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Thread: Martial arts

  1. #16
    Walking Dead slickwilly13's Avatar

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    So, what you're saying is "I'm a wuss who would rather hide behind a gun or a computer than be man and fight." Whatever.

    As for my pathetic resume, you don't know sh!t about me. And I doubt you could ever do anything to me. You're nothing but a troll, so go back under your bridge.

  2. #17
    Banned User

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    Quote Originally Posted by slickwilly13 View Post
    So, what you're saying is "I'm a wuss who would rather hide behind a gun or a computer than be man and fight." Whatever.

    As for my pathetic resume, you don't know sh!t about me. And I doubt you could ever do anything to me. You're nothing but a troll, so go back under your bridge.

    If it isn't worth killing for then it isn't worth fighting for. That's what i'm saying. I stand on principles and liberty, and that's why I don't have to hide behind a gun or a computer. Quite the opposite, in fact. If I do have to fight, I fight for keeps. It won't be a game of grab ass in a cage with another half-naked man.

    As for your martial arts resume, I stand on what I said. You're a lame dick. If you want to over-comphensate for your inadequacies as a man by playing grab ass in some homo-erotic competition, be my guest. Just don't get mad at me when I laugh at you because of it.
    Last edited by SoCalLoco; 17-Jan-2008 at 02:10 AM.

  3. #18
    Walking Dead slickwilly13's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by SoCalLoco View Post
    If it isn't worth killing for then it isn't worth fighting for. That's what i'm saying. I stand on principles and liberty, and that's why I don't have to hide behind a gun or a computer. Quite the opposite, in fact. If I do have to fight, I fight for keeps. It won't be a game of grab ass in a cage with another half-naked man.

    As for your martial arts resume, I stand on what I said. You're a lame dick. If you want to over-comphensate for your inadequacies as a man by playing grab ass in some homo-erotic competition, be my guest. Just don't get mad at me when I laugh at you because of it.

    Dude, you're a freaking idoit and a prick. If homo-eroticism is all you think about then you have problems. All Mo asked for was some advice and you had to spew a bunch of crap about something you obviously know nothing about. You seem to talk about the 2nd amendment a lot, too. Sounds to me you're the one trying to over compensate.

  4. #19
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by mista_mo View Post
    so, i've been thinking about getting healthy again, and I've always had a vested interest in martial arts, so I was wondering if anyone here who actively participates or who has at one time, could tell me what they thought of it?

    There are two schools in this area, one that teaches karate, and one that teaches kung fu (which cover Hung-gar, Wing Chun, Dopi, Dragon Tiger, Black Tiger forms, and i've always liked the hung-gar form for some reason) tai chi chuan, and chi kung styles, along with meditation practices.

    so, I'm looking for eye witness testimony. Also, how was your level of fitness going into the training, and then coming out?

    thanks in advance.
    I Keep myself fit with weight lifting and running, i also do judo which is good experience for work, its mainly locking your oppenent up and defense, which is good for retail security

    By the way, SoCalLoco and slickwilly13, the argument stops here. if you have some kind of beef with each other then take it up in private messages or off the forums but not in public topics.

    Now thats me asking nicely. thankyou.

  5. #20
    Walking Dead mista_mo's Avatar

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    perfect, I hope this doesn't go into ****sville again, This is a very interesting topic, especially based on what everyone is saying about it.

    oh yea, what about military training? how would that compare? I'd imagine alot of it would be more practical and brutal.

  6. #21
    Walking Dead slickwilly13's Avatar

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    I was never in the military, so I am unaware of their training in boot camp. I do recommend anaerobic training, instead of aerobic.

  7. #22
    Walking Dead mista_mo's Avatar

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    what types of exercises are classified under that type? I used to know all about this stuff, but yea, i kinda forgot.

  8. #23
    Walking Dead slickwilly13's Avatar

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    Anaerobic vs Aerobic

    Here's the diffrences.

    Aerobic would be long distance running at a slow controlled pace.

    Anaerobic would be sprinting.

    Two diffrent styles of training with diffrent purposes. If you were competing as a sprinter, then you waste your time jogging mile after mile at a slow pace. Instead, you would do sprinting drills. And a marathon runner wouldn't spend many hours on the track doing sprints. Because that's not their goal.

