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Thread: Finally watched "Brokeback Mountain"...

  1. #16
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Indeed, very brave. I wonder if it ever showed (or even cropped up on video) in states like Alabama. If they start throwing rocks at a pick-up truck with "Man Love Rules OK" scrawled on the side, what on earth would they do at a film showing two straight actors pretending to have some back door fun in a tent ... whilst driving around in pick-up trucks!

    The bit at the end when the one left alive opens his cupboard and "Jack-f*ckin'-Twist's" denim jacket/shirt is hung up, and the guy is kinda glassy-eyed and almost says 'I love you' but doesn't quite complete the sentence before leaving frame, I thought, was really powerful. The final shot with the jacket hung up on one side and the view out the window on the other was perfectly measured.

    Indeed, a very brave film when you consider some parts of it, and especially consider some parts of America where gayness is about the worst thing since Hell.

  2. #17
    Dying Minerva_Zombi's Avatar

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    Should have won The Oscar for Best Picture. Crash was def. not that great. It tried to hard to a powerful movie about rascism. But, it failed. American History X pulled that off brilliantly 10 years ago.

  3. #18
    Walking Dead coma's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Minerva_Zombi View Post
    Should have won The Oscar for Best Picture. Crash was def. not that great. It tried to hard to a powerful movie about rascism. But, it failed. American History X pulled that off brilliantly 10 years ago.
    Ed Norton reedited American History X, which the director is super bitter about.I would be too.
    There is a directors cut that he possesses. I would love to see that.
    Terence Howard was great in crash and I thought Ludicrius had great dialouge, but it felt a but like a soapbox It seemed like the creators had no personal connection with the issues in the film. I think if they had something about the connection/conflict between poor whites and "minorities" wouldve helped alot. But that's not PC and rich producers dont believe it exists, so why tell that story? It makes things too complictaed for bleeding hearts with narrow experience and clouds the issue for Rich people.
    Up, Up and Away! ARRRRRGHGGGH

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  4. #19
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    What?two blokes?kissing and cuddling?your having me on! (vic reeves quote,smell of reeves and mortimer)


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