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Thread: Night '07 Reviews

  1. #1
    Dying livingdeadboy's Avatar

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    Night '07 Reviews

    Today, the three lucky people of this board got to watch the movie, this is a thread for their reviews.

  2. #2
    Night Of The Living Dead must be a difficult story to tackle for a young independent filmmaker, not only for the obvious budgetary reasons but also because it’s a well-regarded horror masterpiece and there are a number of people who are willing to condemn it without even giving the movie a chance. After viewing Reese Eveneshen’s interpretation of Night, it makes me realise that I should not be so judgemental of the upcoming remake of Day, because this movie has surprised me on so many levels.

    From the opening Clerks-esque scene (“Cos I’m f**kin’ tired!” ), the movie is told from the perspective of the film’s lead, John (played by director Eveneshen in an uncredited role), through a series of storytelling sequences as he recalls everything that’s happened to him recently up until this fateful day. Cutting between talky scenes and flashbacks, we are introduced to the people in his life; his best buddy Jack (Justin Eldridge), a female friend named Judy (co-producer Judith Visontay) and John’s adopted sister Barb (Sandy Lai). At first this approach is a little confusing but thanks to Eveneshen’s wonderful dialogue, you soon get used to it.

    Heartbroken at the fact that an old girlfriend of his recently died, John calls up his buddy Jack so he can bum a ride to the cemetery and pay his last respects to the girl. A sudden zombie attack splits the pair up and John runs to a local community hall where he hooks up with off-duty cop Mick (Anson Martin), while Jack (who has a serious predilection towards the word ‘cocksucker’ btw ) finds ‘safety’ in the home of strange housewife Alley (wonderfully played by Gail Tako). As the situation unfurls, John becomes increasingly worried about his sister Barb who is at home alone and with the help of Mick, he tries to come up with a plan so he can meet up with her. But now, there are hundreds of zombies on the streets (magnificently done I must say) and the scene cuts to Barb, as she begins to hear slow banging on her window…

    That’s where the spoilers end I’m afraid so let’s get to the meat. First off, anyone expecting a straight up remake of Night are going to be in for a surprise; it’s totally different and although there are many references, you are not overdosed on them. The brooding atmosphere is jarring at times and very often you find yourself wondering if any of this is actually happening? The sequence with Barb and the window banging had a friend of mine comment, “F**k that, I’d be out of there” so in my eyes, that’s high five. It works, there’s no doubt about it and for a ‘5 dollar movie’ you couldn’t ask for more. It kicks ten shades of s**t out of most blockbuster movies out there because of it’s realistic and unique approach.

    The acting is great, I really couldn’t find fault with any of characters. The dialogue is excellently crafted too but this also leads to my only complaint of the movie. Some of it is a little unnecessary and sometimes, albeit not that often, it detracted from the situation at hand but it’s a very minor complaint though.

    So how do I sum this up? Well, I reviewed a CD recently and found myself in a similar situation: do I rate it on an amateur scale or a professional one? Again, I’m gonna have to go for professional because the whole thing is so brilliantly done. Mr Eveneshen, (why am I calling you that Reese?) Night Of The Living Dead 07 gets an 8 out of 10 my friend. That’s not bulls**t either and I gotta be honest with you, even though I am bound to be criticised for saying this, I preferred your remake of Night to the recent remake of Dawn. Okay, it may not look as spectacular but I can tell that you've really put your heart into it and for me, that’s what matters the most. Congrats man, spread the word to your cast because they have all done a top job and they should be proud of themselves. I am now eagerly awaiting your next flick but dude, do me a favour, next time, DROP THE F**KING STATIC OKAY!

    Okay, now I’m off to watch it once more before the sly dog whips it away from me until late April.
    Last edited by capncnut; 28-Mar-2007 at 04:05 PM.

  3. #3
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Damn yous, Capn!!!

    I'm still trying to get it to show. For some reason, it won't on my computer.

  4. #4
    It's working for me no problem Bass, so I don't know what it could be. Loading time was pretty short too.

  5. #5
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Finally got it to work. I'll post my review in about 5 or so hours, livingdeadboy. But I can give you this:

    About 5 hours later:

    Okay....Finally getting to watch it again and give it the review. I'm going to try and keep it spoiler free, but if there's spoiler that slipped and you want it removed, Reese....just tell me to take it off.(Or I think you can if you're the mod of this forum) Anyway, Here we go...

    I'm not going to get into much of the plot detail because Capn has already done so(and did a pretty accurate review, as well). One thing that I must point out right up front is that the film is preceeded by a "This film contains graphic images which may not be suitable for viewers under 17" banner which is white with black letters. The reason i'm mentioning this? It's scratched all to hell with grime and dirt like you would see in the cinema 30+ years ago and the music is an elevation of string instruments. I didn't expect that at all.....I literally clapped. Awesome little touch.

