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Thread: My DOTD 2008 Review (pt1)

  1. #1
    Walking Dead kidgloves's Avatar

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    My DOTD 2008 Review (pt1)

    Im still watching it now but i felt the need to come on here and vent a bit.
    I'll update this as i go through the "movie" so bare with me but i think you'll get the general idea.

    I haven't seen DOD2 Contagium, mainly because i've got a pretty good impression from people on this forum as to how bad it is. I don't need to see it. I can quite easily avoid it even though its supposedly a zombie film. so you can imagine how excited i was to see the name Dudleson (sp?) in the producing credits of DOD.
    You know how ridiculous the 1st "leaked" trailer was and how bad the official trailer is. Thats it. You've seen the movie. There is no point going any further. It is everything i dreaded that it would be from those 2 glimpses.
    Steve Miner and Jeffrey Reddick you should be ashamed of yourselves. How dare you use this title (i will refer to this as DOTD because its an insult to the original to type out the full name), and at some point in the movies production say you are staying close to Romero's vision. Its bad enough seeing Romero in the credits on IMDB being attached to this but to insult the fans intelligence by trying to convince them this is anyway connected to the original shows how low people in the movie industry will go to try to turn a profit.

    According to this film, in the US Army, there is no respect for the chain of command. If you are "hot" (thats a direct quote btw) then you are free game for lower ranked soldiers to comment about your appearance. Eveyone in this looks like they just graduated except from Ving and some DJ character.
    The zombies in this make Zach's zombies look like shamblers. Seriously. They are not only Olympians but they work together as well. Driving cars. Not a problem. Crawling along upside down on the roof like spiderman in some of the most unnatural CGI animation i have ever seen seriously made me snort through my nose with laughter.


    Ok i've seen it all. Well sort of. I fast forwarded the last 10 mins because i couldn't bear it any longer. Im not even going to bother mentioning "Bud" unless someone insists but you get the picture on what we knew beforehand.
    Its atrocious and not worth your bandwith let alone your money. If anyones got any questions fire away.

    There are some plus points though.
    Mena Suvari - is lovely and quite a good actress as well, when you consider what she was given to work with.
    AnnaLynne McCord - who plays the girlfriend of one of the main characters is absolutely gorgeous.
    Oh yeah. There are some half decent zombie kills (mainly decapitations) but nothing we haven't seen before. That is all.
    Sums it up really.

    Last edited by kidgloves; 11-Feb-2008 at 05:23 PM.
    The body is the instrument on which imagination plays.


  2. #2
    Dead 3pidemiC's Avatar

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    Your review does not constitute your rating.

  3. #3
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    he means that this movie is a negative ten out of ten.

  4. #4
    Just been bitten

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    I have just watched this. Spoilers within, so read at your own pearl.

    And quite frankly I do not know what to say.

    I actually think Plane Dead was better than this.

    If this movie is seen by the masses, I am afraid our beloved genre is going to die a death more gruesome than that of Ol' Giggler, Rickles'.

    There is so much wrong with this movie that it makes me wonder about all those people at every level that contributed to this abomination.

    I just do not get it... You have an alledged multi-million dollar budget... You have the rights to name your movie Day of the Dead... You no doubt know what fans of the genre like or would love to see... And in your wisdom, you produce the movie equivalent of watching a big steaming turd disappear down the U-Pipe of the lavatory bowl.

    Why? What point did this movie serve to the genre?

    The funny thing is, there is no way the 'tards involved in this pile of ****e could honestly say they were genuinely happy with what they birthed. How could anyone that professes to love the genre be happy to be involved in anything like this. How can ****e like this even make money? Why do people make ****e like this and think it will be embraced by the fans of the genre?

    I am guessing everyone that makes a zombie movie makes one because they loved the universe created by Romero, but why do they think their ideas better the genre?

    Spiderman zombies are not cool, unless they are shambling down the street in a torn and bloodied fancy dress costume!

    Ripping off the end scene of the ****efest that was Plane Dead was not cool. Only a retard of the highest order would choose to do that scene again. It was pathetic, cheap and you must be visited by a gazillion years bad luck for even thinking it was a cool way to round off your movie.

    A message for Mr Rhames... If you were that hard up for cash, I'd have sent you a nice crisp Bank of Scotland Fiver! Is money really that tight were you would belittle yourself so much in a movie where you would actually be happy at being asked to eat your own eye whilst portraying a zombie? That little moment of vileness is on a par with that fat ****tard, Devine eating a dog ****e. Why?

    The horrible thing is, if they had normal zombies or even Dawn04s version and had incorporated the hospital masacre in a more Romeroesque movie, then they might have actually been on to something.

    I have never watched Contagium and I never will on the advice of those that had wasted that little slice of thier life watching it and I emplore those that haven't seen this... this... God, words fail me without bursting in to a foul mouthed rant... Movie... Please, do not put any of your hard earned money in to a purchase or viewing of this awful piece of ****e mascarading as a quality zombie movie.

