Hey everyone. I'm launching Mail Order Zombie, a weekly podcast dedicated to straight-to-video zombie flicks, and while I've been going through Netflix picking up movies to review, I'd like to be able to mention some of the more independent and small-budget efforts from this community as well.

Are you interested in having your movies reviewed on my show? There are two requirements that I'm looking for when it comes to Mail Order Zombie.

1) The movie must be a zombie movie.

2) The movie must be available by mail (either by rent or for sale).

I LOVE low-budget zombie movies, and would love to shine whatever spotlight I can in this arena.

I realize that I'm posting here asking for free movies for a show that hasn't even launched yet (Episode 0 is available, but Episode 1 isn't going to launch until 1/31), and I hope that's not how I mean to be coming across. Without spoiling too much about upcoming episodes, Episode 1 will feature two reviews, one of a larger-budget zombie movie released to DVD last year as well as a Todd Sheets feature from the early 90s. I'm definitely committed to this, and I'll make you a promise - if you send me a screener of your movie, and I don't review it because the show folds, I'll send it back to you and pay you back for your shipping(!).

Check out http://www.mailorderzombie.com and the start of the show's MySpace page at http://www.myspace.com/mailorderzombie. The show's email address is MailOrderZombie@gmail.com, and if you're interested in having your movies reviewed on the show, please drop me a line!

(And just to let you know a bit more about me, you can check out my MySpace page at http://www.myspace.com/blogd.)

Thanks for your time, and keep making your movies!