    The opening colors of the movie are really great with some nice changes. We're treated to a nice afternoon with light beaming through the trees, wind blowing gently, then...BOOM. You're thrown into the film and from there it's basically one big rollercoaster ride with some narration along the way. I think Capn was right when he said that this is nothing like the original "Night". Aside from the cool references, this could have held a name of it's own. Not that that's a bad thing. It's a good thing. When I realized that John was going to the cemetery, I kept thinking...."Where the f*ck is Barbara??". Of course, I later found out why she wasn't there and it played out to a nice little twist that, once again, makes you forget about the original film. There are lots of little bits like this throughout.

    The mood and music of this thing are spot on. I absolutely loved the music. Aside from the music, the "tint" of the movie is great. I'm not into the whole camera/filmmaking thing so I don't know what it's really called, but the color that stays consistant throughout the film is great. It's yet another of the contributing factors that pulls you in and doesn't let go.

    Reese, man. I'm not sure why you didn't list your name in the cast of actors but you damn sure should've. Nothing against the other actors, but you did a friggin excellent job. I've never seen someone act like that in a smaller project like this. Good stuff. The other actors were good too, but only with a few spots that were spread sparingly enough through the film that it didn't detract from the experience.

    The cinematography is also really nice. I would call it "very easy on the eyes". There are beautiful shots of landscape, skyline, etc that create a "wow" feeling, and the scenes with large crowds or confrontation don't feel forced. I don't think I've ever seen an independent film such as this where i'm not saying to myself, "WTF was the DP thinking? It just doesn't feel right". Either that or going way overboard to make it cinematic. You have struck the perfect balance, my friend.

    And now on to everyone's favorite part: The gore. The first good shot you get of a zombie, it's pulling out what seems to be intestines from a corpse. That should please the gorehounds out there. There are also other good splatter scenes with half bodies and the such, but that's not what I find to be the true horror. I believe that Reese must be one of the many people here at HPotD that don't watch dead films only for the zombies and the gore. The real horror? Humans.

    Starting with the beginning narration our protagonist is speaking of how the world has steadily declined, yet most people tend to turn their cheek and act as if nothing is happening. This is basically the mindset of the entire film. We've caused enough sh*t, now this "disease" is going to finish it off once and for all. There are many different reference to this mindset throughout the entire film and I really dig it.

    This thing is getting a bit lengthy so I'll try to wrap it up. It's hard because I really have a lot to say.

    Aside from a few minor(and I do mean MINOR) flaws that can come along with independent filmmaking...."Night of the Living Dead" kicks ass. I couldn't believe the high quality of this film at certain points. Great plot, acting, characters, dialogue, cinematography, score, the whole lot. Reese, I give you a very loud "ROCK ON!!!!", man. You deserve it.

    Let us know when you're going to be selling this puppy on DVD and of your next projects. I'll be there with bells on. Everyone at'll have a great time with this one.

    Edit: I wanted to say to the other people at HPotD that I don't know Livingdeadboy other than a few random posts on the forums. So this review couldn't have been biased. I really liked it that much.
    Last edited by bassman; 29-Mar-2007 at 12:04 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  6. #6
    Dying livingdeadboy's Avatar

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    Wow, well now that a load of stress and fear of the worst has fallen off my shoulders! I am blown away at the response, I know it's only two reviews, but I was fearing the worst. Thanks to you two for writing these reviews, and I know Coma's review will come sometime tomorrow!

  7. #7
    No problem Reese, it was an absolute pleasure watching Night 07... two times.

  8. #8
    Dying livingdeadboy's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by CapnKnut View Post
    No problem Reese, it was an absolute pleasure watching Night 07... two times.
    haha, thats what I like to hear! Now if everyone in these two screenings on Sunday like it that much, I'll be set! lol

  9. #9
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Even if there are some people with a list of negatives(which you know there will be....that's the way of the world), I would imagine that they'll be minor.

    Is this a screening for general public? If do know that you'll probably get some asshats in there that will complain just to go against the herd.

  10. #10
    Dying livingdeadboy's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman311 View Post
    Even if there are some people with a list of negatives(which you know there will be....that's the way of the world), I would imagine that they'll be minor.

    Is this a screening for general public? If do know that you'll probably get some asshats in there that will complain just to go against the herd.
    Oh i know, its just my wishful thinking, I am fully prepared for people not to like this. And yeah, the movie is open to the general we'll see who shows up to this thing!

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by livingdeadboy View Post
    Oh i know, its just my wishful thinking, I am fully prepared for people not to like this. And yeah, the movie is open to the general we'll see who shows up to this thing!
    Your movie had a couple of my bros (who watch nothing but popcorn crap) glued to the screen for 70 minutes. I think you might be in for a surprise Reese.

