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Thread: Top Gear (Sunday 11th Feb episode)

  1. #1
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Top Gear (Sunday 11th Feb episode)

    Spoilers beyond...duh

    Just got done watching this week's episode of Top Gear, and I must say - fantastic, the whole hour dedicated to one of their classic "cheap car challenges", but across the bottom half of North America - noiiice.

    But just watching it speaks volumes about (mainly anyway) why some people hate America/Americans.

    There's plenty in the episode about the good stuff, the feeling of three blokes on a real "boys own adventure" (as they themselves put it) living that American dream of getting in your car and just driving, and likewise falling in love with your vehicle - even if it is a poorly made sack of crap.

    But on the bad side, it just goes to show rednecks have no sense of humour nor an understanding of, perhaps it's kinda baiting, but clearly the production team had no idea they'd be up sh*t creek ... how come, those who didn't see it, ask?

    They went through Alabama with slogans painted on their cars (e.g. "Country & Western is Rubbish", "I'm Bi", "Manlove Rules", "Hilary for President" and so forth) ... anyway, they pull over for fuel and after some disgusting (but muted) looks, the owner comes out (verbal) guns blazing and they quickly decide (upon hearing her saying she's going to "get the boys") to scarper - typically, one of the cars chooses that time to run out of battery and they have to do a quick-smart jump start as "the boys" arrive in true redneck fashion, all sat in the back of a pick up truck. Meanwhile the camera crew are pelted with rocks and chased and after they've all got in their cars and escaped, are pursued!!! ... for those who didn't see it, they ran away and hastily pulled over and used anything (e.g. Coca Cola) to wash off the paint and then run away some more.

    Anyway, that was rather disturbing to watch something so daft get so serious so quickly, and indeed - rednecks really don't "get" humour nor irony and take life far too seriously, and illustrates the division from state-to-state you guys seem to have over there.

    Another aspect that was quite dim-looking on America in general was that New Orleans is still looking like a bomb has hit it after more than a year, that's shocking. Regardless of in-community work, it's shocking to see it's just been (essentially) left rotting (and it was actually rather sweet and sort of tear-jerking to see them give away their cars they bought for the challenge to needy families, rather than sell them like the challenge originally stated).

    Anyway, it was a great episode ... showing both that infectious American pride and American dream style spirit, but also (sadly) one reason why some people hate America(ns) ... I guess rednecks are you guys' chavs, eh?

    I'll just bookend by saying I'm pro-American, but you have to admit, like any other country, there are some utter knobheads ... and people sorely in need of having something dunked in their water (or more appropriately, beer?) to stop their eggs/semen from functioning.

    Anyway ... ... an EXCELLENT episode of Top Gear (and a superb choice of concluding music for the, er, conclusion to the film shown - "Autorock" by Mogwai ... which you might have heard at the end of Miami Vice).


    Oh yeah, and "Fat Stig" (the real Stig's hillbilly cousin) was brilliant.

  2. #2
    I thought tonight's episode was brilliant. I was almost wetting myself with laughter. When they rolled in Alabama and that redneck woman started kicking up a fuss because one of 'em had "Nascar Sucks" scrawled on the back.

    "I'm gonna go's and gets mah fellas."

    Then May's car wouldn't start. And they got pelted with stones.

    ROFLMAO!!! "This is gonna be the quickest jumpstart in history!"

    One thing that kinda blew me away though was the state of Nawlins one year on after Katrina. It really left a lasting impression on me.
    Last edited by capncnut; 11-Feb-2007 at 09:40 PM.

  3. #3
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    damn, wish i didnt miss that one, not a big car fan but those guys can make me laugh a lot so tis worth watching, and yeah chav's are basically british innercity redneck's/trailer trash types that want people to think that there "gangsta" and try to act like people from harlem or somethin'

  4. #4
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I'm sure you can find last night's Top Gear on a torrent site somewhere...

    Also, it's repeated on Wednesday on BBC2, and I think (if memory serves) on like Saturday on BBC3. So make a note of it on your hand in big pen ink so you remember.

    It was a rockin' episode.

  5. #5
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    I'm sure you can find last night's Top Gear on a torrent site somewhere...

    Also, it's repeated on Wednesday on BBC2, and I think (if memory serves) on like Saturday on BBC3. So make a note of it on your hand in big pen ink so you remember.

    It was a rockin' episode.
    Will definately watch it now!!!
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  6. #6
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I'm acquiring it as I type.


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