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Thread: Eat my ass Labour party!!!

  1. #1
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Eat my ass Labour party!!!

    Go on, EAT it!

    Crass title yes, but smile-inducing news item lies beyond...

    Like all Labour legislation, thrown together on a cocktail napkin on a boozy night out, it's destined for the long grass.

  2. #2
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    ...sigh... those friggin' i.d cards gain, who actually wants em it reminds me of that old ray bradbury theater episode were the police show up to a guy on the street and ask him what hes doing, he says hes walking, they ask why he isnt inside watching tv, he says he doesnt own one, hes then dragged away to be "cleansed", i honestly think thats the way this country is heading with labour.

  3. #3
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Definately, this country is going down the toilet fast - hopefully people won't be lulled by their PR anymore, all they do is lie. The only way forward is for a Conservative government to come in. The Liberals will NEVER get into power, the last time they were in they were only half of what we now have (the Liberals and the Social Democrats merged you see) - and that was at the turn of the 20th century.

    Fact is Liberals are all talk and aren't very Liberal at all - had they really been like they say they are, that bloke who was running, but found to be bi-sexual, would have been allowed to stand - but no, they stick in old fart Minger...

    Labour are all about saying they're for "the common man" - bollocks. The Conservatives are much more in favour - by letting people make a good life for themselves, not by mooching off the state and the tax payer - the greater satisfaction and worth comes from making yourself a success - that's what Thatcher encouraged, it's not about the state running our lives. Labour are all about uber-spin and lies, they give half a story to the public - "we've upped public spending in health and education!" - err, technically yes - in practical reality you've "lowered unemployment" by created a hierarchy of non-jobs, a bunch of red-tape-munchers who clog up the system and make it impossible - the NHS is a prime example of red tape hell that my family has experienced first hand to, unfortunately, a sad end.

    What I think will happen is Bliar Bliar Pants On Fire will be ousted within a year from now, perhaps a matter of months, especially if ID cards get completely watered down and thrown to the wolves lurking in the long grass - then he'll be gone and Darth Brown with his stupid breathing thing will be in. Darth Brown has absolutely no idea about the average punter on the street and has no appeal or charisma, he's just another bastard-Scot (I'm Scottish too), and he gives us a bad name - besides, Scottish MPs should govern Scotland, not England - there's too many Galloways keeping Labour in/stealing votes under the Liberal line.

    Hopefully, Darth Brown will have enough time to show he's an incompetent fool who isn't to be trusted and that the public does not relate to. Then the general election will HOPEFULLY wield a Conservative victory for Cameron to swoosh in and start fixing the country. It's the same thing over and over.

    Labour comes in for two terms (3 this time - they've never managed it before - what does that tell you?), then the Conservatives come in for up to 20 years (what does that tell you?) and have to spend ALL that time FIXING Labour's mistakes - which involves decisions that the chattering classes don't like, and then those chatterers go on TV and tell us not to like them - but the Conservatives know that governance is not all about everybody liking you all the time - Labour seem to be under this delusion. Government is supposed to be tough as hell and involve harsh decisions, everybody CANNOT win, you've just got to make sure there's enough good vibes for everyone on the go.

    Besides, I think Cameron is much more like the normal British man - he's got a young family, one child who needs specialist care (mentally/physically handicapped I think) - and so he knows first hand, AS A PARENT, how the NHS works on the front line. People whip out the old "he's another Blair!" - but that's because Blair was the first 'young' PM. Just because Cam-the-Man is young too, doesn't mean he's the same as Blair - besides, Blair (to all intents and purposes in his life prior to Cherie) SHOULD have been a Conservative - heck - most of his good ideas are stolen from the Conservatives - he even relies on their votes to get anything through.

    Labour are a joke, Liberals are a joke, the Conservatives - although not always right, they are capable of understanding the big picture, of taking a risk on something and not being fussed that it could land them in some hot water - you can't be a ninny MP who is afraid of being criticised. Cameron just needs these next few years to hone his party into shape after a long time on the bench and hopefully he'll be a strong contender in 2010 (which should be 2009 damnit, Labour sneaking another year in...)

    *wow* long get like that when talking politics

  4. #4
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    simply walking into mordor
    i agree with you there, labour used to be for the lower class working joes but there just bush's bitches now, come on you knows it.

    i cant remember whic, but the other guys that funded british cinema ,now theyd get my vote for that, rather than "look that old ladys pulling a purse out her hand bag shoot shoot shes a terrorist!"....

    ..."wel'l say she attacked us"....


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