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Thread: 127 reasons why Ghey08 blows...

  1. #1
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    127 reasons why Ghey08 blows...

    Damn, this list was so long I had to split it into two parts!

    Obviously, this is riddled with spoilers. But the movie is so bad, it honestly doesn't matter one iota.

    Needless to say, it's literally the worst film I've ever seen. Also, it goes without saying that I couldn't be farther from surprised.

    *cracks knuckles* here we go...

    1) Sh*te, bargain basement budget titles.
    2) Retarded 'scary' quick cuts for no good reason.
    3) ADHD-addled first shot.
    4) Second shot - sh*te music, couple of idiots slow-dancing.
    5) Teenagers like to have sex ... what a novel and never-before-used idea! One couple are essentially dogging on a sofa for the entire world to see, while the other are the nervous breed of teenager sexers.
    6) Ah geez, is that the skank from season 5 of Nip/Tuck?
    7) "Hey, let's explore."
    8) Figure flashes through frame, 'scary' music cue...why didn't anyone think of this ever before in the history of cinema-history history?!
    9) Retarded flashes of colour for no apparent reason during the 'bunch of idiots complaining in a traffic jam' shot.
    10) Ving Rhames rapes the legend of Captain Rhodes within seconds.
    11) Corporal Cross - aka that-one-from-American-Pie ... she'd never last a day in the army.
    12) Rhames might as well say get gangsta and say "f*ck all y'all" when he talks to Cross.
    13) The retard-flashes continue, and we're still watching this idiot follow strange noises.
    14) Oh my g0dz0rz, Nip/Tuck/skank jumps out at him! I'm so scared!!!11!1!!
    15) All radio DJs are hippies and hate the government - originality strikes!
    16) God-awful semi-thrash-nu-metal garbage music.
    17) Alone in the woods, strange noises ... I genuinely don't know what's going to happen!!!1!1!11
    18) Insane amount of noise from unseen 'zombie'.
    19) Slut-bag has a tattoo ... oh how clever, after she's dragged away that neatly severed chunk of flesh lands in front of the camera, oh wow you guys.
    20) Nick Cannon is introduced ... within 3 seconds he dives into the bossy, attitude-filled gangsta stereotype. He's already annoying.
    21) Soldier who can't do anything right, originality continues to reign supreme. Wasn't he in Nip/Tuck as well?
    22) Nick Cannon's got nothing but sex on the brain ... America weeps for the representation of their military.
    23) Cross has seen exciting? She hasn't just joined up? And there I was thinking she was still best suited to hanging around f*cked apple pies.
    24) "Nothing ever happens in this town anyway" - fate is tempted with the subtlety of a barge pole.
    25) Oh Jesus - THIS GUY is Howard Sherman's replacement?
    26) Teenagers like to f*ck, therefore we MUST see it.
    27) Nobody's actually intimidated by Mena Suvari...camouflage or not.
    28) Suvari's performance is as lifeless as her character as she checks on her fate-temptingly ill mother.
    29) Everybody's ill, but nobody is at all worried.
    30) Jesus ... we're only quarter of an hour in. Why are televisions always displaying static after the place has been turned over?
    31) "Don't worry, it's not loaded" - then you're even more useless, Corporal Cross, aren't you?
    32) Oh my god, there's blood all over the bedroom ... but it's fine that the living room is smeared all over with it though.
    33) Why would two bodies be standing up behind a curtain, aside from specifically to set up an awful 'jump scare'.
    34) Mobile phones are still always useless during a crisis in movie-land.
    35) The reason for your unloaded gun is "complicated", eh? Guess you shouldn't be in the army, huh?
    36) "I'm a vegetarian by the way" ... evidently the 'vegetarian zombie Bud' thing wasn't just a nightmare.
    37) Remind me how this has anything to do with Romero's original movie aside from name-rape?
    38) Evidently, platonic working relationships are a thing of the past as future-veggie-'zombie' tells Cross' mother her daughter is hot ... clearly Steve Miner's army have nothing better to do than each other.
    39) It's a virus, see?! Oh you don't? Oh well, we'd better chuck some weird sound effects and fake-film-grain onto the wobbly footage then!
    40) Doc Logan is now a pretty-boy.
    41) Shed-load of cash wasted on dumb-dumb shots of the big, bad virus taking over some guy's cells...thus apparently justifying months of decomposition in 5 seconds ... and leaping ... and running.
    42) So nowadays people zombify by standing still?
    43) Velociraptor-style screaming 'zombies' run really fast in a really silly way before attacking a random bit-parter.
    44) Rubbish digital blood on one component knocks out the entire electricity sub-station, and thank f*ck for that too, because I was feeling desperate for another horror cliche after that 15 second absence.
    45) Despite zombification here meaning you just sit still for a few minutes, we still have 'zombies' driving cars - which aren't dented at all. You'd have thought you'd crash during your paralysing zombification, wouldn't you? Digital 'zombie' gets up and shames a generation of the living dead to genre newbies.
    46) Another rubbish 'scare' scene.
    47) The genre-faithful weep, or laugh mockingly, or do both as random soldier guy gets literally pounced on by three 'zombies', one of whom literally almost flies ... f*ck it ... it flies.
    48) Another 'zombie', with an even sillier scream, jumps through a glass door - but can't do it twice for some reason.
    49) More parkour 'zombies', more insanely-premature-decomposition, more silly screams.
    50) "Oh my God, you're f*cking kidding me!" ... is what I actually said out-loud as a ****ty CGI 'zombie' scuttles across the ceiling. SERIOUSLY.
    51) Meanwhile, after plenty of chaos, Ving Rhames has only just discovered sh*t has hit the fan.
    52) Since when did a pistol sound like that? And was that seriously a ketchup bottle fart noise for some digital blood?
    53) So are all the 'zombies' put into double-speed during editing?
    54) F*ck, we're only a third of the way through?
    55) 'Zombie' jumps up to a first floor window.
    56) Yet more unnecessary flash-flash-skittery camera work/editing to attempt to wake you up.
    57) "What kind of soldier are you?" - exactly - a sh*t one with an unloaded gun, geez!
    58) "What is with you two?" - "It's complicated" - WHAT is complicated? You met a few hours ago, you're both rubbish recruits, how is that complicated?!
    59) Yet another cliche - 'teens banging at a door whilst being chased'.
    60) "Are you one of them?!" - do they run at 2x speed, sound like Raptors and are they covered in insanely premature decomposition? NO, you fat, hippie prat!
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 13-Feb-2008 at 03:02 PM.

