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Thread: More bollocks from people who can't accept piss off for an answer...

  1. #1
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    More bollocks from people who can't accept piss off for an answer...

    Wow, a whole 44 people eh?

    These trials are endlessly flawed for a whole bunch of reasons I can't even be arsed to go into, but even I - with a mere 2 years of Sociology A-Level under my belt - can spot a whole splodge-dollop of bollock stench about the research.

    Developing, young minds shouldn't have too much of something. I'd rather blame their lack of parental supervision/involvement/care as well as the amount of hideously unhealthy food they eat for their temperament - add onto it the pressures of life in the 21st century and childhood/teenagehood in general and that's going to affect your brain a hell of a lot more - also - a teenager's brain is still developing, they're still growing - how can you establish a constant?

    I've played violent videogames since I was a kid, I started watching horror movies when I was 9 years old - have I ever been in a fight? Nope. If anything, a violent game soothes me - GTA is a great example. Everytime I felt pissed off and pent up I'd load up whichever GTA I was into at the time and have a blast about on that for an hour or so and come out of the session feeling calm and relaxed and chilled out.

    Time and again, over and over I've heard the same story from friends or read it online over and over.

    A simple interviewing process asking non-biased questions, as well as understanding the lives of individuals being questioned, would lead to much better results, rather than all this brain-scanning bollocks.

    And if violent games are supposed to be devil-spawning hate-machines ... what about violent movies? What about violent TV? What about the news? What about bullying? What about the intense pressures of modern living? What about poor health due to a diet of nothing but sugar and preservatives? What about piss-poor-parenting?


    What makes me angry? Bollock-minded crap like this research, that bitch who knocked over Hellsing's camera with her car, the news/newspapers on a frequent basis, the ... *grumbles* ... labour gubment etc - not media.

  2. #2
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    GTA is a great example. Everytime I felt pissed off and pent up I'd load up whichever GTA I was into at the time and have a blast about on that for an hour or so and come out of the session feeling calm and relaxed and chilled out.

    reminds me of a excellent story regarding grand theft auto, years go when the original one came out and people were outraged by that, a guy was quoted in the paper as saying, "yes grand theft auto has taught me how to steal cars, i see a car i like, go up to it, take out my playstation controller and press square, and away i go"

    LOL i thought was hilarious.

  3. #3
    Yeah, I gotta say that was quite a pathetic article. They are obviously picking their subjects off the street and not asking the real gamers to participate.

  4. #4
    Walking Dead _liam_'s Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post
    reminds me of a excellent story regarding grand theft auto, years go when the original one came out and people were outraged by that, a guy was quoted in the paper as saying, "yes grand theft auto has taught me how to steal cars, i see a car i like, go up to it, take out my playstation controller and press square, and away i go"

    LOL i thought was hilarious.

    lol yeah! i remember reading that letter. i think they reprinted it in play magazine later on, or some other rag.

    i guess it's useless really discussing it on a forum where we come together over a mutual love of watching people painted blue get shot in the head, but i remember something a guy (i think it was gavin baddeley) said about marilyn manson being blamed for the high school shootings in the us "the guy has had 2 number one albums and plays to packed arenas around the world, his music is on MTV2 all other words millions listen to this where's the orgy of violence in the street?"

    i think people are missing the biggest issue - SOME PEOPLE ARE BLOODY MAD. if it wasnt GTA or manson or slayer that triggers their spree or otherwise deviant would have been the bible or a birdsong or the KFC colonel giving them a funny look from a*t happens!

  5. #5
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    violent games dont make people violent, they just dotn i play the most violent games i can get, the more horrific the better, in fact i prefer a game that begins with "Contains scenes of explicit violence and gore".
    but i have only got in one fight in my life and that was when some chav pulled a knife on a freind of mine, and i was one of 4 guys involved at the time.

    i watched horror films since i was 4 and ,granted it may be why i have long hair, and am seen in nothign but jeans and black band t shirts, it doesnt mean im gonna watch friggin halloween sitting in the dark wth a shotgun saying "i am the angel of mercey i will deliver us all".

    now granted there are a few on this forum even who spend way too much time talking about weapon calibres and "head shots" than is well.....i dunno if normals the word anyway but you get my point.

    touble is it aint helping that geniune horror with a plot like jacobs ladder is being ignored for lame ass gorefests like the god aweful saw series

    i think if your tweaked anyway it may send you that little bit off the deep end, but when it comes to violence in games and films i think it more desensitises me to it, like being able to watch damn near any horror and not be scared at all, but that just me, people are people, each has his or her own life which is unique so there are to many variables and an impossible range of parametres to try and test such a theory with and it is impossible cus no matter how you try to test this it will still be a test and not the norm so its impossible to gage.

    like i said earlier some people are just nuts.

    well i said jerks earlier but tamato tomato right?

  6. #6
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Nice points fellas.

    Another interesting point, there's always all this investigation into "desensitisation" as if it's the cause - all desensitisation is, is not being grossed out by something after seeing it a few times. It's the same with jokes - the more times you hear one that made you laugh the less you end up laughing until it's not funny anymore.

