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Thread: Night of the Living Dead Reviews

  1. #16
    Dying livingdeadboy's Avatar

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    oh dont worry Mutineer, my comment to Hellsing was in no way shying away from your review, I do appreciate your review and helpful pointers.

    My comment on being crude and vacuous comes from another zombie forum where the reviews are far from helpful and more of a borderline tear down session...however I suppose everyone is entitled to their views. And I will be the first to admit that there are many flaws that could have been avoided in Night '07.
    Last edited by livingdeadboy; 24-Apr-2007 at 03:50 PM.

  2. #17
    Being Attacked JohnoftheDead's Avatar

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    I'm gonna watch this sometime this week, I didn't know it was available to watch online.

  3. #18
    You need to hurry then, I think it's only up for a week or two max.

  4. #19
    Dead Yorkie's Avatar

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    I watched this the other night and I thought it was great to say it was made on a low budget which really didn't show it kept my interest all the way through. I really didn't know what to expect but was glad I had put time aside to watch it.

  5. #20
    Being Attacked JohnoftheDead's Avatar

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    Holy Crap! This is the worst Z-movie I've ever seen! This is even worse than those direct to cable return of the living dead movies last year! HAH! I don't mean to be mean, but did anyone else actually watch this "film"? The time has come to stop being nice to people just cuz they're members here. Now I know I'm new to posting here, & this thread may get me banned, but this movie is just awful. I didn't make it half an hour in without wanting to go watch The Notebook or something a little more my speed(please detect the sarcasm). I'm really pissed that I just wasted that much time of my life. Come on people, you can't be serious?

  6. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnoftheDead View Post
    Now I know I'm new to posting here, & this thread may get me banned, but this movie is just awful... Come on people, you can't be serious?
    But you just had to carry on right?

    You're in the minority dude. Not all of us expect $1,000,000,000 worth of bells and whistles when watching a movie. Worst Z List movie ever? No, you can't be serious? Hatchet merchant.

  7. #22
    Dead Mutineer's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnoftheDead View Post
    Holy Crap! This is the worst Z-movie I've ever seen! This is even worse than those direct to cable return of the living dead movies last year! HAH! I don't mean to be mean, but did anyone else actually watch this "film"? The time has come to stop being nice to people just cuz they're members here. Now I know I'm new to posting here, & this thread may get me banned, but this movie is just awful. I didn't make it half an hour in without wanting to go watch The Notebook or something a little more my speed(please detect the sarcasm). I'm really pissed that I just wasted that much time of my life. Come on people, you can't be serious?
    I agree.

    Quote Originally Posted by CapnKnut View Post
    But you just had to carry on right?

    You're in the minority dude. Not all of us expect $1,000,000,000 worth of bells and whistles when watching a movie. Worst Z List movie ever? No, you can't be serious? Hatchet merchant.
    Who said anything about millions of dollars worth of bells and whistles ? The movie is bad and the filmmaker has no idea what he is doing. My review lists just a few of the problems with it.

    Is it the worst ever ? No, no, no. I've seen much worse but it's on the low end of the bad spectrum. Hopefully the filmmaker will grow as he continues to make films, but he's going to have to study and learn. I'd recut it myself; the use of Split Edits would tremendously help on a recut.

    Even in listing some minor problems the filmmaker has not once inquired or responded to it. Maybe he is Googling it, I don't know. I thin kthe community should support their fellow filmmakers but definately not coddle.

    The script was bad. Just blah blah blah blah between talking heads and cell phones. Exposition overload.

    A zombie film with nary a zombie; almost.


  8. #23
    Dying livingdeadboy's Avatar

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    Here is my opinion on all of this, and this is no way meant to be an attack on anyones reviews, everyone is entitled to their opinion.

    From the get go of this little project, I wanted to do something like the original. In the original, its a nitty gritty film, the editing isn't that great, continuity problems, lighting problems...scratches here and there, not a big zombie action opus, and lots of talking, lots of radio and tv reports. But still fun to watch, its not perfect by any means. And that is exactly what I wanted to do, was just go back and do what they did. Obviously this was not the best route to take.

    While I understand there are still some technical errors with the movie, I assure you a good chunk of them are done on purpose. I really wanted people to not have to look for a great looking glossed over big budget looking project, cause thats not what the original was. Yeah I wrote a lot of chatter, I am sucker for chatter. And yeah its not a gore fest, it was never meant to be. Some shots are done with cheesey zooms and hand held movement and zero framing... ala. the original. This is all this was folks, just good ol' fun...however the problem these days is that I guess it just cant be done anymore.

    You want lighting, we know how to light, watch the One Bad Day teaser if you want, its lit...hell even Escalation had some lighting here and there. I just didnt want to do what everybody else would do approaching this movie, lots of gore, lots of zombies...cause its been done to death...and I personallly thought that it would be a cool change of pace.

    So to those who enjoyed it, glad you did And to those who didnt, I am really sorry that you feel that way, and that you feel your time was wasted.

    Anywho, regardless, we made it, people saw it, its done and there it is.

  9. #24
    Fresh Meat CrazyCortez's Avatar

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    Well I just saw the movie, it was OK. But I cant see how this is a remake, not much of the original pieces where in it ;p Some negative points for me where the talking parts between where was told what happend almost and the news. Also i know it was low budget, but the effects should be better, like when zombies eat. :P

    Apart from that the movie was nice, but you are a long way from the Romero status

    good job!

  10. #25
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    There's always that group of people that call your work crap just so they stand out and be noticed.

  11. #26
    Just been bitten ngm231's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman311 View Post
    There's always that group of people that call your work crap just so they stand out and be noticed.
    im gonna have to agree with you there, hell most people are probably bitching just to bitch.

  12. #27
    Yeah NGM, it gets on my tits to be honest.

  13. #28
    Fresh Meat

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    You win some, you lose some.

    With these reviews, it looks like you won most of them.

  14. #29
    You know what, that post just put a smile on my boat race. Too true man...

  15. #30
    Rising kortick's Avatar

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    it was good reese

    you stated your intentions from the beginning
    that this was done for enjoyment and not for
    any other reason

    people who didnt understand that wouldnt get your vision

    those that do understand your motivation
    which you made clear from the very start
    are able to enjoy the film

    you did a good job


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