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Thread: 2040 - your predictions

  1. #31
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
    Zombie Flesh Eater

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    Quote Originally Posted by Debbieangel
    The finest foods??? like Taco Bell in Demolition Man?? lolll and music like little ditties of commercials like armor hotdogs the dogs kids love to bite? Sorry Adreno I had to say it!! loll

    I forgot about that Taco Bell thing. MMMM...I love Taco Bell...

  2. #32
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    I predict two different scenarios:

    Scenario 1


    Many new countries will have formed. It is not highly unlikely that the US will have split in two parts that while officially being one coutry, are really two different independent countries. One fiercly religious and conservative and the other democratic and modern. Israel will have conquered more lands from it's incapable neighbours and along with China will have the biggest army in the world.

    Coorperations won't be plenty. There will be but a few, massive ones. There will be one food coorperation, one water coorperation, one energy coorperation, one soda coorperation etc. etc. etc. Currently, all major coorperations are buying up the minor companies so this is something that WILL happen. I don't believe coorperations will sport their own political agendas and territory, like in Rollerball, but that might come at a later date. Eventually, coorperations will become more powerful than countries.

    China will be the superpower of the day, with most of the worlds coorperations having relocated their production to East Asia and sorrounding countries. In the western world, there will be tremendous unemployment, possibly ranging up to 30-40%.

    Genetic engineered food will completly depend on what the Food Coorporation chooses to do, but I'd say that about 90% of our food will be genetically altered and there being select wares that are not (for those who don't want it).

    Another space race has occured, and we have possibly colonized the Moon and put a man on Mars. The sole reason for this would be that the western world would want something to divert the publics attention from all growing problems in the society and the chinese, having the resources and not wanting to miss out, will have picked up on this and the two halves will compete with each other. Russia will offer technology to both, but stay out of it (or join on Chinas sida). Due to their lucrative trade agreements with China, Russia will possibly again emerge as a superpower, and China will have of course replaced the US' position.

    In everyday life, it will remain much the same. There will not be awhole lot of new inventions in the coming century. A few here and there, but nothing to rock the world. People will be more healthy, because cars have become more expensive but will also run on ecological gases and fuel. So, people will bicycle more and so. Airplane travel has suffered a slight decline (or may even have ceased completly) because of the lack of fuel, but as a result boats and ships have become the preferred way to travel and alot of money has gone into making boating a pleasant and fast experience. Crossing the atlantic could take a day or two. But apart from some major changes, life remains much the same. Skyscrapers will look more polished, but cities will still be as dirty. Unemployment will be massive, however, as I mentioned.

    The movie business will remain much the same, with the exception being that every single movie is produced by the same coorperation and it's daughter companies. It will be easier for actresses to break into the movie business, because now there are one only set of executives they have to blow.


    China, the new center of the world, will not be without it's problems. It will be a country where men outnumber the women 5 to 1, due to the fact that modern chinese often abort or "dispose" of their girl childs (chinese parents are only allowed one child, and they want those to be boys). So by 2060 or 2070 China will recieve a complete and utter economic collapse sending much of the world into a huge deppression. India will then replace Chinas place as a superpower and unlike all other superpowers, India will be a benign superpower with little interest in military matters. The golden age of the modern era will begin by then. Wars will not be as frequent and the far east will still be economically viable and powerfull whereas the west will recieve a slight economic boost.

    Scenario 2


    The earth is a wasteland. The US, East Asia, Europe are all laid to waste by nuclear weapons and chemical agents. Africa, Australia and South America will have experienced a tough nuclear winter. Those who survive the nuclear winter will suffer a lack of food, medicine and will dwindle in numbers very quickly. The earth's population has been reduced to 50 million, spread across over the southern part of the world at various locations.

    The Feudal system will have returned, with powerful political figures having deployed themselves as the saviours of mankind. They will control small states, and these will be the equivalent of todays countries. Warfare will be constant, and the population will be kept at a low until the distant future when the earth once again can sustain life and technology may (or may not) save mankind from this grim vision.

    Battles will be fought with a combination of swords, clubs, axes and simple musketlike rifles. Modern guns will have been done away with, because of the complexity of constructing ammo for them. That is why renaissance like warfare, with battlelines and routing will be present on the earth once again.


    In the very distant future, way beyond 2040, the time prior to the Nuclear War will be known as the Time of the White Man, but since nearly all white men were wiped out in the nuclear war, the world will be dominated by someone else, possibly latinos or africans. All persons, events and happenings in The Time of the White Man will be considered to be a myth, legend. From Alexander the Great to Adolf Hitler, they will at first form a sort of mythic legend but eventually people will start to doubt that these persons ever even existed and that the Time of the White Man was simply one big story. Much in the same way we view the Bible and Quran today.

  3. #33
    Dying Bubdotd's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed
    I predict two different scenarios:

    Scenario 1


    Many new countries will have formed. It is not highly unlikely that the US will have split in two parts that while officially being one coutry, are really two different independent countries. One fiercly religious and conservative and the other democratic and modern. Israel will have conquered more lands from it's incapable neighbours and along with China will have the biggest army in the world.

