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Thread: "why dont you just grow up?"

  1. #1
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    "why dont you just grow up?"

    so whilst editing some videos of the short films im working on im also doing a making of that goes over the course of 3 or four short films i decide to have a nother video blog attack on the poor unsuspecting youtube users, though unlike my bitch about junk mail this was inspired by somethign my mom said and los' typeing of the dead thread, it points out a good, point and im eager to see the comments, if it gets any, rather than type it all ehre watch the vid then have your say, what do you reckon on the subject?

  2. #2
    Dying Dawg's Avatar

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    I only watched half of your video, because I have to do somethings, but to answer your general question, 'What age does one grow up?'

    I would say, never truly. Think about it, even so-called middle-aged adults have their mid-life crisis and buy 'boy toy' cars and the like.

    Me personally? I will be 33 years old in a few months and I still don't think I truly grew up yet. I still play video games, read comics/manga/comic strips (even though I don't collect them like I use to), watch cartoons, among other things.

    Yet, I am employed, married to a beautiful woman, and have a house.

    I believe within every generation, what you grew up with never really leaves you and your childhood is represented in your adulthood through retro entertainment methods.

    Look at all of the old-school video game collections being released for modern systems. Look at the X-Box and Wii consoles with their downloaded retro game offerings.

    Look at the major blockbusters coming out from Hollywood, from cartoons and toy lines of our (at least my) youth. (i.e. Transformers)

    What it comes down to, you are who you are, but as an adult you can have more fun since you don't have anyone telling you no, (unless you count your wife/husband), and you can afford more cool stuff.


    Original Member Since 1998. [10 YEARS AND COUNTING!]

  3. #3
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    dude thats pretty much my sentiments exactly.

  4. #4
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Growing up, well we all do eventually to some extent. Like I've grown up a fair bit since leaving uni, but I'm still playing videogames and laughing at farts and like to act all silly and daft when possible, but I also actually watch the news or Question Time and have vast political discussions with collegues and family...although I wish I didn't quite as much, because talking about movies is more fun.

    Twenty-somethings are, like in Spaced, out there for fun while trying to figure out the rest of your life. The first 20 years is all preparation, the next 10 is the search, and then the rest is all a load of stuff.

    But apparently "40 is the new 30" and so I guess "30 is the new 20"...

    Hmmm...anyway, f*ck growing up against your will, do what feels right and what feels good. I know not everyone can, and some are perfectly happy to doss along for the working week and then bust out on the weekends, but I couldn't live with that, it'd do my nut in. I've gotta feel free entirely and do exactly what I want, I hate doing stuff I don't want to do and it makes me feel all hacked off and depressed and dull and bored and lifeless...meanwhile, doing something I want to do and love to do (despite being very hard right now) makes me feel good and happy and I enjoy it.

    Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life, as the saying goes...

    And cartoons are for big kids as well as little kids.

    "Geeks" make all the advancements in society, they make the culture, only a geek can do that stuff, only a geek has the attention, the inspiration and the love to make things which change the face of our culture.

    I guess it's a question of "how much do you want to grow up by, and in what respects?" ... punchy? Nope...but erm...something...I've lost track, haha...wanna go play videogames now.

    Speaking of growing up, I was at the house of the director of the documentary I'm currently working on, and his little boy had just gotten a new Power Rangers toy. Firstly, it made me feel old cos I remember watching Power Rangers as a kid, secondly I couldn't believe it was still going, and thirdly I was jealous-as-f*ck because that toy was the best thing in the world to him right then, and it was full of awe and wonder and joy - all from a piece of plastic. He was so chuffed to show it off to me and his Dad, awww...

    Anyway, growing up has a lot of advantages, but it can also suck the fat one quite regularly too. Kids who are eager to grow up are idiots, I've decided.

    Enjoy being a kid for as long as humanly possible!

    Uni is a perfect opportunity to gain the independence and responsibilities of an adult, in a sort-of trial situation, but you can stack beer cans up a wall, play jokes on one another, get mashed for a weekend, steal traffic cones and watch porn with a room full of girls. Ah mate, uni was brilliant - whatever you do hellsing, appreciate every damn day of it!

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    But apparently "40 is the new 30" and so I guess "30 is the new 20"...
    Dude, I'm still enjoying the things in life that I did when I was 15. Now I'm 34, it will be the same when I'm 44...

  6. #6
    Twitching Debbieangel's Avatar

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    Helsing...Honey..I am 50 yrs old and am having the time of my life discovering new things about myself!
    Sure you are gonna have to do the responsible stuff but don't let it bog you all down to where you dont enjoy your life! What's wrong with playing video's or reading cartoons or doing the other stuff you like to do? Have at it! Responsibility comes but remember the good things in life!
    I right now in this time of my life have discovered I have a few writing abilities which is fantastic!!!I never knew I had it in me! So, enjoy life don't be afraid to try new things(within safety sake(thats the mum in me speaking lol)

  7. #7
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    You've got a whole Mum inside of you?! *runs away in panic, thinking Debbie is some kind of spirit-munching X-Files beasty*

    *chuckles* only joking.

    Now that's a good life philosophy I think, keep doing what you like and don't let the boring adult stuff get on top of you, if anything, keep that stuff in the minority!

    Feel young, live young.

