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Thread: Video Game convention in town today....

  1. #1
    Chasing Prey

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    Video Game convention in town today....

    Hundreds of gamers were at UT today for a big convention of video game players. It seems playing games is more fun than going to a political rally.

    You could call Tony Pozniak a gamer, "For the last month I've been playing everyday getting ready for the tournament, practicing about 3 hours a day."

    He is one of a few hundred gamers who came out to UT this weekend for the annual bash con gaming convention.
    Story continues below

    Bashcon Coordinator Terry Biel says, "Gaming itself is a fun social activity; an event of this magnitude is an opportunity to meet new people and find new games, and meet new friends."

    Making new friends is what Thomas Constantine is doing through a game of War Lord. He explains, "The goal of the game is we all have a small group of characters, someone who can cast spells, someone who is a leader, that sort of thing and we are all trying to get to the dungeon and get as much treasure and kill as many monsters along the way as we can."

    While, Constantine is playing games, thousands are lining up outside to see presidential contender senator Barack Obama. Constantine says politics isn't a game he knows much about, "For me this wins. Yeah this is more entertaining for me, and I haven't invested enough time to feel like I could make a significant contribution."

    Well, what about Tony, does he care a candidate is on his campus?

    "I would rather win a one hundred dollar gift card than go see Obama," says Tony Pozniak.

    After all you don't have to wait in line to play games.

    those are the kinds of idiots who complain about the world but arent registered to vote.

  2. #2
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by acealive1 View Post
    It seems playing games is more fun than going to a political rally. not even gonna point it out, its been said for me.

  3. #3
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by acealive1 View Post
    It seems playing games is more fun than going to a political rally.
    indeed. using your time to play games is also a more worthwhile way to spend one's time.

    before some knobhead cries: yes i do vote. yes i try to keep up on certain things going on in the world but politics is something i think is childish in the extreme- especially pointless arguements about politics that can't ever be won by either side because they are arguements based on subjective opinions.

    some of the political rows that happen on here remind me of a bunch of 5 year olds argueing over whose dad can beat the other's dads up.

    i'm not saying that i've never thrown an opinion in on one of these frays (sometimes you see things you just have to say something about) but all in all it is pretty petty and base.
    Last edited by Mike70; 25-Feb-2008 at 02:54 PM.
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  4. #4
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scipio70 View Post
    indeed. using your time to play games is also a more worthwhile way to spend one's time.

    before some knobhead cries: yes i do vote. yes i try to keep up on certain things going on in the world but politics is something i think is childish in the extreme- especially pointless arguements about politics that can't ever be won by either side because they are arguements based on subjective opinions.

    some of the political rows that happen on here remind me of a bunch of 5 year olds argueing over whose dad can beat the other's dads up.

    i'm not saying that i've never thrown an opinion in on one of these frays (sometimes you see things you just have to say something about) but all in all it is pretty petty and base.

    I couldn't agree more, man. My thoughts EXACTLY.

  5. #5
    Rising Eyebiter's Avatar

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    Any decent booth babes? Got pics?

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