    Coorperations won't be plenty. There will be but a few, massive ones. There will be one food coorperation, one water coorperation, one energy coorperation, one soda coorperation etc. etc. etc. Currently, all major coorperations are buying up the minor companies so this is something that WILL happen. I don't believe coorperations will sport their own political agendas and territory, like in Rollerball, but that might come at a later date. Eventually, coorperations will become more powerful than countries.

    China will be the superpower of the day, with most of the worlds coorperations having relocated their production to East Asia and sorrounding countries. In the western world, there will be tremendous unemployment, possibly ranging up to 30-40%.

    Genetic engineered food will completly depend on what the Food Coorporation chooses to do, but I'd say that about 90% of our food will be genetically altered and there being select wares that are not (for those who don't want it).

    Another space race has occured, and we have possibly colonized the Moon and put a man on Mars. The sole reason for this would be that the western world would want something to divert the publics attention from all growing problems in the society and the chinese, having the resources and not wanting to miss out, will have picked up on this and the two halves will compete with each other. Russia will offer technology to both, but stay out of it (or join on Chinas sida). Due to their lucrative trade agreements with China, Russia will possibly again emerge as a superpower, and China will have of course replaced the US' position.

    In everyday life, it will remain much the same. There will not be awhole lot of new inventions in the coming century. A few here and there, but nothing to rock the world. People will be more healthy, because cars have become more expensive but will also run on ecological gases and fuel. So, people will bicycle more and so. Airplane travel has suffered a slight decline (or may even have ceased completly) because of the lack of fuel, but as a result boats and ships have become the preferred way to travel and alot of money has gone into making boating a pleasant and fast experience. Crossing the atlantic could take a day or two. But apart from some major changes, life remains much the same. Skyscrapers will look more polished, but cities will still be as dirty. Unemployment will be massive, however, as I mentioned.

    The movie business will remain much the same, with the exception being that every single movie is produced by the same coorperation and it's daughter companies. It will be easier for actresses to break into the movie business, because now there are one only set of executives they have to blow.


    China, the new center of the world, will not be without it's problems. It will be a country where men outnumber the women 5 to 1, due to the fact that modern chinese often abort or "dispose" of their girl childs (chinese parents are only allowed one child, and they want those to be boys). So by 2060 or 2070 China will recieve a complete and utter economic collapse sending much of the world into a huge deppression. India will then replace Chinas place as a superpower and unlike all other superpowers, India will be a benign superpower with little interest in military matters. The golden age of the modern era will begin by then. Wars will not be as frequent and the far east will still be economically viable and powerfull whereas the west will recieve a slight economic boost.

    Scenario 2


    The earth is a wasteland. The US, East Asia, Europe are all laid to waste by nuclear weapons and chemical agents. Africa, Australia and South America will have experienced a tough nuclear winter. Those who survive the nuclear winter will suffer a lack of food, medicine and will dwindle in numbers very quickly. The earth's population has been reduced to 50 million, spread across over the southern part of the world at various locations.

    The Feudal system will have returned, with powerful political figures having deployed themselves as the saviours of mankind. They will control small states, and these will be the equivalent of todays countries. Warfare will be constant, and the population will be kept at a low until the distant future when the earth once again can sustain life and technology may (or may not) save mankind from this grim vision.

    Battles will be fought with a combination of swords, clubs, axes and simple musketlike rifles. Modern guns will have been done away with, because of the complexity of constructing ammo for them. That is why renaissance like warfare, with battlelines and routing will be present on the earth once again.


    In the very distant future, way beyond 2040, the time prior to the Nuclear War will be known as the Time of the White Man, but since nearly all white men were wiped out in the nuclear war, the world will be dominated by someone else, possibly latinos or africans. All persons, events and happenings in The Time of the White Man will be considered to be a myth, legend. From Alexander the Great to Adolf Hitler, they will at first form a sort of mythic legend but eventually people will start to doubt that these persons ever even existed and that the Time of the White Man was simply one big story. Much in the same way we view the Bible and Quran today.
    Thats scary but anythings posible.. its never to late to change the future is never set in stone we can try to change what may and could happen..nucular holocosts and such things like that.

    but by 3000 maybe other galaxys will develop space travel to enter other galaxys like ours and it could be similer to futurama you never know.. lol

    and people say that there will be no time travel becuase we havent been visited by future being's.. you never know they could of been here to make sure we dident mess up or somthing heck.. they coulda helped us with our technology now.. time travel could be in the future maybe in our life time scientists are already studying other dementions and making "mini black holes" its very posible. imagine get a peice of paper (like if it were a timeline from now to 3000. Time has to go by to go to the other side of the paper if we can fold it we dont have to boom we will already be there. its hard to explain but im sure you will get what im talking about.

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  4. #34
    Rising Terran's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rottedfreak
    I was just wondering what everyone thought the world would be like in 2040?
    human population, technology ect.

    For me this all depends on when the singularity occurs/begins...

    Integration of computers and humans seems to be an inevitable progression...

    Once the human consciousness/thought has unlimited access to information technology it is near impossible to fathom the technological and societal implications...