    These idiots think desensitisation means influence - it flat out doesn't and it's sickening that these "researchers" get to carry out this retarded research. It's purely to get money to continue their existence, because - as has been proven time and again - results for "do violent games make your kid start wiping sh*t on the walls and killing people?" are completely and utterly inconclusive and will remain as such.

    The simple fact that, as Liam has pointed out, there isn't an army that is millions and millions (if not billions) in strength, out there destroying on a sickening rampage is proof enough that the whole thing is bollocks. I'm so sick of these moronic researchers - they make me angry and wanna kick something, not GTA.

    Also - the quote about that guy stealing cars using the square button - noiiice.


    More on it here:

    Also, if you scroll down you'll see another, very similar bit of research looking into the horrors of *shocked* desensitisation - which means f*ck all!!!

    Also, in that research, which appears to be fairly recent, used games such as Carmageddon, Mortal Kombat and Duke Nukem - they're all years and years old!!! Geezus, if they can't even be bothered to pull in some newer games how could you even lend one iota of respect to this garbage 'research'.

    It doesn't matter one jot if people are desensitised, it only matters if they act on their actual chemical imbalances and poor social experiences - and in such an event (which remains in "massive minority land") there are many more causes of the violence than a friggin' videogame.

    People should stop complaining about a videogame and focus on actual and very much tangible social ills, which cause far more damage than any game at the end of a keyboard or joypad ever could.

    In fact it's been proven in research on the other side of the debate that such games are GOOD - because they provide a safe, virtual environment for you to exert your pent up aggression. We're not longer cave men, but at the primordial center of us all we still are - but we can't exert it like mankind once did - now we play paintball, competitive sports, have pub car park punch-ups and so forth - now we have videogames where it remains completely virtual.

    It's exactly the same as research that came out a short while ago that proved hardcore pornography is good because it actually has caused a significant drop in the instances of rape - and that's rather interesting, because presumably as time has passed it's become more acceptable (for lack of a better term) to admit to being raped and seeking help - which would mean an increase in the number of cases on the stat books - yet the cases of rape are still dropping.
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 04-Dec-2006 at 10:54 AM.

  7. #7
    Walking Dead _liam_'s Avatar

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    dunno how relevant this may be to you guys personally, i feel it is relevant to the thread. the government wants to crack down on kinky porn, under the pretense that it incites violent behaviour

    now, things involving animals and doo doo arent my cup of tea, but i am partial to things like torture garden events, bettie page/dita von teese and the whole S&m aesthetic.

    quite frankly, locking people up because you dont personally like what they consume is f***ing wrong. nazi wrong.

  8. #8
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Nice to see there's another like-minded chap out there ... not in the 'S&M aesthetic' thing, I mean in terms of that retarded legislation being just that - retarded and a complete trampling of basic human rights - the freedom of expression. If people aren't being hurt, who gives a crap.

    It's all based on that Longhurst case because the killer liked some kind of dodgy porn, but like with videogames, people who actually do the act for real would have been triggered by anything, they would have done it sooner or later - in fact, they probably did it later because the porn provided 'relief' for a while for that sicko, but then as he would have done it sooner or later anyway, he ended up doing it.

    Porn has been proven to be a good thing, there was some research a while ago that noted how as porn became more and more accessible, the amount of rapes was falling. Porn is a safe arena to relieve pent up whatever.

    Also, Labour's retarded legislation even states itself that there is no evidence to support them. The consultation even came back with a majority saying "NO!" to it - despite the fact the consultation was biased to include more women's groups, children's groups, police groups and so forth than average punters and groups related to the various "dodgy" porns.

    The proposed legislation has absolutely no idea what it's trying to do, it's a complete and total mess, it's a blatant erosion of human rights and it criminalises people for liking their sex a bit on the rough side.

    As long as nobody is hurt, then who cares? The porn they're trying to legislate against - in their proposal which is purely based on taste rather than evidence - is made by people who have willingly took part, they've been paid, they're consenting, they're over 18 and it's a legitimate business catering to a section of society who likes it that way. Just because it's a minority practice, doesn't mean it's unlawful.

    To each their own - and I'm damn sure there's plenty of dodgy secrets and practices taken part in by those in power. Guaranteed they're like everyone else on the planet, everyone likes something at least a bit against the "normal" grain, and what's wrong with that?

    I was flicking around the channels last night and Channel 5's show 21st century sex for girls, or whatever it's called, had a guy on it who likes to wrap himself up in cling film ... weird to me, but whatever - if it makes him happy, fine and dandy, it's not for me to judge. Also - I was rather taken aback when I flicked over and saw a shot seemingly from 'within the holy grail' (didn't appear to be a mock-up) with 'sir lancelot' thrusting forth and spitting copiously at the camera...

    If that garbage legislation isn't kicked into the long grass sometime soon I'd be surprised, it's completely unworkable and completely unjustified - but then again, that's what this gubment do, waste tax payer's money on themselves and retarded garbage such as this to gain support with reactionary know-nothings living in their own world 50 years in the past (at least).


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