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Thread: Aliens Vs. Predator: Requiem Reviews **SPOILERS**

  1. #1
    Dead 3pidemiC's Avatar

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    Unhappy Aliens Vs. Predator: Requiem Reviews **SPOILERS**

    Just wanted to hear everyone's thoughts...

    It was really bad. I think that I might even be more pissed off after seeing this film that I was for the original.

    • Acting and Dialogue were awful.
    • "Homages" to the previous films were poorly done and obvious.
    • Every single character was bad. I wanted to see them all die.
    • Action sequences that you would have to to put into slow-motion to action comprehend.
    • A story that had no development whatsoever.
    • A female soldier that somehow knows how to drive an ATV and fly a hospital (not-military) helicopter without problems.
    • Random civilians that know how to use military weapons upon their first try.
    • A guy that can somehow figure out how to use the predator's shoulder cannon/pistol and use it in under 30 seconds.
    • A guy that get stabbed in the chest with the tail of the predalien and lives and really doesn't seem to be that injured either.
    • The fights between the aliens and predators lasted roughly 5 to 10 seconds.
    • Characters that were obviously placed there just for random kills.
    • A horrible government-coverup tie-in.
    • Aliens can somehow create an entire hive in about 5 minutes.
    • A disgraceful tie in the the older Alien films with Ms. Yutani (Weyland-Yutani).

    I probably could think of more, but I'm a tad irritated right now...

  2. #2
    Being Attacked

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    The movie was a walking POS. For the most part, I laughed through out the movie. Please stop making AVP. Leave them alone.

  3. #3
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    I wont be watching this then,anything that came after aliens/predator 2 has been absolute gash!

  4. #4
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    was gonna go see this, but think i'm gonna put the brakes on after reading this thread.

    and i was looking forward to this one.

  5. #5
    Walking Dead Legion2213's Avatar

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    I have a confession to make, I still haven't seen AVP #1 (although I nearly broke down and bought the "AVP Extreme Edition" to go with my Alien Quadrilogy box set and Predator box set, but I pulled back from the brink of insanity just in time)

    I think I shall keep my Alien/Predator Universes seperate and give AVP #2 a miss as well.

    My mind is pure, Aliens are Aliens and Preds are Preds....that is how it shall remain.

    Thanks for the warning 3pedimiC, I owe you one.
    Oblivion gallops closer, favoring the spur, sparing the rein - I think we will be gone soon

  6. #6

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    Saw it over the weekend, wasn't very impressed with this tale of Alien vs. Predator. To be honest, it's not a good movie at all. For me the two worst aspects were the teenagers the camera couldn't get enough of, and the horrible ending.

    Before they attempt to make another in the near future, they should get a new writer and director. It shouldn't be too long before Arnold gets tired of politics.

  7. #7
    Dead 3pidemiC's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Legion2213 View Post
    I have a confession to make, I still haven't seen AVP #1 (although I nearly broke down and bought the "AVP Extreme Edition" to go with my Alien Quadrilogy box set and Predator box set, but I pulled back from the brink of insanity just in time)

    I think I shall keep my Alien/Predator Universes seperate and give AVP #2 a miss as well.

    My mind is pure, Aliens are Aliens and Preds are Preds....that is how it shall remain.

    Thanks for the warning 3pedimiC, I owe you one.

    Heh, no problem. I agree. But I would say that if they would have done the smart thing and based these films either off of the video games (PC) or the comics, it would have been fine.

  8. #8
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    I didn't think the flick was all that bad. It wasn't great, but it wasn't absolutely horrible. It had a bunch of flaws, but overall was entertaining and a hell of alot better than the first.

    I didn't mind paying the 8.50 to see it.

    Acting and Dialogue were awful. - Some, but not all.

    "Homages" to the previous films were poorly done and obvious. - Some were obvious, but some were great.

    Every single character was bad. I wanted to see them all die. - most of them, but a few were okay.

    Action sequences that you would have to to put into slow-motion to action comprehend. - Very little, I would say. I could see all of it just fine.

    A story that had no development whatsoever. - Aliens, Predators, Humans, death, and blood. What did you espect? Another ancient pyramid?

    A female soldier that somehow knows how to drive an ATV and fly a hospital (not-military) helicopter without problems. - That doesn't seem all that strange...

    Random civilians that know how to use military weapons upon their first try. - The was an ex-con, a sheriff, and a soldier with them. All the civilians needed to do was point and spray.

    A guy that can somehow figure out how to use the predator's shoulder cannon/pistol and use it in under 30 seconds. - It showed him f*cking with it and figuring it out....

