In Person: legendary filmmaker GEORGE ROMERO & star LYNN LOWRY with THE CRAZIES
Sunday, April 2 at 7:30pm

Meet legendary filmmaker George Romero and cult star Lynn Lowry at a rare big screen showing of one of Romero's greatest films, The Crazies.
Film and discussion will be followed by a signing with Mr. Romero and Ms. Lowry.

has been one of the world’s most celebrated and beloved horror filmmakers since the release of his groundbreaking film Night of the Living Dead in 1968. Later works like Dawn of the Dead (1978), Creepshow (1982), Day of the Dead (1985), Martin (1977), Knightriders (1981), and most recently Land of the Dead (2005), have affirmed his reputation as a director of powerful films that are always motivated by Romero’s sly wit and fierce intelligence.

has starred in numerous films, including George A. Romero’s The Crazies (1973), David Cronenberg’s Shivers (1975), Paul Schrader’s The Cat People (1982), Jonathan Demme’s Fighting Mad (1976), Radley Metzger’s Score (1973), Lloyd Kaufman’s The Battle of Love’s Return (1971) and I Drink Your Blood (1970).

When a biological weapon that causes violent insanity is accidentally released in a small Pennsylvania town, the inhabitants find themselves caught between the infected and the US Army soldiers sent in to cover up the accident. Alternately terrifying and drily ironic, The Crazies is one of Romero’s smartest and most disturbing works. (1973, 103 min., color)

"The Crazies speaks more radically about the American love-hate relationship with authority than any film of the Nixon era." -Michael Atkinson, VILLAGE VOICE

$12 Members
$17 Public
Advance reservations recommended

Presented by CAMP Festival and VAMP Productions
Click here to order tickets online now!