  8. #8
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    yo mz hows this for making you feel old, i was with a friend of mine a while back who was looking after his little cousin, who spys a tweenies comic in a shop or something which gets us going on about power rangers and how bitchin' it used to be when we were younger and then his cousin goes (whos 6) whats power rangers.

    i died a little inside that day.

  9. #9
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Ah mate, make me feel old why don't you?

    Remember VR Troopers? It was basically Power Rangers, but with different costumes. I remember watching that in the summer holidays when I was like 12 or something on holiday up in Scotland at my Gran's at about 10 in the morning...ahhh memories.

  10. #10
    Dying Bubdotd's Avatar

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    That was good hellsing man very good!

    I dont know when the time will come but so far, I choose not to grow up

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  11. #11
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    word byatch, where you old 80's shirts with pride.

    ....and not the cheap knock offs from virgin megastores, those places are evil, yar' thats whare the graund whent sou'r.

    ...soryr been watching pet cemetary

  12. #12
    Chasing Prey MissJacksonCA's Avatar

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    sorry if its kinda scatter brained i've been up all nite

    Stale pizza does rule...and thanks for the video i'm so happy i'm not the only person who makes video errr... monologue? Eh... forgive me if I drone on but this is something i've been blogging all over myspace...

    As a girl we're almost waiting to grow up from day one. Like we're bred to grow up. We're given toy dolls that mimic acts of babies and put into play houses with kitchens and barbies and just kinda fed all that crap. I was never that girl mind you. Not that my parents didn't try... I just didn't like kids.. babies... toy houses... barbies... I thought it was all frickin silly. From the moment I was a kid I wanted to grow up. I remember as early as 3rd grade wanting to be an attorney and going to Harvard and be independant.

    Then I realized what it meant to grow up... at 16. I was in a sense forced to work at 16 but no conventional job or any of that... but I mean my mum fell on hard times, my parents were divorced, and I felt it necessary to help her out she had no other family left. So then I was juggling school, sports, work... and constantly missed out on dating and parties... I had "responsibilities" now that I took on. I remember looking at the girls in school who slept around, smoked, drank, partied and thought **** you're wasting your life away. And then I was like were they? Or was I? I still had good times with my friends, went to school dances but I never really embraced my crowd. I didn't have the time.

    Adult life only got worse as I had to make choices for myself or my family. On the one hand I had my entire university education where ever I wanted to go all set and paid for... I was accepted by every school I applied to and my dad was so proud. And then my mom was really sick and I begged him to help her out to get medical treatment and he was like no and I was like **** you. And I made the choice to skip school for now and devote my life to my work to help my family.

    I worked for people who were adults... they drove expensive cars... worked 80 hours a week... were married with wife and kids... and they hated it. They had no one to talk to and often poured their troubles to me. It gave me this dismal idea of what being an adult was because it was like even in the best possible adult path... life isn't fun. You have responsibilities.

    As life progressed I changed jobs and realized everyone I worked with in crap jobs weren't grown up. They behaved like kids even at 40 sometimes and they made no money. They were typically smokers and drinkers who had kids since they were 16 and who lived on their own and had serious relationship issues. And I thought... thats where those girls from school are today prolly... so it made me feel good I never took that total idiot high schooler path and focused on sports and studies and work.

    A few times along my wayward path to adulthood i've been offered chances... to get married... to spend my life traveling.. to go back to school... but i'm too scared to take 'em. Right now i'm into making my zombie series... reading my zombie comics... going to concerts... playing video games my brother had when i was a kid... playing video games most people have lol... and just generally not following any real path... I suppose i'm shunning adulthood now that I am one... I drink and party... and while I'm working I do it a lot less... I still support my mum and she keeps telling me what most people do... grow up... go to school... make something of your life... and I think... what do you know of growing up? Maybe this is growing up. Accepting who you are and what you love to do. Not fitting some image that was set by someone else of what an adult really is or what it means to grow up.

    For me this is being grown up... staying up til 5am... sleeping til whenever... spoiling my breakfast with stale pizza or just having coffee... Playing video games, not slaving my life away in some crap wage paying slow death. Sure its not what my family wanted. It doesn't mean i'm not finishing school. I'm starting again in fall. But I dont plan to be someone who boxes up all my toys and fun stuff when i'm done. I'm grown up and this is how I choose to live my life. Jealous?
    You smell that? That's the smell of spring, and I love it. You know what I love to do in spring? I love to come out into the woods, to walk amongst the budding trees, to smell and taste the hint of renewal that hovers in the air like a heady perfume, and to listen to the song of the birds who have returned from their long sojourn south. And bury the people I killed during the winter...

  13. #13
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing View Post
    word byatch, where you old 80's shirts with pride.

    ....and not the cheap knock offs from virgin megastores, those places are evil, yar' thats whare the graund whent sou'r.

    ...soryr been watching pet cemetary
    We dahnt gah up tha' rahd...

    The South Park version of that was hilarious.

    The original bloke is legendary, just for that accent, in my opinion.

  14. #14
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    totally, i saw that ep with a bunch of freinds one night after a midnight pizza run and only one other person got the south park reference and the others were like "dude its not really funny just cus he has an accent ya know"

  15. #15
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing View Post
    totally, i saw that ep with a bunch of freinds one night after a midnight pizza run and only one other person got the south park reference and the others were like "dude its not really funny just cus he has an accent ya know"
    Clearly they're in need of an education!


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