    A guy that get stabbed in the chest with the tail of the predalien and lives and really doesn't seem to be that injured either. - It was his shoulder.

    The fights between the aliens and predators lasted roughly 5 to 10 seconds. - Up until the ending, yes. But the fight between the predator and hybrid was bad ass.

    Characters that were obviously placed there just for random kills. - the original alien and predator films had these as well.

    A horrible government-coverup tie-in. - It wasn't all the government. It was Weyland-Yutani. Watch the original alien films again.

    Aliens can somehow create an entire hive in about 5 minutes. - Did you not see what the new alien/predator hybrid is capable of? That's the reason it goes so fast.

    A disgraceful tie in the the older Alien films with Ms. Yutani (Weyland-Yutani). Weyland-Yutani has been a part of the alien films since day one.
    Last edited by bassman; 02-Jan-2008 at 12:11 PM.

  9. #9
    Dead 3pidemiC's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman311 View Post
    "Homages" to the previous films were poorly done and obvious. - Some were obvious, but some were great.
    Like the: "Get to the chopper!" line?

    Action sequences that you would have to to put into slow-motion to action comprehend. - Very little, I would say. I could see all of it just fine.
    After action sequence took place in the dark and was all closeups and shadows. There were no mid-range shots that actually showed what they were doing.

    A story that had no development whatsoever.
    I expected that the script wouldn't have been written by child and they actually explained things. Rather than just....."I like this girl"...."Ooop! Aliens"...."Oooop! Predator!"....Invasion.....Death.....Battle....End .

    A female soldier that somehow knows how to drive an ATV and fly a hospital (not-military) helicopter without problems. - That doesn't seem all that strange...
    Other than the fact that I am sure there is a difference between military and civilian helicopters and that they somehow had the keys to start it up.

    Random civilians that know how to use military weapons upon their first try. - The was an ex-con, a sheriff, and a soldier with them. All the civilians needed to do was point and spray.
    This isn't Counter-Strike
    . Guns in real life have recoil. Especially when firing in full-auto like they were. The soldier I can understand knew how to use it, but just because someone is an ex-con doesn't mean that they are experienced with military-grade weapons.

    A guy that can somehow figure out how to use the predator's shoulder cannon/pistol and use it in under 30 seconds. - It showed him f*cking with it and figuring it out....
    He held it for about 5-10 seconds just fiddling with it and suddenly..."Oh! This is how it works". And then he was an expert at it. Judging by the guy's dialogue ("People are dying! We need guns..."), I can't see him being that smart.

    A guy that get stabbed in the chest with the tail of the predalien and lives and really doesn't seem to be that injured either. - It was his shoulder.
    The size of it's tail is huge! Notice when the pred-alien stabs that Predator at the end. Look at how big of a whole that makes. Even if he was stabbed in the shoulder, it would have done some serious damage. If it was directly on his shoulder, his arm would've been ripped off. If it was any closely, it probably would have hit his heart/lungs/arteries.

    Characters that were obviously placed there just for random kills. - the original alien and predator films had these as well.
    Besides Alien: Resurrection and AvP, every other alien and predator film had characters that actually contributed to the story before they were killed. Or if they were "background" characters, they didn't say anything so you didn't even notice.

    A horrible government-coverup tie-in. - It wasn't all the government. It was Weyland-Yutani. Watch the original alien films again.
    I think I've watched the original films enough. Just because the woman at the end was a part of them, does not mean the other people were. I'm pretty sure that WY does not have the authority to nuke a city.

    Aliens can somehow create an entire hive in about 5 minutes. - Did you not see what the new alien/predator hybrid is capable of? That's the reason it goes so fast.
    If they would have showed that, then I could understand. I just found it weird that they go into the hospital and it somehow looks like the hive straight out of Aliens there when they've only been there a few hours (in film time).

    A disgraceful tie in the the older Alien films with Ms. Yutani (Weyland-Yutani). Weyland-Yutani has been a part of the alien films since day one.
    I know that they have. But just tossing that in at the end with the only purpose of setting this series up for another sequel is disgraceful.

  10. #10
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Like the: "Get to the chopper!" line?
    I don't remember what line you're referring to, but the drum music from predator, the sound of the radar from Aliens at the beginning, and a few other little things were nice.

    After action sequence took place in the dark and was all closeups and shadows. There were no mid-range shots that actually showed what they were doing.
    ....I saw mid-range shots. There were some close ups but not near as many as we see in most films today. Maybe your theater had the screen too dark somehow?...