  2. #2
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    61) Oh-my-g0dz0rz you guys, a sick person in our midst! Why didn't anyone think of that in the history of cinema?!
    62) Did we see Rhodes get attacked? Either they dropped the ball (again) or it left so little impact it was as if it never happened.
    63) Why the f*ck would 'zombie' Rhodes eat his own dangling eye ball?! Zombies don't eat themselves, you f*cking ninnies!
    64) Is it me or is 'zombie' Rhodes barking like a dog?
    65) Why bang the ceiling with a mop when you can apparently crawl across them? Par-for-the-course retardation precedes a bunch of pogo-hopping 'zombies' trying to grab at Corporal American Pie, who evidently doesn't need hands to hold herself up as she dangles from the cleanest air vent you've ever seen.
    66) This Doc Logan continues to be utterly pointless.
    67) Yet another 'he's been bit and will zombify, but I won't let them be killed' scene.
    68) "I put bleach on it!"
    69) 'Zombie' Mom gets a tip-off from the radio broadcast...lame.
    70) Nick Cannon constructs ... a saw on a stick ... he did ... I laughed.
    71) Doc Logan props up a wall - the most useful thing he's done thus far.
    72) "Nice spear" - yet another 'foot-in-mouth white guy VS over-sensitive black guy' stereotypical this their stab at social commentary? Is this just a lame joke that's an offence to comedy? Methinks the latter.
    73) Since when does a saw cut like a samurai sword?
    74) The remainder of the budget is spent on digital gore, perhaps this was why they couldn't afford to over-crank the camera to get slow motion, so instead they just did the reverse of what they'd done with the 'zombies'.
    75) A bunch of 'zombies' dive out of various windows of the hospital - yes, hospital - not underground silo, a friggin' hospital ... how is this a remake of "Day of the Dead" again?
    76) "Come on y'all" ... Nick Cannon continues to annoy amidst the digital blood.
    77) "Where's Logan?" - "What a dick!" - finally, I agree with something here ... which only saddens me ... f*ck you, movie!
    78) Evidently fire disintegrates 'zombie' arms and makes their heads pop ... okaaaaay.
    79) "Nice shot" - "It was kinda gangsta, huh?" - the world weeps.
    80) Everybody turns on each other ... we all still don't care.
    81) Nick Cannon - covered in guns, still annoying.
    82) Nick Cannon - amidst a town ridden with chaos, still finds the time for a punk-ass attitude ... the annoyance continues unabated.
    83) "We're getting out of here?" - "We are?" ... sigh.
    84) Amidst a town over-run with leaping Raptor-'zombies', let's take the time for emotional exchanges in the open street.
    85) "He's a vegetarian" - the collective nightmares of the genre fans is realised, their mocking groans ring out into the night.
    86) 'Zombie' crush ... Nick Cannon's still a twat.
    87) 'Zombies' with guns - a good idea done badly - and they seem to have unlimited ammo.
    88) "The f*ck was that?" - oh, gee, probably one of the things that have been running around for the past several hours perhaps?!
    89) More digital ketchup blood, as bad as the cack-handed sibling in-fighting 'back story'.
    90) Teen-drama-style 'zombie' crush continues ... generations of genre fans roll their eyes.
    91) Nick Cannon - still a twat ... 'zombie' crush - still a sh*t idea.
    92) The sibling relationship is "complicated" - no, it's boring and weak.
    93) Because a gigantic Humvee, designed for warfare, couldn't survive dinging into a small tree in the woods, they've all pissed off back to the woodland teen sex romp building, but within 2 minutes the plan's gone to ****.