  5. #5
    Being Attacked ZombiePrototype's Avatar

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    That is exactly how I feel and I haven't seen it yet, but the sad truth of it is that there are going to be some people that see this movie and say that is tight, cool, awesome, sweet, or whatever other postiive thing that they can think of to say about this movie and all that is going to do is show that they are some of the dumbest, most idiotic morons in the history of the universe.
    Where are you going to be and what are you going to do when the inevitable Zombie Apocalypse comes to be?

  6. #6
    Dying Griff's Avatar

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    I just watched this myself and this is all I have to say:

    Jeffrey Reddick, if you're out there - and I hope you are out there. I hope you're one of those filmmakers that are insecure enough to constantly surf the internet to see what people are saying about you... anyway, if you are out there, Jeffrey Reddick, I want you to know that I have nothing but hatred for you, that I despise you, and not only is your version of DAY OF THE DEAD a disgrace to the original, its a disgrace to all horror films that strive to do even the slightest amount of justice to the genre. You're movie is nothing more than a juvenile mish-mash of stolen ideas, born from creative bankruptcy and governed by the poorest of judgement. The genre does not need your services, indeed it would be much better off without them, so I ask you, Jeffrey Reddick, I ask you to please, for the benefit of the genre you profess to love so much, please f*ck off and die ...and make sure that you stay dead.
    "28 Days Later came out after we started (Dawn 04). Our zombies were running before we knew what their zombies were." - Zack Snyder, LIAR.

  7. #7
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Griff View Post
    I just watched this myself and this is all I have to say:

    Jeffrey Reddick, if you're out there - and I hope you are out there. I hope you're one of those filmmakers that are insecure enough to constantly surf the internet to see what people are saying about you... anyway, if you are out there, Jeffrey Reddick, I want you to know that I have nothing but hatred for you, that I despise you, and not only is your version of DAY OF THE DEAD a disgrace to the original, its a disgrace to all horror films that strive to do even the slightest amount of justice to the genre. You're movie is nothing more than a juvenile mish-mash of stolen ideas, born from creative bankruptcy and governed by the poorest of judgement. The genre does not need your services, indeed it would be much better off without them, so I ask you, Jeffrey Reddick, I ask you to please, for the benefit of the genre you profess to love so much, please f*ck off and die ...and make sure that you stay dead.
    Ouch. So I guess you didn't like the film, then?

    Does anyone remember which member of the crew it was that would come on here and insure us that they were making a worthy film? I can't remember, but I want to say that it was one of the Writers or Producers...

  8. #8
    Dying livingdeadboy's Avatar

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    Two questions for those who have seen it:

    Does the movie at least have some gore in it?

    And how did you guys manage to see the movie?

  9. #9
    Dying Griff's Avatar

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    There's a fair amount of blink-and-you'll-miss-it CGI decapitations... other than that, just cheesy stuff like exposed rib cages etc. No memorable kills whatsoever.

    Its probably best if I don't answer your second question on the forum.
    "28 Days Later came out after we started (Dawn 04). Our zombies were running before we knew what their zombies were." - Zack Snyder, LIAR.

  10. #10
    Just been bitten

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    I can honestly say that in my lifetime, I have never sat through a film and felt my blood boil as each scene unfolded the way this filth angered me.

    I can not believe someone sanctioned the making and subsequent release of this monstrous pile of fetid afterbirth!


    What really left me speachless was the way the movie ended. They actually thought it would be cool to mimic the closing seconds of Plane Dead! It was ****e when I saw it played out in Plane Dead and It was beyond ****e seeing it again in this so called re-working.

    This movie is a blatant assasination attempt to kill off the genre. No one that professes to love the genre could make something this bad in their wildest dreams. People actually got paid for this abomination.

    The gore is of a quality that would you find on a Sci-fi original movie. The story telling on a par with the writers of the f'n teletubbies. Both scripts make about as much sense as each other.

    What angers me most though is that these people had an opportunity to write themselves in to the genre's hall of fame and they failed miserably even when handed 3 powerful weapons.

    1) A sizable budget
    2) The right to use the title "Day of the Dead"
    3) They could have ripped off the original script and probably been on to a sure fire winner.

    What did these geniuses do...

    They fell flat on their arses at idea time, and obviously had their brains stolen by some Mexican Organ Farmer by the time they picked themselves up.

    Who in their right mind would believe that making their zombies transform from fresh to rotted in seconds would bring something new and acceptable to the genre?

    Who in their right mind would believe that giving their zombies Spidey-abilities would bring something new and acceptable to the genre?

    Who in their right mind would put their money up to finance this ****e without having an ulterior motive?

    We have all seen the zombie make-up for this film, and I for one HATE IT!

    Y'know what would have made this movie more acceptable? Don't call it Day of the Dead, Don't refer to it as a zombie movie at all and just call it 'Demons 3 or 4 or whatever number they got to with that franchise', because that is what this movie resembles.