    I expected that the script wouldn't have been written by child and they actually explained things. Rather than just....."I like this girl"...."Ooop! Aliens"...."Oooop! Predator!"....Invasion.....Death.....Battle....End .
    The girl thing I agree with....but with the exception of a few minor details, isn't this how the originals were? Alien - distress signal, face hugger, alien, deaths, battle, end. Essentially the same with Predator.

    Other than the fact that I am sure there is a difference between military and civilian helicopters and that they somehow had the keys to start it up.
    True...but it is a movie. Ripley knew how to drive the ATV in Aliens in a snap.

    This isn't Counter-Strike
    . Guns in real life have recoil. Especially when firing in full-auto like they were. The soldier I can understand knew how to use it, but just because someone is an ex-con doesn't mean that they are experienced with military-grade weapons.
    No, but the soldier could have explained them to them off-screen or something. Did you expect a rehash of Hicks describing the weapons?

    He held it for about 5-10 seconds just fiddling with it and suddenly..."Oh! This is how it works". And then he was an expert at it. Judging by the guy's dialogue ("People are dying! We need guns..."), I can't see him being that smart
    Well.....It's an alien gun so we don't really know how complicated it is. It may just be a simple button when it's not attached to the predator.

    The size of it's tail is huge! Notice when the pred-alien stabs that Predator at the end. Look at how big of a whole that makes. Even if he was stabbed in the shoulder, it would have done some serious damage. If it was directly on his shoulder, his arm would've been ripped off. If it was any closely, it probably would have hit his heart/lungs/arteries.
    Maybe it didn't go that deep,'s a movie. People get hurt in movies all the time and live. Hicks took acid and lived. Bishop, even though a robot, was torn in half and survived. It's suspension of disbelief, man.

    Besides Alien: Resurrection and AvP, every other alien and predator film had characters that actually contributed to the story before they were killed. Or if they were "background" characters, they didn't say anything so you didn't even notice.
    Alien - Lambert, Brett. Aliens - Drake, Frost, Ferro, Spunkmeyer, Crowe, Dietrich. Predator - Poncho, Phillips, Hawkins.

    I think I've watched the original films enough. Just because the woman at the end was a part of them, does not mean the other people were. I'm pretty sure that WY does not have the authority to nuke a city.
    No, probably not. But they're a large factor in the films and perhaps the government is crooked? Just like the line delivered in AVPR: "The government doesn't lie to the people"

    If they would have showed that, then I could understand. I just found it weird that they go into the hospital and it somehow looks like the hive straight out of Aliens there when they've only been there a few hours (in film time).
    With the way the hybrid reproduces 6+ aliens in pregnant women's stomachs and there are many, many pregnant women in hospitals....I don't find it that hard to believe

    I know that they have. But just tossing that in at the end with the only purpose of setting this series up for another sequel is disgraceful.
    Most films are set up for sequels these days. And it really wasn't thay "tossed in". You could tell that Robert Joy's character was working for Yutani when he was looking at the projected infestation.

    Anyway, I enjoyed it. Perhaps that you're too much of a fan and went in expecting something in particular? All I wanted was something better than Paul Anderson's P.O.S. and that was delivered.

    I'm a big fan of Alien, Aliens, and Predator and while this films isn't near as great as was a fun film. The ROTLD ending was a bit cheap, but I suppose that could actually happen.

    All-in-all...I would give it a 6/10. Entertaining but nothing special(and let's face it - how could we even expect it to be as special as the originals?).
    Last edited by bassman; 02-Jan-2008 at 03:01 PM.

  11. #11
    Dead 3pidemiC's Avatar

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    I saw this film more as a second chance. The original AvP really ticked me off at how badly it was pulled off. I couldn't understand it. They had great video games and comics based off this match up, but they followed neither and ruined it. But I figured a new director would be able to save the series, but he just drove it in deeper. In my opinion...

  12. #12
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    was anyone expecting anything more than an mtv popcorn flick?

    i might see it, jsut for the predalien but not for the plot.

  13. #13
    Dead CornishCorpse's Avatar

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    I saw the first and thought it was a complete load of balls I just wanted some great action! To those who have seen it is it worth watching just for the alien vs pred fight scenes?
    Why arent you laughing?

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  15. #15
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CornishCorpse View Post
    I saw the first and thought it was a complete load of balls I just wanted some great action! To those who have seen it is it worth watching just for the alien vs pred fight scenes?
    I say it's worth the price of admission. Just some mindless fun.


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