    94) All of a sudden they all think they're Rambo in the operations room attack scene in "Aliens" ... but they're not.
    95) More digital ketchup blood lameness.
    96) A 'zombie' crawls across a wall like a spider, and now anybody can be a 'one hit wonder' gun-toter.
    97) No doubt a secret military bunker - worst defended and worst kept secret ever.
    98) A poor-man's Windows 3.1 display gives us the lowdown on *gasps with surprise* - no doubt a secret biochemical test!
    99) Why kick open doors to small rooms, which are fully viewable through the massive windows they all have?
    100) Mena Suvari - least convincing Rambette ever ... apart from maybe Dakota Fanning ... or a brick with lipstick on.
    101) "What is Project Wildfire?" - Doc Logan, still a douche, but actually in charge of some apparent plot. This movie still sucks.
    102) From unloaded, to loaded ... Corporal Cross is still devoid of actual threat.
    103) Bio-chemical agents - I f*cking knew it - genre ultra-cliches pile up like flying 'zombies' at a hospital.
    104) Of course your crap bio-chemical weapon caused the outbreak you ninny-brained n00b!
    105) Convenient video evidence remains, despite what the hard-drive deleting Windows 3.1 display told us.
    106) "Some people have a natural immunity" - thank f*ck we just so happen to be following those individuals, huh?
    107) Nick Cannon still thinks he's Rambo, but is actually an idiot because you can't fire and reload a pump-action shotgun with one hand on an out-stretched arm. Drop the Uzi, you poser.
    108) Everybody wastes a ton of ammo, completely missing the slowest moving 'zombie' thus far seen in the movie.
    109) The Nip/Tuck, barely legal slag-bag is still useless and Nick Cannon still thinks he's on MTV.
    110) Hey, let's all fire off more ammo at the ceiling because we heard a noise!
    111) Pretty-boy Doc Logan informs us we're now facing a super-brain 'zombie' for the third, lamest act...but it never actually happens.
    112) Nick Cannon is now history boy and missile expert, leading our band of morons to their escape route from the in-escapable super-serial-secret underground army bunker!
    113) Quietest attack from above ever. Pretty-boy Logan's gone, finally we're close to the end, after another lame 'jump scare' attempt.
    114) "Why do white people always wanna split up?" - self-referential, lame, race-based 'comedy' returns.
    115) Despite being ever-so-referential and cool, let's all split up anyway like it's never been done before.
    116) "You look hot" - amidst death and carnage, teenagers still like to think about f*cking.
    117) Hey Presto! Within seconds they've found history-boy's silo!
    118) Nick Cannon wastes a ****-load more ammo by firing at nothing for no good reason beyond "just in case".
    119) No more Wild'n'Out for Cannon, but we still don't care.
    120) Seriously, we're gonna do the McGuyver thing again?
    121) "Hey, Sarah. Don't get eaten" - the world groans.
    122) Infected people! We must have wobbly cameras and fake-film-grain! ... I begin to lose the will to live.
    123) 'Zombies' turn on 'Veggie-Zombie' Bud ... my eyes can't stop rolling, the momentum has taken over.
    124) The biggest, longest fireball you've ever seen disintegrates all the 'zombies'. We're still laughing.
    125) A plague which makes dead people run, leap, fly and rot super-fast is "flu-like", huh?
    126) Another crap 'jump scare' attempt - another - still with the fake-film-rot effects.
    127) Credits - everybody should be completely ashamed of themselves.

