you were really hearing the the world get destroyed from a small box and beeing to scared to look out the door, no matter what you heard, now thats real fear.

    cant think of a damn title for that one though.

  11. #11
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    heading out this weekend across the 'shire' to scop out a good location for the large portion near the middle of fallout, hopefully ill have some pics or something.

    ...but nowing my ****ty digital camera i wouldnt hold your breath

    and i should film it all next weekend, if the people in it have the time.

  12. #12
    Good luck with that Hellz, don't forget to post the pics!

  13. #13
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    wish i could man but we couldnt shoot a damn thing, for an ironic reason, least i think thats the word, qwait no it isnt, still, i was speaking to mz about making films and assholes who "have" to jump in the shot when you film and the first day i try filming it happens to me.

    i was also shootign a music video for a freind who djs, it was meant to be a guy i know fully chavved out with traccy-s in his socks and the lot raving in a care park space in the countryside, we set up the camera, the music players and the extras to be shocked pedestrians then this bloody woman who ws the fattest person ive seen outside jerry springer ram into the spot, knock my tripod over and i just catch my camera just so she could get out and smoke

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing View Post
    we set up the camera, the music players and the extras to be shocked pedestrians then this bloody woman who ws the fattest person ive seen outside jerry springer ram into the spot, knock my tripod over and i just catch my camera just so she could get out and smoke
    Damn, you should've given her the trackies, a pair of shades and forced her to dance. Free comedy and a great video, two for the price of one!

  15. #15
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    What did the fat woman do? Park in the space you were using, or was it something else, I got confused for some reason...

    Whatever it was, that bitch needs a slap. I've been fortunate enough not to have to deal with morons getting in the way - yet, anyway - but no doubt I'd scream 1cm away from their dimwitted face and slap them silly.


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