    Other type of anaerobic exercises. Bag work, jumping rope at a fast pace, or any *exposive* movement.

  9. #24
    Rising kortick's Avatar

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    Its actually kind of fun to
    read this thread while having a
    budwieser and a marlboro.

    but it is interesting to learn about
    the different kinds of exercise

    most people i know just work out
    at a gym on the machines

    oh yeah and mo
    tai bo is a thing like
    dancing and exercising put together
    mostly for overweight housewives
    not for you

    and everybody should wang chung tonight
    why not?

  10. #25
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kortick View Post
    Its actually kind of fun to
    read this thread while having a
    budwieser and a marlboro.
    agreed. this thread has provided quite of bit of entertainment.

    seems like folks have been in an ugly mood here last couple of days and surprise, surprise i haven't instigated or participated in any of it. oh well, i am sure something will set me off sooner or later.
    Last edited by Mike70; 17-Jan-2008 at 08:30 PM.
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  11. #26
    Chasing Prey clanglee's Avatar

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    I'm sorry, I couldn't see most of the previous posts. My enormous gut was blocking the monitor. What was that again?
    "When the dead walk, we must stop the killing, or lose the war."

  12. #27
    Twitching Debbieangel's Avatar

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    Let's all exercise...index fingers UP and!
    Sorry, I had to be the wisecracker in the crowd!
    Mo, I hope ya find the right exercise or martial arts you are looking for, I hear it is good discipline for your mind and body and spirit.
    My Neurologist would like me toget into Yoga and Ti Chai(sp), supposed to be good for the nerves and muscles if that helps ya any?

  13. #28

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    MistaMo said
    oh yea, what about military training? how would that compare? I'd imagine alot of it would be more practical and brutal.
    Military training is primarily concerned with issued weapons (knives, bayonets, etc.) and readily available items that can be pressed into service as weapons (tent poles, tent pegs, sticks, entrenching tools, helmets, etc.) It also differs in that the standard duty uniform is used instead of a gi, hakama, or what have you. It is indeed brutal, since its' primary purpose is to kill and really isn't an 'art' per se. That is one of the reasons that I'm drawn toward arnis (eskrima, kali, etc.) in which one trains in street clothes and is initially schooled in weapons and is later trained in open hand techniques, which is much the opposite of most arts.
    Colonel "Bat" Guano: Okay. I'm gonna get your money for ya. But if you don't get the President of the United States on that phone, you know what's gonna happen to you?
    Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake: What?
    Colonel "Bat" Guano: You're gonna have to answer to the Coca-Cola company.

  14. #29
    Walking Dead DubiousComforts's Avatar

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    Wow, this thread got really weird about a page back. Anyhow...

    Quote Originally Posted by slickwilly13 View Post
    I do recommend anaerobic training, instead of aerobic.
    Though I've heard both schools of thought in regards to fitness, a friend who is both an IT guy and a musician by trade (we play in the same band) is the fittest person that I know due primarily to long-distance running, and he's not a string bean, either. Everyone else that I know who is middle-aged and participates in sports such as soccer, basketball or football - well, they all have beer-guts. It obviously helps to eat properly, too.

  15. #30
    Walking Dead slickwilly13's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by DubiousComforts View Post
    Wow, this thread got really weird about a page back. Anyhow...

    Though I've heard both schools of thought in regards to fitness, a friend who is both an IT guy and a musician by trade (we play in the same band) is the fittest person that I know due primarily to long-distance running, and he's not a string bean, either. Everyone else that I know who is middle-aged and participates in sports such as soccer, basketball or football - well, they all have beer-guts. It obviously helps to eat properly, too.

    It all depends on what Mo's goals are. If he wishes to train in martial arts and possibly compete, then long distance running will not be practical for him. For example, if he this throwing punches and kicks while constantly moving then he will be using anaerobic movements. He won't be in fight shape if he only trains aerobicly. He'll tank out too quick. It happened to me years ago the first time I ever sparred against a pro boxer. I was in excellent shape from lifting weights and running long distance, but I tanked out after 2 rounds/ 3 minutes per round. I was in great shape, but not fight shape. My body wasn't used to the anaerobic stress and tired out too quick.

    Yes, you must eat properly or your just defeating the purpose.


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