    I need to stop now because I am absolutely seething whilst writing this, but all you guys that love or hate Land or Dawn04... This cinematic abortion will make you appreciate both of those movies a whole lot more.

    To the people that made this movie, if you are sneaking around reading what is being said of your baby... Your baby is a ****ing ugly bastard of a creation that should be hidden away from the eyes of movie-goers for all time!

    You people should be ashamed of yourselves.

  11. #11
    Dying livingdeadboy's Avatar

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    Before I go on, Day of the dead (the original) is my fav. zombie film of all time. Now, I am not going to say that Day '08 is amazing. BUT I definitely am sure it is not the worst movie I have ever seen. Nor is it as bad as the review above me says it is.

    I agree 100% that this should not be called Day of the Dead, if they changed the character names and called it something However it was far far better than Night '3D and Day 2 Contagium (in my opinion). There were some half way decent action scenes, the gore was alright in parts. The zombies were a little off, they bounced off the walls, jumped, screamed like dinosaurs...but whatever, this is just a movie. The acting wasn't great but I still have yet to see a zombie movie where the acting is perfect.

    Overall, the movie was better than the trailer and far better than the dvd cover art (I did not see any vomiting zombies in the movie). So please don't kill me for saying I enjoyed Day '08 strictly for its entertainment value. And if this movie is really so bad that its heartbreaking for people, just know that at least Diary of the Dead comes out this Friday and it's better than Day '08.

  12. #12
    Just been bitten

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    Quote Originally Posted by livingdeadboy View Post
    Before I go on, Day of the dead (the original) is my fav. zombie film of all time. Now, I am not going to say that Day '08 is amazing. BUT I definitely am sure it is not the worst movie I have ever seen. Nor is it as bad as the review above me says it is.

    I agree 100% that this should not be called Day of the Dead, if they changed the character names and called it something However it was far far better than Night '3D and Day 2 Contagium (in my opinion). There were some half way decent action scenes, the gore was alright in parts. The zombies were a little off, they bounced off the walls, jumped, screamed like dinosaurs...but whatever, this is just a movie. The acting wasn't great but I still have yet to see a zombie movie where the acting is perfect.

    Overall, the movie was better than the trailer and far better than the dvd cover art (I did not see any vomiting zombies in the movie). So please don't kill me for saying I enjoyed Day '08 strictly for its entertainment value. And if this movie is really so bad that its heartbreaking for people, just know that at least Diary of the Dead comes out this Friday and it's better than Day '08.
    It is all about personal opinion, and I am happy for you that you managed to enjoy the movie.

    IMO, there was no need to alter the rules or premise set in the original Day, and I think this effort could have been easily made a million times better if some of the people behind it stemmed their creativity gland.

    It would have been so easy for them to create a perfectly enjoyable Romero knock-off of the original script than steal ideas already forced on us by pathetic attempts of zombie film making.

    As I said earlier though, I am glad you took something from this movie and I would never disrespect anyones personal opinion on a subject to reinforce my own opinion.

  13. #13
    Walking Dead kidgloves's Avatar

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    I tried to like it. I really did. Im a reasonable person. I like to give things a chance and not pre-judge anything. Thats the mindset i had when i started. If im honest i was probably a little bit excited to watch a reasonably budgeted zombie movie again with a director who has some decent form in the horror genre. But come on. This is truly appalling. Even if you take away the title, its a turd. The behaviour of the soldiers throws you right out of the movie at the beginning. Soldiers don't behave like that. I couldn't give a toss about any of them. They are instantly discredited as characters when they are directed like that.
    The original Day isn't even very high on my list neither. Its too dark for me and slows to a crawl after a very bleak but promising opening. Im a Dawn guy so its not like i am taking it personal or anything but this is shocking. Really shocking. What the hell was up with the jump from scene to scene with a sound effect. Surely thats just lazy and/or incompetent writing/directing/editing. This is so obviously aimed at the hard of thinking with the cast list on show, the way it was shot and edited and the blatant rape of the title. Its not even very good at being a popcorn movie is it? It fails on every front. Ask yourself these questions. Why has it sat on the shelf for so long, even after undergoing reshoots? Why is it going direct to video? Because its crap and the people who made it, know it.
    Last edited by kidgloves; 12-Feb-2008 at 08:26 PM. Reason: Spelling
    The body is the instrument on which imagination plays.


  14. #14
    Being Attacked ILoVeZoMbiE's Avatar

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    Guy's, i watch this movie and....


    I'm totally agree with kidgloves:

    -Ten to Ten!

    Why "Day of the dead"??

    They are not zombie's! They are SUPER IPER SPIDERMAN ZOMBIES!!


    1- Why a "Zombie Spiderman" in the Hospital?? (It walks like a spider under the roof)
    2- Why they jump and move like a gorilla????
    3- Why the zombie's look like Umberto Lenzi's NIGHTMARE CITY??

    PLEASE, no comparisons Diary of the dead with this garbage!

    Sorry for my english, i hope you understand me


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