    I thought "Return of the Living Dead 4" was the worst film I'd ever seen (and I've seen "Children of the Living Dead"), but this is now definitely the worst film I've ever seen.

  3. #3
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Everybody's ill, but nobody is at all worried.

    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
    -Carl Sagan

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Nick Cannon is introduced... within 3 seconds he dives into the bossy, attitude-filled gangsta stereotype. He's already annoying.
    The moment I clapped eyes on him I was looking forward to seeing him die onscreen.

    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Why are televisions always displaying static after the place has been turned over?
    Good f**king point!

    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Velociraptor-style screaming 'zombies' run really fast in a really silly way before attacking a random bit-parter.
    Yup, these make the Dawn 04 zombies look like shamblers.

    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Another 'zombie', with an even sillier scream, jumps through a glass door - but can't do it twice for some reason.
    LOL, I thought exactly the same thing.

    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    "Oh my God, you're f*cking kidding me!" ... is what I actually said out-loud as a ****ty CGI 'zombie' scuttles across the ceiling. SERIOUSLY.
    I think I said something like, 'Oh, for f**ks sake!'

    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Is it me or is 'zombie' Rhodes barking like a dog?
    YES! He was. "Ruff-ruff-ruff!"

    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Doc Logan props up a wall - the most useful thing he's done thus far.
    Most of the characters were underdeveloped in this turd.

    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    "Nice spear" - yet another 'foot-in-mouth white guy VS over-sensitive black guy' stereotypical this their stab at social commentary?
    That was lame, as was 99.9% of the lines delivered by Prick Cannon.

    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    "He's a vegetarian" - the collective nightmares of the genre fans is realised, their mocking groans ring out into the night.
    I know, that was a laugh-out-loud quote from Suvari.

    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    "Hey, Sarah. Don't get eaten" - the world groans.
    I gotta admit, even I raised a dry smile at that one.

    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    'Zombies' turn on 'Veggie-Zombie' Bud ... my eyes can't stop rolling, the momentum has taken over.
    This baffled me too, zombies that eat their own flesh (Rhames, eyeball, WTF?) and turn on their own. How ridiculous!

    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Credits - everybody should be completely ashamed of themselves.
    Best part of the film.

    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Remind me how this has anything to do with Romero's original movie aside from name-rape?
    I honestly have nothing to say to that, mate.
    Last edited by capncnut; 13-Feb-2008 at 03:45 PM.

  5. #5
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    CGI 'zombie' scuttles across the ceiling

    Holy Christ of all things scripted! How did this thing even make it to film?

    If there's a commentary track on the DVD I'd love to hear it!!!!!
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
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  6. #6
    Walking Dead Legion2213's Avatar

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    Ving Rhames rapes the legend of Captain Rhodes within seconds.
    And for that alone, all involved in this twat of a movie should be hanged from cranes...until they quite totally and utterly dead.

    Edit: I also believe that these people also owe MZ several hours of his life back!

    Oblivion gallops closer, favoring the spur, sparing the rein - I think we will be gone soon

  7. #7
    Dying Griff's Avatar

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    So, did they ever explain what was so 'complicated' about Sarah's situation? And just why was that DJ character in the movie again?
    "28 Days Later came out after we started (Dawn 04). Our zombies were running before we knew what their zombies were." - Zack Snyder, LIAR.

  8. #8
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I don't remember any actual explanation to Sarah's oh-so-difficult and "complicated" back story, literally nothing. If you're not going to explain, why bother at all?!

    Legion -
    all involved in this twat of a movie should be hanged from cranes
    - that is f*cking hilarious.

    It's sooooooooo bad this movie, it's unbelievable.

    Anybody know how you submit stuff to AICN? I was thinking of sending my list of grievances to them.

  9. #9
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    I don't remember any actual explanation to Sarah's oh-so-difficult and "complicated" back story, literally nothing. If you're not going to explain, why bother at all?!

    Legion - - that is f*cking hilarious.

    It's sooooooooo bad this movie, it's unbelievable.

    Anybody know how you submit stuff to AICN? I was thinking of sending my list of grievances to them.
    Oh please PLEASE do!!! You can just email it in!
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    Oh please PLEASE do!!! You can just email it in!
    Consider it emailed, sent it to Harry.

    Hopefully they post it, I certainly got a chuckle out of bitching about this crap-fest.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Consider it emailed, sent it to Harry.
    I hope he can wipe enough burger relish off his monitor to read it.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by capncnut View Post
    I hope he can wipe enough burger relish off his monitor to read it.
    I hope the title stands out - "127 reasons in 85 minutes why Day of the Dead 2008 blows".

  13. #13
    Walking Dead DubiousComforts's Avatar

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    I almost feel like I've seen the film now.

    Thanks for that.

  14. #14
    Walking Dead kidgloves's Avatar

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    "Skank from nip/tuck"
    Where's the hatred come from?
    That's extremely harsh mate
    The body is the instrument on which imagination plays.


  15. #15
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    That bubble-gum-lip-sticked chick who plays the skank on Nip/Tuck recently, the one who's a devilish poisoner and jail baiter.

    Just a far more entertaining way of referring to the character, rather than the actress. Although in all honesty I didn't care for her acting in Ghey08 at all ... but then again, I didn't care for anybody's acting in Ghey08 ... nor did I care for anything in Ghey08.

    Also, the dude who plays *sigh* Bud, played Sean's future-grown-up-baby-son in season 4 of Nip/Tuck (the kid with the problem with the hands).


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