    But before the singularity technology and society will progress in a relatively linear fashion...

    They made us too smart, too quick, and too many. We are suffering for the mistakes they made because when the end comes, all that will be left is us. That's why they hate us.

    There is no target consumer! Only targets. Targets that will tremble as their new master hands down edicts in my glorious booming voice!

  5. #35
    Dying Tied2thetracks's Avatar

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    The white man will be the minority and still the bad guy. People will be able to marry office furniture and people will be able to switch genders several times a week.

    Mexico has a population of 14.
    I know youd rather see me gone,Than to see me the way that I am. But I am in the life anyway.

  6. #36
    Banned Svengoolie's Avatar
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    Apes will rule the world.

  7. #37
    Dying Dommm's Avatar

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    Whats all this about the time of the white man??

    It aint the time of the white man, and not all white people are evil??

    The false freedom of america and the uk

    The battles in the middle east

    the overpopulation crisis of the far east

    come on people this is one world one race no colour we are all as f***ed up as each other

  8. #38
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    History has been written by the white man, and even so the WHITE man remains the superpower. So in a way, the world has been, and is ruled by the white man. Which is why we will be remembered as evil or dominant in the future. Much like we view the romans now.

  9. #39
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    2040 predictions:

    the beginning of a permanent human presence on the moon. if humans have not attempted to visit mars by 2040, i think that such an attempt will at least be in the advanced planning stages. missions to europa to determine the nature of the ocean that exists beneath the ice.

    i think that the lifespans of persons born in western countries & japan in 2040 will be at least 100 years.

    i think that alternative energy resources (stuff like wind, solar,will be utilized on a far greater scale than today. in addition, i think that cars will be available that are powered by hydrogen fuel cells.
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  10. #40
    Dying tju1973's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rottedfreak
    I was just wondering what everyone thought the world would be like in 2040?
    human population, technology ect.
    Dateline January 3rd 2040:

    Emperor Thomas I completes his conquest of the world after the last bastion of freedom falls with the detruction of Shanghai by gamma death ray. The ages long goal of a "one world government" now means that there will be no war-- but peace.

    All dissenters will be dealt with harshly and effeciently.

    Virgins will be accepted in lieu of taxes.

    Hail Thomas-- Hail victory...

    End of Transmission....
    War to the knife...the knife to the hilt.
    The end is f*cking nigh!!!

  11. #41
    Dying Dommm's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed
    History has been written by the white man, and even so the WHITE man remains the superpower. So in a way, the world has been, and is ruled by the white man. Which is why we will be remembered as evil or dominant in the future. Much like we view the romans now.
    Depends on which history books your reading, sure the Eurocentric books will give you that idea but there are many more history books that are not in the average american/british library.

    I suggest you look into the history books written in the far east/middle east.

  12. #42
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dommm
    Depends on which history books your reading, sure the Eurocentric books will give you that idea but there are many more history books that are not in the average american/british library.

    I suggest you look into the history books written in the far east/middle east.
    Even there, the white man came, saw and colonized.

  13. #43
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    And then years and years later, the white man discovered race-guilt, and invented "open door policy" ... and lo, the white man's land was colonized by hundreds of thousands (not 13,000 ) of migrant workers ... on an already chock-full island. Hmmm...the white man said nothing, for they weren't allowed to anymore because of their dimwit ancestors until the white man got fed up with criminals trailing in with the other, normal migrants and lo, the doors were prepared for closure...

    How's that racist? It frickin' isn't, it's an attack on open door policy, derh...just 'avin' a chuckle innit, bo!

  14. #44
    Dying Dommm's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie
    And then years and years later, the white man discovered race-guilt, and invented "open door policy" ... and lo, the white man's land was colonized by hundreds of thousands (not 13,000 ) of migrant workers ... on an already chock-full island. Hmmm...the white man said nothing, for they weren't allowed to anymore because of their dimwit ancestors until the white man got fed up with criminals trailing in with the other, normal migrants and lo, the doors were prepared for closure...

    How's that racist? It frickin' isn't, it's an attack on open door policy, derh...just 'avin' a chuckle innit, bo!
    Hmmm well i have to say that that london ios full of illeagals, and crims but then i am born and raised london asian, and to be honest i love my london and believe that immigration laws should be tightend up to stop crims getting in, also hate the abuse of immigrants over here (most of this abuse isnt done by the brits but the people from the countries that they originate from). Also many immigrants are over here to work pay tax and live fulfilling lives and most of those that arn't just dont have the opp. to. hmm come to think of it thats exactly what you are saying

    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed
    Even there, the white man came, saw and colonized.
    whats the definition of white man??? genetically speaking you will find many people in liverpool with red hair white skin and freckles that have black genes in them
    Last edited by Dommm; 25-Aug-2006 at 10:02 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  15. #45
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dommm
    whats the definition of white man??? genetically speaking you will find many people in liverpool with red hair white skin and freckles that have black genes in them
    What's the definition of roman? If a gallic soldier served in the roman army for several years, you'd consider him roman, not gallic. When looking back at the romans, you don't go through the papers and sort out all the legionaires who didn't have pure roman genes.


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