  12. #12
    Walking Dead coma's Avatar

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    My reviews coming later. I didnt get to finish it until yesterday.
    Up, Up and Away! ARRRRRGHGGGH

    "It's better to regret something you have done, than something you haven't done. By the way, if you see your Mother, tell her I said...
    Satan, Satan, Satan!"
    -The Butthole Surfers

  13. #13
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    *rubs hands*

    I most definitely am looking forward to checking out Night07 when the DVD comes out.

  14. #14
    Walking Dead coma's Avatar

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    My review is going to a little different stylistically from the other 2 reviews.



    first, I concur with Bassman and Cap'n's take on the good points.
    Almost every bit of acting rang true. A couple of small moments that were a tiny bit awkward but far above most films of this budget and nothing to affect the totality of the films experience. The dialouge was very well written and delivered. A couple of the monoluges were a bit long but as soon as you think its running on it ends. Thats good.

    The characters are very individualistic (unlike dawn04 fopr example) and you get the character individuality right away with an economy of dialouge. Nice. Small bone to pick. American Soldiers fight for their country. Cops say they do it to help people. You are form Canada, so its OK,it just took me totally out of the movie as being really fake and wrong and just an excuse to slag America. Which is Good because its a Canadian film and a Canadian perspective ( I am not even close to being an uber patriot so its not from that perspective) but I sat thinking about that instead of the film and had to rewind. You cant do that in a theatre.

    I dont see well, so Action is not so important for me. Thats why this is a really good film. It sucked me in and was never boring. In fact, it was too short. The composition of the shots were very good and kind of noirish which is my fav style. The movement of the shots was engaging. I kept think "What a nice shot".

    My favorite character, besides the lead, was cocksucker boy. That scene with the housewife was awesome and surprising. I was pissed when he died. Thats good that I cared. Example of good writing and audience manipulation.

    And now for a bit of critisism (not only, but some). Most of it from my perspective of being a sound recordist, mixer, engineer and musician. And some may seem picky, but I have worked on a lot of films as a technician and an actor and also sound projects so it from that perspective.

    You should of come up with a better way to explain the adopted sister bit. It was awkward.

    The siren sound on the mini montage was waaay too loud and grating. The top end of the EQ was crackly

    Also too much of that static

    Gore looked great. I liked the zombie FX alot. Higher in quality than what I anticipated. Exceeding expectations is a big plus.

    The sound recording was good. All very legible. A big fat plus for the low budget film. However the reverb effect of the closing scene was overbearing, artificial and just not good. Im sorry to be so harsh. Next time use a lighter touch to get the effect you want. It was a bit difficult to distinguish the words.

    I like your acting style. The word stumbling is good. Jimmy Stewartish but take care because it sounded a few times as if you didnt know your lines.

    The music was roo similar and didnt have enough harmonic movement. It was ambient which is good but it should still move. Sometimes it didnt seem to really match. Just laid on top. Elements of more sophistication wouldve made a big difference.

    The editing was excellent. No spaz moments, just fluid. But the sound editing was good but has some serious issues.
    In the scene at the parking lot in the cemetary you used sound that had wind interference. ad idea. It seemed experimental but didnt work.

    Recording a field tone and foleying the door slams and the footsteps wouldve been way better. Often the room tone and field tone varied drastically withing a scene, From shot to shot. You have to use room tone to make it even from shot to shot or it seems cheap.

    There was a million clicks because from shot to shot you did not fade to zero points on the wave files. That leads to clicking. There were hundreds of them. Next time you make a film you cannot let that happen. It can put your film in the ametur category rather than the low budget catergory.
    Ear fatigue is something you get where you stop hearing high frequencies and artifacts like clicks when you work on something too many hours in a row. Be careful of that and also monitor with head phones.

    This was the persepctive of a filmmaker not just a fan hense all the techie stuff. Designed to help you improve. but the big picture is...

    Great Job, Worth watching, absorbing and exciting. Above average Low Budget Acting (yay!) and really good and tight writing. Worth seeing more than once. Reese's films will only get better. A worthy addition to the pantheon of Zombie films that concentrates on whats important. PEOPLE. A real writer understands that.

    However, the film is a total original, why force the Title and remake tag. Its not a remake its an original film.
    And a good one!
    Up, Up and Away! ARRRRRGHGGGH

    "It's better to regret something you have done, than something you haven't done. By the way, if you see your Mother, tell her I said...
    Satan, Satan, Satan!"
    -The Butthole Surfers

  15. #15
    Dead DVW5150's Avatar

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    Reese releases to 3 lucky viewers ...

    All I can say is ... WHEN CAN I SEE THIS !!!!? ferchrist-sakes sheeite ... zeds .
    "Goodbye , I am gone."


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