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Thread: 9/11 conspiracies

  1. #46

  2. #47
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    The Mandatorium
    interesting how the same people who say they are totally incompetent also charge them with pulling off the single greatest and most perfectly executed conspiracy in the history of the free world
    Precisely, I love it.

    It's completely retarded to even consider that 9/11 could have been planned by the gubment, it was simply a case of sh*t happens and people across the board not doing their job properly with a slice of 'luck' for the terrorists involved that they managed to muddle through and pull it off.

    There's always an undercurrent of racism or just some form of arrogant ignorance in the conspiracy folk, essentially "how could a bunch of ragheaded sand monkies pull that off?" (now my words, conspiracy nutter's words - a little Alan Carr reference for you Brits there, haha)...anyway, they seem to think that the terrorists are incapable Laurel & Hardy's who woke up one day and said "you know what, let's randomly go to America and blow up some sh*t" - they didn't, it was a plan that was being executed for years by a dedicated group of violent maniacs - and that's the key - their dedication to their task at hand.

    The whole terrorism thing of late has been blown out of all proportion, it isn't the threat that the gubments make out to be, but then they say "ooh look, we stopped these guys from carrying out another threat" - with the resources they have now - so this new point being, why do we need ID Cards when the agencies are clearly doing their job now without them?

    (Liam - you know I've gotta get a red-bashing dig in wherever possible, but truthfully, with terrorism not being the huge threat it's been peddled to be, and with the related agencies doing their job well already, what's the need for a bit of expensive, Orwellian-ish plastic?)

  3. #48
    Walking Dead mista_mo's Avatar

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    would expect an answer like that from a "superior" being like yourself . Welcome to my ignore list . Reason : You hide behind anonymous hatred , showing your true nature ...
    who said anything about being superior buddy? Ignore list or not, your acting like a child just like I was. BTW, when have I ever said anything hateful? I said people who believe that 9/11 was done by the government are idiots, and they are. Seriusly dude, you came off as a dickhead and i came back with my thoughts on it. My bad. I guess that was hatred as well eh?

    Good luck with that ...
    i was wondering what this was about, as i provided a reliable source and counter arguement to a conspiracy theory. Want more?

    this one is interesting, as it gives a viewpoint from a university professer (who also claims to have around 300 members in the organization) who believes that 9/11 was perpetrated by the government.

    and heres a website debunking it all


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