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Thread: YAY! another night update lol

  1. #1
    Dying livingdeadboy's Avatar

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    Ontario, Canada

    YAY! another night update lol

    Well what to report on this week...

    I haven't been posting as much because I have been working super hard on my newest flick "One Bad Day" which is just a crazed "gore" flick. There was that thing awhile ago where I was involved in a Grindhouse double feature thing. But I was not to interested in doing that, so I bowed out of that. Here is a pic of me on set for One Bad Day :

    Feels good to be making another flick! Well the night showings are getting closer and closer. And much to my surprise, the tickets have been selling like crazy. I also noticed around the good ol' web, that the hatred on some forums about this remake has died down...and some people are actually taking an interest in this.

    In another interesting piece of news, I am going to shill another movie here. This April I go to work on another zombie flick...a total 80's (and i kid you not) kick ass zombie flick called, "Zombie Apocalypse". I am not directing it, but I will have my hands in it, doing the special make-up effects for it... being a bit of creative consultant apparently lol. But honestly, its gonna rock, I read the script in one sitting and it just blew me away. It was like a very extreme version of Land Of The Dead, but not in a rip off sense.

    So that is all for now, hopefully next week, they'll be more of an update with Night!

  2. #2
    Good stuff Reese, I'll look forward to hearing more about it man.

  3. #3
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    The Mandatorium
    Sweet ass pic, I look forward to more info, glad the hatred is dying out and good luck with the new projects!

  4. #4
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
    Zombie Flesh Eater

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    Feb 2006
    United States
    Cool pic, man.

    While looking at a site that I frequent, I found this....


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